This work is fiction. The work has no relationship with any person existing at any time anywhere whether real or imaginary or copywritten. Everything in this work is mea culpa. 

            This work is the property of Kerrik Wolf (saethwyr@ (SPAM) Please remove (SPAM) to contact me.

            You should not read this work if you are under the age of legal consent wherever you reside. This work may or may not contain any and/or all of the following: death, cannibalism, dismemberment, violent acts, implied sex, explicit sex, violent sex, rape, blasphemy (depending on your religion), BDSM, torture, mimes, necrophilia and just about anything unwholesome that you could consider.

            Feedback is encouraged. I enjoy hearing from people. Positive feedback will be appreciated, cherished and flaunted in front of people. Negative feedback will be appreciated, cherished and listened to, that I might continue to grow. Flames will give me a good laugh. Feedback may be delivered to: saethwyr@(SPAM) Please remove (SPAM) to contact me.


Grey Chronicles



(09/24/06 0845 Wolf Lodge, Texas League)

            The air was heavy with the smell of smoke and the burned out shell of the lodge loomed on the ridge. On the parking lot in front of the building was a large piece of equipment that Iain knew was an internal weaver with an external control module protruding from the top. On the grassy area next to the parking lot was a large tent. The parking lot and the road away from the ruins of the lodge was a deep black that seemed to drink the light. It was the power converter and was turning any energy it absorbed into power that was going to the weaver and the external weaver control system on top of it.

            In the distance was a stand of mixed fruit trees and hardwoods. Around the ruins of the lodge was a collection of shrubs that had been grown into topiary pokegirls. Some showed signs of damage from gunfire. One was wearing a uniform with words on it in Spanish.

            Someone had an odd sense of humor.

            Magdalene nodded towards the tent. “If you’ll make yourselves comfortable, I’ll let them know we’ve arrived.” She ducked into it.

            Ninhursag looked around. “I keep thinking about putting out security but I know it would be needlessly provocative.”

            “Let’s go see the grove,” Iain pointed at the stand of trees. “It looks like something an Elf would appreciate. That and it makes us look less like we’re standing around with our thumbs up our asses waiting for someone to come and help.”

            April laughed and took his arm as Eve shook her head in amusement.


            Magdalene ducked into the tent and looked around. The expanded space was typical of tent spells with the entrance opening into the combination dining and living area. A green furred rabbit type pokegirl with long gold hair was sitting at a Western style table and sharpening a knife. “Good morning, Whisper. Is Kerrik available?”

            Whisper claimed to be a Cabbit, but Magdalene understood that she was really a Hunter G-Splice similar to Canaan, although she was deliberately designed instead of being a fortunate accident as Canaan was. It brought up the question of whether Whisper was truly a G-Splice or the single member of a new breed. That question would only be answered when and if she had a parthenogenic litter.

            Whisper’s antenna lifted as she looked up. He is getting dressed and is, to answer the question you are really asking, alone.

            “Thank you, Whisper. Iain Grey and some of his harem are here now.”

            Do you want me to go keep an eye on them?

            Magdalene considered the Cabbit. She wasn’t sure what orders Autumn had given Naomi and her Elves about trespassers and didn’t want Iain’s first visit to involve him and his pokegirls slaughtering Caradoc’s or the ones belonging to Autumn. “I am not in your chain of command, so what I want is immaterial. I do think it might be nice if you introduced yourself and gave them a quick tour while I speak with Kerrik. You are a Wolf and we do have a certain standard of civility that we adhere to.”

            Whisper put the knife away and got up. You’re not my mother, you know.

            Magdalene nodded. “Yes, I know. I also know that none of you except Morwen had a mother or a father and so you’re not properly socialized. You don’t want to embarrass Kerrik, however, and I am willing to help all of you as much as you’ll let me.”

            The Cabbit blinked. You don’t like us. Why help someone you don’t like?

            “It is true that I’m not particularly fond of you and the other pokegirls, but I don’t like most of Kerrik’s other women, especially not in the beginning while we’re still working out who is who. Understand this, Whisper, and never forget it. I am not in your harem. Nothing you or the others do can hurt my relationship with Kerrik. Because of this, helping you does not hurt me. To the contrary, helping you improves my family and therefore helps me, so I am willing to help you with only slight reservations.” She smiled when Whisper’s eyes widened. “One day I will probably end up helping you to find husbands and wives or tamers or whatever for your children. They will have a mother in you and the others and, in order to facilitate their proper development, it is worth my time to make sure you do have a chance to become a true Wolf woman so your daughters will bring honor to my family. There’s a lot more to know about being human than just how to kill.”

            You would help us to grow up?

            “I intend to. Just understand that it may mean that sometimes I will sound as if I am your mother.”

            Whisper’s ears flicked uncertainly. I am not yet sure that I want a mother, but if I decide I do, I believe you would be an excellent one.

            “Thank you for the compliment.”

            I will speak to Raven and the others about this. Could you be mother to all of us?

