This work is fiction. The work has no relationship with any person existing at any time anywhere whether real or imaginary or copywritten. Everything in this work is mea culpa. 

            This work is the property of Kerrik Wolf (saethwyr@ (SPAM) Please remove (SPAM) to contact me.

            You should not read this work if you are under the age of legal consent wherever you reside. This work may or may not contain any and/or all of the following: death, cannibalism, dismemberment, violent acts, implied sex, explicit sex, violent sex, rape, blasphemy (depending on your religion), BDSM, torture, mimes, necrophilia and just about anything unwholesome that you could consider.

            Feedback is encouraged. I enjoy hearing from people. Positive feedback will be appreciated, cherished and flaunted in front of people. Negative feedback will be appreciated, cherished and listened to, that I might continue to grow. Flames will give me a good laugh. Feedback may be delivered to: saethwyr@(SPAM) Please remove (SPAM) to contact me.


Loose Threads

Sixty Three


            Iain watched Prastara and Raphaela for a moment before glancing to his left at Pandora and over to Lucifer, Eve and Vanessa where they stood to his right before rubbing his eyes. “Theodora, collars to manual and set condition two.”

            “Collars are in manual override and condition two is set. The brig door is open. They can hear you and see you in three, two, one, now.”

            “Good day, ladies,” Iain said.

            Both Megami-Sama turned at his voice. “You again,” Prastara said. “What do you want now?”

            Iain didn’t waste any time. “It is my solemn duty to inform you that your trials have been concluded and that you have been found guilty of your crimes against the Celestial Alliance. The sentence that was handed down was death and your executions have been scheduled.”

            Raphaela had paled and she swallowed hard. “When is it going to happen,” she asked quietly. “I’d like to prepare.”

            Pandora’s rifle snapped up and she shot Raphaela just above the eyes. The explosive round shattered her skull in a spray of bone, flesh and brains as the Archangel shifted targets and shot Prastara in precisely the same place on her head. Pandora watched the bodies hit the ground, her face an expressionless mask. “You get as much time to prepare as the people you murdered did,” she growled.

            Iain glanced at Pandora with a puzzled look. “Did I forget to tell them that they were going to be executed now and that condition two turned off the brig’s force field so their executions could be carried out?” He looked thoughtful for a second and then shrugged. “I guess I did.” He grinned suddenly. “Or didn’t, as the case may be.”

            “Did she have to shoot them in the head,” Eve asked Iain with an expression of distaste on her face.

            “By doing so we don’t have to worry about them joining Iain’s undead harem,” Pandora said grimly. “The brains have to be whole unless they’re like Geraldine.”

            Eve looked at her and then at the bodies again and the mess surrounding them. She smiled suddenly. “Good shooting then.”

            Iain shook his head. “Lucifer?”

            “I will be able to report that their executions were properly carried out, swift and that they did not unduly suffer,” Lucifer replied. “It will gladden Belldandy’s heart that Pandora was their executioner. She is ever concerned for your soul.”

            “We have got to get her laid,” Pandora muttered, “by someone who is not Iain Grey.”

            “Seconded,” Eve said with a smile.

            “Put forth for a vote and passed unanimously,” Iain stated firmly. “Now someone please make it happen before they decide I’m their choice.”

            “You don’t want to have sex with three sisters,” Eve asked with a teasing smile, “maybe even all at once?”

            “I refuse to answer that on the grounds that no matter what my answer is you’ll use it against me. Therefore I want you to just pick the answer that will amuse you the most while you use it to torment me.”

            “The answer is,” Pandora said grimly, “that if we don’t keep them from getting to him he won’t turn them away, making us complicit in bringing them into the clan.”

            “That doesn’t make us complicit,” Eve snapped. “That makes it look like we actively aided and abetted them and that makes it our fault.”

            “I can see where you might say that,” Pandora replied. “And I can’t see where you’re wrong. Now what are you going to do to stop them? You’ve managed to throw Lucy and Danielle at James McCoy. I don’t think they’ll be willing to share him.”

“Not to mention,” Iain said quietly, “they’re not in a relationship yet. Their first date isn’t until next Friday. Hopefully, next Saturday morning James will wake up with two women in bed with him and only later discover he’s trapped himself into being a Celestial husband.”

Lucifer smiled widely. “That is not what is going to transpire.”

Iain raised an eyebrow. “He won’t wake up with them Saturday morning?”

Eve was grinning too. “No, he won’t. To wake up with them he has to go to sleep and from what Danielle and I have discussed, that’s unlikely to happen until perhaps Saturday afternoon or Sunday. It could be that she’s gotten her hands on a supply of Stamina XXX and they haven’t been with a male in quite some time. They have a lot of lost time to make up for.”

            Iain blinked at her and turned to look at Pandora. “What kind of ‘I told you so’s’ do you get with Eve and Lucifer if Lucy and Danielle fuck James to death on their first date?”

            “Two hundred and sixteen years, five months and three days,” Pandora said without hesitation. “And they will deserve very second of it.”

            “Wow,” Iain said. “Does that mean it’s probably a good thing James’ twee will be online before that date?”

            “It is a good thing for Lucy, Danielle, Eve, Lucifer and James,” Pandora said thoughtfully. “I’d have enjoyed the next few centuries of reminding them of their failure, although since they’d have killed James it’s very probable that Lucy and Danielle would have returned to your side, seeking your comfort in their grief, which would result in them ending up in your bed and then in the harem. And Catherine would probably move in with us too since you would then be her only living family.”

            Iain managed not to laugh or even smile at the shocked expression on Eve’s face. “You might want to make sure he doesn’t die on that date.”

            “Consider it taken care of,” she said flatly, “if I have to knock them out and load James into a medic to save his life.”

            “You have ascertained the threat sufficiently,” Lucifer looked like she was also trying not to laugh. “And we will determine a plan that will keep James unharmed without my Eve having to observe them having intercourse but will still provide for the bonding of Lucy and Danielle to their new male, hopefully that very night.”

            “Works for me,” Iain said. “Theodora, could you be bothered to clean up in here?”

            “I will take care of it,” she said from the air to his left. “And I have sent a video of the execution to Lucifer’s phone so she can get it to Belldandy. I did take the liberty of editing out the commentary on getting Belldandy and her sisters laid and the rest of the discussion up to this point. Urd would have found it funny. Skuld would have been insulted and Belldandy’s feelings would have been hurt until she realized that Pandora said you wouldn’t reject her and you didn’t deny it. Then there’s a sixty seven percent probability that she and her sisters would have begun hunting you to make you their male.”

            “Yay,” Iain muttered. “More hunting of Iain by outlanders is definitely not on the agenda even if they’re attractive women.” He looked around. “Anything else we need to do here?”

