DOLLMASTER, the Master Manipulator Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Magic/Psychic
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: human style diet, tea
Role: Tacticians, Squad Leaders. Like a Witch, may vary based on spell selection.
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Magic, Ghost, Fighting
Weak Vs: Fire, Dark, Flying
Attacks: As previous form, plus: Dominate, Rune Chain, Wires of Control, Summon Doll, Doll Bomb, Repair, Return
Enhancements: Enhanced Concentration (x4), Enhanced Dexterity (x4), Increased Intelligence, Manipulate Dolls, Magical Affinity, High Spatial Awareness, Mental Schism, Magical Levitation
Major Doll Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x8), Enhanced Speed (x4), Enhanced Durability (x4), Magical Levitation
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Puppeteer (normal)
    Dollmasters vary much more in appearance than Puppeteers, capable of changing almost hardly at all during their evolution or changing completely, gaining anywhere from no height at all to 1 ½ feet in height and varying wildly in terms of bust. Their clothing choices also vary, though many continue their old habits. Because the breed may or may not gain a respectable bust size from evolving, a intra-breed rivalry has formed between the more and less well-endowed of the breed, those having it lording over those that do not, who are often as touchy, if not more so, than ever.
    When a Puppeteer evolves into a Dollmaster, the most curious change, however dramatic their physical change might be, is mental. Firstly, they gain the Psychic type, the Puppeteer's desire to maintain the sanctity of her mind negating their Psychic weakness at the cost of Dark weakness. More interestingly, upon evolution, the Dollmaster's mind splits in two, creating a second personality within them. This personality, unlike the Maggieton's extra personalities, never surfaces in the Dollmaster herself. Instead, it takes direct control of any one (and only one) of the Dollmaster's dolls, controlling it with seemingly no effort or control from the Dollmaster herself. This second personality is naturally subservient to the Dollmaster, though in rare occasions they may not always get along. She also 'sees' only from the perspective of the controlled doll, and in some respects is considered a separate entity, entirely reliant on the Dollmaster.
    Like her previous forms, the Dollmaster is typically divided into two main groups – those that use numerous smaller dolls, and those that use a single, complex human-sized doll. Upon evolving, the choice becomes more profound as the pokégirl's abilities specialize permanently. Summoner-type Dollmasters, those that use multiple dolls, become able to control roughly six at once and can use the dolls as focal points for casting more powerful spells or as mobile weapons. They also become able to create and summon dolls through magical power, replacing destroyed dolls on the fly or even using them in explosive 'suicide' attacks. Tag-team Dollmasters, those that use a single, powerful doll, become able to enhance their doll to greater levels, repair damage to it quickly, and support it with attacking spells from the ground or the air. Their secondary personality takes direct control over the doll, freeing the main personality to focus on supporting it from afar, and allowing the doll itself to grow in skill and learn without hindering the Dollmaster.
    Dollmasters also gain the ability to use their magical wires – that they use to control their dolls – offensively, latching onto opponents to bind them or to control their movements. To do this, they must first latch onto an opponent with a Rune Chain attack, and attempt to assert her will over the snagged pokégirl. This begins battle of wills between the two pokégirls, much like a domination attack, and if successful, the Dollmaster becomes able to manipulate the target as if she were one of her puppets. This is not without difficulty, though: the battle of wills is a constant Dollmaster must maintain constant effort to maintain it, and the effectiveness of the ability varies wildly from target to target and even sometimes from moment to moment. The stronger willed the opponent, the greater the resistance to the effects. In many cases, while this ability is being used, the Dollmaster cannot control any of her dolls, so much of her concentration is taken up by the mental battle, and casting new spells is likewise impossible (with the exception of the partitioned personality, which is not affected and may cast very low-level spells).
    In terms of sheer spellcasting, the Dollmaster is nothing special, roughtly equivalent to a Sorceress, with much of the rest of her magical ability focused on maintaining her dolls. However, the average Dollmaster's spell selection varies wildly, and the Dollmaster's powers of concentration are almost unrivaled in the pokégirl world, capable of maintaining focus and discipline through both pain and distraction.
    Dollmasters are no easier to control than their previous forms, and sometimes can be even more complex, as both personalities come into play. Thankfully, the split personality tends to view her master in a similar light to the Dollmaster herself, but sometimes rifts can form. Those who own Dollmasters are suggested to keep a close eye on them, as they are typically good judges of character and sometimes will attempt to manipulate people and events around them in their favor, and this may or may not align with the tamer's (or league's) interests.
    Dollmasters hate defeat just as much as their previous forms, however, they rarely hold back any longer, giving every battle their all to ensure their victory. Despite not being quite as vulnerable to psychics as they once were, their dislike of Psychics also has not lessened, ironic as it is.
    Dollmasters are no less experimental than their pre-evolved form, though by the time they've evolved most have a good idea of what they do like and what they don't like. They do, however, tend to become more assertive and dominant when having sex with other pokégirls, using their magical wires to bind their partner or force them to move as she wishes, though this is typically reversed where their master is concerned. Regardless, the Dollmaster typically requires and wants taming more than her previous form did, so enterprising tamers should keep that in mind.
    To date, no girls have ever been known to threshold directly into a Dollmaster, though some researchers speculate that it may become possible over time.