PYRONA, the Graceful Dragon Pokégirl

Type: Near Human
Element: Dragon/Fire
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: human foods
Role: Support, ambush
Libido: Low to Average, but can be higher with tamer they respect.
Strong Vs: Dragon, Electric, Fire, Plant, Bug, Plant, Steel
Weak Vs: Ground, Rock
Attacks: Dragon Claw, Slash, Ember, Flamethrower, Ignite, Warm Embrace
Enhancements: Enhanced Durability (x3), Enhanced Endurance (x3), Enhanced Speed (x2), Enhanced Agility (x2), Longevity
Evolves: Flarebra (Normal)
Evolves from: Draco (Fire Stone)

A recently discovered alternate evolution to the Draco, the Pyrona is a marked difference to their Draco cousins. As the Draco are to close combat, the Pyrona are to support fighting and long-range tactics. Like the Draco, the Pyrona are meant to support other, more powerful Pokégirls. They were created in limited numbers during the war and were often mistaken for Dracos at a distance, a fact that made it difficult to tell just how many were created until they started throwing fire attacks around. At which point most of their enemies died before they could recover from their shock.

Personality wise, these Pokégirls are in some ways worse than the Dracos. More proud and haughty than the Draco, these girls were equally intelligent, but often preferred to use their intelligence to make the others around them look bad, which the Pokégirl would promptly point out, given even a sliver of a chance to do so. She is caustic to everyone, and respects only those who are more powerful than her or can prove her wrong, be it in a battle, a course of action, or anything else she has made her opinion clear on.

However, one thing that she avoids if at all possible is going feral. Pyronas have an almost pathological fear of going feral. While this fear is deep, like that of a Medra’s, it is not advised to try and use this against her. They will become more complacent and respectful towards their Tamer, as well as more obedient, but will cause them to lose any respect they may have had for their Tamer altogether. They will become very quiet and observant, looking for the first chance to escape and place themselves in the harem of a more worthy Tamer.

Like the Draco, the Pyrona has small scale-like skin (detectable only by close inspection), which contains a light tinting, her hair is a bit finer than human hair, looking almost like silk, slightly pointed ears, and a reptilian tail that is usually about a foot long. Their skin color ranges the entire gamut, with nearly every color being recorded, with the sole exception of pale blue, and their hair and eyes almost always compliment their scale color. They usually stand from 5’2” to 5’8”, and have a lean, athletic build, with a solid B-cup breast.

It should also be noted that while Pyronas are not afraid of close combat, they know that they do not excel at it, and attempt to avoid it if possible. But one of the ways to a Pyrona’s heart is to present her with a Heavy Metal. Giving her one of these is like a naming day present coming early for her. And it is a useful present at that.

Another thing that Pyronas love is to dance. With her natural agility and endurance, she can dance for hours on end, and does so whenever she can. Watcher's speculate that because she cannot fly is why she spends so much time dancing, and that is the closest thing to it that she can do.

The Pyrona is somewhat affectionate to her tamer, preferring to rub up against them and cuddle, especially after their tamings. She prefers soft, gentle taming sessions that take a while, enjoying the build up to her climax, and will let herself be tamed into exhaustion if the tamer is capable of it. Pyronas as a whole have no preferred position, instead enjoying variety.

Pyrona as a Threshold result happens about as much as Draco.