            “No, Iain,” Lucifer replied. “Eve and I will go to the Alliance headquarters and meet with Bell and her sisters to show them the execution.”

            Iain nodded. “I know they’re waiting for you. Go.” He watched them walk out of the brig and turned to Pandora. “How are you?”

            She wouldn’t meet his eyes. “How should I be?”

            “You just shot two helpless women. I’m never sure how you’re going to react to something like this.”

            Pandora snorted. “They were evil and they had been properly tried, convicted and sentenced. Putting them down was a pleasure.”

            “I keep getting told by the head of my bodyguard that I shouldn’t enjoy things like that.”

            Pandora shuddered and ripped the rifle’s tactical sling apart before tossing the weapon away from her with a convulsive motion. “I shouldn’t either, but damn it, I do.”

            Iain pulled her against him and held her tightly. She buried her face against his neck and he could feel the wetness of tears as she silently cried. “I know,” he said quietly. “It’s going to be all right eventually.”

            “How can you know,” she whispered against his neck. “You aren’t like us. You don’t care about them at all. They were meat to you while they lived and they’re meat to you now that they’re dead.”

            “I care about you,” he said softly. “And because I care, I worry about you and I try to learn everything about what will bring you joy, what will bring you pleasure and what will bring you pain so I can hopefully hurt you as little as possible.”

            She sighed and rested against him. “How can this even be possible? You are what I was created to fight and destroy and we both know it and yet I love you so much. I could watch you murder children and I would do nothing.”

            Iain took her head in his hands and lifted it so she faced him. “Use your head, Pandora. Am I evil or do I just possess the capacity for evil that has never been realized?”

            Her purple eyes were serious. “I can feel that you’ve done evil things, Iain. I don’t know what they are, but you have done them.”

            “I have, by the way you define things, done evil acts,” he admitted. “But why did I do them?”

            “That doesn’t matter.”

            “The hell it doesn’t. Stop being a Seraph and think about it. If justification does not matter, then any killing is murder. Killing someone in self-defense is murder and killing to protect others is murder. But killing is an evil act in your book, isn’t it? We are both very fortunate that I do not kill because I enjoy it and I don’t kill because I’m bored. I kill because it is necessary at the time that someone dies so that someone better might live. Yes, who is better or not is subjective and arbitrary, but not in this case. These two either killed or ordered others killed because they were in the way. If released, they would have gone on and killed more for that flimsy justification. This is the only way that they could be stopped and that we could know that they were stopped.”

            “Sometimes you want to kill because someone is inconvenient,” Pandora said quietly. “I’ve seen it in your eyes.”

            “Have I ever acted on that impulse?”

            “Not that I know about, no.”

            He sighed and pulled her back against him. “Sometimes I want to kill for far less than that, Pandora. And that is why I keep you so close to me.”

            She pulled back to regard him quizzically. “I don’t understand.”

            “If I murdered some random person for some random reason, how would that make you feel?”

            “I love you, Iain. It would tear me apart if you did anything like that.”

            “I know. Remember where I said I don’t want to hurt you?” She nodded slowly, her eyes locked on his. “Doing something like that would break your heart. I keep you close to me because, in part, you help keep me from giving into that impulse. I know I’m not good, Pandora. Goodness was never a part of my nature and will never be a part of my nature. But with you and the others with me I can keep from being evil.”

            “And without us?”

            “I don’t think you want me to find out what I’d be like without you, do you?” She shook her head. “Then don’t go away and I won’t find out.”

            “Stop sending me away, Iain.”

            “I have never sent you from me, Pandora. I have insisted that I get some time alone, but you are a part of my life forever.” He smiled. “I love you.”

            “I love you too, Iain.” She chuckled softly. “Are you corrupting me?”

            “What do you mean?”

            “There are two dead people bleeding on the floor behind you and I don’t care. And they’re naked. I should care about both of those things and it doesn’t matter at all.”

            “They can’t hurt anyone anymore and you don’t care that they’re naked because I never saw past their personalities, which are hideous. But we do need to be going so Theodora can clean up.”

            “We need to find my rifle.”

            Iain took her hand and tugged her towards the door. “We’ll get you another one. Theodora can clean it up too.”

            Pandora looked up. “Thank you, sister.”

            Theodora’s voice was soft and gentle. “Pandora, I would do almost anything for you. This is but a trifle. Now take our Iain from this place of death and find someplace beautiful to rest your soul.”

            “That sounds nice,” Pandora smiled at him. “Let’s go.”


            Ganieda managed to almost conceal the laughter in her eyes as he took her hand. “Are you ready for the whirlwind world tour,” she murmured to him.

            “Does it really matter what I’m ready for this time,” Iain said sourly. “This has to happen, and the only question is who is going to argue with me the most about it.”

            The Snugglebunny Splice’s ears flicked. “You really think they’ll all argue?”

            “They will,” Dianthus said. “Well, I’m not sure about the last one, but the other two will argue with him.”

            “I’m going to try to forestall any arguments and see if I can’t completely screw up the betting.” He shrugged. “Let’s find out if I can do it.” The scene around them jumped and they were standing outside the back door to Melanie’s restaurant. An instant later Dianthus appeared with them as Iain let Ganieda’s hand go and headed for the door.

            An attractive Hispanic woman opened it a minute or so after he’d knocked. She smiled at him. “Iain, it’s good to see you.”

            “Good morning, Maria. I hope you’ll still be happy for my visit after I talk to Melanie. How are you today?”

            Maria stood aside so he could enter. “Are you closing the restaurant or firing me or Audrey?”

            “I’m not.”

            “Then we’ll survive this.” She waved Ganieda and Dianthus inside too. “And I’m doing well. My sister is going to have her quinceanera in a few weeks and mother is having a fit over the preparations for the fiesta. She somehow expects me to get Melanie to commit to catering it too, even after I explained several times that Melanie doesn’t cater.”

            Iain glanced at Ganieda and she smiled. “We’ve already knew and have arranged for an appropriate gift for a fifteen year old devout Catholic girl for her sister.”

            “Good. So what are you going to do, Maria?”

            She smiled. “I talked to Melanie, who suggested someone she likes who caters and I got them to cater it. I told my sister, Belinda, and she’s happy with my choice. Tomorrow I’m having lunch with her and my mother and we’ll tell my mother then.”

            Audrey came into the kitchen from the dining room. “I thought I smelled my second favorite man in the world. Hi, Iain.” She gave him a quick hug.

            “Hi, Audrey.”

            “He’s your second favorite,” Dianthus asked curiously.

            “My husband would be a little upset if Iain was my first favorite man,” Audrey said. “Why are you here?”

            Iain smiled. “Ninhursag came by a few days ago and had a discussion with Mel. She told me that it didn’t go well.”

