SUNDOG, (aka FU DOG) the Sexy Sentry Pokégirl

Type: Near Human (Canine)
Element: Psychic/Plant
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Photosynthesis, Supplemented by Human norm food
Role: Guard, Law Enforcement, Literal Watch Dog
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Electric, Ground, Rock, Water, Fighting
Weak Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost, Fire, Flying, Ice
Attacks: Command Plants, Confusion, Telekinesis, Teleport, Lance, Vine Whip, Barrier, E=mc2, Root, Psychic Illusion, Mirror Coat, Seed Bomb, Vine bondage, Solar Beam
Enhancements: Enhanced durability (x3), Enhanced Senses (x2), Plant Empathy, Telepathy, Photosynthesis, Enhanced Strength (x2), Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Memory
Weaknesses: Obsessive Compulsive tendencies
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Byte Bitch (Sun Stone or Battle Stress)

    When considering Pokégirls to have in their harems, many aspiring tamers tend to not choose a Byte Bitch, the usual reason is the breed's reputation and inability to handle stress well. While Data Dogs are useful, they are still not powerful enough for some tamer's tastes. Most tamers that get Byte Bitches prefer to evolve them into the Sundog, who's power and battling skills exceed the Data Dog's, despite the breed's quirks.
     Upon evolving, a Sundog gains a cup size, her chest now swelling to a busty D cup and while she remains very human looking, her hair becomes thick and vine-like, much like large green dreadlocks sprouting from her head. Oddly, only the skin on the top of her head turns to a green hue with small blades of grass growing like 'hair', blending in with the vines that sprout from her head. Historians have identified the breeds of pre-Sukube dogs that show up in this breed of Pokégirl as several of the breeds of dogs that were bred to resemble the Guardian Lions. Their hair vines gives most of the breed a maned look, and more animalistic variants of the breed often resemble pre-Sukube lions with wider, shorter muzzles than normally found on most canine Pokégirls. While most of their head vines are actually curled leaves, a few are actual vines and are used for attacks like Vine Whip. The fur of her dog ears and tail become varying shades, usually in natural colors of green and brown with instances of rainbow flower colors. To feed, a Sundog will bask in the sun and most of the vines on her head will unfurl into large leaves. It is these leaves that do the majority of the canine plant's photosynthesis. They do however, supplement their diet with meat, and the occasional plant materials.
    Where Byte Bitches are generally bitchy and even more so when stressed, Sundogs are considered quiet by most and 'too serious' by others. This is because a vast majority of the breed often pick something to guard, be that a place, person, or even an ideal and protect that to the best of their ability. However, they take their place in a harem quite seriously, following orders and carrying out their tamers wishes, though occasions have arisen where their protective streak has clashed with their tamers. On most occasions, this has been instances of Team owned Sundogs, making them quite the popular breed due to their more law abiding tendencies. However, one notable case of this breed going wrong was of a case in the early 200s of a Sundog named Ivy, who chose to protect all plant life to the exclusion of other humans and Pokégirls. Labeled a Menace, this Pokégirl was eventually captured and terminated after terrorizing several towns.
    Oddly, many of this breed work extremely well in pairs, the two of them book ending each other in more ways than one. Due to this genetic quirk of the breed and their general lion-like appearance and protective nature, this breed is called the 'Fu Dog' in eastern Leagues like Edo and Opal. The breed is sometimes used as living scenery, often dressed up in golden apparel and placed in paired guard positions, due to their ability to get by on sunlight alone for most of the day (barring water). Due to their duel psychic and plant nature, these Pokégirls can remain immobile for long periods of time but still remain alert and mentally active. Often, pet owners or tamers that fancy statue-like Pokégirls enjoy having these plant and psychic type Pokégirls as part of their 'collection' and often they can add a needed balance of elements to those who fancy types like Glasses or Marbles.
    In battle, Sun Dogs tend to choose strategy over direct conflict, thinking ahead and maneuvering their opponents into situations that gives them an advantage, most often involving getting assistance from the local plant life. As such, many owners of a Sundog will place planters nearby, or have her positioned near trees or other plants. They are not useless or weak by any means in a plant-less situation however, as they can use their psychic and plant abilities to great effect, often lacing areas they're guarding with motion sensitive Seed Bombs or triggering any Seed Bombs psychically to aid in defense. If the situation seems to call for it, however, the breed is not above using overkill by blasting with E=MC2 and Solar Beam.
    While these Pokégirls are serious, they are generally pleasant to be around, so long as those around them understand that they tend to take things seriously. This seems to be a quirk of the breed, much like their pre-evolved form's canine behavioral problems. Sundogs have a problem with obsessive compulsive tendencies, though many call this 'perfectionism' as they don't like seeing something done in a slipshod manner. Occasionally, this evolves into full blown obsessive compulsive disorder, though some of the breed actually request a level 4 conditioning cycle to break them of this quirk. It seems that perfectionism sometimes extends to keeping themselves problem free as well.
    Feral Sundogs become almost plantlike, unfurling their head vines into a large bush and rooting herself into the ground. This breed only attacks to supplement their photosynthesis diet with protein or to try and snatch food away from unwary victims, and thanks to their psychic abilities they can do this while stationary. Threshold Sundogs are pretty rare, though most have had a mixture of plant, psychic, and canine Pokégirls. They tend to take an interest in law enforcement or security work early on, As such, many threshold members of this breed are found in Law Enforcement alongside Growlies and OfficerJennys.