DUELIST, the Summoner Mage Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Magic
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: Human-style
Role: Combat, strategic planning
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Psychic, Ghost, Poison
Weak Vs: Bug, Fighting
Attacks: Card Conjuration, Call Me Queen, Taunt, Smirk, False Praise, Aura Sensation, Soothing Voice, Relaxing Gaze, Foresight
Enhancements: Enhanced reflexes (x2), always optimistic
Evolves: None
Evolves From: CardCaptor (battle stress + Duel Monsters Cards), Duelette (Duel Monster Cards + Mana Crystal), Duel Template (Dream Stone, Battle Stress + Win OR normal evolution as per pokégirl base-type)
    Until the first known Duelist evolved in 245 AS, nobody had expected that anything that predated Sukebe could cause a Pokégirl evolution.
    Jacob Scott was more of a hobbyist than a dedicated Tamer. His interests ran to much more than just Pokégirls. One of his loves was playing collectible card games or CCGs, which had experienced a renaissance in 220AS. He had several different CCGs in his collections, but his pride and joy was his Duel Monster cards, of which he had an extensive collection. He’d even gone to the trouble to teach several members of his harem to play so that he had opponents available while on the road.
    One evening, while his Pokégirls and he were playing Duel Monster, his camp was assaulted by a large force of Wasps. Quickly his entire harem was incapacitated, except for his Cardcaptor, who had left her wand in their tent. Unable to reach it, and seeing that her Tamer was about to be dismantled, her terror caused her magic to run wild and when it subsided, she had evolved into a new Pokégirl, the Duelist. She summoned Scott’s Duel Monster’s deck to her and drove off the Wasps with a number of fire based monsters and spells.
    Duelists change little from their Cardcaptor form, often gaining a couple of inches in height and assuming a more athletic build. They tend to dress like a Tamer and often the only way to determine if they are a Pokégirl is to scan them with a Pokédex.
    The Duelist is always optimistic about her chances of victory and this optimism carries over into her entire existence. She is not stupid, however and tempers that optimism with a broad dose of pragmatism. She is a master strategist and often uses foresight to determine what her foes will do and what cards to use to best neutralize them.
    When the Duelist evolves, her wand vanishes to seek out a newly born Cardcaptor. Her cards disappear as well and mystical research indicates they become free and must be captured by another Cardcaptor.
    The Duelist gains the ability to summon any Duel Monster cards that either she personally owns or that her Tamer has given her permission to use. Only with her deck can she reach her true potential, using card conjuration to summon the items and creatures to do her bidding. The things she summons become real and she can allocate her life energy into them as she sees fit. If she dismisses them, that life energy returns to her. If they are destroyed, however, that energy is lost and she must be heal to get it back. A Duelist can pour so much of her life energy into her cards that she has none left for herself and several have sacrificed themselves in this fashion to save others. However, they will only do such a thing for truly loved ones, and often the other members of a harem do not meet that requirement.
    Any creatures or items summoned are not alive and last for a maximum of twenty four hours before vanishing. They do not respire, eat or reproduce. They are only under the control of the Duelist, although another Duelist, with the right cards, can take control of one or more of them. Effects, such as healing, augmentation, or protection may be used on the summoned creatures, other Pokégirls, humans, or even the Duelist herself.
    It is an interesting note that when a Duelist faces another Duelist, they must compete using the rules for Duel Monsters. They instinctively know what cards are currently restricted or banned and will take half an hour to reformat their decks before battling. Duels between Duelists are rather hard on their surroundings and many gyms and towns have forbidden Duelists to battle within their confines. Some communities have banned Duelists in battles at all.
    Feral Duelists are fortunately quite rare as they have a tendency to surround themselves with four or five rather powerful monsters for protection and foraging. These creatures can be difficult to defeat, however, a feral Duelist often will exhaust herself without considering flight and thus can be captured.
    Threshold into a Duelist is very rare; the few girls who threshold will become a Cardcaptor instead.