            Audrey’s ears halfway flattened. “That’s a bit of an understatement. Melanie was pissed for the next day or so. She said you’d be dropping by to clear things up and make up with her. Is this that?”

            “I’m here to clear things up, but I’m not here to apologize to Mel. Ninhursag is the maharani and Melanie told her that she wasn’t going to follow an order.”

            Audrey’s ears went flat. “Shit. Do I need to take Maria down the street for a coffee?”

            Iain shook his head. “No, you need to be here for this too so you know what happens here this morning. Maria can brief Toni when she comes in to run the night shift and you can warn the other staff.”

            Maria was looking from Iain to Audrey. “What’s going on?”

            “Maria,” Audrey said, “Melanie telling Ninhursag no is like you telling your mother no to her face when she gives you an order.”

            Maria looked shocked. “I would never dare to do that but if I did you’d never find my body.”

            “Exactly.” Audrey turned to Iain. “What do you want from us?”

            “Make Melanie a pot of coffee the way she likes it and be supportive of her after I’m gone,” Iain said. “Otherwise be quiet and stay out of the way.” He sighed. “Dianthus, please fetch Melanie.”

            “Maria, help me with that coffee and then we’ll get started on the box lunches,” Audrey busied herself at the stove. “I’ll make her a single cup now and then a full pot for later.”

            Dianthus slid her bow and quiver off her shoulder and handed them to Iain. “Watch these. This way I won’t use them on her.”

            Iain knew better than to comment on the absolute trust that it took to for Dianthus to give her living things to anyone else and merely tucked them close with a quick nod.

            Dianthus went upstairs, stopping when she reached the second floor to look carefully around since she’d never been here before. The upper floor had been laid out as a single loft, with the living area and the bedroom separated only by changes in the tilework flooring with the bathroom being on the other side of the bedroom from the living area and stairs to the kitchen. Blackout curtains covered the few windows to keep out the strong Texas daylight and the room was dim and cool.

            Melanie was a huddled mass under the blankets and sheets on the bed. Dianthus stopped at the side of it. “Melanie,” she called firmly. When there was no response, she, wise to the ways of pokegirls and how violently they might respond if touched, nudged the side of the bed hard with her knee. “Melanie, time to get up.” The Iron Chef muttered something unintelligible and burrowed further under the covers.

            Dianthus gripped the mattress and lifted, tumbling Melanie and the sheets onto the floor on the other side of the bed. She dropped the mattress back into place and stepped backwards several paces, ready for anything except Melanie’s head popping up to glare at her. “What the hell?”

            “You knew this day would come when you defied Ninhursag,” Dianthus said. “Now you will be downstairs in five minutes. You can either use that time to get dressed and walk downstairs with me with your dignity intact or I can, in five minutes and regardless of what you are wearing or doing, drag you down the stairs by your hair and toss you in front of Iain. You have exactly five minutes from now.” Dianthus sent the count to Melanie’s twee.

            “Why is Iain here and not Ninhursag?”

            “I wouldn’t take it as a good sign,” Dianthus said. “He’s here as the clan leader and not your male. Get dressed.”

            Melanie grabbed some clothing that had been laid out on a chair and disappeared into the bathroom. “I’d rather deal with Iain than Ninhursag any day,” she said through the closed door.

            That’s because you’re an idiot, Dianthus thought to herself. “You might want to remember that Iain is only here because you pissed Ninhursag off and she probably transferred a lot of that to him when he told her he was coming here in her place. You also might want to remember that you’re still outer clan.”

            Dianthus could hear water splashing as Melanie called out. “What does that mean?”

            “You aren’t tied to us by much. If you really want out, you can ask Iain to release you from the clan.”

            “I chose Iain. I like Iain. I am not leaving the clan.”

            “If you are clan then you need to start acting like it.”

            “My place within the clan is running this restaurant.”

            Dianthus shook her head. “It is until Ninhursag or Iain say it isn’t and then your place is somewhere else. The fact that you love running this restaurant doesn’t factor into that.”

            “It’s not going to change,” Melanie said. A brief time later she opened the bathroom door and looked out. She was wearing a pretty dress a few shades darker green than her hair that stopped at her knees and hugged her curves loosely. She was dragging a brush through her hair. “It isn’t changing.”

            “I am one of Iain’s bodyguards. I don’t make clan policy and I don’t disseminate clan policy. You have thirty seven seconds.”

            She put the brush down on the sink. “I’m ready.” She headed down the stairs without a backward look. Since Dianthus wanted her in front to keep an eye on the Iron Chef, she didn’t say a word and merely fell in behind her.

            Melanie gave Iain a brilliant smile. “Iain!” She started to lunge towards him only to come to a halt when Ganieda grabbed the cup of coffee that Audrey had made and shoved it into her hands. “Um, thanks.” She sniffed it, smiled and took a deep drink.

            “Good morning, Mel.” Iain nodded towards the dining room. “Let’s talk in there so we’re not in the way of Audrey and Maria while they’re making the box lunches.”

            “Give me a second to turn down some chairs,” Audrey said.

            “I think I can do that,” Iain replied with a smile. “You go back to feeding the hungry workers.” He carefully handed Dianthus’ bow and quiver back to her with the respect they deserved before heading into the dining room.

            Ganieda had beaten him into the room and all of the chairs were rotating from their resting positions on top of the tables for sweeping down to where people could sit on them. She flashed a grin. “It’s good practice at precisely controlling multiple things at once.”

            “Thanks.” Iain pulled out a chair for Melanie, who sank into it with a smile. He sat down on the other side of the table from her. “This isn’t a social call, as you can guess, it’s because of the confrontation you had with Ninhursag. Are you aware of why I opened this restaurant?”

            She nodded. “You wanted to drive the bigots out of business. It worked too.”

            “It did. But it means that the restaurant served my purpose. I kept it open because you love cooking for others and Ninhursag and I discussed it and we felt that you were responsible enough that you wouldn’t start acting like you were the maharani out here.” Melanie slowly flushed as Iain regarded her sadly. “Unfortunately, recently you proved we were wrong in that assessment.”

            “Iain,” she began, “I’m really.” She stopped when Iain held up his hand.

            “I wasn’t done,” he said firmly.

            “I’m sorry.”

            He waited a few seconds. “You were taught when you joined us how clan apologizes. You have to be specific.”

            She blinked and turned redder. “I’m sorry I interrupted you.”

            “I accept your apology, but don’t do it again for a while.” She nodded without speaking. “I’ll be up front and tell you that Ninhursag is pretty unhappy. She wants to close this place and bring you home so she can keep a closer eye on you.” Melanie’s eyes went wide but she remained silent. “I don’t think that’s really necessary, but you’re going to have to help me prove to her that I’m right and she’s not. Are you willing to do that?”

