Harris Saga Chapter 12
            It was the second night after leaving the Tampopo and they’d made camp. Getting back into the groove of making some serious kilometers was taking a little more time that Devon had thought. Even he was having problems after so long on the Tampopo. It didn’t help that he still had his sea legs and kept feeling like the ground was surging beneath him.
            Devon grumbled softly as Tess left the tent. They’d shared a nice Taming session and now she had to stand watch. He heard her talk briefly to the rest of the harem in the other tent. 
            They’d picked up a larger tent in the Blood continent, but as the harem had grown it had also proven too small. So now they were setting up Devon’s small tent and butting the larger tent against its back.
            There was a brief flurry of conversation in the pokegirl’s tent and then it suddenly grew silent. 
            Devon had started to drift off when his tent flap opened and someone came in. She slipped into the warm spot Tess had left and snuggled back against him. Devon mumbled a sleepy question as he draped an arm over her.
            A whisper came back. “Kathryn didn’t want you sleeping alone, so I volunteered to keep you company.”
            Devon was suddenly wide awake. He very carefully and with an almost imperceptibly slow movement reached behind him and unsheathed his khukuri. The blade whispered as it left its sheathe.
            His bed partner was suddenly tense. “Devon?”
            Devon dropped the knife and turned on his lantern. The girl turned to look at him, an uneasy look in her eyes.
            “Do you want to explain why you are here, Jennifer, or should I get the information from Kathryn.” Devon was not happy.
            She gave him a weak smile. “Would you like me to go get Kathryn?”
            “No, I don’t think that will be necessary.” He raised his voice slightly. “Kathryn, get your butt in here right now.”
            There was a flurry of activity in the pokegirl tent. Kathryn knocked on Devon’s tent flap. “May I come in, husband?”
            “Get in here.” Devon’s voice was flat. “Am I going to be expecting some police to show up looking for a pokegirl thief?”
            “No, husband, the Tampopo was paid a good price for her. I paid it from the supply money ye gave me.”
            “What the hell were you thinking? You are my alpha and you’re keeping secrets from me? Give me one good reason that I shouldn’t throw you into long term stasis until I can find someone who wants a Ladyien who just happens to be a liar.”
            Kathryn went down on her knees and clutched at Devon’s hand, a desperate look on her face. “I’m so sorry. I just thought that since ye seemed so fond of her and she’d already been part of the harem for most of the trip, why not formalize things?”
            “You know I might have been willing to go along with the idea if someone had bothered to fucking talk to me!”
            Jennifer started to slide out of the blankets. Devon stopped her. “I’m not mad at you, Jennifer. Hell, it was a good idea. You’ve been a part of my harem for a while, and it was a good idea to take you along with us.”
            He glared at Kathryn. “You bought Jennifer from the Tampopo at least two days ago. I haven’t seen her, so you must have been keeping her in a pokeball the whole time.” He ground his teeth.
            “Did the rest of the harem know?”
            Kathryn’s voice was quiet. “Yes.”
            “So it was a conspiracy.” Devon’s voice rose to a shout. “IF I HAD WANTED PEOPLE TO RUN MY WHOLE DAMNED LIFE I WOULD HAVE STAYED AT THE CONSERVATORY AND LET POPPET DO IT!” He took a deep breath and continued in a more conversational tone.
            “I appreciate your help and under other circumstances I would probably be pleased as punch at your initiative but YOU BROUGHT A FUCKING PERSON INTO MY LIFE WITHOUT MY FUCKING KNOWLEDGE!!!”
            He suddenly slid out of the bed and started pulling on clothes. “I want… I don’t know what I want. I want to be alone for a while.” 
            Kathryn looked at the ground and asked in a small voice. “Who do ye want as yer guard?”
            “Your right to assign me bodyguards has just ended. If I catch anyone following me tonight I will put everyone into stasis until I have no choice but to bring someone out.” He took her chin in his hand and gently lifted, forcing her to look at him.  “Am I clear?”
            “Yes, husband.”
            Devon grabbed his sword and stalked out of the tent. Behind him he heard Kathryn start to weep.
            The next morning was quiet. The members of the harem were watching Devon carefully while he didn’t really have anything to say. After striking camp they set out, with Devon setting a hard pace.
            During the lunch break, Devon looked at Kathryn. “Where is Jennifer?”
            “She collapsed about midmorning and I put her in her pokeball. She’s nae yet up to the pace ye’ve set.”
            “Why didn’t you tell me?”
            “And get yelled at again?”
            “You deserved that.” Devon’s tone was slightly defensive.
            “Aye, I did. But ye’ve no right to drive everyone so hard today as punishment.”
            “Do you have any idea just how furious I was last night?”
            “I think that the people back in town knew just how mad ye were. That still dinna give ye the right to treat us this way.”
            Hatsumi looked up from her cheese. “Actually under the law, Master Devon has the right to treat us a great deal worse than he has done so far.” She sniffed her cheese and took a delicate bite. “This problem has arisen because Master Devon has chosen to treat us as people and we have gotten used to having a great deal of latitude in our decisions.”
