SWIMSLUT, the Water Elemental Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Water
Frequency: Uncommon
Diet: human diet, strong preference for seafood
Role: Menial water-related jobs, water art, music
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Fire, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Electric, Ice, Plant
Attacks: Water Gun, Bubbles, Slick Stroke, Water Tickle, Water Floor, Water Tentacles Seize, Water Tentacles Molestation, Roiling Waters, Sing, Cheer, song attacks
Enhancements: Ageless, Water Song, Enhanced Speed (x4), Greater Lung Capacity
Evolves: Boobkini (orgasm)
Evolves From: Nymph (Water Stone)

The ability of a Nymph to incite arousal is incredibly useful for Tamers focusing on sex battles, or who prefer a less violent method of capturing Ferals. However, for those Tamers who prefer elegance or combat, evolving their Nymph into a Swimslut might be a good decision. At the very least, one’s harem won’t be spending all their spare time keeping the Nymph satiated.

The color of a Swimslut’s hair and skin mimics that of the water they enjoy so much, coming in shades of blue or green; curiously, their hair is never the exact same color as their skin, despite being restricted to the same color scheme. Their eyes remain the same color they were before evolving. Apart from the hair on their heads, Swimsluts are completely hairless—their bodies are smooth and hydrodynamic, allowing them to move quickly through the water as befits a Pokegirl of their elemental typing. Feralborn Swimsluts, as with many Pokegirls, are considered to be the less attractive members of the breed; instead of ears, they have small fins (that serve to collect auditory information identically to an ear), and possess claws and fangs that are not particularly lethal in combat, but nevertheless can cause unnecessary pain in a Taming.

The connection the Water Elemental Pokegirl has to their titular element is somewhat different from that of most other Water-type Pokegirls. Whereas some Pokegirls expel water from themselves, and some create it from thin air, and others direct their will at existing water to direct its movement, the Swimslut sings to it. Most Swimsluts regard water—be it in a pool, or a stream, or the sea—to be a living entity, and they describe their singing as an entreaty for it to aid them. This statement has been regarded dubiously by Researchers, but their ability to direct water through music is undeniable.

Although Swimsluts are not nearly the singers Divas or Bardesses are, they are nevertheless extraordinarily skilled. They are seen with fair regularity in the possession of musicians, and are sometimes more preferred for live performances than many other Pokegirls—their ability to combine singing with fabulous shaping of water is used to wow audiences in ways that singing alone cannot always achieve. Furthermore, in addition to their ability to sing to the water, they are also capable of using many of the various musical techniques, making them a useful addition to any harem, particularly when they can act in a supporting role.

Although they are by no means leader material, Swimsluts are not as hard on harem as they once were as Nymphs. Now capable of maintaining a line of thought without sex intruding in on it, they can actually contribute to the maintenance of a harem in ways other than having a near-endless stream of sex. Swimsluts tend to be eager to please, and are quite useful in such day-to-day tasks as setting up camp and hunting for food (particularly as they can simply sing the water into sending out the fish). Outside of harems, they are often used for such menial water-related tasks as fishing, lifeguarding, or keeping swimming pools and reservoirs clean.

While it has been mentioned that Swimsluts are nowhere near as lusty as they were before evolution, that should not be interpreted to mean that they are in any way, shape, or form uninterested by sex. To the contrary, they continue to enjoy it a great deal—they are simply far easier to satiate than any Nymph could be. Furthermore, while they lack the arousing pheromones of their pre-evolved form, they are nevertheless quite lovely Pokegirls, and their ability to use water as a sexual tool in combination with their previously learned skill at sex gives them a wide variety of sexual techniques to use in the bedroom.

If one were to look at a seventy-year old Swimslut, one would think that they were blessed with the great lifespan of one of the elven breeds. In truth, it is not that the Swimslut does not age, it is simply that they possess the ability to hide it. So long as the Swimslut gets a nice soak in the water every day, she will never appear to age past twenty-one. This is not, however, true agelessness, as they swiftly age without regular soaking, and they do die of old age when their time is up, typically around the age of seventy-five.

Swimsluts that go Feral are consumed by the music of the seas. Feral Swimsluts immediately seek out the nearest body of water, where they can be found singing and dancing endlessly upon its shores, stopping only to eat and sleep. Consequently, Domesticate Swimsluts that have gone Feral are in great demand, as the ceaseless movement and song has honed them physically and musically as well as the best training method devised could achieve.

As far as Thresholds go, the Swimslut’s is a mild one. There is very little pain, although shortness of breath is common as the lungs change themselves. Stomach pain can also be expected, as some alterations to the internal organs occur. However, sending one’s newly-Thresholded Swimslut to the Ranch can be quite profitable—considering how desired they are even by those who are not Tamers, parents who have lost their daughters can expect to be well paid for their loss.