This work is fiction. The work has no relationship with any person existing at any time anywhere whether real or imaginary or copywritten. Everything in this work is mea culpa. 

            This work is the property of Kerrik Wolf (saethwyr@ (SPAM) Please remove (SPAM) to contact me.
            You should not read this work if you are under the age of legal consent wherever you reside. This work may or may not contain any and/or all of the following: death, dismemberment, violent acts, implied sex, explicit sex, violent sex, rape, cannibalism, blasphemy (depending on your religion), BDSM, torture, mimes, and just about anything unwholesome that you could consider.
            The pokegirl universe was first documented by Metroanime and to him all of us who reside or visit there owe a debt of thanks. 
            Feedback is encouraged. I enjoy hearing from people. Positive feedback will be appreciated, cherished and flaunted in front of people. Negative feedback will be appreciated, cherished and listened to, that I might continue to grow. Flames will give me a good laugh. Feedback may be delivered to: saethwyr@(SPAM) Please remove (SPAM) to contact me. 


Chapter 19
(4/18/06 2100 Marco Island)
            Raven appeared and let Six go as she looked around. “Damn. I do not know where Jamie would be. We will try at the clinic. Cesare and Emily should know and they may be there.”
            “What if they are not there?”
            “Then we will go to the taming hostel and look there for them. The school where the clinic is located is closer, so we will look there first.” Six followed after her as they headed for the clinic. As they approached, Raven glanced at her companion. “There is a guard and he or she should know me. It would be wise to let me do the talking while you remain silent. While I doubt his rifle could harm you, he will try to and the noise will alert the militia. While that will bring Jamie to us, it would be easier to find him if we are not being shot at.”
            “You’re right.”
            Raven nodded and called softly into the darkness. “I am Raven, of the harem of Colonel Wolf. The pokegirl with me is not a threat.”
            A voice floated back. “Advance and be recognized, Raven.” A flashlight played across their chests and disappeared. “Good evening, Raven.” As an attempt not to destroy their night vision, it worked fairly well and the archmage made a mental note to recommend the sentry as a possible tamer should the need arise. Smart ones faired better.
            Raven recognized the voice. “Good evening, Private Henderson. Is Cesare or Emily here right now?”
            “Emily is inside somewhere.” Light appeared as the sentry opened the blacked out door. “I’d start at the lounge.”
            Raven led Six down to the lounge. Emily looked up from where she was doing a book of crossword puzzles and raised an eyebrow. “No Kerrik?”
            She nodded. “That’s ok, but a pity anyway. He’s the only human around here besides Cesare that I don’t think I need to do my slut routine for.” She smiled at Six’s blank look. “I’m a nursejoy and one of the few pokegirls that prospective tamers see outside of the ones that raise them. We’re all given acting lessons to make sure we can be slutty enough to possibly entice them into becoming tamers when they come of age. It’s part of our responsibilities as civic pokegirls.”
            “Why wouldn’t you do that act for Kerrik?”
            “Your tamer sees right through that sort of behavior, doesn’t he?” She smiled when the archmage nodded. “I thought so when I noticed that my slut routine hadn’t caught his eye. It’s refreshing being around people where I can just be myself, instead of trying to be the sexiest pokegirl that walks the planet.”
            Raven started chuckling. “This is the other pokegirl species that you have never heard of. I thought you should meet her before meeting the duelist, just to make sure that you can not claim to have won your bet with Kerrik. Emily, this is Six, who is losing a bet she made with Kerrik and will be joining Jamie’s harem today. I expect that her name will change then, as mine did.”
            Six’s mouth set. “Bitch.”
            “I am a bitch; but, in this case, it is just that I do not want to share Kerrik any more than I have to. It is also that I have already chosen his next pokegirl and you are not good enough for him.” The archmage turned back to Emily as Six’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Do you know where Major Wolf is?”
            The nursejoy nodded. “He had a dinner date with the guard commander and Lieutenant Carver. After that, he’s probably going to go back to the house where he’s been staying. Do you know where that is? If not, I can probably tell you how to get there.”
            “I know where his house is. Do you know when he will be done with his meal?”
            The nursejoy shrugged. “He may be done already. In any case, you could wait on his porch until he gets home.” She rose. “I’ve got to check on a patient. If a can of beans explodes when you open it, you’d think it was bad and not eat it; but no, someone had to be stupid enough to give it a go. So, I need to keep her here overnight to make sure she doesn’t do anything equally intelligent, like drown in a glass of water.” She rolled her eyes. “Night, Raven, Six.”
            Six turned to Raven. “You knew where Jamie would be. The only reason you brought me here was to meet Emily, didn’t you?
            “I knew where Jamie might be. Emily let me know that he might not be here. Therefore, it was not the only reason, but yes, it was a reason. The nursejoy was one of several pokegirls that were designed by humans other than the maker. She is designed to be a healer and a comforter and their work was surprisingly sophisticated. It was also quite successful.”
            “Was it a serendipitous accident?”
            “I believe that they actually made what they set out to do, at least in this case. Some of the maid pokegirls were not nearly as successful.” She smiled. “I have been using Kerrik’s pokedex. It’s an electronic database with more information on pokegirls than I have ever seen in one place. It even has a completely voice controlled system for people like me who cannot read.”
            “I’ve always said that you should learn. It’s very useful.”
            “Kerrik has told me that I will be learning soon and he also says he can teach me in five minutes. I will time him.”