            “Apparently when we decided that Jennifer should join the harem and assumed that Master Devon agreed with us we crossed a line in that latitude and last night we found out about it.”
            “We are not people in the eyes of many, and they would find no fault if Master Devon beat us until we were covered in blood. In a couple of places they might just insist that we be executed as an example to others.”        
            She looked around the group. “You call Master Devon husband and yet you presumed to bring another wife into the family without consulting him. How would you feel if he brought another Tamer in as a husband?” Pokegirls exchanged looks.
            “Hatsumi has been with Masters who would kill Kathryn out of hand for what she did.” She took another bite of cheese. “Hatsumi has been with one Master who would have had us kill each other for what we did and then have the last survivor kill herself.”
            “Perhaps from now on we should treat Master Devon as a person just as he has been treating us.”
            Devon had been listening. “Maybe I overreacted.”
            Kathryn shook her head. “I should nae have presumed upon ye about Jennifer joining the harem. Can ye forgive me?”
            “I forgive you. Can you forgive me?”
            “Aye, I do.”
            Kathryn went over and sat next to Hatsumi. “Mayhap you have the wisdom to serve as alpha.”
            Hatsumi snorted. “Hatsumi? No. Kathryn is Master Devon’s alpha. Hatsumi has another role.”
            “What role would that be?”
            “Hatsumi is Master Devon’s killer. Hatsumi is the one he will come to when someone has to die. It is a role that Hatsumi is happy with.”
            She looked curiously at the Ladyien. “Hatsumi tries to speak logically because Hatsumi knows that if Master Devon becomes like my old Master Sergi then Hatsumi will have to kill you. Like Sergi, Master Devon is full of anger from his past and Hatsumi does not want to see him make a mistake that he will regret later.”
            “But make no mistake, harem sister or not, decision made in anger or not, if Master Devon orders Hatsumi to kill then someone will die.”
            She looked off into the forest with an odd look of longing. “Master Devon has also treated Hatsumi as a person. He has treated Hatsumi as a friend.” She gave a glance at Kathryn, who was rooted in place. “In Hatsumi’s entire life Hatsumi has never had a friend before. Hatsumi values Master Devon’s friendship and would do much to keep it.”
            She turned to face Kathryn. “Even kill without Master Devon’s permission or knowledge. You decided that you wanted Jennifer to join the harem. You decided not to consult our master. The rest of the harem agreed with you. Hatsumi agreed with you. But you forsook your position as alpha when you decided not to consult with him and that has hurt him a great deal. Do not hurt him like that again.”
            The afternoon sun was slowly drifting down towards the treetops and Devon was starting to look for a place to make camp when a pokegirl burst out of the trees and careened through the group to disappear back into the woods on the other side. A moment later a group of four Buzzbreasts came swarming out of the woods in hot pursuit. When they saw Devon and his harem they changed vectors to intercept. 
            Jennifer was in her pokeball and Dima was in long term storage. Devon quickly assessed the situation. 
            “Tess, Kate take the lead. Lamya, Hatsumi take the next one. Seraphina you’re with me and we’ll take the third. First group done gets to do cleanup on the last one.”
            The first Buzzbreast never even knew what hit her as Kathryn’s squall hammered her simultaneously with Tess’ thunderbolt. She was out before she hit the ground.
            The second fared just as badly, even though there was a slight miscalculation on the part of Devon’s pokegirls. Lamya and Hatsumi both hit the creature with a hypnotic gaze attack. It stopped in midair, which made it an easy target as Lamya used backstab to teleport in behind and above the hovering Buzzbreast. She summoned her armor and crushed it to the ground with meteor mash. 
            The third Buzzbreast flew straight into Seraphina’s flamethrower. While not killed, it was heavily injured. It fell to the ground where Devon was waiting with his sword. A second later its head went skittering off among the leaves.
            The last Buzzbreast fled.
            Devon looked over the first Buzzbreast as he wiped his sword down, and realizing that it was still alive, bagged it with a pokeball.
            “Good job ladies.”
            Hatsumi looked at Devon. “Master, are we to pursue the Peekabu?”
            “That was a Peekabu?” Devon hadn’t gotten a good look at the fleeing pokegirl before she dropped out of sight.
            “Yes, master. Were you not looking for an electric type?”
            Devon swung to Seraphina. “Can you track her?”
            She gave him a wink “Anytime, anywhere.” She took deep sniff where the Peekabu had fled into the woods, nodded, and headed off. Everyone else followed.
            As they tracked the Peekabu, Kathryn caught up with Devon. “Are ye going to keep the Buzzbreast?”
            “No,” he replied absently. “But she’ll make good trading material.”
            Kathryn nodded. “Husband, I wanted ye to know that ye did a good job too.”
            Devon gave her a smile. “Thank you Kathryn. That means a lot.”
            Hatsumi dropped back until she was next to Tess as the two of them did circles above and slightly forward of Seraphina as she moved through the forest. “The master’s form was excellent. You are a good teacher.”