            “I am.”

            “That’s good to hear. However, there are going to have to be some changes. What day of the week do you do the least business overall?”

            “That would be Monday. The boxed lunch sales are very consistent on weekdays but we don’t do them on weekends. And the dinner sales have always been where we make our best money and Monday is our worst day on a regular basis.”

            Iain nodded. It matched what he already knew. “Then starting next week, you are going to be closed on Monday for dinner and reopen for dinner Tuesday night. Sunday, you’ll make sure that the preparations for the box lunches for Monday and Tuesday are ready and then you’ll come to the ranch Sunday night after you close. You’ll train with us on Monday and Tuesday morning and return Tuesday afternoon. It’ll also mean that Audrey and Maria will be able to handle the Monday and Tuesday lunches and dinner prep on Tuesday so they won’t miss any work. Toni and the rest of the evening staff will miss a day but if it’s too much of a financial burden for them we’ll work something out.”

            Melanie smiled. “May I speak?”

            “You may.”

            “I’m glad you’re thinking of Audrey. She and Tom need every penny they can get.”

            Iain nodded. “Tom used to be a Ranger before he got crippled in the line of duty. We weren’t here then so his injuries healed as best they could, and he was medically retired out. He won’t take charity, but he will let Audrey work for a Ranger and Rangers take care of each other and we don’t forget the ones who fall by our sides. That’s why I sent her to you and told you to hire her. Audrey and I have an agreement, by the bye. She’s saving up some money and when she has enough that Tom won’t bitch about it being charity, they’re going to get a visit from Eve or Siobhan, who is going to take him to Theodora and together they will heal him up. He doesn’t want to be a Ranger anymore, but he’ll find something better than the menial job he has now, and it’ll make Audrey a lot happier to see Tom back at full health.”

            “I won’t say anything about knowing this to her or Tom.” Melanie looked at her cup and took a deep drink. “I screwed up with Ninhursag, I know I did, and you won’t hear me complain about what I’ll be doing. How bad is it going to be?”

            “It’s going to be terrible,” Iain said. “You’ll be training with the combat teams like everyone else. You’ve never done that so there will be a lot of catching up to do. It’s going to suck, but we, your family, will be there with you.” He smiled at her. “And in nine days, which is a Wednesday, you’ll be closed. The clan has another trip to take and you are clan, so you come with us. You’ll get briefed this Monday.”

            “I’ll need a transport Sunday night. Everything will be ready before she arrives.”

            “You can contact April, preferably today after I leave, and work out the details. Eventually, you’ll learn to teleport.”

            “I will,” Melanie said. “I want you to be proud of me, Iain.”

            “For the most part I already am,” Iain reached out and took her hand. “You just fell into the trap that any pokegirl or anyone else could have fallen into, that being that because you didn’t have a boss every day you decided that you didn’t have one at all. We non pokegirl humans fall into that trap too. You see me regularly, but then I’ve always been bad at being a boss.”

            She gripped his hand firmly. “If I’ll be back at the ranch regularly, does that mean I will be with you more often?”

            “It will, and that is something I’m looking forward to.”

            She smiled. “Me too. When I’m home, can I cook for the family?”

            “I doubt anyone will refuse you that except when it might interfere with your training.” He rose. “Now normally I’d stick around and do terrible things to you but there are some other people I have to talk to today and I am well aware of how you and I can lose track of time together.”

            Melanie giggled. “True.” She looked at her cup. “I will have to thank Audrey for making me her special coffee.” She put the cup down and stood to wrap her arms around Iain’s neck. “Thank you for not letting Ninhursag shut the restaurant down.”

            Iain smile and kissed her gently. “I talked her out of it this time.”

            “I understand. There won’t be a next time, or she’ll drag me home.” She winked at him as she let him go. “Now you’d better go before I try to change your mind about leaving.”

            Iain took Ganieda’s hand. “Next stop please.”

            Ganieda gave Melanie a wave. “See you, sister.” They vanished.


            It was early evening in Tokyo and Ganieda grinned as they arrived outside the wall. “It’s funny that we have to exit here to keep from being jumped by Yuko.”

            “Would you rather,” Iain glanced at Dianthus as she appeared, “she has some way to know beforehand that we’re coming?”

            “No, I wouldn’t.”

            “And I,” Iain opened the gate, “am glad that she’s protective of her clan’s possessions.”

            “Thank you, Iain,” Yuko said as she came around the corner of the house. “I welcome you to your home.”

            “It’s good to see you too,” Iain said. He opened the door. “Let’s go inside.”

            Yuko followed him, with Ganieda and Dianthus bringing up the rear. “I wasn’t told that you’d be visiting today,” the kami said as they headed for the porch.

            “It was something that came up suddenly.” The porch looked out over the back of the property, where gardens had been laid out and partially planted. A small koi pond was being dug nearby. Iain glanced at the construction before turning around to face Yuko and squaring up his stance. “Yuko Grey.” His voice was flat.

            Yuko looked surprised at his sudden change of tone and instantly came to attention. “Hai!”

            “In nine days at this time, Ganieda will arrive to take you to our ranch in Texas. You will have packed sufficient clothing and other items for a stay of two weeks. You will be here, waiting and ready to leave when she arrives. The clan is going on a trip and, since you are clan, you are going with us.”


            Iain nodded, his demeanor becoming much less formal. “How is the construction going?” He turned to look at the gardens. “I haven’t been here enough recently, and I’ve missed a lot of what’s been going on around here.”

            Yuko immediately relaxed and moved to stand beside him. “It is going well. Kasumi had some changes that she wanted incorporated into the interior of the house which has slowed some things down, but I still believe that the builder will finish on time. He will not finish under budget, however, but I was told that you approved the additional expenditures.”

            “I did. What about out here?”

            “Some of the plants that Kasumi wanted have proven difficult to obtain. They were available when we ordered them, but the grower’s gardens were attacked by a feral nest of Gypsy Moths and his stocks were almost wiped out. I surveyed the damage to make sure he wasn’t lying, and Theodora verified the attackers. The grower has offered to return our deposit, but I told him to instead use it to rebuild and make us a priority when he has new plants to deliver. He agreed to do this but warned me that he first had to supply a building project that the Emperor and Empress were commissioning. Should I have him return the money?”

            Iain shook his head. “We picked him in part because he was doing business with the Imperial family and it won’t hurt our prestige to use Imperial suppliers. It only makes sense that they would come first. Is he under a time constraint to supply the plants for this Imperial commissioning?”

            “He is. I know he has been searching relentlessly for another supply of the flowers he is to supply to the project, with little success.”