            “I was abandoned as an infant. I was adopted by my father and I have always been willing to adopt foundlings,” she smiled slightly, “even if they are no longer babies. Now see to our guests and don’t forget that even though it is early, one should always ask if refreshments are desired. They were invited, after all.”

            I will.

            The Cabbit slipped out of the tent as Magdalene headed for Kerrik’s room. She knocked before cracking the door open. “You’re probably enjoying being alone but will you see me?”

            He was standing nude in front of his open closet, apparently deciding what to wear. “Is Iain here?”

            “Yes. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

            “Come on in and brief me.” She slipped into the room and settled onto the bed. “Is he a threat?”

            “Of course he is. Fledgling or not, he’s still a truewizard. But he has no plans to be a danger to us. In fact, I’ve suggested that he meet some of our family for marriage. I’d offered to bring Jehane to meet him before she got married.”

            His ears flicked. “Isn’t that one of your sisters? I thought you’d want him to join us through one of our unmarried daughters.”

            “I considered it, but if he marries one of my father’s blood daughters then all of their children would be potential mates for our family. I’m also hoping that’ll keep my father from killing him.” She smiled slightly at something only she could see. “Or at least trying to kill Iain.”

            Kerrik frowned in her direction. “He knows that much?”

            “I am getting the impression that he knows things nobody should. Kerrik, he told me the name of my sire and dam. I went back and he was right. Nobody but Father could have known that. Well, Aunt Grace knew, but she couldn’t tell Iain even if she wanted to and she’s refused to tell me. If we protect him by binding him to our families, he’ll know things for us.”

            Kerrik pulled something from his closet and turned around. “He gave you a gift I couldn’t, Magdalene. I know how much you wanted revenge on your sire. For that alone, I’d cut Iain a lot of slack. As long as he doesn’t move against us, I won’t eliminate him.”

            “Thank you. I think you’ll like him. You two are similar in many ways.”

            He began dressing. “I’ll keep that in mind. I take it you like him.”

            She smiled conspiratorially. “I’ll just say that if I weren’t married to you, I wouldn’t have to introduce him to my sisters to get him into my family. I already have the love of my life and none of my regrets involve my love for you.” She slipped off the bed. “He’s a good man, Kerrik.”

            “That’s high praise from you.” He hesitated slightly. “Have you been to Haven yet?”

            “No, I haven’t. Why?”

            “Our son has set up a kingdom there.”

            She nodded. “Thanks to the woman who birthed him and the time he spent with her after leaving our home, Shikarou’s tastes have always run to that sort of government. Has he offended you yet?”

            “Once or twice. He’s sucked Faelan into it, too.”

            “I’ll tell Tanika, but he’s young. He should outgrow it.” She patted Kerrik on the arm. “We’ve all gone through a totalitarian phase once or twice. He’ll be fine. If it makes you feel better, I get the impression that Iain is not interested in tyranny.”

            “He’s living in Texas, isn’t he?”

            She nodded solemnly. “He’s bought Sabine County on the other side of the league. He’ll be facing off against the Indigos, including some who have equipment that Haven sold them in Florida.”

            “Then it’s a good thing he’s not interested in empire building.” Kerrik finished dressing and stomped into his boots. “Are you coming to this meeting?”

            “I think I’ll watch this one from a distance. My presence would only complicate things.”

            Kerrik’s ears flattened halfway. “Why, does he want you that much?”

            “Husband,” she said, stressing the word slightly, “Iain has expressed no sexual interest in me at all. I fear my presence might complicate things because he is my friend.”

            “And as his friend you might be inclined to take his side in the discussions?”

            “I like him more than I like Raven’s attitude towards me. She sees my horn and thinks it makes me a pokegirl.”

            He nodded. “That makes sense. Is someone tending to them?”

            “I convinced Whisper to greet them. Politely, I believe.”

            “They’re not complete barbarians, Magdalene.”

            “No, a barbarian would be civilized in barbarian society. Other than Morwen, your harem is composed of children who know only how to kill and they’ve never been civilized at all.” She poked him in the chest. “You accepted them and you’re fucking them and so it’s your accepted responsibility to ensure they’re able to function in polite society. You’re lucky that I’m willing to help them and you.”

            “Yes, I am.”

            She pushed him towards the door. “Now I have to go. I’ll see you later.” She vanished.


            “What kind of tree is this?”

            Iain looked at the large tree Ninhursag was indicating. “That’s a mesquite.”

            “It’s been used to call a bow. I can tell because of how the residual magic feels.”

            “It’s probably the one Autumn used.”

            Eve glanced at him. “Not so loud. Do you want the awkward questions to start early?”

            “There are going to be awkward questions. Early, late, what’s the difference?” His head came up. “Whisper just came out of the tent.”

            He and Ninhursag turned to face in the direction of the tent while Eve kept an eye behind them. April took his hand. “No confrontations, remember.”

            “I’m not confronting anybody.” He watched as the Cabbit flew over the trees and landed in front of them. “Hello, Whisper. I’m Iain Grey. This is Ninhursag, my maharani. The Megami-sama is Eve and the pretty lady holding my hand is April.”

