SOLARIA (aka HERBALA), the Sungirl Pokegirl

Type: Near Human (Fox/Plant Animorph)
Element: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Diet: Photosynthesis and Human Standard (Vegetarian preferences)
Role: Herbalist, Gardener, Guard
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Electric, Ground, Plant, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Attacks: Vine Whip, Antitoxin, Wrap, Root, Vine Bondage, Thorn Cutlass, Command Plants, Bloom, Buttsprout, Gender Dust, Anti-Bloom, Anti-Buttsprout, Solar Beam
Enhancements: Slow Regeneration (Solar), Innate Knowledge (Plants), Intuitive Aptitude (Herbalism/Potion Brewing), Enhanced Speed (x3), Enhanced Durability (x8), Enhanced Senses (Vision, Hearing, Olfactory) (x2), Enhanced Agility (x2), Enhanced Flexibility, Photosynthesis
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Eva (Leaf Stone), Kitsune (Leaf Stone)

Known to be present in field hospitals of both sides during the Revenge War (though their presence was established late in the war for humanity's side). The Solaria (also known as the Herbala) was regulated mainly to the medical field alongside other pokegirls such as the Cherry and Pollita. While the latter two pokegirl breeds were able to heal their charges directly, this vulpine pokegirl is able to heal and boost herself and others through the use of herbal remedies and potions. Believed to be a magical art that encompasses a very narrow scope, the Solaria's ability to produce effects through potions from simple herbs is only rivaled by those of an Enchantress or Archmage.

Typical members of the Solaria breed range in appearance from near human with notable ears and tails to an animorphic blend of vulpine and plant. Those evolved from Evas lose any rodent traits, becoming fully vulpine. Height of the breed ranges from 4.5 to 5.5 feet, with 5 feet being the most common height. The ears of the breed often resemble large leaves, usually green, veined prominently in the center of the ear, and may or may not have a fine coating of moss-like 'fur'. Tails are large, bushy, and vulpine in form, though the fur is almost always a varying shade of green for photosynthesis. This colors of the ears and tail typically match. Animorphic members of the breed typically have full body fur which may or may not be actual fur as sometimes moss or grass-like pseudo fur is present. All types of fur are capable of photosynthesis. Muzzles are common on animorphic individuals. Skin tone, regardless of the presence or absence of fur, is tinted green due to chlorophyll being present in the dermis.

Commonly described as docile or mellow, this vulpine breed does tend to show a marked personality that tends to be patient as a theme. This is usually attributed to the breed's plant typing, though some have argued that it may be a genetic predisposition to promote a healer mindset. Regardless, this breed maintains most of their personality from their previous evolution (or in rare cases before their threshold). Some tamers find things annoying when their former Kitsune turns their curiosity from anything to finding out exactly what happens when they mix potion A with potion B and apply it to their tamer.

Regardless of the breed's use during the Revenge War, Solerias can be found today in many different fields, from medics to magic schools, tradesman harems to tamer harems, and everything in between. This plant vulpine's style of battling tends to be incapacitation followed up with attacking at a distance, though most members of the breed learn to have their Thorn Cutlass at the ready for when an opponent closes in. As most of the breed's techniques are focused on their hands, opponents tend to try to target those areas to destroy the breed's fighting ability. Some Solarias create battle potions that mimic pokegirl attacks, and tend to surprise a fire or flying type with a 'water bomb' or 'thunder bomb' type potion. Overall however, this breed is a pure plant type, and tends to fall easily under plant type weaknesses.

Interesting to note is that this breed uniformly grows a Thorn Cutlass from the shoulder blades, research has confirmed that this is an extension of their vine-like bones which hardens and solidifies into a near-metal like state. This 'iron wood' is also fairly valuable to magic users as a stave, and some collectors enjoy items fashioned from this particular wood for their durability.

Solaria, like many plant types, get much of their nutrition from the sun. Tamers are warned that if this breed is removed from sunlight (or an artificial equivalent) for an extended period of time, they enter a state similar to diabetic delirium, of which the end result is a coma and eventual death. It is recommended that this breed has at least 4 hours of sunlight exposure per day to maintain a healthy metabolism. Like many plant types, sunlight exposure heightens this vulpine breed's desire for taming. Much of the breed keeps their preferences from before their evolution/threshold into a Solaria, though a light preference for bondage has been noted amongst the breed.

Solaria found in the wild are usually no threat to humans, and often almost impossible to see. Allowing moss to grow over most of the breed's body, these vulpine pokegirls tend to lay prone in sunny areas for most of the day, rooted into the ground. It should be noted that these ferals are still vary aware of their surroundings due to their link with the surrounding plant life. Unless stepped directly upon or attacked, this breed's first reaction is often to remain immobile and use their Command Plants ability to cause nearby plants to rustle interestingly. This ploy is often learned by predatory ferals, particularly pack-hunters, which are the feral Soleria's main predators. Solitary ferals are often entwined in vines and plant growth to allow the grassy fox breed to escape.

Threshold directly into a Solaria is rare, but does occur frequently in families with Eva or Kitsune and plant type heritage. Oddly, the first symptom mimics the onset of diabetes, followed by the skin slowly gaining a greenish tint as chlorophyll develops in the skin. The more sunlight the thresholder gets after this development, the faster threshold goes, with more anthromorphic members of the breed taking the longest even with direct sunlight due to the reconfiguration of the jaw and legs. At most, human appearing members of the breed take less than two days with 12 hours of sun exposure per day, at most, the transformation can last as long as 14 months. Luckily, the process, aside from the diabetic symptoms without sunlight, is painless.