JOKETTE, the Clown Princess Of Killing Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human\Limited Metamorph
Element: Magic/Psychic
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: Human-style, presumed also to feed on fear
Role: Killing, Sadistic Acts
Libido: No one wants to know.
Strong Vs: Poison, Psychic
Weak Vs: Fighting, Dark, Ghost
Attacks: Teleport, Tackle, Roar, Confusion, Wrestle, Quick Attack, Flash, Agility, Blur, Slash, Power Bolt, light spell work, Smilex Mist, Killing Joke
Enhancements: Almost totally fearless, Concentration (2x), Highly intelligent, Almost complete insensitivity to pain, longevity, slow regeneration
Evolves: MaryAnn Drew (Angel Stone)
Evolves From: Harlequin (Mana Crystal)
Bounty: Varies from league to league
Recommendation if you see one: Do not try to fight a Jokette unless you have a Fighting-type, Ghost-type, or Dark (bat-type) Pokégirl. A Celestial would be good, but Dark types are ideal, however the League understands that both types are a very rare. Also, if Smilex Mist is used, drop whatever you're doing and RUN, making sure not to breathe in the mist. A Jokette is can be considered between a Mantis swarm and a Widow for how dangerous they can be. Seriously, just call in the military and then get the hell away.

    Harlequins are problem enough. It's when they evolve that things get nightmarish.
    When exposed to a Mana Crystal, the first thing that happens to a Harlequin is that they suffer a massive psychic overload. They suddenly get a mental 'snapshot' of the minds of every person (human or Pokégirl) on the planet at once. This 'searing revelation' as they put it, in turn drives them completely insane at the same time turning them obsessively bitter, viewing the entire world and everyone in it as one gigantic joke. So pathetic a joke, that all they can do is laugh, laugh, and laugh, and make everyone around them die laughing as well. Then the physical changes begin. Their skin turns chalk white, their hair becomes green, and their lips become blood red in color. Their breasts become comically large, although they somehow retain their agility despite this. Their jaws enlarge slightly, making them capable of giving large, frightening grins. They gain a preference for purple clothes, either tuxedos that are modified to reveal a great deal of skin, or bikini suits. Their laughter at times can be used to the same effect as Roar & Confusion combined, and they will do it at the drop of a hat (usually their own). But they especially love to do it in the middle of combat and right in the face of whomever they're dealing with. Only the strongest, tightly focused minds can handle this without temporarily shattering under the strain.
    They are not the best spellcasters (something which everyone is grateful for), and can manage only small elemental manifestations at best, with a few personal healing spells. But they don’t rely on them, instead preferring to manifest blades in all shapes and sizes from those as small as a pocket stiletto, to comically (no pun intended) huge meat-cleavers that defy all logic in how they are wielded. They simply love anything with a sharp edge. But their one constant is the item they always leave behind after they've become 'bored' with a situation, which is a manifested 'Joker' playing card from a pre-Sukebe Poker deck. Often it's set to explode if touched, a small Smilex mist filled charge will go off in the face of the person holding it, edges are mono-molecular, or sometimes it’s just an ordinary poker card. They're that unpredictable.
    They love playing lethal practical jokes, and in fact thrive on them, taking the time to set up elaborate schemes to kill someone. When they need Taming, they usually just capture, rape, and kill someone (male or female) that attracts their attention. It’s sadly not uncommon for a Jokette to be found 'playing' with a dismembered phallus or an arm that was sawed off at the elbow. One of the (yet another) terrifying things about Jokettes, is their ability to temporarily - never more then a hour - hide ALL traces of their Pokégirl nature and appear as a pure-blood human female of astounding beauty. Along with this is a personal magnetism/charisma that can charm the pants off virtually anyone they come across. Those that are fooled into complacency will likely be found the next morning as a cooling body in a back alley with an insane smile locked onto their face from a kiss laced with Smilex Mist. If not even worse off to the point of being nearly unrecognizable as once being a human being.
    On occasion, if the being (human or Pokégirl) that has attracted their attention is interesting enough, they will become fixated on that person. They will do anything they deem necessary to make that person’s like a living hell in their own comedic fashion, sometimes even capturing them and attempting to take them under their wing, before eventually driving them insane. Thus one of the worst possible things to do is to become interesting to a Jokette. An interesting twist to this is they are mentally compelled, usually quite willingly, to Dark Types for which they have an unexplained weakness to. Also the higher the level/experience of said Dark types, the more they obsess over them.
    To point out how insane Jokettes are, to the point of utter fearlessness, even when dealing with either a type weakness, or simply out of their league, a Jokette vs. Widow battle occurred in 287 AS. A Jokette peppered said Widow with attacks after 'ruining' its torture of a tamer and his harem by showing up and killing/eating them. The entire time the Jokette was laughing like a mad-Pokégirl until she finally ran out of energy to do anything more then stand still. Almost an hour later, and the only slightly damaged (and astonishingly, what appeared to be incredibly annoyed) Widow simply vaporized the Jokette on the spot with a surprise use of a Hyper-beam before continuing on her rampage and being stopped two days later. As the Widow was charging up for the Hyper-beam, the Jokette laughed even louder all the way up to the point she was consumed by the beam.