            Whisper’s antenna twitched. She frowned and they twitched again. Her eyes narrowed and she looked at Ninhursag. Tell him that I don’t seem to be able to communicate with him. I know that scanning him is dangerous, but does he have some spell on him that blocks all telepathic communication?

            “He doesn’t have any special blocking spells on him.” The Elfqueen glanced at her man. “Whisper says she can’t communicate with you. She sounds irked.”

            Of course I’m irked. I am the most powerful telepath in Texas and I don’t like being blocked.

            Iain shrugged. “I haven’t tried mental communication with anyone not in my harem, so this is new to me, too.”

            Whisper frowned and then shrugged in return. Tell him that I told him hello and asked if he and you wanted refreshments.

            “Iain,” Eve began.

            Ninhursag cut her off. “Only one of us should be translating for Whisper and I’ll do it. You keep on watch. Whisper says hi and wants to know if we want some refreshments.”

            Iain nodded. “Thanks but we’re good. I don’t mean to sound rude, but will the others be long? We’ve got a lot to do at our place and I understood we had scheduled this time for the meeting.”

            It would be so much easier if I could communicate with him directly. The others are on their way. She paused and her ears flicked. Raven will not appreciate my telling you this, but we are nervous about this meeting.

            Ninhursag blinked. “What on earth for?”

            Iain frowned. “What did she say?”

            We are aware that several of you are vastly older and therefore vastly more experienced in combat. The weak do not survive for as long as you have. We know of no way to counter that kind of experience and it makes us nervous.

            Ninhursag grinned suddenly. “We’re a little nervous about meeting you too. We know your reputations, you see.”

            An annoyed look appeared on Iain’s face. “What is Whisper saying?”

            Whisper looked idly at Iain. Is he good to you?

            “Absolutely,” April replied. “I’ve known tamers my whole life and he’s the best I’ve ever met. That’s why I threw in my lot with him.”

            Iain was almost dancing with frustration. “What the fuck is she saying?”

            You are not alone. A mischievous smile played around Whisper’s lips. Kerrik is a control freak too.

            All four pokegirls laughed.

            Iain took a deep breath and let it out slowly, letting his anger fade with it. “Fine. Be that way. Fuck the lot of you.” He turned and headed deeper into the stand of trees.

            “Shit.” April hurried after Iain.

            Whisper gasped. He has a temper like Kerrik. I am so sorry. I fucked up again.

            Ninhursag scowled. “You’re not alone in that. Eve, stay here with Whisper.” She headed into the trees.

            A grip like iron clamped on Iain’s shoulder. He whirled. “Let me go,” he hissed.

            Ninhursag shook her head. “No. We were just,” she broke off when Iain reached up, grabbed her thumb and twisted, breaking her hold on him.

            He glared up at her. “I don’t give a flying fuck what you were having a girl moment about. You cut me out of the loop. Again. All of you have been playing this game since we got here and it ends now.”

            She looked into his eyes for a long moment before nodding slowly. “Agreed.”

            “Do not think for a moment that I will not hold you to that. What color are my eyes?”

            “They’re their normal pretty blue green, Iain.”

            “Let’s go see Kerrik.”

            April and Eve were standing with Whisper and several other people. “It looks like we missed the party.” Ninhursag glanced at him when he didn’t say anything. “Still pissed?”


            Eve gestured at him. “Kerrik, this is Iain Grey. Iain, this is Kerrik, Raven, Whisper, Misery, Autumn and Morwen.”

            Kerrik’s ears flicked. “I’ve been led to understand that you already know us, Iain.”

            Raven looked surprised. “He does?”

            “It’s his story. I’ll let him tell it.” Kerrik gestured at a table and some chairs that hadn’t been there when Iain stomped off. “How about we sit and have some beer.” He grinned. “Talking is often dry.”

            Autumn was looking up at Ninhursag. “I don’t normally find people taller than me.”

            Kerrik patted her on the side. “One conversation at a time unless you two wish to go off alone. This is kind of important to me.”

            Autumn blinked. “Sorry.”

            Once they were seated with drinks, Kerrik waved his bottle in Iain’s direction. “Ok, Magdalene has sung your praises. Wow me.”

            Iain looked around the table. “I want everyone to understand that I know all of you are intelligent people, but some of this may be a little esoteric. If it goes that way, let me know and I’ll try to go into more or less detail as needed.”

            “We get it. You’re a fucking genius,” Misery said.

            Iain smiled slowly as he got his temper back under control. “Ok, I’m from one of the myriad universes with low or nonexistent magic, no pokegirls and 20th century technology on an Earth. On Pokegirl Twelve the Celestial Alliance decided that they were going to remake history by making the Ranma speech at Dogpatch into a cusp by travelling back in time and adding their power to his own and impose a New World Order ala Brave New World. As a field test of the gate magic they convinced Sanctuary that there was a group of people who had written stories in other universes about the pokegirl world and that these people had the power to remake reality. If Sanctuary could control these people, that they called authors, they could impose their reality on Pokegirl Twelve and make Sanctuary the premier power on the planet. This would allow them to turn tamers and non-Sanctuary Goth pokegirls into their slaves. So they reached out and grabbed me and some others. I escaped, with help.” His eyes darkened. “And with help I destroyed the upper echelons of Sanctuary and turned their government into something that, some day, might just be what Sanctuary claimed, a place where all people could live together as much as possible.”