            Tess grinned. “I saw. He has to potential to be one of the greats, if he spends another ten or fifteen years at it.”
            Hatsumi gave a soft laugh. “No one can be a pokegirl Tamer forever. Then, perhaps you can get him to study harder.”
            Tess’ circle brought her around to where she could see behind them. “Oh shit!”
            Hatsumi turned to look as a swarm of at Buzzbreasts came pouring up out of the forest. They were headed towards the location of the battle. A quick estimate put the numbers at more than fifty. 
            The two pokegirls dove into the forest to warn the others.
            “We’re getting close to the Peekabu.” Seraphina was pleased. So was Devon.
            Then Tess showed up with her report.
            Devon reacted quickly. “Everyone except Hatsumi back in your pokeballs. Hatsumi will teleport me back to the town.” Devon swiftly returned everyone. 
            He turned to Hatsumi and opened his mouth when he was blindsided by the Peekabu as she leapt onto him from where she’d been hiding in a nearby bush. “Help me.”
            “I’m going to have to put you in a pokeball to get you out of here, but I’ll let you go when we’re safe.”
            “Ok.” Devon put her into a pokeball and cycled her into storage in his backpack. Then he drew his sword and stuffed the scabbard into his pack as well. He paused for an instant and then pulled a human type poison antidote injector out of the backpack and stuck it in his pocket. Then he slung the pack on and adjusted the straps.
            Hatsumi’s eyes were bright. “Hatsumi thinks we are not going to teleport until we give the Buzzbreasts reason to fear us when we return to this forest.”
            Devon gave her a tight grin. “Close enough. From what Tess told me this hive is unusually large. We’ll thin them as much as we can before you teleport us to safety. That will give the other forest denizens a fighting chance.”
            “My master is a brave fool.” Hatsumi sounded excited. She landed and kissed Devon enthusiastically. “Hatsumi’s blood boils just thinking about the fight we’re about to have.”
            “It’s going to have to wait until after we get out of here.” He shook his head. “I can hear them now. I’m going to stay near these trees so they can’t easily get above me. You use your fire spells to incinerate as many as possible, but try not to set the forest on fire if you can avoid it.”
            “Hatsumi hears. Rules, rules, rules. Hatsumi obeys.”
            “Remember, when you see that I’m in too much trouble then you come rescue me.”
            “Hatsumi hears.” She hugged him and then took to the air, soaring above the trees. “HATSUMI IS COMING TO KILL YOU BUGS!!! COME TO HATSUMI AND DIE!!!”
            The swarm of Buzzbreasts rose from the forest to meet her challenge.
            Hatsumi grinned and flourished her right hand. It burst into flames. “Fire.” She flourished her left hand, which also ignited. “Fira.” Then she clasped her hands together. “Firaga!” A column of fire three meters in diameter blasted from her hands through the center of the swarm. The survivors dove back into the woods.
            “No trees are burning. Master Devon will be pleased.” Hatsumi looked down. The clearing where Devon had been making his stand was a swirling mass of angry Buzzbreasts with no sign of her master. “MASTER!” She dove into the forest.
            Devon was in trouble. He’d been doing well against the Buzzbreasts, remembering his lessons and fighting well. He quickly fell into that state of awareness that Tess had made him focus on, where he was aware of everything around him. He struck automatically before his conscious mind was aware of an opening and recovered before his victim knew what had happened. He kept moving between three trees, weaving and dodging to keep the Buzzbreasts off balance. Their sheer numbers and size helped him by interfering with each other.
            Then a white cord slapped against his leg and bound. The Buzzqueen had arrived. He cut the first stringshot and the second, but no matter how many he cut, more arrived and each one added weight when it hit. Soon he looked like he was covered with long white tentacles and finally he stumbled. Instantly the Buzzbreasts were on him.
            That was when flaming bolts began raining down on the group of Buzzbreasts. The Buzzqueen fled along with her surviving Buzzbreasts. Their numbers were noticeably fewer.
            Hatsumi gathered Devon up and teleported. They came out a hundred meters in the air, hovering over the port they’d landed at. Devon painfully reached into his pocket and pulled out the antidote injector as Hatsumi shot downward. He stuck it against his chest and hit the trigger.
            Pokegirls get a nice sprayer that dispenses status cures. You just spray it on them. Humans get a jet injector that uses high pressure nitrogen to shoot a dose of medication beneath the skin or into the muscle.  The standard model has ten doses. Devon emptied it into his chest.
            He spasmed as pain burst through his chest and relaxed as it passed.
            Hatsumi landed and gently placed Devon on the ground. She gave him a quick once over. He looked better now that the poison had been neutralized, but still he was a mass of welts from the stings and he had several cuts from the Buzzbreast’s fury attack.
            Hatsumi cast a cure spell as she laid her hand on Devon’s cheek. His wounds closed. “Master will be fine.”
            “Of course I will.” Devon’s voice was low but steady. 
            “Good.” Hatsumi picked him up gently and lifted into the air.
