DEMON-GODDESS, the Heaven-or-Hell Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Steel/Magic
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: 1/2 Human Intake plus various amounts of sex
Role: special strike units
Libido: Low (Changes to Average or High after Battle Stress)
Strong Vs: Ice, Rock, Poison, Bug, Psychic, Plant, Dragon, Normal, Flying
Weak Vs: Fighting, Fire, Ghost
Attacks: Iron Punch, Ice Beam, CrossShield, Metal Sound, Quickturn, Teleport, Absorb, Imitate, Aura Barrier, Power Bolt(all others vary).
High Levels only: Hyper Beam
Enhancements: Wingless flight, photographic memory, Enhanced Strength (x3), Enhanced Senses (x5), Enhanced Endurance (x3), Enhanced Agility (x5)
Evolves: Unknown
Evolves From: Megami (Dawn Stone), Demoness (Dawn Stone), Kamichu (if frequently alternating between somewhat kind and somewhat temperamental)

    Demon-Goddesses are usually between 5' to 6'4" tall. They often have silver or platinum hair, although domestic ones tend to have unusual colored hair compared to the human norm (blue seems to be common). Although most have dark colored eyes, this also varies. Other than these common traits, everything else about a Demon-Goddess is random, from their bust size to their personality to their maximum lifespan. One known Demon-Goddess has lived for over a hundred and fifty years, and has been passed down from male tamer to male tamer within the same family ever since being captured.
    The Demon-Goddess is always on a razor's edge, morally speaking. Demon-Goddesses are usually a little bit bad and a little bit good. Every Demon-Goddess feels a great moral burden until they've firmly established their moral ground. Depending on how they develop over their lives, they can be either powerful menaces to all life in general or equally powerful saviors. Because of this, Demon-Goddesses can't be classified as Infernal or Celestial as a group, but can be classified as such individually. Indeed, there are several Demon-Goddesses who were listed as each, causing humans to look upon each member of the species with a fair bit of suspicion. Celestials may often attempt to influence a Demon-Goddess into becoming one of them, but this attempt, more often than not, backfires on them. Demon-Goddesses have a number of powers that are universal. All of them can use Absorb, Mimic and Aura Barrier. It's Imitate that has made the Demon-Goddess a powerful opponent, since combined with her photographic memory, she can hold onto memories of attacks much longer, and unlike the normal limitations of the technique, she can use any attack she's seen within the last four to five days.
    Demon-Goddesses sometimes have a staff which is usually described as looking like some sort of key. The exact design of this "key staff" varies from Pokégirl to Pokégirl, but it's generally seen with the Demon-Goddesses who are calm and collected. Demon-Goddesses need only half the food of a human, but they require sex rarely, although they need it more if they've just had an intense battle. In fact, the more they fight, the more sex they need. The "key staff" also serve as an extension of the Demon-Goddess' own body, just like another limb. She will not allow another to use her staff unless it is someone she absolutely trusts (such as a Tamer she is Delta Bonded with). The "Key Staff" is normally used to fire any projectile attacks that she Imitates or learns, but can also be used in close quarters.
    Demon-Goddesses have a feral state, but unlike normal feral states, she is rendered largely helpless, with little strength to fend for herself. Because of this, almost no Demon-Goddess can go very long without a sexual partner, even if it is a temporary one. Fortunately, it can take a long time for a Demon-Goddess to go feral, depending on their energy level. If they can go without fighting after their last taming, they can keep from going feral for up to five years. However, if they have a challenging battle, this immediately diminishes to a maximum of a month. Speaking of sexual partners, a Demon-Goddess prefers monogamous relationships to a harem setting, though unlike a Neo-Iczel who will try and keep partners out, most Demon-Goddesses will not resist to having extra partners in her bed. However, the less attention given to her, the more jealous she will become. How she reacts to jealousy varies greatly: Some will leave, some may begin growing increasingly temperamental, and others may even attack her partner and the new lovers. Although useful in sex battles despite their low libido, most Sex Leagues frown on the use of them in their leagues due to the fact that Imitate is far too advantageous, right up there with the Lunar Caress technique and the Manage-a-Trois Pokégirl. Fortunately, due to their rarity, they are not banned.
    Although certainly not the best idea to have a large harem while keeping a Demon-Goddess, it varies with the Pokégirl’s attitude and personality as to just how bad an idea it is. Researchers and tamers say that no more than four Pokégirls other than the Demon-Goddess should be kept at any time, or else the Demon-Goddess may feel slighted. The wrath of an angry Demon-Goddess is something that no one, tamer, Pokégirl, or otherwise, ever wants pointed in their direction. Strange though it may be, a Demon-Goddess will show bond-level loyalty to any partner she chooses to be permanent, even if she has not bonded. Even odder is the fact that a Demon-Goddess will not let her partner's moral choices influence her own. One Demoness is even said to have wound up with a Demon-Goddess partner who was nigh-saintly.
    Neo-Iczels and Demon-Goddesses have an intense rivalry. Something about the Neo-Iczels having a great amount of power, yet seemingly unburdened by moral issues, irks Demon-Goddesses greatly. Once a Demon-Goddess notices a Neo-Iczel, if they don't immediately begin name-calling and subsequently wind up attacking each other; they will do everything they can to ignore the other and will cold-shoulder even their partner if they happen to ask the Demon-Goddess to be polite to the Neo-Iczel. The few times they will remain even remotely civil to each other is either when the Demon-Goddess has chosen her own moral compass; or when they're both fighting the same opponent, but even then, they will verbally bash the other at every given opportunity. And no tamer should ever try and get them both in the same harem. There are no known reports of a tamer having survived keeping both in his or her harem at one time- the last known tamer that did died over fifty years ago, about five miles outside of a small town in Indigo. There is now a small lake there that formed in the crater that is that tamer and his harem's final resting place.
    In battle, a Demon-Goddess is likely to use CrossShield in order to reduce damage that they take from any attack, and then get a hit on their opponent while learning the use of the attack that was used against her. Then, she will usually use that attack to fight right back (especially effective against Dragon-types that are weak against their own element). The Demon-Goddess, after around a dozen uses of any particular attack, will learn that attack permanently, and become just a small part of her arsenal. One unusual thing to note is that a Demon-Goddess has access to several elemental attacks, such as Ice Beam, Power Bolt, and even Teleport- a Tamer may never know just what attacks his or her Pokégirl has until she's in the heat of battle.
    Only two thresholds into a Demon-Goddess have occurred, one in 186 AS, and the other in 257 AS.