            He took a drink of his beer. “Along the way I discovered that I was a fledgling truewizard, was attacked by another truewizard, killed him, got fucked over by what feels like just about every government on the planet, made a deal with Magdalene to come here and, well, here I am. Later I’ll lead an army of celestial pokegirls here and help them set up so they can make the difference they never did on Twelve.”

            “What army?” Raven was watching Iain intently.

            “Kerrik is familiar with the Celestial Alliance,” Iain said slowly. “But there was another group founded during the Revenge War called the Sisterhood of the Thorn. On Pokegirl Twelve that organization has managed to exist in secret for over three hundred years. Their leader feels that she hasn’t managed to accomplish her goals and hopes that by coming to a world where things are still in upheaval that she’ll have a better chance of it. To that end she approached us with the idea of moving five thousand or so troops and support elements to One. They’ll probably end up living on my property and should scare the pants off of the Indigos once they find out about them.”

            Morwen was watching them. “You sound like you’re from Blue.”

            “I lived in Ireland for over a year. April’s a native born Blue.”

            “Why did you come here,” Autumn asked.

            “Magdalene told me that Kerrik wanted to meet us. I’m a truewizard too and I don’t see any reason to unnecessarily cause problems between us.”

            “So I did.” Kerrik leaned back and regarded Iain calmly. “I understand that you know things. You told Magdalene something that I couldn’t and the people who could wouldn’t. Tell me something about me that will prove to me that you haven’t been in contact with Drake and this is some kind of ploy on his part.”

            When Iain hesitated, Misery fixed him with a glare. “What’s your problem?”

            “I’m trying to decide what will settle the issue quickly without also making Kerrik come to a snap decision to kill me on the spot. That’s worth a few minutes of thought.” He looked at the sky for a moment before taking a deep breath. “Your aunt has tried several times to get you to return to her service, although she wants to keep you as much at arm’s length as possible since you’re not on her accepted races list. You discovered recently that it may not be her desire, though, that’s driving her attempts because the Elven gods can lie and the last time you returned to your homeland was because one of them sent you a letter that you thought was from your mother attempting to reconcile with you. It turned out to be merely a ploy to get you to where this god could attempt to command you to do things for him. The things that were revealed in your mother’s presence during this episode have left her reconsidering her dislike of you and she has corresponded with you some since that visit.”

            His eyes met Kerrik’s. “What the letters don’t say is that she’s conflicted because if her original opinions are correct then she doesn’t understand why she’s disturbed by recent events and also because if she was incorrect then this whole time she’s been wrongly treating you as a pariah. She’s always regretted the things that had to happen to you during your childhood and wishes she could have been a better mother for you. While it’s not an excuse, she was just unable to move past how you were conceived.”

            The bottle shattered in Kerrik’s grip, spraying everyone with beer and glass. He ignored the mess to stare at Iain. “How?” Raven and Misery began cleaning him and themselves up while Whisper glanced at Morwen, shrugged and got Kerrik another beer. Misery’s body had shielded Morwen, Whisper and Autumn from the mess while Eve’s had protected April. Ninhursag had been on the other side of Iain and was also untouched.

            Eve began picking glass off of Iain, who didn’t move while she worked. “I’m not sure. I don’t even know if the ability will continue now that I’m here. I don’t know everything, just highlights. Sanctuary thought we created things when we wrote about them while others think we see events in other universes. But what the truth is I don’t know and can’t say.”

            “I should kill you.”

            Iain nodded. “If I were you I’d think the same thing. But I can’t be probed mentally and I don’t break under torture. I have no friends among your enemies and in fact hope to be your friend. You have a lot you could teach me.” He glanced at the women on either side of them. “I don’t want to hurt them by accident and I don’t know enough about what’s happened to me to make sure I’ll stay in control.”

            Kerrik’s ears flicked. “What happened?”

            “I was attacked by a truewizard. His name was Mohdvitnar and he was a dwarf who was a member of the Covenant of Darkness. He killed five of us and we,” he sighed and corrected himself, “I killed him. At the time I didn’t understand what I’d done, but Nightraven explained that I’d eaten his life. I don’t want to do that again.”

            Kerrik’s eyes narrowed and he leaned forward. “Who told you this?”

            Eve was scowling at him. “What does that mean, eaten his life?”

            Kerrik tapped his bottle on the table. “Excuse me, Eve, but I have the floor.” He continued as her eyes widened in surprise. “Iain, that name is not something you should be bandying about. Saying that name could be dangerous for everyone around you.”

            “I am aware of that, Kerrik. I would not invoke her if I weren’t speaking the truth about her. I was her student for a short time.”