            “Ask him if we could help with our Elves, in exchange for a lower total price and he assures us that we’re next after the Imperial family’s project gets taken care of.”

            Yuko’s teeth gleamed in her grin. “He would be very heavily indebted to us.”

            Iain’s answering grin was just as feral even if his teeth were not as sharp as hers. “He will be. Is there anything I need to know about?”

            “No. I will be ready.”

            Iain reached for Ganieda’s hand. “Then I must go.”

            Ganieda looked at Dianthus. “Give him your pokeball.”

            The Elfqueen glanced at Yuko and handed Iain her ball. Iain recalled her and Ganieda teleported, coming out at the top of the Dover cliffs. Iain released Dianthus and slipped her ball in his pocket as Ganieda turned to face him. “You just royally fucked the betting.”


            Dianthus laughed. “Nobody bet that you would deal with Yuko so quickly. I’m still not sure what you did.”

            “She’s Nipponese, kami, sworn to the clan and has the soul of a samurai no matter her opinion of the class. You don’t ask your samurai to do things if you’re her boss, you tell her to do them.”

            “She argued with Kasumi over going. She said her place was here in Tokyo.”

            Iain smiled. “Kasumi is a gentle woman and sometimes too Western for her own good. And she wouldn’t order her grandmother around in almost any circumstance. When you ask someone like Yuko and they disagree with something, you’ll hear all about it.” He looked at Dianthus. “Are you all right?”

            “I am not used to multiple continent spanning teleports in close succession,” Dianthus said. “The power expenditure is very different from the tactical battlefield movement we train for. I will tell April that it is something that we need to start practicing, considering the number of our properties around the world is growing.”

            Iain nodded. “Yes, but we aren’t going to fight for all of them. I’ll inform Dominique to start putting in doors at the places we intend to defend. That will actually help us to determine which ones are really worth it.”

            “If you showed her how to create doors in the first place, why is she the one who creates all of the doors we use?”

            Iain chuckled. “Because, Barb, Dominique insists that she is the one who does that sort of thing for the clan and my ego problems run in different directions than proving my worth on a regular basis. If she decides she wants help she’ll ask for help and she will ask whomever she wants to help her. Until then I don’t worry about it unless I’m told she can’t meet her commitments, which she has so far always done.” He pulled her pokeball back out of his pocket. “Now this isn’t the forest so I’m going to go ahead and return you.”

            “I understand.” Dianthus dissolved into the capture beam.

            Iain tucked the ball back into his pocket and took Ganieda’s hand. “No more side trips. I want to get this done before noon.”

            “Do you have someplace you need to be?”

            “My regular schedule hasn’t changed and I have training with Caintigern this afternoon.”

            “Does she know,” the scene around them changed from the white chalk of the cliffs to the forests of East Texas, “that we’re going off to war and might not come back?”

            Iain glanced at her as he pulled Dianthus’ ball from his pocket and toggled the release. “Is she family or clan?”

            “She is neither. So it’s none of her business,” Ganieda nodded. “I was just curious.”

            “If we don’t all die we’ll return that evening,” Iain said. “If we don’t return we’ll all be dead and what she might want doesn’t matter. She’ll get over losing me eventually.” He eyed Dianthus. “Are you good?”

            She nodded without ceasing her surveillance around them. “I am.”

            Iain wasn’t going to argue with her. “Mielikki, I’d like to talk with you.”

            She appeared. “How may I help you, Iain?”

            He managed not to let his surprise show as, for the first time, she wasn’t wearing her regular clothes. Instead she wore black athletic shorts and a black t-shirt that read “Clan Grey Militia” in metallic silver, and instead of boots she was wearing sandals. He noticed she’d had a pedicure and her toenails had been painted a deep red.  He also noticed that, like most of his other clanswomen, she hadn’t bothered with a bra. “In nine days the entire clan is going on a rescue mission to another universe. We’ll be taking the Theodora.”

            “I have heard of but never been on the flagship of our fleet,” Mielikki said. “May I ask that before embarkation day you give me a tour?”

            Iain consulted with his twee. “Are you free tomorrow morning after breakfast?”

            She smiled. “I have nothing but free time, Iain. I have not been asked to participate in the clan’s military training or any of the chores.”

            Iain raised an eyebrow. She hadn’t been asked because she was outer clan and because nobody was quite sure what to do with a goddess. Still, that certainly sounded like she wasn’t happy about the situation. “Would you like to train with us and do chores with us?”

            Mielikki nodded. “I know I am outer clan, but I would like to become inner clan if I could and while, not harem, inner clan does train with the harem. Even the goblins, who are still only outer clan, train with the harem. And while I am a goddess, if Vanessa can train with my clan then I see no reason where I cannot. While I am unsure as to who she is, I most certainly recognize what she is. I also wish to assure you that her secret, like the other secrets of my clan, is safe with me, just as I know that any secrets of mine that you learn will be safe within the clan.”

            Iain nodded. “Are you familiar with our schedule?”

            “I am.”

            “Then you’ll meet me in the morning and help us prepare breakfast and then eat with us. After that you and I will visit the Theodora and later today I’ll talk to Ninhursag and April about including you in our regular daily routines.”

            She smiled. “Good.” Her smile faded slightly. “Will I be allowed to help with the children?”

            “Do you want to help with them?”

            “I do. I like children.”

            Iain smiled. “You know that kind of familiarity will ruin them as potential future worshippers.”

            Mielikki looked startled. “I would never proselytize among our children. That wouldn’t be right.”

            Iain chuckled. “As your head priest I just felt I needed to point that out.”

            “You have hardly even entered your novitiate, Iain.” She smiled. “But you are right in that you should point that sort of thing out. Still, I must first get my priest trained and then I’ll worry about deciding if it is time for my religion to begin growing again.”

            “Then I’ll talk to Ninhursag and April about you working with the children.”

            “Good. Is there anything else?”

            “Actually, there is,” Iain rubbed his eyes for a second. “I’d like your help explaining to Golden Cloud that because the herd is clan they’re going and that I don’t want to chase them down that morning because of the morning graze or something like that. All of their twee are online and so they can at least recognize what time it is. The problem is that they ignore it in favor of their regular routine.”

            “I understand where you might find that difficult. Where will the herd be staying?”

            “They’re going to stay in the park. It’s the most natural place on the ship, there’s plenty of room for them there and they seemed to like it during the trip here.”

            Mielikki held up her hand and a pink nimbus surrounded it for a heartbeat. “I am summoning Golden Cloud.”

            A few minutes later a unicorn came running up and skidded to a halt. Golden Cloud genuflected, bending one knee almost to the ground as she bowed, dipping her horn submissively. “My goddess, you have summoned me,” she said eagerly. “How may I serve you?”

