LEVIATHANESS, the Deep Devil Pokégirl
Type: Humanoid Animorph (Sea Serpent)
Element: Water/Ice
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: Anything and everything (Omnivorous)
Role: Death and destruction on the high seas
Libido: Unknown (Low presumed, but no one wants to test it)
Strong Vs: Water, Dragon, Flying, Ground
Weak Vs: Electric, Fighting, Steel
Attacks: Glacier, Hydro Pump, Heat Drain, Tidal Wave, Cold Snap, Ice Beam, Whirlpool, Ice Boulder, Water God, Icicles, Mirror Image, Spike Cannon, GigaStorm
Enhancements: Gigantic, Enhanced Durability (x20), Enhanced Endurance (x20), Enhanced Strength (x40 near ocean floor, lowers to x20 near surface), Enhanced Speed (in water only) (x10), Immunity to cold temperatures, Extremely high water maneuverability, Longevity(presumably)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None
Bounty: Varies from league to league
Recommendation if you see one: Stay calm. Stay quiet. Turn off anything that might make noise. And for gods sake do NOT try to fight her, especially if she's awake. If she's asleep, just walk, or swim, away quietly and do NOT wake her up. If she's awake at all, and especially awake and angry...do as you would with a Widow...RUN THE FUCK AWAY DUMBASS!!!!!!! Or swim as the case may be.

    As if Widows weren’t enough to deal with.
    Leviathanesses are demonically powerful Pokégirls that have only recently been discovered in the last fifty years. Now that they have been, officials finally have an explanation for several sea-based disappearances. One that nobody is happy with.
    At almost 300 feet long and over 25 tons, the Leviathaness is literally the LARGEST non-Legendary Pokégirl ever seen, second only to Typhonna herself. Their upper torso is the form of a rather attractive woman with a bust equivalent to a large C-cup, but while they have a face that could be described as cute and long flowing hair, don't go hoping for a smile. They have teeth as long as a grown man's arm and sharper than many swords. Their long, bluish-gray scale-covered arms have a fin-like web of flesh, giving them a form of 'sea-wing', allowing these already aqua dynamic Pokégirl even greater maneuverability. On their back is a crest of long, sharp, and strong spikes that can and will rip a ship's hull right out from under them. Their upper torso, however, only takes up about 50 feet of their body. The remaining 250 feet, however, is one long and powerful tail capable of wrapping around a Pre-Sukebe dreadnought and crushing it, like a Naga with a Titmouse.
    That, however, is only when they're truly calm. If angered, from either being awoken or being wrongly attacked, they go through a terrifying metamorphosis. Their heads become elongated and reptilian in form, their necks extending out to the length of their arms, and their bodies get covered in hard scales and sharp spikes. The once beautiful face and lovely form is quickly replaced by a vicious and horrifying monstrosity of pure rage. what makes it worse is that when they're in this form, they can use Spike Cannon to launch their massive spines at their target, and unleash a vicious new attack that only they can use. GigaStorm.
    The first ever Leviathaness known was one that had actually downed a fleet of Dreadnoughts during the Revenge War, obliterating them with the use of Icicles, Hydro Pump, and Ice Beam combined with Glaciers to slow their movements. This showed a tactical nature not seen since the Revenge War as it's presumed that back then this 'First Leviathaness' was Tamed, but the ones we've dealt with now are all Feral.
    The first Leviathaness ever seen since the Revenge War was discovered off the coast of what would eventually become Scyllia in the Scarlet League in the year of 78 AS, when some ships attempting to dock near the construction camp had to use sonar to track the icebergs. But the sonar did far more than just tell them where the safest path was. It also woke up one of these massive beasts, still slumbering from the end of the Revenge War. The ships, a flotilla of cargo ships from the Ruby League to drop off supplies at the construction camp, were completelly and utterly annihilated, the crews aboard them eaten alive by the vicious creature. Luckily for the residents of Alexandria, the Leviathaness wnet back to sleep after obliterating the ships, shes since been detected and destroyed.