            Kerrik nodded and spoke in a harsh language that made Whisper and Misery grab their ears. Iain winced and then replied in the same language. Afterwards, he rubbed his throat as if the words had hurt his vocal cords.

            Eve queried her twee. What are they saying?

            I have no data on that language and my translation abilities are not able to make any sort of sense out of it. As far as I am concerned, it is just noise, which it might be. Not all verbal communication involves discernible words.

            Kerrik put down his new beer and clasped Iain’s hand. “I wouldn’t call us brothers, but if you are her student as well then I know I can trust you, at least to a point.”
            “Iain?” Eve touched his arm. “Please answer my question.”

            He looked at the tabletop. “We talked about this before remember? It was an accident.”

            The Megami-sama started slightly. “I’d forgotten.”

            “What happened?”

            “Kerrik, I consumed Mhodvitnar’s soul and personality. I’m terrified that I might do it again, especially since I could hurt someone that I love.” Iain stared at Kerrik. “I need to learn control.”

            Kerrik shooed Raven away and began wiping at the last of the beer and glass on his clothes. “Normally I’d use a telepathic feedback loop to train someone for this, but the problem is that you can’t be scanned and I won’t have most of my powers for another two decades. That means the easy way to teach you is not going to work. We’ll have to find another way.” He smiled thinly, “but a way we will find.”

            “Why are we going to help him,” Raven asked.

            “It’s a long story.” Kerrik smiled again. “Iain and I share something that I’ve never shared with anyone else. While it doesn’t mean I’ll treat him like the brother I’ve never had, it does mean that I’ll trust Magdalene’s judgment and see if he’s worthy of my own trust.” He leaned back in his chair and touched Raven’s mind through their bond. The woman he mentioned has some mysterious plan that she has been working on long before I was ever born. I don’t know what it is but I do know that for a very long time she thought I was the solution to that plan. It’s why she took me as her apprentice. If she’s beginning to think that Iain is that solution instead of me, I’ll teach him almost everything I know if it’ll get her to decide he’s the one she’s really looking for.

            Raven blinked but otherwise didn’t react. Ok, now your behavior makes some sense. I didn’t think you were into blind altruism. She glanced at him, unless that altruism involves giving your dick to some hot girl who looks stunning in a miniskirt. “We need to get cleaned up before this stuff gets sticky and draws flies. I suggest a ten minute break while everyone who needs to changes clothes.”

            Autumn snorted. “I’ll be with the kids.”

            A short time later April and Morwen were sitting to one side and chatting while Iain, Kerrik, Eve, Ninhursag and Raven had returned to the table. Iain declined another beer. “There’s still another odd thing that I’d like to tell you and then I’d like to make a request.”

            “Let’s hear it.”

            “As I said, I was pulled into Pokegirl Twelve. It’s not that far from Prime and so there was a Wolf family on Caomh Sith that left before it could be nuked by the Blue League. If that isn’t strange enough, it turns out that while the continents were still shattered by Typhonna, there was an Elfqueen named Autumn who was a general for a short period of time and who had a litter of quints, one of whom died not too long after being delivered.”

            Kerrik chuckled. “That sounds familiar.” Raven smiled at the memory.

            “Well, she lived until she was fifty and then died, leaving her four daughters to carry on her legacy. Two were murdered by a graduate of Vale, one lives on a farm somewhere and the last one is sitting next to me.”

            Raven gave a long, slow blink as she regarded Ninhursag. “She doesn’t look anything like Autumn.”

            “That’s my fault. It turns out that I seem to have some ability to cause evolutions in pokegirls in stressful situations and Ninhursag got caught up in one of them. It changed her from looking like a short haired version of your harem sister to what she is now.”

            Ninhursag nodded. “It’s true. I used to have hair the color of crops ready to be harvested and I wasn’t quite this big.”

            Kerrik gave them all a curious look. “I’m missing something, aren’t I?”

            “Well, Ninhursag was born in Autumn’s first litter.”

            “Only,” Ninhursag interrupted.

            “Ok, her only litter. That means you’ve got Ninhursag’s analog here somewhere along with the analog of her dead mother. We were wondering if we could meet the children.”

            Raven gaped at them. “Just when I think this place can’t get more fucked up, it happens.” She turned to Kerrik. “You are some kind of weirdness magnet, aren’t you?”

            “It’s a gift,” he said dryly. She laughed. “Go check on Autumn and the kits. Explain to her what’s going on and see if she’s willing to let this happen.”

            Raven popped to her feet. “Ok.”

            Kerrik watched her go before turning back to his guests. “What are your plans?”

            Iain glanced at Ninhursag and Eve before answering. “We’ve taken a page from your book and purchased Sabine County on the other side of the state. We seem to be headed into ranching as a profession, that and providing a home for the Sisterhood.”

            “How long before you anticipate problems with Indigo?” It was a given that there would be problems with the league. The only question was when.

