MIST BUNNY, the Magic Forest Rabbit Pokégirl
Type: Near Human Anthropomorphic (Rabbit)
Element: Magic/Fighting
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Vegetarian
Role: Hunting, Foraging, Long-range combat, Magic detection
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Rock, Normal, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Psychic
Attacks: Burst, Mana Bolt, Quickening, Magic Fist, Magic Kick, The Calm Soul, Focus, Focus Energy, Pose, Evade, Counter, Resist, Spellwork
Enhancements: Increased Accuracy x5, Increased Senses (Sight, Scent, Hearing) x10, Increased Agility x6, Increased Strength x5 (x9 when Beserked), Increased Intelligence x5
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Bunnygirl (Mana Crystal)

In terms of personality, Mist Bunnies are an almost total 180 from their previous form. They become far more serious, and much calmer in manner. They gain a great deal of intelligence in this evolution, although that intelligence is geared more towards magic, forest knowledge, and natural remedies rather than scientific knowledge. They are also taller, being around 6’11” in height without the ears standing up. Mist Bunnies all have dusky brown fur and long, silvery hair, although they vary among hairstyles. Their faces all sport very slight muzzles, and their feet are paws. However, due to the shape and small size of their feet, they have a hard time walking unless they are wearing high-heeled shoes of some kind.

Mist Bunnies love the forest. Feral Mist Bunnies congregate in treetop warrens, using their excellent jumping ability to move from tree to tree. Tamed Mist Bunnies are generally treated as non-entities by Ferals, as if they regard Mist Bunnies with Tamers to be unworthy of even existing. This does not dissuade Mist Bunnies with Tamers from going into forested areas, as their love of the woods is strong. They are excellent survivalists, and can make do even on extremely limited resources.

Feral Mist Bunnies are an unusual sort. They have a relatively high Feral intelligence, as their Feral state essentially a combination of an animal-type Pokégirl’s Feral state and the Feral state of more human-type Pokégirls. Their speech becomes limited severely, and they become more skittish of outsiders. They are animalistic in mannerisms, but are capable of fashioning simple clothes and footwear. When observed from a distance, Feral Mist Bunnies can be seen, when not hunting or Taming each other, can be seen sitting in a treetop nest, meditating or simply staring out with a smile at the forest. Some even sing, a soft, wordless song that is growing in popularity among Watchers, due to how peaceful and relaxing it is. Tamed Mist Bunnies still sing this, usually after a particularly good Taming.

The high heels that all Mist Bunnies require, whether Tame or Feral, confuse most Researchers. To the surprise of several Watchers, Feral Mist Bunnies could be observed fashioning makeshift high heels out of wood and a thick spike, sometimes made of metal. It appears that even while Feral, Mist Bunnies recognize the need for these shoes. The practicality of this was in question for a while until a wandering Tamer fought a pack of Feral Mist Bunnies. In his report, the Mist Bunnies used the metal spiked ‘heels’ of their shoes to cling to the sides of trees, digging their heel’s spikes in just enough to stick. The awkward position of the Mist Bunnies made it difficult for the Tamer’s Flying-type Pokégirls to properly get a bead on them, and easier for the Mist Bunnies to dodge the attacks. All Tamed Mist Bunnies are known to have metal spiked heels as well, some strong enough to allow the Mist Bunny to cling to stone walls if need be. Later observations by Watchers show that Feral Mist Bunnies can use the spikes on their shoes to literally ‘walk’ up high trees to get to fruit in the branches.

Mist Bunnies are primarily used as hunters, gathering food for their Harem sisters and Tamer. In terms of combat, while they can hold their own in hand-to-hand, they are best served by being given ranged weapons, such as a bow or crossbow. They also, because of their magical nature, possess the ability to quite literally smell magic within 50 feet of themselves. This has made Mist Bunnies popular amongst Tamers and teachers in Vale. Mist Bunnies perceive magical auras as a mist, hence their name. With time and a strong bond, a Tamer can perceive the ‘Mist’ as well.

However, these bunnies are not entirely immune to the Mist’s effects on them. If they are exposed to too much Mist, they will become agitated, and then nauseous. Further exposure will force the afflicted Mist Bunny into a berserk state, where they attack everything they perceive as an enemy with incredible viciousness and savagery. So vicious are their berserked rampages, that there was one report of a Mini-Top being frightened by what she saw. The most recommended thing to do when a Mist Bunny goes on a rampage is to let them tire themselves out and keep yourself, your friends, and your harem out of the way.

Mist Bunnies have a potentially very powerful ability called a ‘Quickening.’ They harness the Mist, or magical energy, inside of themselves and exhale a crystalline mist in the opponent’s face. If they inhale, the opponent becomes frozen in place, unable to move while the Mist Bunny performs a totally original, powerful attack exclusive to them. There are three ‘levels’ of power to a Quickening attack, depending on how much internal mist is harness. A level three Quickening can leave weaker Mist Bunnies drained and barely able to perform more complex maneuvers. Quickening can be taught to other Magic-type Pokégirls, or even to Tamers. However the Pokégirl or Tamer in question must earn the Mist Bunny’s respect. If they are a Feral Mist Bunny, then it becomes that much harder to win it, as first the Mist Bunny must be caught and Tamed before Quickening can be taught.