            “Shouldn’t I let the others out?”
            “Not yet Master Devon. Hatsumi’s blood still boils and her master needs to help cool it down.” She turned and sped off into the sunset as she searched for some privacy.
            “I really need to work more on your armor.” Tess sat down next to him and started feeding sticks into the fire. “I’m sorry we didn’t get the Peekabu.”
            “Funny that.” Devon gave a wry smile. “Right after I put you and the others up and just before I did that completely insane thing we are not going to talk about, the Peekabu showed up. She asked for help and I put her into a pokeball and loaded her into long term storage.”
            One of the many things Devon liked about Tess was that she was smart. “She talked? Then she’s not feral.”
            “Nope. In the morning I’m going to release her and cut her loose.”
            “Will we have to escort her home?”
            “Probably.” He shrugged. “If you find a damsel in distress I think the rule is that you have to take her home or marry her. Or both.”
            “At this point taking her home sounds like the best idea.”
            “So you’re Makoto Tendo?”
            “That’s right sempai.”
            Hatsumi leaned over and touched Devon’s shoulder. “It’s Japanese. She’s acknowledging that you are her superior.”
            “Ok.” Devon nodded. “How did you come to be in that forest?”
            “I got lost. My sister Bunny had given me directions for a shortcut. I should have remembered that none of her shortcuts ever work.” She looked slightly embarrassed. “Then the Buzzbreasts found me. The rest you know.”
            “I’m going to take you home, like I said I would. Where might that be?”
            “The Tendo Ranch and Dojo.” She smiled brightly. “My whole family lives there.”
            “I’ve heard of it. They do good work. I just didn’t know it was around here.” Devon shook his head. “I don’t suppose it’s anywhere near Dr. Stroak’s lab?”
            “It’s about three days on the other side of the Ranch. You have to go in the same direction to get there from here.”
            “That will make things easier. How far are we from the Ranch?”
            “About two days.”
            Devon nodded. “Kathryn, you and Tess have overwatch. Lamya you have Devon-watch.” Laugher drifted around the clearing as Kathryn and Tess launched themselves into the air. “Ladies, lets move out. Hatsumi you have point. Makoto, you stay close to Hatsumi and point out the way as we go”. 
            “Yes, sempai.”
            “Jennifer, you and Seraphina watch our backs.”
            It was of about average size for a ranch. The Tendo Ranch had been known for breeding starter pokegirls for over a decade. When compared to the three hundred years the Conservatory had been in operation, the Tendo Ranch was very new indeed.            
            However insomuch as breeding pokegirls went apparently Soun Tendo had the touch in producing good domestics. The reviews Devon had read had been mostly positive. The only caution he’d noted had to do with Soun himself.            
            Apparently the man was considered very temperamental, sometimes to the point of absurdity. He was also rumored to be master of the difficult technique of big-head fu. Devon had reviewed it and found it to be an odd, if fairly useless technique. Maybe he used it to entertain at parties.
            There was a sign out front.
Tendo Ranch
Deliveries Ring Bell
To Challenge the Dojo, Use the Rear Entry
            Jennifer read the sign. “Seems pretty standard.”
            Devon gave her an odd look. “Maybe you are right.” He’d put everyone except Jennifer and Kathryn into their pokeballs to keep from worrying anyone here that he might be some kind of raider. “I haven’t had that much experience with Ranches that produce starter pokegirls. I just know that if someone put a sign like that up at the Conservatory, Da would have them horsewhipped.”
            He turned to look at Makoto. “Are we a delivery or are we expected to go around back?”
            She grinned. “I’d say I’m a delivery, so we should ring the bell to let Kasumi know.” 
            “Sure.” Devon pulled the bell pull.
            The door opened. “Hello?” It was a Kitten wearing a pretty housedress with an apron over it.
            Devon smiled. “I have a delivery for the Tendo Ranch and Dojo.”
            “Oh, my. Did Nabiki order something again?”
            “It’s me Kasumi.” Makoto stepped forward and hugged her sister.
            “Father will be so glad to see you. We were so worried.” She looked at Devon. “Please come in. I’m sure my father will want to thank you personally.” She ushered them inside.
            Devon was starting to become desperate to make this man understand. “Mr. Tendo.”
            “Call me Soun, son.”
            “Fine. Soun, I don’t need a starter pokegirl. I already have a full harem. Thank you very much but no.”
            “Makoto likes you. Perhaps you could take her?”
            Devon sighed.  “She’s too young. She won’t be of age for another six months.”
            “Maybe we could get you a waiver or you could take her and not Tame her for six months. Or you could come back?”
            “I have too many daughters. Please take one or two or several.” Soun sounded slightly frantic.
            “I can’t” Devon had a thought. “If you’d like, I’ll speak to Poppet and see if she can arrange for some of your girls to be sent for adoption in the Blue Continent.”
            “Poppet? You know Poppet?”
            “I told you I was from the Conservatory?” Twice.
            “The Conservatory? Then you could handle taking one of my daughters.”
