CHIMERA, the Mythic Monster Pokegirl

Type: Not Very Near Human (Multi-headed Draconic/Equine/Leoline/Serpentine animorph)
Element: Magic/Dragon
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Human-style
Role: Combat
Libido: Low
Strong Vs: Dragon, Electric, Fire, Plant, Water
Weak Vs: Psychic, Steel
Attacks: Mega Strike, Tempest, Wing Attack, Ice Beam, Rime, Flamethrower, Ignite, Thunderbolt, Lightning Body, Poison Fang
Enhancements: Flight, Affinity (Ice), Enhanced Strength (x20), Enhanced Senses (Hearing) (x4), Night vision, Enhanced Endurance (x7), Natural Weapons (Fangs, Claws, Snake head tail), Venom Glands (Snake head tail -Poison, paralysis)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Griffon (Dragon E-Medal(or Dragon Scale)+Equine E-Medal), Dracona (Cat E-Medal+Equine E-Medal), Tangi (Cat E-Medal+Dragon E-Medal(or Dragon Scale)
Bounty (Feral only): Varies from league to league
Recommendation if you see one: Try to have a strong Psychic-type pokegirl on hand to knock out the Chimera. Otherwise evacuate the area at once. Note: If it is found out that the Chimera was a tamed one allowed to go Feral on purpose, punishments tend to be severe in every league. (applies to ferals only)
Revised: February 2014

There is much debate about the origin of the Chimera breed, from Legendary servants to proof of Sukebe's or Cocooner's madness. The end result however is a breed that is as unstable as they are powerful. It is known that they were hunted for sport by Atmuff, though E-medal experimentation has brought the breed's back to a more stable population. These multi-headed pokegirls share similar status with breeds like the Drakaina or Blade Bunny, being highly dangerous as feral and needing a skilled tamer to cope with their issues.

This poly-cephalic breed typically has a large, muscular physique, standing on average at 6.5 feet (2 meters) but ranging between 5.5 - 8 feet (1.68 - 2.44 meters). The typical individual has large leathery draconian wings, a serpentine tail, and wide shoulders holding multiple heads. Fur may or may not cover the body entirely, as some have scales instead. The breed's body usually is made up a mixture of equine, dragon, and lion features. Usually, the topmost part of an individual holds the most Leoline features, typically stopping at the breast bone on the anterior and the back of the neck on the posterior; from there, the anterior is ungulate with feet usually hooved (mostly single, occasionally cloven). The posterior of the breed is that of a dragon, showing scales and possibly ridges along with the wings down to the tail head of an individual. The tail is that of a snake, usually of the venomous kind, with it's tail attached to the tail head.

All Chimeras have multiple heads, the very least is three, two on the shoulders and one for the tail, though this is a more rare occurrence than the standard four heads. The center head (always present in the breed) is close to a Lioness, the other always present head is that of an ungulate typically a horse or goat animal base. The draconian head may or may not be present, and when absent, the final head on the end of the snake tail will take on draconian properties.

One of the main inner conflicts of the breed is that each head of an individual Chimera has a different personality. There have been studies attempting to apply archetypes or Jungian personality theory to the breed's heads, though these are inconclusive. What is definite is that all four personalities are often in conflict with each other. This arguing can escalate, and be further compounded by the personalities, and if left unchecked can result in an individual going insane. Once this happens a single (often violent or emotionless) personality will take full control to produce a psychopathic pokegirl. It is this reason why the breed is often restricted to experienced tamers and is on most League's bounty lists. Some of the very rare Chimera tamers even report having a long, healthy relationship with these pokegirls, lasting many years, although they admit that it took a lot of love and a lot of patience to get as far as they have. Sadly, Chimeras are also employed by Team-style groups, who purposely abuse them into insanity and use them in gladiatorial combat.

Chimeras naturally wade into melee, allowing their massive strength to crush any who oppose them. Each head is sightly aligned with a different element, the head capable of coating the whole body with 'their' element as well as breathing an attack amounting to a beam style elemental technique. The Lioness head can breathe fire; the ungulate head can breathe ice; and the Dragoness head can breathe lightning. If the Dragoness head is absent, the snake head can preform the stylized Thunderbolt in addition to it's typical poisonous bite.

With the high strength of the breed and very few individuals being able to control themselves in the throes of passion; Extra Heavy restraints are a must when taming the breed. A cheap option is paraspray, though constant use of this over years will eventually add up to the cost of the restraints. It can be a trial to tame this breed, as sometimes one head has kinks that the other hates and vice-versa. Luckily, the challenge of taming the breed is mitigated somewhat by their low libido.

Ferals are considered menaces. In their animalistic state, they are violently territorial and will hunt even when well fed. It seems that the three predatory heads often control most of this polycephalous pokegirl's actions, though observations have noted that the ungulate head will browse frequently on vegetation while an individual is at rest or moving through dense foliage. Oddly, ferals seem to be more cooperative between heads than tamed individuals, though this cooperation is geared toward making sure they're the only living thing in around their den and actively hunting when not resting. Births are typically single and tend to be fraught with peril for both mother and pokekit, as such the breed rarely breeds in the wild. For the rare parent/child relationships that do happen while feral, the pokekit is shown how to survive and run off once she becomes a pokegirl. Capturing a feral Chimera is highly dangerous and should only be attempted with multiple psychic and/or steel pokegirls.

Threshold directly into a Chimera is often lethal, the massive amount of body changes including secondary and/or tertiary cervical spine and cranial growth tends to put the thresholder's body into a constant state of nervous system crises. It is not uncommon for breathing or other automatic systems to simply shut down due to the underdeveloped systems interfering with the established one. Intensive care is required for any thresholding Chimera to have hope of survival. If the new pokegirl does survive the process, she then has to contend with two or three more personalities that are able to take control of her body. Threshold Chimeras are also one of the most frequent requests of the level five conditioning cycle.