PSIQUEEN, the Emotional Empress Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Psychic/Dark
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: Human style foods, Emotions
Role: Extension of the tamer's will
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug
Attacks: Psychic, Confusion, Teleport, Foresight, Dark Blade, Dark Shield, Dark Bond, Heart of Darkness, Psi Blade, Double Team, Ecstasy Bond, Perfect Synch, Telekinesis
Enhancements: Empathetic Aura (Superior), Empathy, Enhanced Speed (x4), Enhanced Agility (x5), Telepathy
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Psilady (Delta Bond + Shiny Stone)

For a Pokégirl as heavily emotion-based as the Psilady, it came as very little surprise when the evolution trigger for reaching her final form included a Delta Bond, although the inclusion of a Shiny Stone certainly makes the evolution to Psiqueen a difficult one to obtain. However, for those who have used a Psilady enough to forge a delta bond, the results are almost always worthwhile, despite many others finding them undesirable. Building upon the unique role of emotional psychics who draw power from bonds to the point of almost becoming able to act as a extension of their Masters' wills, they also expand in some areas, allowing them to be more able combatants worthy indeed of the title "Empress."

Physically, there is not an overbearing change in the appearance, as one might expect. Height sometimes increases, but does not always, and the same with chest size. The only significant change, really, is the amplification of the Emotional Aura that changes her appearance to suit her emotions; as that suggests, it becomes more powerful, so that it can actually create mild illusions to better illustrate the emotional state, although this also means it can be more manipulated, even if never deactivated, which is something of a mixed blessing. Due to the delta bond shared between them, Psiqueen and tamer generally exhibit the same emotional states, and so it is good that the aura can be minimized because it means it is less likely to allow others to read her tamer in battle easily. However, a skilled opponent could still interpret a minimized emotional aura, and so caution is advised.

Mentally, again, is where most changes occur upon evolution. With the affinity that Psiladies possess naturally for bonds, when one forms a delta bond, it is generally a fairly powerful delta bond, and evolution only enhances that strength to the point that the Psiqueen and her master are able to hide very little from each other, and this means that a Psiqueen can almost act as an extension of her tamer's will, knowing it so intimately as she does. This generally gives the breed the regal air that led to their designation as the emotional "Empress," because they can undertake actions with the full knowledge that they are doing what is desired in addition to having the expert ability to deal with others diplomatically of the Psilady.

This, however, creates something of a problem in harem structure; it might seem natural to make the Psiqueen alpha by default, but the fact that her bond with her tamer is so intimate means that doing so doesn't really give the tamer much additional freedom. However, there are also obvious problems with trying to put her under an alpha's supervision when she can know enough to give commands that would override the alpha's authority. For this reason, harems with Psiqueens are rarely organized in a traditional manner.

However, if it causes a problem with such dynamics, the intimacy of minds is a great boon in combat. Although her psychic powers are only equivalent of a Ka-D-bra or so, they are generally enough when, using the power of that bond, a Psiqueen synchronizes with her tamer to the point that she can convey things to him instantaneously and receive orders in return without any lag time at all. This, in combination with the increased empathy that allows the breed to be very good at reading the emotions of others at a glance and gleaning something of their intent from them, means that a tactically able trainer can almost take part in the battle through this, a technique that has become known as "Perfect Synchronization," or Perfect Synch. In some leagues, the use of this technique when the Psiqueen is not the one battling, due to the telepathy enabled by the bond, has been banned in official battles. It is also interesting to note that many are able to read dark-types, not with their powers, but because, through those powers, they are able to match up emotions and expressions or body language very well from seeing them in those they can read.

When not fighting in this fashion, though--some tamers are hesitant to do so, because the exaggerated closeness can lead to pain felt by the Psiqueen being translated into the tamer, though this is almost never able to create even psychosomatic physical damage unless the trauma is very intense--or even in it much of the time, Psiqueens fight as much with words as their powers. With that ability to read emotions so well, as well as normal telepathy, enough psychic powers to move themselves easily, and a good bit of natural speed and agility, they favor picking apart an opponent's mental state until it's quite easy for them to deal a finishing blow without risking their somewhat easily-damaged bodies.

Taming, by the point of such connection, is entirely dependent upon the Psiqueen and her master and their preferences, and with such a bond, tamings between them are almost ecstasy bonded by default. Another problem this poses with using a Psiqueen as alpha is that is rather difficult for her to tame another member of the harem without it becoming a threesome with the tamer, as it's nearly impossible not to send enough pleasure along if she is taming to do anything but excite him, and vice versa if he tames, though at least, when going this way, it can be mitigated somewhat by putting the Psiqueen in her Pokéball. Thus, Psiqueens have a reputation for being fond of orgies, which has been added to by the effect of the Superior Emotional Aura on those around them when they are in a state of arousal.

It is virtually impossible to find a feral Psiqueen, however, because the mental shock from the death of someone she is bonded so deeply to will often cause her mind, and even body, to be fatally damaged, resulting in death or insanity. Even in cases where this is escaped, though, most seek suicide, though a few may direct their madness into getting revenge before they succumb fully. Either way, there has never been a recorded case of one living long enough to go feral, unless perhaps falling deeper into madness is the feral state. Due to the strain on both Pokégirl and tamer of attempting controlled experiments on this subject, research has been discontinued and considered irrelevant in most leagues. And, considering their rarity, the nature of the evolution, and that, as with the Psilady, many are with female tamers to begin with, it is doubted thresholding directly into one will ever be possible.