TOXICAT, the Poison Pussy Pokégirl
Type: Near Human Animorph (feline)
Element: Poison
Frequency: Uncommon
Diet: fish, chicken, milk, organic refuse. Usually finds finer brands of Pokéchow acceptable.
Role: garbage dump guardians
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Plant, Poison, Bird Pokégirls, Mouse Pokégirls
Weak Vs: Ground, Psychic, Dog Pokégirls
Attacks: Bite, Fury Swipes, Scratch, Love Sting, Paralyzation Venom, Sleep Venom, Vertigo Venom, Venom Bite
Enhancements: Enhanced Olfactory Sense (x3), Enhanced Hearing (x3), Enhanced Agility (x2), Functional Claws, Night Vision, Poison Resistance
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Kitten (Venom Stone)
    During the War of Revenge, some cities took to building walls or refuse by the shores or city limits, the whole area being turned into a dump. It was hypothesized early on that due to the animalistic nature of some of Sukebe’s creations, that they might be able to build a rudimentary defense if they could create a barrier that would repel Pokégirls by attacking their olfactory senses. While this may have worked for some Pokégirls, (Hounds especially) there were others that were just attracted to such things. Buttsprout, Slutge, Smokey, and of course, Toxicat. These breeds of Pokégirls thrived with garbage and pollution, and often eradicated these barriers by making a MEAL out of them. This let other, more dangerous breeds into civilian-populated areas.
    Because of this role they played once upon a time, Toxicats are not a highly looked upon Pokégirl. In fact, for years, they held the stigma of being considered the ‘most useless evolution’ for Kitten; people would say they preferred the pre-evolved form, as the breed of Toxicat happens when a Kitten comes into contact with a Venom Stone. Toxicat were viewed as little more than nuisances, especially since the diet of the Ferals consisted mostly of eating the organic garbage out of people’s trash cans. They were considered the Western equivalent of Tanuki; annoying freeloaders.
    It wasn’t until Mao’s Rebellion that Toxicats finally gained a level of recognition. A group of Droido were attacking Mahogany Town over in the Johto League and burned a good portion to the ground, dragging many innocent people to the town’s dump to execute them since they weren’t worth much more to the Infernal Pokégirls’ than garbage. Their undoing came from this choice for their slaughtering ground. Many Toxicats had made their area their home, despite how often they’d been chased off. Having their territory invaded by these dark Pokégirls was more than enough to get the Feral Toxicat population roaring mad. A fight ensued with the Poison-types overcoming the Droido who were weak to various elemental attacks. Since then, Toxicats were viewed in a whole new light; that they were battle capable and could be used to protect humanity. And it didn’t hurt that they COULD be Domesticated rather easily when properly taken cared of.
    Tamers that have Toxicats in their Harems that would swear by them as the all-purpose poison Pokégirl. They still retain a lot of the agility they had as Kitten and can be quite speedy. It’s also noted to take little effort on the Tamer’s part to make them into formidable fighters, and the variety of Poisons the Toxicat can produce is rather useful. These poisons are also used rather effectively since the poison feline Pokégirl sprays her venoms through a pair of ducts that are in the corners of her mouth located at the base of her tongue. Wherever the Pokégirl look towards becomes the targeted areas. However, because of this biological set-up the Toxicat has for using her powers, it should be warned that the Poison-type usually sprays her poisons whenever she hisses.
    The other reason why Tamers use Toxicats in their Harems is that the Pokégirl offers the same benefits a Tamer often looks for in the Naga, considered one of the best combat-oriented Poison-types. However, the vast majority of Nagas are lesbian in their tastes, with very few being bisexual. Understandably, that in turn makes it difficult for male Tamers to Tame and use them in combat. However, in comparison, Toxicats are quite heterosexual in their sexual preferences. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that Toxicats can get into places and buildings that the Nagas normally aren’t allowed in.
    Besides a slight slimming down of the pot-belly, Toxicats are very similar to Kittens in body structure, including the height and bust measurements. In fact, they might have been able to pass themselves off as Kitten if it wasn’t for one specific trait that stands out. Toxicats’ fur is in shades that are anything BUT found in nature. Dark shades are what are primarily seen; violet and dark green make up the majority, with some Toxicats noted as having deep navy blue fur. There are also members of the Poison-type feline breed noted for their fur being pale or ‘sickly’ color; beige, sky blue, or lime-green. Many Tamers andPokégirl Breeders agree that this aspect of unique fur coloration just makes the Toxicat breed all the more exotic.
    In the wild, Toxicats are usually found around areas that suffer from high-degrees of pollution, especially if it was man-made. They are comfortable in such areas and the contaminants have no negative effect on them. Usually on the outskirts of factories and in garbage dumps is the place to normally find Ferals and even a few Domestics. A number of the employees of a town’s Sanitation Department ovften have Toxicats as their Pokégirl of choice. She’s not inhibited by the environment they work, she’s a lot cuddlier than a Slutge or Smokey, and they don’t have to go to any great lengths to keep her fed. Truly, a low maintenance Pokégirl for the job they work.
    When it comes to Taming, besides being fiercely heterosexual, this Poison Pussy Pokégirl is rather open to whatever positions or practices a Tamer likes. To a Toxicat, sex is a wonderful thing and shouldn’t be inhibited in any way between two partners. However, it is advised to not let a Toxicat orally please a Tamer. Poison sometimes leaks through the ducts at the base of her mouth as she gives her Tamer head, and that can lead to some rather nasty reactions. Even if she simply uses Lust Sting, things can become very hectic for the Tamer. On the flip-side, a Tamer can give the Toxicat cunnilingus. Despite her title, she isn’t poisonous there!
    Although they were a Pokégirl breed that had been around since the beginning, it wasn’t until recently that Toxicats started to truly appear as an end-result to Threshold. Those that it did happen to were because they had both a high ancestry of Kitten and Posion-types in their lineage. However, now that the breed’s popularity has finally started to take off, it shouldn’t take too long for Toxicat to become a common end.