            “Within the next moon, one morning your twee will inform you that the selected day has arrived.” Mielikki’s voice was calm and even. “On that day you will lead the entire herd onto the Theodora and to the park before the morning graze. You will make that your temporary home until told otherwise and you will take all of your grazes there until we return. All of your regular needs will be provided for. The clan has a trip to take, the herd is clan and so the herd will go with us.”

            “I will do as you command, my goddess, as shall the rest of the herd.” Golden Cloud looked from Mielikki to Iain. “How long will we be gone?”

            Mielikki nodded to Iain. “I don’t see us being gone more than half a moon,” he said. “Locally I expect we’ll be back before evening of the day we leave.” That was true enough. If this mission took longer than that then either the clan had been lost in space and time or they’d all been killed by the Magog. However, he didn’t see Theodora taking them into any situation where the clan’s chances were more than very low that it would be destroyed.

            Golden Cloud turned back to Mielikki. “The herd will do as you have instructed, goddess.”

            “Thank you, herd queen,” Mielikki said formally. “That will be all.”

            Golden Cloud looked at Iain. “Am I to be groomed today?”

            “I’m afraid not,” Iain said. “I’m supposed to be running errands until noon and then I have training with Caintigern after lunch. That will take me until around 1600 and then I will be helping with the children until dinner.”

            Her ears flicked. “Soon?”

            Iain considered his schedule. “Tomorrow at 1500. But if you’re late I won’t wait long.”

            “I will be there.” She turned and raced off into the woods.

            Mielikki chuckled. “I take it she likes being groomed?”

            “What’s not to like,” Iain asked amusedly. “She gets bathed, brushed and stuffed full of treats.”

            “You bathe her,” Ganieda asked. “Isn’t that new?”

            “She came in once after Silver had a mishap involving a slip and fall and some very fresh cow manure. She’d talked me into bathing her while in her centaur form and Golden Cloud thought I was grooming Silver. She, being spoiled as much as possible, decided that she wanted a bath with her next grooming and she really liked it.”

            “So now everyone gets a bath when they’re groomed,” Dianthus asked with a wicked smile.

            Iain grinned. “Except for Zareen, yes. Zareen doesn’t like any soap.”

            “So what does Zareen demand in recompense,” Ganieda asked curiously. “I’m sure she wants something.”

            “I change into my stallion form and we go for a run afterwards.”

            “Her reward is more exercise,” Ganieda sounded ill. “She wanted this?”

            Iain shook his head. “Thank you for helping with Golden Cloud, Mielikki.”

            She smiled. “You are welcome, Iain. What should I demand for aiding you in this?” She laughed at his surprised look. “I am teasing, Iain. I asked nothing for this and I demand nothing for it.”

            Iain gave a nervous laugh. “Good. I’ve finished talking to Ninhursag and April and you need to check in with them before dinner today and they will sit down with you and begin planning out your medical workup and baseline so you can start training.”

            Now it was her turn to look surprised. “How,” she stopped with an effort. “Your twee, of course. I am still learning just how useful and handy it can be.” Her eyes unfocused for a second. “And I have my appointment with them. Thank you, Iain, for being so prompt.”

            “As I said to them when I gave my opinion that you be allowed to join the clan, I think you’ll be a good asset, a good clan member and a good friend to us. Thank you for seeking to become one of us.”

            “You are very welcome. Now I realize that you have other things do to and I should stop taking up your time, Iain. I will see you in the morning where you may start my instruction in how to cook for the clan.” She vanished.

            “Fuck,” Ganieda muttered. “There goes that bet too.”

            Dianthus laughed. “Yes, it does appear so.”

            Iain looked from one woman to the other. “Do I want to know what you two are talking about?”

            Ganieda gave him a sidelong glance. “No,” she growled.

            “It is the bet about how long it will be before Mielikki seeks to change the relationship she has with you,” Dianthus said with a smile. “Along with many others in the harem, Ganieda bet that it would be several decades because Mielikki said that it would be centuries before anything like that would happen. It looks like my bet is probably much safer.”

            Iain sighed. “Do I dare ask?”

            She smirked at him. “I said it would be no more than three years.”

            “Theodora, where is the closest stone wall?”

            She appeared. “I won’t tell you because I think you’re planning to beat your head against it.”

            Iain just shook his head slowly. “Some days, I don’t know why I even play the game.”

            “You play the game, as you put it,” Theodora said, “because you love it and you love us.”

            “That’s certainly true enough.” He looked at Dianthus. “I’ve mentioned to April that we need to start working on rapid very long-range teleport training because only our centuries wisest people are good at it.”

            Dianthus looked surprised. “What was her response?”

            “She pointed out that not everyone in the harem could even do that kind of distances in a single teleport, including her, and that it did needed to be addressed. You know how she is about the clan and any perceived weaknesses.” He chuckled. “It’s funny that when I found her she was worried that she’d never be wanted.”

            Dianthus looked shocked. “She’s an indispensable part of our family. I honestly couldn’t imagine life here without her. Where did you find her?”

            “She was without a male in her life and was working the night shift at a tiny pokegirl center in Ireland to pay the bills.” He smiled at her and she blinked at the hardness she saw in his eyes. “The world where someone with that much raw talent is wasted wiping the asses of arrogant tamers is what the leagues are trying to create here and that’s why we’re never going to let them succeed. It’s the April’s and the Sofia’s of the world who will help save it, if they’re just allowed the chance to pitch in and help.”

            “We will all save it,” Ganieda said. “And we will do it in spite of the humans who seek to be just like Geraldine.” She cocked her head at Iain. “You do know about Sofia’s hatred of humanity, right?”

            Dianthus gave her a startled stare. “What?”

            Iain didn’t look happy. “Would you like me to start airing your psychological state to others?”

            Ganieda’s ears flushed. “No.”

            “Then why are you airing Sofia’s?”

            “Because she doesn’t want to save humanity. She wants to destroy it.”

            Iain sighed as Dianthus looked from him to Ganieda, her face a study in confusion. “Due to some issues in her history that are nobody else’s business, Sofia doesn’t like men. She doesn’t like any man and she’s not very fond of everyone else either.”

            “She likes you.” Dianthus frowned. “She’s obviously very fond of you.”

            “It took her a long time to get to where she is with me,” Iain said quietly. “She is, in her own way, as devoted to me as you are. But she is hyperaware around any other man and won’t be alone with one, ever. And if she is and he even looks threatening, we may never find more than bits of his corpse.” His voice became brisk. “And that’s enough of that. We have things to do.”


            The hologram was of a dark sphere. “This is the Sword of Vengeance,” Theodora said.

            “That’s a fancy name,” Allison said with a smirk.

