DAO, the Sword of the Earth Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Rock/Psychic
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Human-style foods.
Role: Guards, scouts, miners
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Fire, Flying, Ice, Normal, Poison
Weak Vs: Dark, Ghost, Plant, Water
Attacks: Resonate, Mud Slap, Earthquake, Sonic Wave, Dynawave, Unmovable, Psi-Blade Mk. II, Agility, ShockSpike, Stone Blade, Blade Spike
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x5), Enhanced Speed, Endurance, and Durability (x3 each), Elemental Affinity: Ground & Rock, Geokinesis, enhanced defense against Ground.
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Earthmaiden (Battle Stress)

    During the revenge war, there were signs of numerous Pokégirls with bladed weapons that were to be found in the ranks of Sukebe's forces. These Pokégirls were mostly found later to have been Slicers or Ronin, or even Amazon. However, a little more rare than those breeds and a little later to the war were the Dao, a breed capable not only of utilizing her powerful blades as weapons but also the earth itself. Using her abilities to cause localized earthquakes, or to force rocks within the earth to explode from the ground, the Pokégirl was feared by many when the human armies came across them. The obsidian-sharp rocks that she could utilize shredded body armor and tank armor, damaging equipment and in many cases outright killing numerous humans. They became prime targets as a result, and proved susceptible to sniping attacks that humans wound up adopting to take out the Pokégirls. After the War, the Dao fled to the mountains, disappearing within mines and caves for the most part and out of human history. Though numerous attempts were made to capture one, few succeeded thanks to the effectiveness of the Pokégirl’s defenses within a mountainous region.
    However, the advancement of their abilities isn't quite what makes them stand out distinctly when compared with their preevolution; rather, Dao, as befitting to their evolutionary method, are warriors. Physically, this change is reflected with a possible increase in height up to, but not always being, 6ft tall on average. Their muscles are easily noticeable, though not to the extent of an Amachamp's musculature. As a breed, the Dao seem to prefer keeping their hair at shoulder length or shorter, a preference that researchers are not aware of the reason for. Their eyes take on earthy tones of brown, greens, or hazel (the latter being particularly common). The Dao are warriors, and as such have a mindset close to what one might expect from such a breed, often disliking the most technical solutions and believing that simple is best. This doesn't mean that they cannot grasp more intricate knowledge, just that the breed dislikes long speeches and technical information. One thing that makes the breed favored among tradesmen and tamers is the fact that they can sense what is nearby within the earth or within rock, which has led to numerous mining discoveries as well as plenty of leftover valuables from the revenge war. This makes the breed quite useful to reclaimers as well, as a result.
    It is important to note that very few Dao have any respect for the swords designed by humans, especially metal ones; they usually consider such weapons fragile and not worth dealing with. In any case, self-discipline is something that comes easily to most Dao, but often at the cost of social awkwardness. In battle, the breed seems to prefer using her various blade techniques after an Earthquake or a Shockspike attack to unbalance her foes. With the ability to manipulate the ground around them, intrinsic skill with swords, and even limited psychic skill, they have an impressive array of ways to fight. However, it is rare to see a member of the breed who is willing to make complete use of all her powers freely; rather, it is the norm for them to specialize in their sword skills, with the additional abilities being used for assistance for herself and her harem sisters, should the battle also include them.
    With this in mind, within a harem the Dao can become excellent leaders. With a tactical mind that is geared towards improvisation, this breed is a good choice for tamers willing to deal with the dedication of the Dao to her ideals and find that they are calm, confident, and dedicated to whatever they feel strongly about, which has made them a popular evolution with those tamers who felt slighted by the fact that their Earthmaidens often loved the earth more than they loved said tamers. This can also cause friction within a harem as a result, however, as the breed's somewhat militaristic outlook on life and harem can become quite a bother to numerous Pokégirl breeds. The Domina is a breed that finds the Dao to be an interesting pursuit- the Dao is quite resilient and can take lots of punishment, making the pokégirl a challenge for them. The response of the Dao, however, is as varying as the individuals themselves. When taming, the Dao dislike beds and many creature comforts, instead preferring to feel the cold ground and rock under her.
    Feral Dao, though rare, may sometimes be found in rocky regions, such as in the mountains and even near volcanoes. They are quite territorial and prefer to make their homes in or near abandoned mines, sometimes even found in newer tunnels that they dig themselves to get to the precious minerals and metals inside. Often, they are found near where they were once born or went feral after their tamer/owner perished, leading some to believe that the Pokégirl still defends her old master/mistress' remains, something that has been romanticized by several movies. They only leave their unmarked territories when something of greater strength, such as a Giantess, run them out, and are known to wander aimlessly as a result. Thresholds are unusual, and only four have been known to happen in the world, as most female descendants from this breed threshold into, or become an, Earthmaiden instead.