            “I can’t. I don’t need a starter pokegirl.”
            “What about Makoto? She likes you.”
            Devon swallowed a scream.
            As soon as they were out of sight of the Tendo Ranch, Devon freed all of his pokegirls and counted heads. Then he started dumping everything out of his pokepack.
            Kathryn gave him a curious look. “Devon, is everything all right?”
            “I let this pack get out of my sight during my visit and I’m going to make sure that Soun didn’t have it filled with his daughters when I wasn’t looking.”
            “Now try a kick, Jennifer.” Devon blocked the kick easily. Jennifer was improving quickly, but she still had a ways to go. “That was very good.”
            Jennifer jumped at Devon. “Gonna bite you!” Devon blocked and spilled her onto the ground.
            “I think you need more practice.” He pulled her to her feet and she gave him a hug. 
            “This is fun!” She hugged him. Still hugging him the Catgirl began to glow.
            Tess looked up. “Jennifer is evolving!” Everyone gathered around.
            The glow intensified. Suddenly Devon started glowing too. Devon panicked and started trying to pull free of Jennifer’s grip but to no avail. The glows merged and separated.
            When they died down Devon pulled free and frantically stripped, searching to see what had changed this time. He was relieved to see that he hadn’t changed any more.
            “Husband?” Kathryn’s voice was unsure.
            For the first time, Devon looked up. He stared for a moment, unsure of what he was seeing. Jennifer was staring at herself. 
            Well to be honest, everyone was staring at Jennifer. She was worth a stare or two.
            She now stood about an even two meters and had filled out significantly. She’d become more anthropomorphic, with a more pronounced muzzle and ears that were currently flat in her confusion. A strange symbol surmounted her forehead. 
            She was now covered in a thick coat of tan fur that gleamed in the last rays of the setting sun. Her hair had turned night black and moved slightly in the breeze. 
            A tremendous pair of feathered wings gleamed whitely, spreading out a good four and a half meters, furling and unfurling.
            Jennifer wailed and threw herself at Devon. He was suddenly buried in fur and feathers and fought to breathe as she clung to him. Her strength was tremendous and he felt his bones creak. He kept his voice soothing as he struggled to breathe. “It’s going to be fine. You’ve evolved and I’m sure once you get used to it, it will be wonderful.”
            “What am I?” Her voice trembled with fear.
            “I need to get to my pokedex if you want to be sure.” Slowly she let him go almost completely but still refusing to let go of his left hand.
            Devon awkwardly tried to open his pokedex with his hand until Kathryn took it from him and opened it. “Is there anything we can do?”
            “Get everyone who’s willing and touch her. Let her know that you aren’t frightened of her. Surround her with her wives.” Kathryn looked uncertain but quickly got everyone touching and stroking the new Jennifer.
            Jennifer was starting to relax when Devon aimed the pokedex at her. “Sphinx, the Aerial Warlord Pokegirl. Sphinx is the evolved form of Griffon.”
            Jennifer stared. “But I wasn’t a Griffon! I was a Catgirl.” 
            Devon dropped the pokedex and gave her a strong hug and a fierce kiss.   “There is nothing wrong with you.” He grinned. “It just seems that you managed to skip an evolutionary step. I’m glad you like fighting, because Sphinx is one of the best there is.”
            Jennifer gave him a hesitant smile. “You don’t think I’m a freak?
            “Not a chance.” He rubbed his cheek against hers and felt her quietly purr. “Later I look forward to finding out just how to Tame you.”
            She smiled.
            Suddenly Devon became aware that someone was standing behind him. He let go of Jennifer and spun. He got a confused impression of another feline anthropomorph who shrieked, “STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILD!” She hit Devon with a meteor punch.
            Devon was smashed through the air. He felt things break when the cat hit him and felt more things break when he hit the ground and bounced. Pain exploded through his body. It hurt to breathe and he coughed up blood.
            The feline was advancing on Devon when Hatsumi threw herself in front of her Tamer.
            The feline roared. “GET OUT OF MY WAY!”
            Hatsumi bowed. “Lady Sexmet, Hatsumi’s Tamer has done you no wrong.”
            Sexmet stared. “Hatsumi? I thought you were dead.”
            “Hatsumi wished people to think so. Unfortunately for Hatsumi to be dead, Hatsumi would have to be dead for everyone.”
            “Why are you with this thief?”
            “Master Devon is no thief. He has not stolen this Sphinx. He made her.”
            “I do not see how this could happen.”
            “Hatsumi suspects that you would have to ask Poppet about that. Hatsumi would be willing to continue this conversation but first Hatsumi must stop Master Devon from dying.”
            “Save him then.” Sexmet waved a hand. “I can always finish him off later.”
            Hatsumi bent down to Devon and cast cure on him. “Hatsumi can stabilize you, but Hatsumi cannot heal your injuries completely. We must find help.” Devon nodded.
            Hatsumi gestured to Kathryn and the other to take Devon to the tent. Only then did she turn her attention back to Sexmet.
            Sexmet was trying to talk to Jennifer, who at this point wanted nothing to do with her.
