Grand Mistress, the Master of Martial Arts Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Fighting
Frequency: Rare
Diet: human diet
Role: champions, martial arts teachers
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Rock, Normal, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Psychic
Attacks: Aura Guard, Block the Student, Chi Healing, Chi Tempest, Chi Weapon, Fire Strike, Golden Kick, Healing Palms, Ice Strike, Lightning Strike, Mega Strike, Swordwave, Tornado Fist,
Enhancements: Enhanced Agility (x7), Enhanced Endurance (x7), Enhanced Speed (x7), Enhanced Strength (x7), Enhancement Shift, Intuitive Aptitude (Martial Arts Techniques), Mimetic Memory, Reduced Feral
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Amazon (normal)
Revised: 11-2012

The Grand Mistress, sometimes spelled as Grandmistress, is the normal evolution of the Amazon breed of pokegirl. However it is actually a rather difficult evolution to achieve as Amazons need to master not only the majority of the physical techniques of their chosen style but to also learn many of the much harder chi or ki techniques related to their style as well, which is something most Amazons struggle with. Should they manage to learn a good number of them they will likely evolve soon after.

In terms of physical appearances there is not a dramatic change upon evolution. They are usually a bit taller than Amazons typically ranging from five foot eight to six foot two inches in height. They also possible have a slight increase in the size of their breasts as well but nothing excessive. Grand Mistresses also retain their athletic but not overly muscular build that they had as Amazons and their hair coloration is still typically not a shade that would be considered normal for a human. While physical appearance stay largely the same their physical enhancements increase dramatically and like the Amazon they have the enhancement shift ability meaning that most Grand Mistresses will over time with training shift their enhancements around to best suit their particular style of fighting. It also means that just because two Grand Mistresses practice the same combat style that they will not necessarily have the exact same enhancements. Another important change after evolving is that they start to generate large amounts of chi and ki that they can use in combat.

Mentally Grand Mistresses remain fairly similar to what they were like as Amazons with variance based mostly upon which fighting style they embrace. Grand Mistresses of the chan style still tend to be rather patient and cautious about new situations until they can observe and evaluate them. Lees are still a bit impatient and are always wanting to be on the move. Kapoeraa are still impulsive and thrill seekers. And Grand Mistresses of the wu style still tend to be a mixture of fun loving and overly serious. In fact the only real noticeable difference in the mentality of Grand Mistresses is that most have a strong desire to teach others their art. Tamers of Grand Mistresses would be wise to put them in charge of harem combat training as they not only typically excel in that role but are also rather happy to do so.

Grand Mistresses are among the most powerful of Fighting types when it comes to combat. Their mastery of their chosen martial arts style along with the ability to use chi and ki techniques making them very dangerous fighters. Further most Grand Mistresses no longer exclusively use only one of the Amazon styles and will at least learn the basics of the other three styles so that they can use them to complement their own style of combat. For example while a Grand Mistress of the chan style will certainly be most skilled at techniques focused around use of their hands and arms but they will know enough about lee style kicking attacks, kapoeraa counters and wu weapon techniques to be able to compete with the average Amazon of those styles using only techniques from the chosen style. Their mimetic memory plays a large role in this as they can now learn most basic martial arts techniques after only seeing them a few times. More advanced martial arts techniques and those involving chi manipulation still require a good deal of time and training to master but only about half the time it would usually take.

Due in no small part because of their willingness to explore the other styles Grand Mistress do not have the intense rivalry between the practitioners of the four styles that Amazons do. A Grand Mistress of chan and a Grand Mistress of lee will certainly still want to fight against each other but it is usually more of a friendly competition and a desire to test their skills against an equal more than anything else. In fact most Grand Mistresses find the intense rivalry between Amazons who practice different styles to be foolish as they see each style to simply be separate paths towards the same goal. Many Grand Mistresses, especially those found at the Jozetsuzoku Preserve, try to teach Amazons to be more tolerant of each other however their success at doing so is hard to determine. One thing that is certain is that an Amazon will regard a Grand Mistress who practices the same style as them in awe and will seek to learn the art from them. As such many retired tamers who have a Grand Mistress will allow them to open a dojo and take on students, both humans and pokegirls, as it is usually not only a good source of income but also a way to keep their Grand Mistress happy. While typically strict but fair instructors it is worth mentioning that some Grand Mistresses have been known to use rather unorthodox or extreme training techniques.

Grand Mistresses, like Amazons, still cannot consume alcoholic beverages and foods without becoming slightly ill. They also still react oddly to certain types of foods based upon their chosen style. Chans will still start to act intoxicated if they eat or drink milk products as will kapoerra when they drink carbonated drinks. Lees will still get extremely hyper and eventually pass out if they eat foods with lots of sugar in them and caffeine still makes practitioners of the wu style sleepy. However they do handle those products better now meaning that they can consume small amounts of these products without any real effects.

When it comes to taming Grand Mistresses retain the same habits they had as Amazons for the most part as they still don't usually require restraints. This means that chans still prefer slower paced but longer sexual encounters while lees continue to enjoy hard and fast tamings the best. Grand Mistresses of the kapoerra style still prefer being on top and to use dancing as a type of foreplay while those who practice the wu style still care more about feeling spiritual and emotional intimacy with their partner than the physical act of taming itself. The only major difference in their taming habits is that after winning a particularly difficult fight they typically are rather aroused and will want to be tamed to celebrate their victory and are unusually rather energetic during those encounters.

Their feral behavior also doesn't change much from when they were Amazons. They have lowered intelligence being only able to communicate through grunts and gestures for the most part and tend to become easily distracted. They will also still say their style of combat's name when feral. They tend to seek out other Amazons or Grand Mistresses and to form roving bands of hunter-gathers with them. In such groups a Grand Mistress will almost certainly be the leader. Like Amazons Grand Mistresses are actually more common while tame than feral as it is extremely rare for a tamer to encounter a feral Grand Mistress. It is also nearly unheard of for a girl to threshold directly into a Grand Mistress with only a few cases known to have happened worldwide. In those few cases the girls who did so were already very skilled at martial arts before going through threshold.

Much like with their pre-evolution, the Amazon, Grand Mistresses were originally thought to be separate breeds based upon their chosen combat style. While this misconception was eventually discovered and the breed given their true name it is still fairly common for the public to call them Herolees, Herowus or so on as that is what they were originally named by the pokegirl research community.