    Since then the breed had been unknown, as least until one appeared near the Tropic League. Mysterious glaciers appeared in the area around the year 253 AS, when use of submersibles and sonar began to come back into use. Submersible vehicles, designed to withstand deep water pressure, traveled to the bottom of the glaciers, traveling further, to nearly the ocean floor. They accidentally woke up the sleeping Leviathaness with their sonar, who promptly ripped open the submersibles and ate the Pokégirls and Tamers inside. It then attacked the nearby cruisers, destroying them with a powerful new technique as of yet unused by any other Pokégirl, one now known to s all as Giga Storm. After the attack, the creature fed on the corpses of the sailors, made an annoyed-sounding noise, and then left, swimming back down to deep waters.
    A second Leviathaness was discovered near the Edo League. This Leviathaness was furious enough at being disturbed from her slumber to come inward, attacking land. Fortunately, a pair of Tamers, both with high-level Samurai, managed to slay the Leviathaness, both Pokégirls using their Zanmato techniques to cut the creature in half. Research on the body by PLC scientists garnered a lot of data on Leviathaness biology, which in turn led to the Omega-Level danger rating, much like that of the Widow.
    Satellite surveillance by a Video Girl Upgrade in Titan Taming Incorporated employ revealed that there were at least fifteen Leviathanesses in the world, with a possibility of more that she couldn’t pick up on satellite scan. In all locations she discovered, there was an unusually high presence of glaciers. Subsequent warnings were issued to all seafaring vessels about maintaining absolute silence in heavily glacial areas. Confrontations with Leviathanesses are to be treated as encounters with Widows in terms of danger. They have a tendency to stay in hibernation most of the time in the deepest possible waters, but they have auditory capacity that is very sensitive to sonar. As such, the use of sonar in glacial areas is greatly discouraged.
    There have most likely been several undocumented encounters with Leviathanesses. Only one has been fully documented since the last one. A Widow had wandered into a glacier-infested coastal area in search of Tamers to mate with. A Leviathaness, disturbed by the sonar coming from the nearby Zubutt infested caverns, was attacking the city. The Widow, seeing only meat to fill her belly, unknowingly saved the city when she attacked the Leviathaness and stung it with Hyper Venom. As the Leviathaness died in tremendous agony, the Widow ignored the others in the area, save for a quintet of unfortunate Tamers that had caught her eye. The city was promptly evacuated, kept under monitoring until after the Widow had given birth to her eggs and died. The half-eaten remains of the Leviathaness and the Widow’s eggs were destroyed, allowing the city’s populace to move back in.
    While Leviathanesses are untameable due to their sheer size and aggression, Researchers were quite surprised to learn of a small number of Leviathaness kits out in the world. Their sheer size is astounding, the smallest recorded being 75 feet long and well over 9 tons! The first one ever was found in the Noir league at around 289 AS while dissecting the corpse of a fully grown Leviathaness. As only one was found, and not an egg of sorts, it's believed that they give a single live birth approximately every 100 years. This first Leviathaness kit is being kept in a salt water lake near the site of her mother's death as a live research specimen. One of the major things they'd found out is that, while nowhere nearly as smart as a Tamed Bimbo, the Leviathaness Pokékit shows enough cognitive ability to learn, especially after she'd learned how to slip out of her chain keeping her near the center of the lake. One other thing they'd learned is that, while she's grown accustomed to people and Pokégirls she's been around in her 11 years of life, the captive 'kit tends to react to anyone she's not familiar with using extreme hostility that's grown more potent as she grows older and larger. Her termination is scheduled to occur after a certain point, when she starts to become too big for the holding area. As she grows larger and larger, she has become more and more hostile even to those she had become adjusted to, enforcing the need for her eventual termination.

GigaStorm - (ATK 300) A deadly water attack exclusive to Leviathanesses. The Leviathaness raises her arm and roars, forming a massive cyclone of water around herself extending 100 feet into the air and down to the ocean bottom. Does massive damage to anything in the vacuum radius of the attack.