BONDAGE QUEEN, the Evil Mistress Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Poison/Magic
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: omnivore, tends to lean towards a meat diet
Role: Discipline, leadership, infiltrators, corruptors
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Dark, Ghost, Poison, Psychic
Weak Vs: Electric, Ground, Steel, Water
Attacks: Call Me Queen, Bitch Slap, Sucker Punch, Fear Aura, Barrier, Dominate, Rose Whip, Relaxing Gaze, Heart of Darkness, Ensnaring Kiss, Enslaving Kiss, Erotic Kiss, Hydra Whip, Catapult of Hell, Shin Lasher, Lashings of Love, Magic Kick, Insulate, Teleport
Enhancements: Longevity, Night Vision, High Threshold for Pain, Bondage Affinity, Enhanced Speed (x5), Enhanced Agility (x5), Enhanced Reflexes (x5), Enhanced Endurance (x5), Strong Mental Defense, does not register in the Pokédex
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Bondage Elf (betrayal of trust)
Bounty (for successful kill): Varies from league to league
Bounty (for successful identification of a Bondage Queen and her Tamer): Varies from league to league
Fine for creating a Bondage Queen: Varies from league to league

    The Bondage Elf is a Pokégirl to whom trust is everything. Their relations with others, their desired Taming methods, everything is about the trust they put in other people, trust in themselves, and the great deal of trust many are willing to give to her. However, trust is something that can be broken. It is a difficult act to so ruin a Bondage Elf’s trust that she evolves into a Bondage Queen, but it can be done, through constant betrayals, and by repeatedly and intentionally defiling her bondage sessions by injuring her. Pity the poor fool who broke the Confidante Pokégirl’s trust, for in the process he has attained a Pokégirl that matches and even exceeds the Mazouku in sheer unadulterated evil and cruelty.
    The evolution from Bondage Elf to Bondage Queen is not one marked by momentous bursts of light, nor by noticeable physical changes. Indeed, no one has ever determined the exact moment a Bondage Elf evolves into a Bondage Queen, because the two Pokégirls are exactly similar in appearance. Their evolution is silent, subtle, invisible, and unnoticed, and as such totally befitting of the Pokégirl known as the Evil Mistress.
    In more than just the appearance, from the outwards behavior of Bondage Queens one would never know that they evolved. The Bondage Queen is a very subtle and intelligent Pokégirl, who combines nigh-unto-undetectable manipulations and a keen understanding of the workings of the minds of others with what can only be described as pure malevolence. They are not like the Infernals or the Domina line, nor any other Pokégirl that has garnered a negative reputation over the years, and neither are they similar to the Mini-Top or Hyperdoll. The Bondage Queen is evil.
    For a Bondage Elf’s trust to be broken to the extent to cause this evolution is a very traumatic event to the Pokégirl. Witnessing horrible murders, being raped, or even being tortured do not quite equal the mental, spiritual, and emotional agony of being betrayed is such a manner. The betrayal required for this to occur is not something as minor as insulting them, or trading them, and except for the most dire and foul of acts no single action can cause a Bondage Elf to evolve. Continual and repeated lies and intentionally and often hurting and abusing them in Taming sessions, amongst other things, are what cause a Bondage Queen to come into being. The sad truth is it would be better for the world as a whole if the Tamer simply abused their Pokégirl to the level of becoming a Penance, or never formed any emotional bonds to the Bondage Elf in the first place, than if they let them evolve into a Bondage Queen.
    Over the course of weeks, months, and even years, the very patient breed will slowly manipulate and twist their Tamer and harem-sisters. Using simple, innocuous comments to suggest and imply the worst of others, through careful phrasing of her words, through thousands of different, unnoticeable, seemingly innocent and harmless statements the evil Pokégirl will change and twist her Tamer. In time, those in the presence of a Bondage Queen will become more corrupt. Starting with the tiniest of acts, such as minor white lies, those she manipulates will slowly find themselves starting to perform greater and greater illegal and cruel activities, from theft to murder to torture. A great many Tamers of Bondage Queens eventually find their way into such organizations as Team Rocket or Team Trauma, where their similarity to Bondage Elves only further hurts the reputation of the innocent Pokégirl (which, considering the ability of the Bondage Queen to plan and manipulate, and their infinite capacity for cruelty, may very well have been the breed’s intent).
    Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to determine whether or not a Pokégirl is, in fact, a Bondage Queen. Even apart from the way they look and act like Bondage Elves, Bondage Queens have a further disguise in the fact that they register as being Bondage Elves to the Pokédex. The only time that this is not the case is when the Pokégirl sleeps. Beyond this, Bondage Queens are very strong-willed Pokégirls, and it takes a telepathic Pokégirl of very high quality to pierce into one’s mind, although that in and of itself can be considered proof that a perceived Bondage Elf is, in actuality, a Bondage Queen.
    Although not every Tamer with a Bondage Queen actually knows what she is, from examining Tamer’s that later found out that they possessed a Bondage Queen, several ways to escape being unduly influenced by the breed have been discovered. One is through the presence of a Celestial, many of whom find their desire to keep their Tamer on the strait and narrow is strong enough to offset the manipulations of the Bondage Queen, even if they do not know of those manipulations; however, this desire to do “good” can also be manipulated by the evil breed. Water, curiously, has been shown to not only reduce the Pokégirls ability to think and plan ahead, but also make them incredibly horny, preventing them from using Taming opportunities to further manipulate their Tamer (which has been shown to be where some of their most effective attempts to manipulate take place).
    However, the most effective counter to a Bondage Queen has been shown to be members of the Domina line, and the Killer Queen in particular. Dominas have not only a resistance to the poisons Bondage Queens are suspected to use to reduce the willpower of others, but they are also very strong-willed, possessive Pokégirls unlikely to be swayed in the slightest by even the most subtle and persuasive of the Bondage Queens insinuations, and the fact that they perform frequent domination sessions means that they can undo the results of the Bondage Queens manipulations, quite possibly without either the manipulated nor the Domina being aware of it. Killer Queens are even less likely to permit any sort of manipulation to those she is with than others of the Domina line, and are the most likely Pokégirl to discern the presence of an Evil Mistress, and Killer Queens do not take kindly to attempts to subvert what she views as hers. The two Queens have an intense and hateful rivalry, one which the Killer Queen usually has the upper hand in.
    In battle, Bondage Queens generally prefer to go slowly, preserving their energy and keeping their battles long and drawn out. As a fast Pokégirl with a great deal of endurance and tolerance for pain, they can keep in combat for a long time, allowing the poisons they use to take effect. The breed is often found in possession of at least one whip, often created through the Rose Whip technique, which they can use for a variety of special whip attacks. With several very useful non-damaging attacks, such as Teleport, Call Me Queen, Dominate, and Fear Aura, they can be a potent force on the battlefield.
    Taming a Bondage Queen is, at first glance, quite similar to Taming a Bondage Elf. However, Bondage Queens much prefer being in charge of a Taming session, and only truly permit themselves to be bound in order to keep themselves from being revealed for what they are, and when they have another at their mercy may have difficulties preventing themselves from doing truly horrible things to those under their control (however, the breed’s dislike for abandoning useful tools usually prevents such acts from occurring). Water, as previously mentioned, is sufficient to make a Bondage Queen very, very horny, and in such a state they rarely bother with bondage, just leaping upon and trying to eke every last bit of pleasure from their Tamer that they can.
    Feral Bondage Queens are nowhere near as dangerous as the breed is when Tame. Utterly devoid of anything resembling tact or subtlety, and with their ability to reason, plan, and think ahead taken away by their Feral status, they do not present much of a threat, as they can’t really manipulate anyone. They are to be killed whenever found, which is much easier when the breed is Feral, as the only words they can speak are their breed name. Thresholding into a Bondage Queen is, thank the Thousand Gods, impossible at this point in time due to the breed’s long lifespan.