FROSTBITE, the Bestial Ice Pokégirl
Type: Animorphic Near Human
Element: Ice
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: carnivore
Role: arctic soldier
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Dragon, Flying, Ground, Plant, Ice
Weak Vs: Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
Attacks: Avalanche (Ice Breath), Mist, Blizzard, Ice wall, Slash, Bite
Enhancements: Ice Powers, Enhanced Endurance (x5), Not Affected by Cold or Snow Blindness, Claws
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Snowmelon (normal)

The Frostbite is the final evolution of the ice lizard type of Pokégirl. It has a very devastating breath attack called the Avalanche; the breath weapon starts out as fine particles of ice but suddenly hardens into a single massive block. Frostbite also gains strong wings that can cause a whiteout in the area just below it. There are very few Frostbites suspected to exist, and those tamers that do have them tend to keep them a secret. There is little known about the Tamers that do happen to have a Frostbite, but there has been one willing to provide some information. The Frostbite seems to absolutely hate freezing places! Being cold-blooded, and although an ice type, its' body slows considerably in cold temperatures.

However, in cold temperatures it does become a force to be reckoned with in Sex Battles, despite the fact that it is not particularly adept at such battles. It is only because her senses are dulled drastically that a Frostbite is considered good at Sex Battles in these conditions. However, the reverse is true- A Frostbite during a heat wave or in a very hot location will not last long at all during a Sex Battle.

Another tidbit of information gleamed from this one trainer is that Frostbite dislike having to be around other ice types. It is cordial with other ice types, such as IceMaidens, but does not get along with them. It is assumed it is because of the same reason that Frostbite's dislike cold weather, though this has yet to be confirmed.