            Iain shrugged. “Theodora has dropped sensors around Fort Polk and down along the border between Texas and Indigo but we’re still gathering data. Right now the Indigos seem to be recruiting from the populace and building up a combined pokegirl and tamer force. It’ll be interesting to see what they think they can do with it and how flexible they can be about adapting to the new realities of life. I’ve got some plans about how to deal with them before they come looking for a set piece battle.”

            Kerrik’s ears flicked. “You’re not looking to smash them flat?”

            Eve frowned. “No, we’re not. If we can arrange things properly, we may never have to cross swords with the Indigo military tamers. We are preparing just in case we do have to fight them, though.”

            “What do you think will be the best way to engage them?”

            “They’ve already tried a small unit invasion and we don’t think that’ll happen again. If they try to move a large unit into Texas, Iain thinks, and I agree, that our best bet is to treat them like the NATO forces intended to treat the Russians if they invaded Europe. Kill the officers and fall back to see what the regulars do. Kill whoever takes charge unless they decide to leave. We’ve got the depth of terrain to keep doing that for days unless they turn to invest Port Arthur or Houston. At that point we harass them from the rear and assassinate their command echelon when they camp at night, killing tamers whenever possible. If they try infiltrating and employing terrorist tactics against Texas, they’ll be dealt with by the cities while we disrupt their supply lines.”

            Kerrik’s eyebrows had been rising as Eve spoke. “You’re a Megami-sama, aren’t you? I’m not complaining about your tactics, but how can you countenance them?”

            She smiled broadly. “Thanks to Iain’s stories I am familiar with Svetlana and Dorothea’s personalities. Svetlana is part of the Celestial Alliance and Dorothea is one of their associates. I, on the other hand, am a member of the Sisterhood of the Thorn and we’re a little more pragmatic once the swords get drawn.”

            “I may want to negotiate for the chance to read those stories,” Kerrik said slowly. “It may have useful nuggets about my daughters in law.”

            Ninhursag snorted. “Mind you, they’ll try every tactic to keep the swords from being drawn, but she’s right about what happens when the fighting starts. The Sisterhood bloods its troops hunting menaces like Mantis nests and pirates. They don’t usually deploy in any unit larger than a platoon, but there aren’t any organized bad guys except Sanctuary and the leagues. So far the Sisterhood has a hands-off policy with both of them.”

            Kerrik looked curiously at Eve. “Why is that?”

            “What do you mean?”

            “If you’re trying to improve life for people, why not take on the leagues or Sanctuary?”

            She shrugged. “The leagues did protect their citizens, even if they were hard on pokegirls while doing so. And they’ve been slowly evolving in the right direction. As for Sanctuary,” she nodded towards Iain, “we did take them on and the Sanctuary government has been completely restructured. I am a member of the Sisterhood and so they were involved.”

            “With help,” Iain pointed out. “We didn’t summon a fake Typhonna to decapitate the Sanctuary leadership.”

            Eve shrugged again. “We didn’t have to use the plan we’d come up with, but we had a plan for a very similar result. Personally, I’m pleased we didn’t have to kill them ourselves but we were ready to if that’s what it came down to.”

            “I can’t disagree with that.” Iain looked past Kerrik. “And here comes Raven, Autumn and the kits. You’re up, Ninhursag.”

            “I’ll wait until they’re settled.” Ninhursag watched as Raven spread out a blanket while Autumn waited. She was carrying a large wicker basket that held the five kits. When Autumn sat down with the basket, Ninhursag got up and slowly approached them, finally stopping a couple of meters away. “Autumn, I would ask to approach and meet your children.”

            Autumn was watching her with a frown. “That sounds very much like some kind of ceremonial request.”

            “It is. It’s evolved over the centuries on our world. Every Elfqueen is very possessive of what is hers and protective of her kits. A strange Elfqueen will not willingly approach the children of another without permission because it can spark a fight to the death between the two Elfqueens and any of their entourage.”

            “Raven says that the pokegirl on this world who would be your analog is on this blanket with me. You do not look anything like I do, Ninhursag.”

            “Up until less than a year ago I looked almost exactly like you, although my hair was shorter so it would fit in a helmet more easily. Iain’s magic is powerful and changed me recently to look as I do.” She smiled smugly. “I am pleased with the result and so is he.”

            Autumn nodded. “Sit with us.”

            Ninhursag carefully sat on the edge of the blanket. “Thank you.”

            “Who was your mother’s tamer? Or had she established her queendom?”

            “His name was William Sanderson, may his soul rot in hell.”

            Autumn looked surprised. “What was your problem with him?”

            Ninhursag’s silver eyes glittered angrily. “I still think he killed my sister. And he began taming all of us just as soon as he decided we were old enough. We were nine. When he got too old to do it himself, he gave us to his son, Jimmy. He’s the one who killed my mother. That’s when I decided to run away from him. My sisters didn’t want to come, but I forced them to.”

            Autumn looked at her children with a grim expression. “He’s still alive here.”


            “William Sanderson. I ran away from him after I realized he was looking for a way to make sure that I was not going to carry my children to term. He just hadn’t found a way yet that wouldn’t kill me too.”

