HONEYPOT (A.K.A. Lickingtongue), the Tantalizing Tongue Pokegirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Normal/Poison
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Human style (bland)
Role: Infiltration, Seduction
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison, Ghost
Weak Vs: Ground, Psychic, Ice
Attacks: Quick Attack, Agility, Full Bunshin, Long Tongue, Gummi Tongue, Lust Dust (saliva), Sleep Powder (saliva), Buttwiggle, Probing Tongue, Eternal Softness, Go Down, Hummer, Imitate
Enhancements: Enhanced Agility (x5), Enhanced Endurance (x3), Poison Resistance, Prehensile (5’ Tongue), Empathy (Enhanced)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Kunoichi (Orgasm)
Revised: February 2013

Late in the war Honeypots were considered large threats despite their small body count. Once the technique of converting Pokegirls was mastered by the human forces the momentum had fully shifted in their favor, but that didn’t prevent one of Sukebe’s parting shots from doing damage. They possess the natural ability to resist being bonded to anyone else while they have an existing alpha or delta bond. That made them excellent infiltrators as they would pose as other very near human breeds and pretend to succumb to their “new tamer”, gaining willing access to areas and materials. Once the trick was discovered the girls were captured and placed in isolation. Any existing alpha bond requires that the Honeypot be allowed to go feral and left that way for up to a month without taming before a new alpha bond can be expected to take. There are examples of bonded Honeypots whose tamers have been dead for years, but the bond was maintained in their memory simply by avoiding any prolonged stretches of ferality.

At first glance there is nothing to distinguish a Honeypot from an attractive female human. They can range the full breadth of natural coloring in skin, hair and eyes, but tending towards subtle beauty and full lips. The one characteristic that is unmistakable, however, is a massive prehensile tongue that can reach up to 5’ in length or compress and hide completely inside her throat. The tongue self lubricates with glands that act to create both saliva and to lace it with her lust dust or sleep powder as necessary. When nervous they can exhibit a slight lisp but the tongue otherwise causes her no difficulties and can be used as both a highly agile tool and weapon at will.

Honeypots with a bond are extremely loyal and act with a sense of purpose in nearly any action they take. They have a tendency to take the goals of her tamer or other affiliation onto herself and work towards those ends with intimidating single mindedness. Despite their loyalty they are not monogamous. A bonded Honeypot sees no problem with finding a taming with whoever she wants, largely because she has no fear of accidentally bonding to her new lover. Acting comes naturally to them and erotic manipulation doubly so, aiding her in her infiltration efforts. Tamers who like to watch have become particular fans of the breed for their ability to seduce and sleep with almost anyone.

While talented as evasion, a Honeypot’s combat abilities make her a poor fighter. They generally use their Full Bunshin and Agility to avoid taking damage while they attempt to hit their opponent with her Sleep Powder or Lust Dust laced saliva. In a sex battle, however, they are quite formidable. Her Poison Resistance and Lust Dust give her a definite edge, but its the combination of Gummi Tongue, Eternal Softness and Hummer that makes her a true juggernaut. The use of Full Bunshin to triple team her opponent makes it difficult for anyone to turn the tables on her once she’s started.

When aroused the sensitivity of their tongue increases dramatically, leading the breed to make some use of the appendage in any taming session that doesn’t require her to stay undercover. For obvious reasons the breed is especially popular with female tamers despite being fully bisexual, but even male tamers have noted that a tongue job from a Honeypot must be felt to be believed. They also have a particular taste for sexual fluids of both sexes and have been known to volunteer to clean up after taming sessions, even ones they weren't involved in.

A feral Honeypot can be found, but they generally don’t stay that way long. While they don’t lose their language skills, their purposeful nature generally becomes distracted and hedonistic. Its also the easiest time to identify the breed on sight as they become careless with using their extended tongue to do mundane things, including sexual displays towards those she views as a potential partner, which includes almost everyone. As Honeypots are excellent actresses it's important to be wary of any apparent feral as she may not be as unattached as she appears.

Due to the breed’s similarity to a full human, threshold Honeypots have been enormously successful in hiding the event and continuing on with their normal life for years, provided they find someone they can trust to bond to. Even those that get outed have little difficulty finding low level work in retail or customer service as its easy to forget their nature.