    The most dangerous attack a Jokette has is the Smilex Mist, which is a Poison-type attack. They exhale a cloud of pinkish-purple gas that, if inhaled, causes the victim to have uncontrollable fits of laughter. The fits become so violent that in weaker victims, ribs are broken as the victim literally laughs themselves to death, suffocating while experiencing terrifying hallucinations, and leaving the dead victim with a hideous parody of a smile on their face, similar to that of a NightMare. Normal antidotes can cure the effects of the poison, but it must be administered quickly, within ten minutes of inhaling the gas. Poison-type Pokégirls are NOT immune to this gas; it only takes three times longer for the effects to appear. A second form of this, nicknamed the 'Last Kiss' is one where a Jokette grabs its victims by the side of the head and deeply French kisses them and exhales the Smilex Mist directly into the victim's lungs in concentrated form. The attack is near universally lethal, with only a few Pokégirls - those that don't need to breathe, or any Dark types, having partial immunity. Even Venom Mistresses only have partial immunity - they will become deathly ill for 24 hours, incapable of anything more strenuous then laying in bed & breathing. After 24 hours they will recover fully, without requiring an antidote, if however having nightmares for a few weeks afterward. Pokégirls that do not need air, or a human wearing a gas-mask are only affected mentally as the Jokette uses some of its latent Psychic abilities to briefly overcome their victim's minds, 'injecting' massive numbers of hallucinogenic visions along with making the victim believe they are choking to death.
    Jokettes are completely immune to psychic probing, as they are so insane that any attempts to probe their mind results in temporary dementia and the Pokégirl who tried having nightmares for a month. Interestingly enough, a Jokette can be made to back off if confronted with a Celestial or Dark Pokégirl. They don't show fear, but they do seem intimidated by them enough to run away in the case of Celestials. Dark types however, as mentioned above, will cause a Jokette to change focus to them above all else, even more so if the Pokégirl has some Bat-type traits. If that same Pokégirl has Fighting-type traits, the Jokette will utterly drop whatever they are doing (literally, which can get...messy) and attack them on sight. This is highly unusual as in the reverse, Pokégirls with Bat traits utterly -despise- Jokettes. One of the most notorious feuds along the east coast of the Indigo League was between two different Jokettes (Jackqueline Nikelsen, and Helena Ledger, both Trixie threshold cases that were forcefully evolved by a Team Trauma splinter group in a revenge plot) and the harem of Alfredo Creditsworth (mostly made up of Golbutts and Sidekicks). It was he who gave the species its most well known descriptor: "Some Pokégirls can't be tamed, bought, bullied, or reasoned with. Some Pokégirls just want to watch the world burn."
    In an even worse twist, Feral Jokettes actually get MORE intelligent, and a semblance of sanity. If you call being able to come up with even more vicious and effective ways to kill people in the most hilarious way possible, from their perspective. A blessing in this is that Jokettes are simply unable it seems to be able to kill anything in this state as they can't seem to find it funny. Sadly, they generally won't stay Feral for very long, as they will use their slight metamorphic ability to disguise themselves as a human, and then have their way with some unfortunate soul before being back to their 'normal' selves. One highly annoying factor about Jokettes is that all of them seem to have longevity, and a means to slowly regenerate from anything less then a lethal wound. Even if you drop a multi-story building on top of them, and several times, people have, never consider them dead until you see the body for yourself, dismember it and bury it in a half-dozen different locations (feeding the remains to Sharptits is also a preferred disposal method in a sense of poetic justice/irony, as its one of the things Jokettes like to do to others). Otherwise they likely will pop up again a few months later, completely healed, and start yet another rampage.
    Celestial Pokégirls, however, upset and confuse them tremendously for reasons unknown. Jokettes generally refuse to fight them unless backed into a corner; although that's the place no attacker EVER wants to force a Jokette into, as they are so unpredictable, that they could potentially do anything at that point. They will avoid churches like the plague and seem simply cannot stand being around Angels and Seraphs, those being two of the only types of Pokégirl that can make a Jokette frown. No one knows why this is, but some Celestials who've had encounters with Jokettes have theorized that Jokettes fear them because of what they represent, a goodness that goes against their worldview of the world as one big joke. They're not afraid of Celestial types, just that it 'gives me headaches when they're around' as one Jokette put it, right before decapitating the captured researcher with a large trout she pulled from her pants. We're still trying to figure that one out.