            Hatsumi came over. “Jennifer this is Lady Sexmet. She hurt Devon because she didn’t understand the situation and we must explain it to her.” Jennifer stopped struggling. 
            “Devon has been the best thing ever for me.” Her eyes narrowed. “And you hurt him.” Jennifer glanced at where Devon was being cared for by Lamya and glared briefly at Sexmet. “I don’t know why you are so interested in me, but Devon has gone out of his way to not hurt me. I’ve never had an exclusive Tamer before him but he’s been great. He’s nice and he cares about each of us separately, not just as a group. And he takes the time to know us as people, not just as extensions of him.” She frowned. “He didn’t even get mad at me after his pokegirls got me into his harem without his knowledge.”
            Sexmet waved a hand dismissively. “I’m sure you think he’s all right, but the truth is you are blinded by your genetics to defer to his ways.”
            “Hatsumi agrees with Jennifer. You do not think that Hatsumi would be blind to the faults her Tamer may possess, do you?”
            “I don’t know. What faults do you see in this one?” 
            “Hatsumi sees that Master Devon has too much anger. He has more anger than a fifteen year old man should be able to possess. Hatsumi also sees that her master is too trusting. He lets the members of his harem get too close when he does not know them well. It has hurt him in the past and will again. Master Devon also nurses grudges for slights that are blown out of proportion. He has arrogance and has a difficult time believing that others may know better than he does. However he is willing to listen if he is presented with overwhelming proof.” 
            “He is sentimental about his pokegirls and will have a hard time making the decisions necessary to get the most out his harem. This sentimentality will in all likelihood keep him from ever being a great battler, although it may mean that he will be an outstanding Tamer.”
            “Master Devon’s greatest fault is that he is automatically disposed to disobey if possible or irritate persons in places of authority if he cannot safely disobey them. He hates being told what to do and may do the opposite out of spite. This can make him predictable.”
            “Does Hatsumi sound as if Hatsumi is blind to Hatsumi’s master’s weaknesses?”
            “No, you sound as you always have, practical to a fault.”
            Hatsumi nodded. “Jennifer, perhaps you might go check on Devon?” It was an obvious dismissal. Jennifer started to bristle, then nodded and walked away, her wings fluttering slightly as she moved.
            “Lady Sexmet has always valued Hatsumi’s advice. Hatsumi advises Lady Sexmet not to kill Devon Harris.”
            Sexmet’s eyes widened. “That is one of the Harris men?”
            “That is the latest Harris and possibly the one that Poppet has hung all of her hopes upon.”
            “You know that the whole idea was madness from the beginning.”
            “Hatsumi agrees that Poppet may not be entirely stable. However, Poppet’s madness, if any, is focused on her project. She is likely to respond badly if you disrupt it.”
            “She is just a unicorn. What possible trouble could she cause me?”
            “She is not just a unicorn. Poppet was one of the Maker’s laboratory assistants. Her specialty was genetic engineering and DNA splicing.”
            Sexbet looked uneasy. “So that is why she wanted a sample of my blood so long ago. She was trying to clone me. That cannot be done.”
            “Did she get the sample she desired?” Hatsumi seemed extremely intent.
            “I don’t know. I remember she was frequenting some of the battle sites where humans tried to kill me after the Maker disappeared. Sometimes they injured me before I destroyed them. Why is it important?”
            “Poppet would not have cared about cloning you.” Hatsumi was looking back at Devon. “However she may have been intending to incorporate your bloodline into his.” She looked back at Sexmet. “He may be the only progeny you have.”
            She smiled at Sexmet’s startled look. “Hatsumi knows that Poppet was gathering DNA samples from all of the legendaries she could find back in the beginning. Perhaps that was why. Hatsumi wonders how successful she was.”
            “However that would explain what happened here today. Master Devon may act as a catalyst for evolution in feline types, like you do.”
            “But Poppet wouldn’t be able to do any of this without access to a very sophisticated laboratory. I doubt any but one of the Maker’s labs would be suitable.” Sexmet nodded, reassuring herself. 
            “You are undoubtedly right. However Hatsumi has recently learned something interesting. Master Devon has the journals of the previous Harris men in his PDA in order to add his own journals to them. Hatsumi has been reading them in her spare time.”
            “According to the journal of Jamie Harris, Poppet was very insistent about where the Conservatory would be sited when they settled in Scotland. It also appears that Jamie let her have her way.”
            “Hatsumi suspects that this means that where the Conservatory is there may also be a laboratory or perhaps an arsenal. Hatsumi would estimate equal probability of either as the times were very unsettled then and she may have just been seeking someplace safe.”
            Sexmet gave her a questioning look. “And how would Poppet know that a lab existed there? Most of the labs were mothballed right after construction and only the Maker knew where they were.”
            “Hatsumi agrees that Poppet may not know where many of the secret labs were, but Ming Die would.”
            “So you think Ming Die told Poppet about the lab before her death.”
