QUEENBRA, the Top-Heavy dragon Pokegirl

Type: Near Human
Element: Dragon
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Omnivore (double typical human intake)
Role: Midwife, milked pokegirl
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Fire, Water, Electric, Plant
Weak Vs: Ice, Dragon
Attacks: Snarl, Pounce, Quick Attack, Foresight, Shell Shield, Gut Punch, Hypnotize, Dragon Breath, Spincut, Draconic Aura, Ancient Power
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x4), Enhanced Speed (x2), Enhanced Durability (x7), Enhanced Senses (Hearing and Sight; x4 each), Active Lactation
Evolves: Unknown
Evolves From: Milktit (Dragon E-medal)

When cows became extraordinarily difficult to keep safe from feral pokegirls, the farmers took to the cities and took a few cattle with them. When it became safer, the population of livestock stabilized, but it was easily apparent that there was no chance of livestock ever reaching pre-Sukebe numbers again. Due to the lack of cows to provide milk, a staple of the human diet for centuries and perhaps even millenia, the Milktit were recruited into 'service', using their innate lactation and the naturally nutritious milk that they produce to pick up the slack so much that after some time, the breed took over milk production from the animals that Sukebe based them off of. According to a report made in 107 AS, a young farmer and his small group of Milktit discovered a strange coin with all the markings rubbed off of it. Though it was too dangerous for the farmer to get to, being in a ravine that was difficult at best to get down into without harm, one of his Milktit volunteered and went after it. Upon touching the coin, she evolved into what is now known today as the Queenbra.

Physically more daunting than the comparatively diminuitive Milktit, the evolution from what is now known to be the Dragon E-medal causes the pokegirl to grow up to 2 feet in height to a possibly maximum of around 7ft. Like the Milktit, the Queenbra also produces milk, though they do not retain the ability to change the qualities of it. Instead, as advocates of 'real' cow-produced milk state, the Queenbra's milk is the closest to old cow's milk as any have ever tasted. Also unlike the Milktit, the milk from a Queenbra does not cause other pokegirls to start lactating. Their breasts grow as well, almost never smaller than a D-cup, and the pokegirl produces up to 10 gallons of milk every day, swelling the pokegirl's breasts to a maximum of an F-cup. Unlike the Milktit, however, this pokegirl breed only suffers from the pain and difficulty of having such large breasts when it comes to movement, rather than immobilization. One thing that must be noted for any who keep a Queenbra is that her breasts are quite sensitive, and stimulating them for a short while can be enough to cause one to climax. This particular breed has large fin-like ears that are almost like those of an Elf's, which extend several inches behind her head. Taming a Queenbra does not require restraints, as a Queenbra always knows how to best control her strength when around humans and other Pokégirls, and it is rare that a Queenbra ever requires to use her full strength

Since the pokegirl no longer has skin, but scales, their bodies are much more durable and capable of taking even more damage than they could as a Milktit. Unlike what most think when it comes to dragon-type pokegirls, the Queenbra do not have wings or claws, instead being restricted basically to the same types of techniques that they had as a Milktit, as well as their new Dragon-type techniques. Queenbra who are delta-bonded or caring for pokekits, it has been discovered, can utilize a technique that they call "Ancient Power," which greatly increases all of the pokegirl's abilities for a duration of up to thirty minutes. This technique seems to only become usable when the Queenbra is in a state of battle stress.

Within a harem, the Queenbra get along with many other pokegirls, and their personalities change little, if at all, from what they were like as a Milktit. Though the breed still needs milked daily, they are actually capable of controlling their production somewhat by holding or wearing an Ice Crystal. Because of the breed's typing, the item actually slows the productive processes of milk in the pokegirl's body. Oddly, ice-type pokegirls do not cause this effect, nor do ice-type techniques, either. The breed dislikes being around ice-types in general, however, though this is likely a subconcious thing rather than any true 'genetic' effect.

Ferals have never been discovered in the wild, considering the evolution trigger being an e-medal. The one time that a Queenbra was found in the wild, she had been attacked by a pack of Hounds and was half-dead by the time that the tamer managed to pokeball her. This does not bode well on how well the breed can survive in the wild. There have never been any threshold cases reported, though as time goes on, nothing is really impossible.