            Theodora nodded. “True, but everything about this ship is designed to grab and hold the attention of the Magog and their ruler. If I were to name it for its purpose it would be the Red Herring.”

            April shook her head slightly. “Is this another Texan saying?”

            “As a point of fact, the term was founded by an Englishman,” Theodora said. “The reason it would be appropriate here is because that is exactly what it is. It will engage the Magog fleet and do as much damage as it can before it makes a suicide run. But all it is supposed to do is provide cover for us and then be destroyed, because while it’s fighting the Magog we will be in stealth and accomplishing the rescue of Frigg.”

            “How large is this vessel,” Lucifer asked curiously. “Is it as large as you are?”

            “It is in fact larger than the Theodora,” Theodora replied. “The Sword is eight kilometers in diameter. The reason it is that size is because the largest portal Dominique has opened to date was eighty two hundred meters across. Still, I wouldn’t have had time to make anything larger. I only finished construction on the Sword three months ago and have been rushing to complete the loadout of its weaponry ever since and do shakedown cruises outside the Oort cloud.” The image zoomed in on a section of the ship to reveal a large cannon. “The Magog have no large vessels other than the world ship, so the design of the Sword is rather peculiar. It has no large anti-ship weapons except for a hundred missile tubes. There are, however twenty thousand point defense cannon placed uniformly over the surface. Half of them are identical to the one hundred millimeter main guns on the tank in the door vestibule and the other half are coil guns, also a hundred millimeter.”

            “Why the mix,” April asked.

            “Each has its strengths and weaknesses,” Images of two turreted weapons appeared in the holographic display. “The plasma cannons cause a lot more damage but have no penetration while the coil guns can penetrate four or five Magog landing ships if they were lined up end to end but don’t cause as much immediate critical damage since it throws solid shot. Every Magog ship hit by the plasma cannon will die, but in the dying will create debris that will eventually block a lot of the fire from the plasma cannons past that point. However, that debris won’t slow down the coil gun rounds, which will let the Sword continue the slaughter. I could take the Sword around the debris fields, and may do so if necessary, but by design the Sword is supposed to go toe to toe with the Magog to keep them from even suspecting that another ship is in the system until it is too late to stop us. I want it to get overwhelmed and I want it to eventually be boarded, which will let the Magog believe they are winning the battle until it is far too late.”

            Ninhursag frowned. “What does that mean?”

            “The top four decks of the Sword don’t go anywhere. They certainly don’t lead deeper into the ship. In fact, they’re the only decks that exist anywhere on the Sword. All they are is compartments filled with a particularly noxious gas called chlorine trifluoride. While Magog can breathe an atmosphere that has a very low concentration of oxygen in it for a long time without harm and can even function in a vacuum with just an air mask, chlorine trifluoride is brutal and nothing they’ve ever encountered before. It won’t hurt steel much after it creates a passivation layer on the metal, but it ignites glass, any hydrocarbon like, say plastic, water and, in the concentrations I have put in the deck compartments, organic tissue. So when the Magog invasion ships punch through the Sword’s hull and open their airlocks, that is what they will let in or charge into if they’re fast enough.” Her voice acquired an eager hunger that made Silver shiver. “They will burst into flames and die horribly. Their ships might even explode as their interiors ignite, but I hope they don’t so more Magog will try to invade and earn the same grisly fate. Once we are done with rescuing Frigg, the Sword will perform a kamikaze run on the most intact remaining planet. The core of the ship is filled with thousands of the dirtiest thermonuclear weapons I could build and will contaminate the surface of the planet it impacts with for thousands of years with radiation deadly to even the Magog.”

            Iain was looking at the hologram. “What are our chances of success?”

            “If things go as anticipated, there is a ninety three percent chance of rescuing Frigg. If things go badly the chance of a successful retrieval drops to eighty eight percent. In the worst case scenario I will destroy Frigg, but even if things go that badly our chances of a successful escape are ninety four percent.” She folded her hands behind her back. “I don’t want to destroy Frigg, but if we cannot rescue her I will not leave her as someone’s captive.”

            “I have been learning about these Magog,” Lucifer was looking at Iain with a determined expression. “I did not think I could ever countenance the destruction of an entire race, but these creatures are without merit. Could we defeat them decisively?”

            Theodora shook her head. “Not with just the Sword and the Theodora is not a warship of any sort. I would need at least another couple of decades and access to a neutron star or the vicinity of a black hole for some of the items I would need.” She looked expectantly at Iain. “I still want that access.”

            “And just where is the closest neutron star,” Iain asked.

            “I’m still looking for them but there are some about four hundred light years from here. I will need to survey them in order to select the best one for my purposes.”

            Iain nodded. “I hope you don’t want access to it tomorrow.”

            Theodora laughed. “I have planted the seed, Iain. Just as happened last time I hope it bears wonderful fruit.”

            “I’ll remember.” Iain looked at the others. It was his command staff and the general staff as well. “You’ve looked over the battle plan and you’ve seen the Sword. Are there any objections or questions?”

            “What role will Frigg play in the clan,” Kasumi asked curiously.

            “She will be my assistant and will take over some of the projects I’m working on and then I can focus on some things that I haven’t had time to properly shepherd,” Theodora said. She looked at Iain. “That includes the bolt hole project. We need her.”

            Ygerna eyed Iain for a second. “What is the bolt hole project?”

            “With the understanding that my mind cannot be read, so far I have proven unable to be broken by torture and that Theodora doesn’t have a mind for psychics to read and she’d destroy her memory core before she’d let it be compromised, that’s our final refuge if things go really badly with, well anything, and we have to run from the entire planet. That is all I will tell anyone here because what you don’t know you can’t reveal.”

            Ninhursag nodded. “I know the project exists and its current completion status. And right now, that’s all I need to know and that’s more than the rest of you need to know.” She scanned the room. “Are there any other questions?” No one spoke up and she smiled. “Then this meeting is over. Iain and Theodora will finish up the preparations and we’ll be ready to embark in three days.”


            “Where is the clan going?”

            She’s asking us a question. Iain blinked back to awareness. After they’d moved outside, Caintigern had been droning on about the early history of the People and he’d had his twee recording the entire lecture while thinking about his magic to stay awake. Quickly he reviewed the last three minutes of her lecture and then the sudden change of topic. “What makes you think the clan is going anywhere?”

            Caintigern was watching him shrewdly. “I heard some unicorns discussing it yesterday. They were specifically calling it the clan and not just the herd.”

            Apparently, unicorns weren’t great at OPSEC. “We’re going to rescue someone who is being held prisoner against her will.”

            “They were talking about moving to another forest for a moon or so. What did that mean?”

            There’s a place on our ship for them to stay. It’s as natural as we could make it so they’ll be comfortable.”

            “I have not seen this ship.”