            “Ming Die is not dead. Hatsumi has seen her. Ming Die is at the Conservatory and appears to be working with Poppet.” She smiled. “Ming Die is not familiar with Hatsumi and did not appear to recognize Hatsumi.”
            “Ming Die’s presence changes things. Perhaps we should pay more attention to what Poppet is doing.”
            “Hatsumi agrees. If she has succeeded then master Devon may be of incredible worth. If she has not, the boy still shows some impressive traits.”
            “What does he know?”
            “Hatsumi believes that he knows nothing. He is, however, extremely intelligent and possesses total recall. He is also dangerously curious.”
            “Since I can’t deal with him as I should, what do you advise that I do with the Sphinx? Leaving her here would be dangerous to everyone.”
            “Hatsumi repeats that master Devon is very intelligent. He will understand if you explain it to him.”
            Sexmet shook her head. “We’ll see.” She turned and strode over to Devon and the rest of the Harem, smiling as Tess drew her sword and stepped in front of his supine form. Jennifer and Lamya joined her while Kathryn and Seraphina stepped off to the left.
            She glanced back at Hatsumi. “Want to call them off or do you want me to hurt them?”
            Hatsumi waved off the other pokegirls. “Hatsumi would advise that you not attempt to hurt other members of Hatsumi’s harem while Hatsumi is standing behind you.”
            Sexmet looked astonished. “You would attack me?”
            “No, Hatsumi would do Hatsumi’s best to kill you.”
            “I am Sexmet. Just how powerful do you think you are?”
            “Hatsumi thinks that Hatsumi is powerful enough to try.” Hatsumi pointed with her chin at Devon. “You are wasting time. Hatsumi thinks perhaps you are unwilling to try to deal with Master Devon.”
            Sexmet glared for a moment and then turned back to Devon. “Devon Harris, do you know who I am.”
            “Yeah, you tried to kill me.”
            “I am Sexmet.”
            Devon started to say something and then caught Hatsumi’s slight shake of the head. He took a deep breath and winced. “I am pleased to meet you Sexmet. Your name is known to me.” Sexmet looked pleased.
            “I have some questions for you. Answer truthfully and I will not harm you.”
            Devon muttered something unintelligible.
            “What did you say?”
            Devon sighed. “Nothing important.”
            “I just told you not to lie to me.”
            “It wasn’t a lie. You hurt me pretty badly and right now all I want you to do is go far away. What I said wasn’t friendly, nice or relevant.”
            He frowned. “I have a temper. Sometimes it gets the best of me and I say things that would not help a particular situation. That comment was one of them.”
            “I would like to hear it. No further injury to you will result.”
            “Fine. I said ‘It’s good to see that pokegirls and humans have more in common than each is willing to admit’.”
            “Elaborate on that.”
            “You arrive and with no warning and no provocation almost kill me. Now Hatsumi has stopped the injuries that were going to kill me, but I still have several broken ribs and that is probably not the full extent of my problems. I couldn’t fight a cold right now and you come over here and make more threats, just like many humans would do.”
            “I made no threats.”
            “So ‘answer truthfully and I will not harm you’ is not a threat?”
            Sexmet stared at him with astonishment and then shook her head. “You have spirit. I am not used to being corrected in this manner.”
            “Yeah, well, never mind. The statement I almost just said wouldn’t have been helpful, either. What do you want to know?’
            “How did this Sphinx come to be?”
            “First of all her name is Jennifer. To answer your question, I’m not really sure.”
            “Do you think you were responsible?”
            “I was the one training her. But I don’t think that’s what you are after.”
            “Jennifer and I were training when she started to evolve, and when that happened she grabbed onto me. A previous time when something like that happened, the evolutionary field seemed to latch onto me for a moment. This time it grabbed me but good. I was terrified that I was becoming a pokegirl.”
            “When everything died down, we discovered that Jennifer had become a Sphinx.”
            Sexmet nodded. “Would you be willing to try that experiment on other pokegirls?”
            “With all due respect I’d rather pass. While it was going on I could feel, something. It’s rather hard to describe. However, I can assure you that it was very unpleasant.” He coughed and winced.
            “Nonetheless I will be sending you some pokegirls to test on.”
            Devon got a familiar look in his eye. “You might as well go ahead and kill me now.” Kathryn gasped.
            “You will not participate?”
            “Not when you ask so sweetly.” Sexmet blinked.
            “Why won’t you help me?”
            “Well, should this little test result in my becoming a pokegirl, it would cause a significantly profound change in my outlook on life that I do not believe I am currently sufficiently mature to handle. You know, the whole living in pokeball, pregnancy and monthly period thing.”
            “And yes, I’ve already heard the ‘I am Sexmet. I do not ask. You will either help me or I will blot you out.’ Well, if that is the way you are going to be, blot away.”
            Sexmet burst out laughing. “I like this one. Hatsumi, you were right to prevent my killing him, at least for now.” She looked at Devon amusedly. “I will not ‘blot’ you out.” She leaned forward and rested a hand on his forehead. “In fact, receive my blessing.” 