            Ninhursag turned to look at Iain still at the table. “You promised Sofia to help her right the wrongs that had been done to her. You helped me right the wrongs done to my two sisters. Will you help me find and kill William Sanderson?”

            Eve went pale and started to say something but stopped with an obvious effort. Iain gave her a curious look. “What is it?”

            “I don’t want you to do this, but if I try to stop you it just might make you do it out of spite.”

            “I don’t think I’ve done anything to spite you, Eve. But I’ll admit that William Sanderson sounds like a bad person in both worlds. Do you really want him walking around and acquiring other pokegirls? The other one was raping children, Eve.” Iain rolled his beer bottle in his hands. “However, what we will do is see if we can locate Mr. Sanderson. If we do, Canaan will scan him to see if he’s the kind of person we think he is. Only if he is will I help Ninhursag kill him. It’s the best I can offer you, my love.” He touched her mind. And if I don’t agree to this, it’s more than likely that Ninhursag will go looking for Sanderson all by herself. She won’t give him any sort of mercy, either.

            Eve gave him a thoughtful look and then nodded. “I withdraw my objection, but I would like to go along to help.”

            Kerrik chuckled. “Well done, Iain. Everyone involved is only a little unhappy.”


            Ninhursag blinked when Autumn dropped one of the infants into her arms. Autumn gave her a crooked smile. “You’re going to kill William. I don’t think you’ll be bad to those who could be considered your sisters.”

            Nihursag shifted the kit around until she was cradling it. “I would never hurt them, Autumn. What are their names?”

            “You’re holding Deirdre. That’s Beth, Carol, Flora and this is Edith. I didn’t think about naming any of them Ninhursag.”

            “William named us all after flowers. I was Daffodil.” Ninhursag shook her head. “I hated that name. He and Jimmy both called me Daffy, and used it as the basis for a series of jokes and pranks about how stupid I was.” Her face set. “I hated that name even more and chose a new one after we ran away.”

            April and Morwen had been listening. The Vampire cocked her head curiously. “Where did Jimmy come from?”

            “William had more than just Elfqueens. He also had a Moon Bunny and an Ingénue. James was out of the Renee the Moon Bunny after she became a pokewoman.”

            Autumn nodded. “William got Renee after I became pregnant. What have you been doing with your life?”

            Ninhursag was watching Deirdre as the kit started to drift off in her arms. She bent down and breathed in the child’s scent. “I became a mercenary working for both the Sisterhood and the Celestial Alliance. After my sisters were killed, I began seriously studying magic. Now my sisters have been avenged and I’m with Iain. It’s time for a new chapter in my life, I think. I want to be a mother and tend our new land.”

            “I have put out my call for Elves of like mind. Will you do the same?”

            “I don’t know. I have never really been interested in having my own queendom. Besides, if any Elf pokegirls come by, Iain will probably offer them a job.”

            Kerrik looked startled. “A job?”

            Iain nodded. “If they’re doing work for me, they should get paid for it, shouldn’t they?”

            “What about your harem?”

            “They get an allowance. It’s essentially the same thing but has another name for harem dynamics.” He rolled his eyes. “I gotta keep the names special for the harem in order to set them apart from the common pokegirls.”

            Raven suddenly looked thoughtful. “Kerrik, I think we should talk about that later.”

            Kerrik’s ears flicked. “See what you’ve done, Iain?”

            Morwen laughed from where she sat. “I think it’s a great idea.”

            “Yeah, you would.”

            Eve chuckled. “Iain also specifically pointed out that if we waste or lose our money he’s not under any obligation to make our loss good. I think he intends for stupidity to be a teachable moment.”

            “That makes sense,” Morwen said. “My father did that for me. I once bought a bunch of candy and ate it all at a sitting. All he did was watch and wait for nature to take its course.” She made a face. “I was so sick.”

            Iain finished his beer and got up. “Eve, take Raven to our property in Austin and then to our place in Sabine County.”

            The Archmage frowned. “What for?”

            “We can teleport here,” Eve pointed out as she rose. “Iain thinks it only fair that you be able to come to our place. We want you to know that you’re welcome at our home and hope we’re welcome at yours.”

            Raven stared at her before turning to Kerrik. “You said she knew who we are.”

            “I do,” Eve said. “I remember the four twelve from my world. I never met her, but I know at least one pokegirl who knew you intimately.”


            “Your analog almost killed her after Sukebe ordered her assassinated.”

            Raven’s eyes narrowed. “I can count the number of prey who escaped me on one hand. What is her name?”

            “She’s the leader of the Sisterhood. Her name is Lucifer.”

            Raven scowled. “I was sent to kill her. She was a worthy foe and we nearly killed each other when we fought.”

            Eve raised an eyebrow. “That’s not exactly how I heard the battle between my Lucifer and four twelve unfolded, but perhaps yours was different.”

            Raven gave her a suddenly wary look. “It probably was.” Kerrik regarded her curiously but didn’t say anything.

            “Eve?” When the Megami-sama turned to him, Iain smiled pleasantly. “You and Raven are still here.”

