LOVE DOVE, the Loving Bird Pokégirl
Type: Near Human Metamorph
Element: Flying/Fighting
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: vegetarian diet
Role: Aerial skirmishers, trophy, seductress, scout
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Fighting, Ground, Plant
Weak Vs: Electric, Flying, Ice, Magic, Psychic
Attacks: Sing, Quick Attack, Love N’ Affection, Harvest Moon, Mach Punch, Double Kick, Fury Swipes, Sabre Claw, Crescent Kick, Reverse Crescent, Feather Shuriken, Double Needle, Dive, Speed Storm, Tickle Storm, Edge of Delight, Hypnotic Gaze, Overwhelming Attraction, Charming Look, various Sex attacks
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x4), Enhanced Speed (x6), Enhanced Reflexes (x3), Enhanced Sight (x5), Allure
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Tomboy (Bird E-Medal)

Incredibly beautiful and almost as deadly, the Alluring Pokégirl was one of the few breeds that were not involved in the Revenge War at all. Love Doves were discovered in 123 A.S., by a female Researcher in the Noir League, Gabrielle Apolline. Gabrielle, in an attempt to study methods to create more E-Medals, was not only responsible for discovering this evolution of the Tomboy, but also laid the groundwork for the Second and Fourth Corollaries to the Theory of Object-Induced Pokégirl Evolution. It has been rumored that she was able to successfully re-create an E-Medal, but due to a tragic incident involving a Jokette, she and her research came to an abrupt end, so this rumor can be neither confirmed nor denied.

The evolution from Tomboy to Love Dove results in a rather drastic change. Whereas the Tomboy is a rather masculine Pokégirl, the Love Dove is one of the more beautiful Pokégirls to exist. The breed’s typically long hair remains the same color it was before evolving, but gains a lustrous, even luminous, shine to it. The more manly aspects of their appearance disappear, hidden beneath an almost overwhelming beauty, and previously flat chests grow, with some as large as a D cup. Their voices are dulcet tones that makes people sit up and listen to them speak. “The Alluring Pokégirl” is not a lightly given title; due to a partially magical, partially pheromone-induced effect, people are drawn to the Love Dove like the proverbial bee to a flower.

Those sexually interested in her will find themselves wanting to impress, woo, or force themselves upon her, and those who are interested solely in the masculine sex will generally feel rather jealous and antagonistic of the attention she receives. Even those who would normally find themselves only mildly attracted, or admiring of her beauty, would find themselves in possession of a full-blown crush. As such, Tamers with a Love Dove are warned to be careful, as the trouble the breed can attract may not be worth the benefits of her presence. This Allure even has a slight commanding aspect to it; so long as they are not actively trying to resist her, those she speaks to will generally find themselves doing what she asks of them.

However, as beautiful as they are, they have a somewhat less attractive side, as well. In her alternate form, the metamorphic Love Dove grows two large wings from her back, and her body is covered in feathers that range in color from white to black. Her face twists and changes as it becomes more avian, complete with a beak, and her hands grow talons while her legs and feet take on the appearance of a bird’s. The overall effect is not very pretty at all, and the sudden absence of their Allure makes them seem even less attractive. Their voice, however, is even sweeter than before.

It is in that bird-like form that most of their fighting takes place. Quick and agile, they tend to use fly-by attacks and skirmishing tactics. They are very mobile in their air, and are possessed of a couple of ranged attacks in addition to being able to use their lovely voices in the Sing attack. With their speed and reflexes, they are generally easily able to avoid the ranged attacks of others whilst they barrage their foe. Should they close the distance, they have a variety of quick attacks they can use, and enemies can expect a harsh flurry of blows to take place before the Love Dove flies away. Most Love Doves enjoy the thrill of melee combat, and often practice regularly; however, despite the skill many possess, they must often depend on their ability to keep away from their opponent and use ranged attacks, because they simply lack they physical ability to engage the more powerful Pokégirls.

Love Doves are generally very passionate and caring creatures. When a Tamer earns a Love Doves loyalty, that loyalty is almost unquestionable. When they care for someone, practically every action involving that person shows it, and Love Doves are half again as likely to form Delta bonds as other Pokégirls are. The same, however, applies to their anger. Love Doves are very slow to anger, being generally calm and peaceable Pokégirl; but when they do become mad they tend to stay so for a long, long time. As a result, they are generally quite beloved in their harems, as they will do whatever they can to take care of their harem-sisters. However, they generally lack any of the abilities that would normally be associated with an Alpha, and even if a particular individual had them, very few Love Doves are capable of being authoritative enough to command other members of the harem. However, they can be quite useful Pokégirls to possess. With their ability to fly and their keen sight, they can easily be used for scouting or Feral hunting. A frequent tactic used by Tamers is to leave her out in the open while the harem and Tamer hide; another Pokégirl will doubtlessly soon come, attracted by her scent and Allure.

Another way they are useful to their Tamer can be seen in Sex Battles. Although Love Doves are by no means a common Pokégirl, most members of the breed have been found in a Sex Battle arena at one point. They are incredible lovers. Any given Love Dove can be expected to know a wide variety of sex attacks, which they can put to amazing use. Their beauty is a potent tool, but what makes them so skilled here is their Allure; combined with Overwhelming Attraction and only one or two other sex attacks, they can bring the vast majority of her partners to orgasm after only a short period of time. Despite the skill they show in Sex Battles, with their Tamers they are entirely different. Because of the intense feelings common to the breed, in bed with one they care about they are truly wild (although they typically retain enough sense to not hurt their Tamer). With the ability of their Allure they can even get their Tamers to get it up again after only a minute of rest; while the Love Dove can keep having sex for a long time, her Allure ensures that her partner will be able to keep up until absolute exhaustion, leaving two very satisfied individuals.

Love Doves make for peaceful, non-violent Ferals. In a curious turn-around from the standard, Feral Love Doves are actually worse at combat that their Domesticate and Threshold cousins are. Because of their Allure and ability to fly, most beings that would normally attack her would much rather Tame themselves into exhaustion with her, or she can fly away.

The presence of their Allure is the first part of Thresholding into a Love Bird. Although one of the rarer avian Thresholds, there have been several since their discovery. It is painless, although an uncomfortable itching may occur as skin blemishes disappear and their body subtly makes itself better. The Allure of a Threshold can be somewhat dangerous; unused to the sudden desire for her, the Threshold individual may be subject to… unpleasantness or an unwilling Taming by others during their early days. Sending her to a Ranch first-thing is recommended, as it is with any Thresholder.