            A bright light flashed. Devon convulsed. Sexmet watched him critically. “I didn’t realize that he was too weak to receive my blessing.”
            Devon’s convulsions eased. He took a deep breath. “That hurt!” He shivered. “I could feel all the broken bones moving back to where they belonged.” He blinked. “It doesn’t hurt anymore. In fact I feel fine.”
            “I can see that.” Sexmet’s tone was dry. Devon followed her gaze to where his erection bounced in time to his heartbeat. He turned scarlet.
            “Uh, don’t mind that.”
            Sexmet chuckled as she got to her feet. “Never fear, I had a lover not too long ago.” 
            “Could someone please hand me my pants?” Devon asked in a plaintive tone.
            Sexmet walked with Hatsumi a little way from the group. “Will you keep an eye on him for me?”
            “No. However Hatsumi will take care of Devon for Hatsumi. That will also take care of him for you.”
            “Devon does seem to have some traits that indicate some kind of blood ties to me and perhaps others of our kind. We need to take a much closer look at what Poppet is doing.”
            “Hatsumi agrees. Hatsumi also advises caution. Remember the rumors about Poppet’s capabilities and the fact that many owe her debts of one kind or another.”
            “In any case I think we need to investigate further. What do you think we should do with your master?”
            “Hatsumi thinks that Devon needs a patron. Hatsumi suspects that if he does not have a patron, and soon, your southern enemies may try to make use of him. That would be unfortunate.”
            “Him? Why would Sanctuary be interested in him?”
            “He believes that all people should be equal. That would make him an obvious choice as to recruit as one of their agents in the Blue Continent, where their intelligence gathering resources are minimal. Their attempt to recruit him would ultimately fail, but in the meantime he has access to sources of information that they would very much desire to acquire.”
            “While I hate those bitches I will admit that they can be very persuasive. What makes you think they’d fail in an attempt to recruit Devon?”
            “Devon thinks of his harem as his family. He does not think of them as pets or treat them as such. The people of Sanctuary want to reverse the standard roles. He would not willingly become a pet to anyone. Sanctuary Goths are often unwilling to take refusal lightly and someone would have to die. Hatsumi would make sure it was not Devon.”
            “I see. Should I give him an agent of my own?”
            “Why not just seek his help instead? Even if you got Devon to accept an agent of yours into his harem, he would not be happy. And if you got one into his harem through subterfuge, when he discovered the ruse it just might throw him into the arms of your enemies.”
            “He would be that spiteful?”
            “He does indeed often remind Hatsumi of you.”
            Sexmet harrumphed.
            After struggling into his pants, Devon slowly got to his feet and headed over to Sexmet and Hatsumi. “Lady Sexmet?”
            She turned to face him. “Yes, Devon?”
            “I don’t want to ask you this, but would you please take Jennifer with you when you go?”
            Sexmet gave Hatsumi a startled look. “Why would you want me to do that?”
            “I can’t protect her forever.” Devon looked pained. “Eventually word will get out that there is a Sphinx in my harem and then every villain and terrorist and idiot Tamer will show up to try and steal her from me.” He took a deep breath. “My harem, with the possible exception of Hatsumi, is not strong enough to keep her from eventually being taken, and Hatsumi can’t be everywhere at once. I’d rather she go with you, if you can talk her into it. I’m willing to help convince her.”
            “I realize that I’ll probably never see her again, because it will be a couple of years before I will be strong enough to protect her and by that time wherever you live will have become home to her. I’m not going to take her away from something like that.”
            “Would you like to be able to come and visit her?” Sexmet’s voice was gentle.
            “I’d love to, but that would just prolong her agony. On top of that, there are people out there who would strip the skin off my body centimeter by centimeter if they thought I could tell them where you live, and I’d eventually break.”
            “You want me to take Jennifer with me and you don’t want to be able to visit?” Sexmet sounded slightly incredulous. 
            “No, I want to keep her here with me. But she won’t be safe here, and keeping her safe is more important than keeping her with me.”
            Sexmet eyed him shrewdly. “You’ve lost someone important.”
            “That is none of your fucking business.” Devon was instantly hostile.
            Sexmet blinked and her ears went flat.
            Hatsumi leaned over and whispered into Sexmet’s ear. “Do you now see why Hatsumi wants you to be my master’s patron? Can you imagine Cologne’s response to that attitude?”
            Sexmet burst out in laughter again. “Yes, I can,” she replied in a normal tone. She looked at Hatsumi. “I will consider it.” Then she turned to Devon.
            “Very well, if we can convince Jennifer to go with me, I will be happy to take her home.”
            Hatsumi and she walked over to where the rest of the harem was standing. Devon started to follow them when he spotted something nearby. It was his pokedex. He remembered it being in his hand when Sexmet had hit him. Shrugging, he picked it up and checked it. 
            Suddenly he looked around briefly and then shut it down and clipped it to his belt before he followed them. This wasn’t too far from where they were having their little chats. Maybe a little audio filtering will let me hear that conversation. Have to try it later.