    Recent Discovery: Jokettes are comedians, yes, if of the most sadistic kind. All their jokes are artful in some way, and they put a great effort into making each murderous prank actually funny. This has led to the discovery of a severe weakness Jokette’s have: they cannot stand bad jokes. They quite literally become physically ill when a bad joke is told, to the point where they are near death if the barrage of jokes is kept. This in turn causes them to become more vicious in an attempt to kill the wanna-be comedian before they reach their weakest points. This effect can also be accomplished by physically copying a Jokette's mannerisms, way of movement, attitudes, etc - they HATE copycats and will fly into an unbelievable rage that makes Gyna-dose ones pale in comparison even as they become acutely physically sick at the same time. Another known weakness is that Jokette's seem to be limited to only being capable of perform harmless practical, if terrifying, jokes during April Fool's Day. This in turn makes it far easier for a Tamer to take one down as they, and their harem, are under no such limitations. Scientists have no explanation for this, they’re just grateful that these lunatics actually HAVE some weakness…
    No cases of Thresholding directly into a Jokette have been reported, thankfully. It also seems that Jokettes are unable to reproduce via pathogenesis (THANK GOD) and the one surviving Jokette in a secure lock-up has yet to go through second puberty to become a Pokéwoman and is over 150 years old at least. Researchers have concluded that this is known to Jokettes, and also contributes to their murderous insanity. On that note though, a female infant left where a Jokette can get her hands on them has nearly quadruple the chance of thresholding into a Trixie eventually. That is, if the Jokette doesn't throw the baby out a window or worse just for kicks.

Smilex Mist – (ATK+EFT) This hideous mist spray, stored inside a Jokette's modified lymph nodes, is a virus that causes acute Hemorrhagic Dementia Fever that reproduces incredibly fast on contact with a victim's lung tissue and then spreads throughout the body until it reaches the diaphragm and optic nerve. It causes the diaphragm to seize up, making it nearly impossible for the victim to breathe without assistance, and the effort of the victim to breath will cause internal bleeding that comes out as bloody foam from the mouth. It’s also accompanied by compulsive laughter - not because the victim thinks this is all funny, but due to the diaphragm's seizure - the more the victim tries to breath, it forces the air through the lungs creating a 'wheezing' sound much like laughter. For all this, the mental side of the attack (with an added Psychic 'push' behind it) is far worse. The mind is subjected to horrific mental images dredged up from the most basic instincts (eaten whole/alive, buried alive, suffocating in the dark alone, dipped in acid, the list is too numerous to count). If the victim can somehow remain calm through all this, their chances of survive nearly triple and with CPR (Helper will not be infected as the virus is not contagious) can survive almost 30min before requiring the antidote & death occurs. If they cannot remain calm, unless the antidote is delivered within 10min, death is a foregone conclusion. This is made worse if the Jokette performs the 'Last Kiss' version, which forces a far more concentrated version of this directly down the victim's throat & into their lungs, and the virus' effects are felt near instantaneously, and death can occur in a matter in as little as a minute or less. Thankfully the attack is only effective if it reaches the lungs.Pokégirls that do not need to breathe are partially immune and are only forced to deal with the psychological trauma - they can recover from the attack in as little as a minute, if shaken from the experience. Dark types are thankfully near completely immune to the mental attack, which is one reason why they are so effective against Jokettes - they can stay completely calm even as the physical effects hit them, and seek out help or apply the antidote to themselves without much assistance. Psychic types actually are worse off as the mental attacks can put them into a catatonic vegetable state the instant it hits them (either version) and into full body convulsions. While this is less taxing to them physically (as they're unconscious and not struggling), most Psychic types will forever afterward have a psychological fear of ANYTHING to do with Jokettes, if not being driven at least partially insane for the unlucky/weaker ones. Smilex Mist (either version) is completely ineffective against Widows. We know this simply because in the previously mentioned battle, the first thing the Jokette did was teleport INTO the Widow's lap, perform the 'Last Kiss', and teleport away before the Widow could do anything. Needless to say, it didn't end well for the Jokette.

Killing Joke – (ATK + EFT) A sadistic attack that is almost always a one-hit kill technique, the Jokette psychically scans its intended target's mind and then spouts off a one-liner joke that perfectly describes the current situation, moment, whatever. If the victim even THINKS its funny (or worse, laughs) for even a moment, the Jokette will manifest one of its ubiquitous knifes (largest possible is a 4 inch throwing knife) and throw it with perfect accuracy - straight for the victim's heart. It ignores any/all type benefits and cannot be stopped. The only way for it not to hit is for something to interpose itself between the victim & the blade, and be thicker then the blade is long, otherwise it will pass right through. The ONLY exceptions to this are Celestial Types and Dark types (mainly the Bat-trait ones). Jokettes simply cannot use it against Celestials for reasons unknown which frustrates the hell out of them, and while it -can- be used on Dark types, it ALWAYS seems to miss and can do as little as a nick, or at most a partially crippling wound (like severing the spine). This pisses off Jokettes to absolutely no end, and the more they try it against an opponent they already used it on the worse their 'aim' gets, until they can't even hit anymore, or the blade actually 'bounces' off their target without damage. And this 'protection' effect is permanent. Anyone that survives it initially will be immune. Dark types while they will get injured, eventually it becomes totally ineffective against them.