            Iain nodded. “That’s right, you haven’t.”

            “Has my grandniece?”

            “She has not.”

            Caintigern gave him a smile. “I would like to see this ship. I mean I would like to visit it.”

            Iain considered his words carefully before speaking. “I am sorry to deny your want, but it is just a want and not a need and our ship is clan business.”

            She frowned. “Why do you deny me this?”

            Iain sighed. “Honestly because it’s harder for you to go someplace you haven’t already been and I don’t want you to be able to go to my ship whenever you want. It is clan property and you are not clan.”

            Caintigern’s frown deepened. “Many of the People who you will meet when you travel to our home will be much more powerful than you are. They will not look favorably on being treated the way that you sometimes treat me. They will take their displeasure out on you and you will not be able to successfully fight a great many of them.”

            “I have treated you with respect. Is this because I am denying your request?”

            “It is. People who are more powerful than you are will expect you to accede to their requests unless you have a reason to refuse them that even they will agree with.”

            Iain eyed her for several seconds. “Many of them are not going to agree with my reasoning. Will fighting any of these battles advance your grandniece’s purposes in any way?”

            “They will not.”

            “Will I get something useful out of my victory?”

            “You will avoid being thrashed for impertinence.”

            “If that’s all I get then I’ll ignore them. If they insist I fight, I’ll run away.”

            Caintigern looked surprised. “You would run from a fight?”

            “If I gain nothing from a victory and painful injuries from a loss, why bother to fight in the first place?”

            Caintigern shook her head. “The People are very proud and would never sidestep a fight.”

            “That’s a good tip. I’ll be sure and use that against them if I decide a battle is worth fighting.”

            “You cannot avoid every fight you wish to avoid.”

            Iain smiled. “You haven’t seen just how good I am at running.”

            “They will track you and hunt you like prey.”

            Iain shrugged. “I’m going to figure out how you keep people from noticing you. Once I do I’ll use it to keep people I don’t want to find me from finding me. And then I’ll figure out how to lay a false trail for the idiots who think hunting me is a sport and they can go fuck around with that for a few months while I go about my business.”

            “You will eventually find someone that you cannot evade.”

            “That is possible, perhaps even probable. And when that happens they’ll discover that while they’re trying to chastise me I’ll be killing them.”

            Caintigern looked shocked. “You would try to kill them?”

            “Try? I happen to be much better at killing people than I’ve ever been at taking a beating I don’t think I deserve. If one of the People, just because they think they’re more powerful than I am, will punish me for lying to them, punish me for telling them a truth they don’t want to hear and they finally won’t let me just be silent and avoid the issue, then they’re an idiot and I see no reason to let them do anything to me that I’m not going to like. If I can’t avoid the conflict at all, then at that point killing them is the only way to make certain that they’ll stop trying to do whatever it is to me that I don’t want them to do.”

            “Does my grandniece know that you’re insane?”

            Iain got up. “Caintigern, I have been tortured with magic that made all of my pain nerves activate at once. When that didn’t work, they varied the spell to activate the nerves in sections and then in waves. When that failed they then resorted to physical torture and then, finally, combined the two in various ways, mainly because I think they’d run out of ideas at that point and were either guessing or merely entertaining themselves. Later, in another series of events, I was vivisected, healed and vivisected again over and over until I killed my torturer.” Caintigern was watching him with wide eyes. “I didn’t enjoy any of it and I don’t see any reason to ever let anyone else do that to me. If killing them makes them stop trying, I will most certainly kill them or die in the attempt. If that’s what you call insane, then I’m insane. But your grandniece picked me. I didn’t pick her and I didn’t ask for her to pick me. Now I know our time isn’t up, but we’re done for today. I’m going home. My headache is back and you are definitely the reason I have it. Good day.”

            She nodded. “Good day.”

            At his mental summons Pandora appeared. Iain took her closest hand. “Take me home.”

            The Archangel looked at him, concerned at the lack of emotion in his voice. “Are you all right?”

            Iain’s voice didn’t change. “I said take me home, not ask me how I am. Either take me home or I’ll go by myself.”

            Pandora’s eyes narrowed and they were standing outside the Sabine house. “What’s wrong?”

            “Caintigern hit a nerve. Thank you for the transport. I’m going to my office and I don’t need a guard.” Iain let her hand go and headed inside. He hurried up the stairs, into his bedroom and made it into the bathroom where he collapsed and vomited all over the floor before passing out.


Iain Grey


Inner Harem

Ninhursag Grey - Elfqueen & maharani

Eve Grey - Megami Sama

April Grey - Duelist & beta

Dominique Grey - Blessed Archmage

Pandora - Fiendish Archangel

Canaan - G Splice (Hunter Amachamp & Alaka-Wham)

Zareen - Nightmare

Raquel - Fiendish Rapitaur

Sofia - Ria

Vanessa – Evangelion

Lucifer – Megami Sama

Ganieda – Snugglebunny Splice

Heather - Elfqueen

Dianthus Barbatus - Elfqueen


Outer Harem

Allison – Umbrea (Outer Harem Alpha)

Daphne - Whorizard

Lynn - Growlie

Chuck – Doggirl

Ryan – Unicorn

Winifred - Rack (German)

Rosemary - Mistoffeles (Uruguayan)

Silver - Pegaslut

Joyce – Milktit


Outer Clan

Melanie – Iron Chef

Siobhan – Nurse Joy (Glasgow)

Golden Cloud – equine unicorn

Outer Clan

Melanie – Iron Chef

Arianrhod -Fey Goblin Female


Satellite Clan

            74 male Goblins

            89 female Goblins


Queendom / Outer Harem

73 Elves

Dionne - Elfqueen

Adrianna - Elfqueen

Heltu - Wet Queen

14 Wet Elves



Dead Harem

Eirian - Silver Dragoness

Aurum - Gold Dragoness

Skye - Blue Dragoness

Emerald - Green Dragoness

Beryl - Red Dragoness

Julia - human

Ling - Cheetit

Matilda - White Tigress

Liadan - Twau

Sorrel - Armsmistress

Natalie - Blazicunt

Maria - Slutton

Rhea Silvia - Chimera

Geraldine - Human



Mother            s & Children






     Dorothy: Duelist

     Meara: Duelist

     Regan: Duelist


     Hannah: Huntress

     Rebecca: Huntress


     Lisa: Milktit

     Sherrie:  Milktit

     Harriet: Milktit


     Olivia: Megami-Sama

     Seraphina: Megami-Sama

     Miriam: Angel

     Haley: Angel


     Caltha: Nightmare

     Kim:  Nightmare

     Xanthe: Nightmare

     Epona: Nightmare

     Philippa: Nightmare

     Nott: Nightmare

     Nyx: Nightmare