            She blinked. “Oh. Sorry.” Eve held out her hand. “Let’s go, Raven.” The Archmage took her hand and the terrain changed. “This is our property in the vicinity of Austin. It’s actually in the ruins of old Austin and outside the boundaries of the new construction.”

            “Where’s your house?” Raven was looking around them curiously. “Or haven’t you built it yet?”

            “See that hill with the ugly trees on it? That’s our house here.”

            Raven cocked her head. “Why live there?”

            It was a gift from me and looks much better on the inside.

            Raven jerked free from Eve’s hand and whirled, scanning the area around her. “Who said that?!”

            Eve smiled. “That’s Theodora. She’s talking to you through your twee.”

            “How can she do that?”

            “You haven’t forbidden your twee to allow communication between you and outsiders, so she can use it to talk to you.”

            “Oh.” Raven shrugged. “So who are you, Theodora?”

            I am the maharani of Iain’s inorganic harem.

            Eve blinked and began laughing. “That’s new.”

            I know, but it sounds much better than I’m the first clan AI. It puts me on the same rank level as Ninhursag.

            Eve laughed harder for a moment. “She’s not going to like that.”

            You are undoubtedly correct. I’ve informed Pandora and the others that you are coming to the ranch with Raven so there aren’t any misunderstandings.

            “Thanks.” Still chuckling, Eve held out her hand to Raven once more. “Shall we go?” The Archmage slipped her small hand into Eve’s and the terrain changed again. Now they were looking at the building that had been set up for the clan employees.

            “At least your new home looks like a building this time.”

            Eve shook her head. “That’s the block of bedsits for the satellite clan members.” When Raven looked at her blankly, she elaborated. “Our employees live there.”

            “What’s a block of bedsits?”

            The answer came from behind them. “Americans would call it an apartment complex with half baths in the rooms and a communal bathing room.”

            Raven whirled and blinked at the sight. “Who are you?”

            “I’m Canaan.” She grinned. “Pandora asked me to hang around and keep an eye on the two of you before she left.”

            Eve frowned. “Where did she go?”

            “April is talking with Morwen and Ninhursag is focused on Autumn’s kits.” The Splice’s smile died abruptly. “And while they’re busy you left Iain unguarded. Where do you think she is right now?” Eve blinked and paled. “Yeah, all three of you are going to get a long talking to by the rest of us when this is over and Iain’s not around to hear the yelling.”

            Raven scowled. “Are you saying you don’t think your man is safe with Kerrik?”

            Canaan turned a withering look on the Archmage. “I’m a hunter too; Raven and I knew all three of your analogs back during my Revenge War. The fact that Kerrik can weld you into a functioning group is admirable, but the fact that he can understand you three that completely suggests he’s as bad as if not worse than any of you.”

            Raven frowned. “I’d remember someone like you. Sukebe didn’t make many Alaka-Wham Splices. Especially not after those fucking bitches rebelled against him.”

            “I wasn’t a Splice during the war. I wasn’t anyone memorable. I was merely an Amachamp hunter named Twenty. I was efficient and got the job done but I wasn’t flashy like any of you three so nobody remembers me. Of course, that means afterwards they didn’t send out assassination teams to hunt me down and kill me, either, so I can live with not being known.”

            Raven’s amethyst eyebrows rose. “I wasn’t aware that someone could become a Splice.”

            “Neither was I until it happened. I was also very careful to make sure that the people who did it will never do it again. However, to get back to my point, without trying to be insulting, Iain is not safe without protection. Not with you, not with Kerrik, not with Whisper or Misery and not with anyone. He’s not even safe when he’s alone. He is a trouble magnet. Granted, I’m kind of glad he’s a trouble magnet, but he is and we have to make adjustments for it.”

            Eve frowned. “You’re happy about it?”

            “Eve, I’m glad he is the way he is because if he wasn’t, Vanessa wouldn’t have recruited me into the harem to make up your losses from Mhodvitnar’s attack. I’d still be alone with no way to keep everyone else out of my head.”

            “I hadn’t thought about it that way.”

            Canaan shrugged. “You’d probably better get going.” Tell Ninhursag that if I don’t tear a bloody strip off of her it won’t be because she doesn’t deserve it.


Iain Grey

Living Harem

Ninhursag - Elfqueen & maharani

Eve Grey - Megami Sama

April Grey - Duelist & beta

Dominique - Blessed Archmage

Pandora - Fiendish Archangel

Canaan - G Splice (Hunter Amachamp & Alaka-Wham)

Zareen - Nightmare

Raquel - Fiendish Rapitaur

Sofia - Peekabu

Vanessa - Evangelion


Dead Harem

Eirian - Silver Dragoness

Aurum - Gold Dragoness

Skye - Blue Dragoness

Emerald - Green Dragoness

Beryl - Red Dragoness

Julia - human

Ling - Cheetit

Matilda - White Tigress





Ranch employees

Daphne - Whorizard

Lynn - Growlie

Chuck - Doggirl

Ryan - Ponytaur

Winifred - Rack (German)

Rosemary - Kitten (Uruguayan)


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