BONEMAIDEN, the Death Speaker pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Ghost
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Human standard
Role: Spiritual mediums, morticians
Libido: Low
Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Ghost, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Steel, Fire, Electric
Weak Vs: Dark, Flying, Ice, Plant, Water
Attacks: Takedown, Foresight, Fear Aura, Bone Dust, Energy Drain, Sucker Punch, Bone Armor, Bone Spear, Teeth, Skeleton Sphere, Bone Dance, Headbutt
Enhancements: Magic Affinity, Ground Affinity, Spirit Sense, Enhanced Durability (x4), Enhanced Endurance (x4), Enhanced Strength (x5), Enhanced Speed (x4), Reduced Feral
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Magic using pokegirls that embrace necromancy exclusively

Many humans and pokegirls fear death. To them it represents a great unknown or simply the end of existence. Nearly all of them are also driven by the instinct and desire to survive. The belief in ghosts and other apparitions of death stemmed from this fear, and the advent of Ghost type pokegirls reaffirmed it. Yet for at least one select breed, death is not a foe. For the Bonemaiden it is a powerful ally, and in some cases, it is first a tragic companion.

The first Bonemaiden's seen, those encountered during the revenge war, physically had very little variation from others of their breed. They all appeared to be slender, extremely pale women of slightly taller than average height with bone white hair and dull colored eyes. The selection of appearances available for the breed now-a-days is far more diverse as new traits have been introduced through breeding.

What truly distinguishes the breed as a whole is their use of bones on their persons. Where they get them is a question often best left unasked, but the Bonemaiden is well known for their use of hand crafted bone fetishes, typically masks and some kind of hand held implement like a club, scepter, or crude dagger. The design of these fetishes varies greatly as the Bonemaiden adopts aspects of the local human culture and decorates them accordingly. Many will go even further and take on other aspects of what culture's closest analog to witch doctors or spiritual mediums in their style of dress. Nearly all will take some interest in the funerary rites of the region and many see work alongside morticians.

Early in the history of cataloging pokegirls, many cruder names were suggested to the breed out of revulsion for pokegirls in general and the breed specifically for its intimate connection to death. Thankfully, none caught on as they unfortunately had with other breeds. Another distasteful attack on the integrity of the Bonemaiden breed is the oft circulated untruth that they use their bone fetishes in a sexual manner, most often for penetration. The breed has a great deal of reverence for the dead and the idea of misusing their mystical tools in such a way is appalling to an overwhelming majority of Bonemaidens.

For a pokegirl to evolve into a Bonemaiden, a rather unusual set of conditions, so far as evolution triggers go, must be fulfilled. This leads researchers to speculate that the breed was intended by Sukebe to remain stand alone but somehow the capacity for the evolution was mixed in to a great deal of other breeds. Every pokegirl recorded evolving into a Bonemaiden has been capable of utilizing magic, and nearly all either possess the magic affinity breed enhancement or the magical elemental typing itself. After that, they need to abandon their previous schools of magic in favor of necromancy. This can either be a conscious decision on the part of the pokegirl or she can become so preoccupied with the thought of death and the dead that she alters her own magic subconsciously. This unwitting decision is most often triggered by the violent and tragic death of someone close to the pokegirl in question, most often her tamer. Many that evolve this way set out to use their newfound powers for vengeance or fall into a deep depression and sequester herself off to whisper to the shades of her lost loved ones.

A Bonemaiden's greatest asset in battle is their manipulation of skeletal tissue, utilizing it for their bone techniques and animate skeletal minions. The breed is capable of substituting material drawn from the ground if bone is not available, but they almost universally prefer bone at least be used in the process. For example, even though she may not have an entire skeleton to work with, a Bonemaiden may sprinkle ground bone dust over the battlefield before using her techniques. After they're raised, the Bonemaiden uses her skeletal minion to assail her opponents and hamper their movement, though it takes a debilitating level of concentration to micromanage the animated constructs to an advanced tactical degree. Bonemaidens also liberally utilize their signature bone techniques for offense and defense throughout fights. Some prefer to be more close in fighters, however, and train to take advantage of their elevated enhancements and iconic bone weapons, which strangely will often times resemble the femur of a peculiarly large animal.

Bonemaidens most often come across as aloof within a harem, preferring to remain withdrawn around her harem sisters and keeping to themselves, quietly communing with spirits long passed. This is not to say they don't feel affection for their tamer and harem sisters, only that they are reserved in expressing it. They greatly enjoy spending time with anyone that takes an interest in their mystical work and takes the time to understand their passions for working with the dead.

Taming preferences vary greatly like so many other breeds, but there is a correlation between a Bonemaiden openly expressing her affections in the day to day and how passionate of a bed partner she is. This has lead to many tamer testimonies of rigorous taming sessions in 'spooky' places such as graveyards and ghost towns, though in the case of the former it's more likely that the Bonemaiden starring in such anecdotes urgently rushed her tamer to just outside the boundaries of such hallowed grounds due to their previously mentioned reverence for the dead.

Bonemaidens are rarely found feral because their behavior when feral makes them easy to locate and capture. They possess a reduced feral state, but given their reduced capacity for higher thinking they're often compelled to seek out locations where there is a strong presence of the spirits of the dead and remain there. This leads them to wander into graveyards and abandoned ruins, or the locations of battles from the past. Many tamers, watchers, and tradesmen make a respectable sum of credits on the side learning these locations that draw Bonemaidens to them and sweeping them for captures every so often.

As one of the poster 'girls for living ghost type breeds, its often assumed that individuals with ghost type blood traits inherited them from a Bonemaiden mother. Although the traits can show up in the human offspring of Bonemaiden pokewomen, such an assumption neglects other possible contributors and the more comprehensive history of ghost type lineage that would surely be present. Human females may threshold into a Bonemaiden if born from a Bonemaiden pokewoman or they may change into a magical type breed from further down her ancestry. Rarely a human girl will threshold into a Bonemaiden with no history of the breed in her family, though in all cases there's been a strong presence of other ghost breeds as well as some ground and magic types.