            “You paint a nice picture of Kerrik. Why should I settle for Jamie?”
            “Your bet is sufficient reason, I would think. Kerrik and I both would be rather unhappy if you broke your agreement with him. Knowing me as you do, do you truly wish me as an enemy?” She looked Six evenly in the eyes and the blue haired pokegirl was the first to look away. “Now, let us go to Jamie’s house.”
            The place Jamie had been given to stay in was a house right on the water. The pool was choked with leaves and the boat dock had rotted away, but only a few windows had needed covered to make it habitable. It had no power and in the darkness was a black mound that echoed softly with the sound of the waves. Six and Raven both created light globes before settling down on the steps.
            A few minutes later, a tiny glowing form zipped down the street and hovered in front of the porch. It looked from one pokegirl to the other and whispered in a questioning tone. “Raven? Is one of you Raven?”
            “I am.”
            The construct turned to face her as Six leaned forward curiously. “I send compliments from Madison and am to inform you that Jamie has been told of your coming by Kerrik; he is on his way to greet you.” The construct bobbed briefly as the wind gusted momentarily. “Is there a return message?”
            “Inform Madison that we wait at Jamie’s home. That is all.”
            The construct bobbed again, this time sketching a bow. “I go.” It raced off.
            “That is a very stupid creature, whatever it is.”
            Raven’s lips curved in a sly smile. “That was one of Madison’s constructs. She made it with that card conjuration technique I mentioned. As for its intelligence, how many brains do you think can be packed into a playing card? Most of them cannot talk at all and of the ones that can, like that one, most can only convey simple messages. Some, however, are quite sophisticated.”
            “Are they dangerous?”
            “From what little I have seen, they can be almost as dangerous as a trained pokegirl, although they have little volition of their own. Granted, I have not seen them in combat as of yet, but I understand that they can be lethal.”
            “This may be a technique worth learning.” Six stared off into the darkness for a moment as she audibly ground her teeth. “I admit that I have lost the bet. I have seen nothing like this technique before.” She sighed. “He did look interesting. I would have enjoyed the sex.”
            Raven shook her head. “You would not have been with him. He never agreed to lie with you, only that you would get laid. It is likely that if he had lost, he would have sent you to Jamie in the hopes that he would bond you.”
            Six’s mouth dropped. “You are right. He didn’t say who I would be lying with and I made a dangerous assumption. You have chosen a sneaky man for your own.”
            “High levels of intelligence are something that should be desired in a mate.” The archmage grinned. “Jamie also shows high levels of intelligence. Still, he’s young and needs to develop it more.”
            “I’ll keep that in mind.” Jamie stepped out of the darkness. “That was a compliment, right?” He chuckled when Raven just kept grinning. “Kerrik sent me a message saying that you were coming to introduce me to a prospective member of my harem?” He gestured to the redhead with him. “Madison, would you make some tea for our guests?”
            The duelist nodded and went inside as Jamie stuck out his hand in Six’s general direction. “I’m Jamie. Are you the pokegirl that I might want?”
            Six grinned and took it, shaking heartily. “Yes, I’m Six. If you don’t want me, this may be kind of awkward.”
            “I lost a bet with Kerrik and, as a result, I have to join your harem and serve you loyally and obediently. The bet was rather specific and I’m kind of stuck with it. I won’t besmirch my honor, it would be wrong.”
            Jamie shook his head slowly. “Well, far be it from me to make you lose honor, but I do have to look out for the best interests of me and my harem. What would you bring?”
            Six exchanged a quick glance with Raven. “I am a powerful mage and I’m an excellent tactician and advisor. I’m good in bed, too.”
            Jamie nodded. “And what are your faults?”
            The pokegirl didn’t hesitate. “I have a tendency toward solitude and a strong personality that would be overbearing for some. Except perhaps for you after we bond, I tend to prefer a good book to the company of others. Bad books work, too. I’m not socialized towards humans and have a tendency to react violently first and wonder if it was the right response afterwards. It’s called combat reflexes amongst my kind and among humans talking about other humans. Humans tend to think it’s all we can do, so it’s called normal behavior when it’s called anything at all.”
            “You’d better be a damned good mage.” His hand twitched towards his belt as Madison came out with a tray and a lit lantern. “What kind of pokegirl are you?”
            “I’m a demon-goddess.”
            Madison handed her a cup of tea. “She’d be a useful addition to the harem, sir. While my cards are useful, she’ll add a flying pokegirl to our resources. Can you teach me more spells?”
            Six eyed her carefully. “You are the duelist. I will, if you will teach me how to perform card conjuration.”
            “I’ll try. So far Ginevra hasn’t been able to master it, but I think she’s getting closer. Unfortunately, it seems to be an all or nothing technique, so it’s hard to tell.” Madison handed Raven a cup and turned to serving Jamie. “We’re Scots, and we like a good cup of tea. It’s one of the few good things the Brits gave us.”
            “You’ve adopted human regionalism? Isn’t that taking associating with humans a bit far?”
            Madison settled down with a cup of her own. “I was born a human and thresholded. I don’t think like a born pokegirl does. Besides, many of them adopt the regionalism of their tamer.”
            “What is threshold?”
            Jamie smiled slightly. “Were you aware that we are from another earth and that there it’s a little over three hundred years later than it is now? Humans have interbred with pokegirls to the point that sometimes girls become pokegirls during puberty. That’s called threshold. Sometimes boys have blood traits like I do.”
            “I’m not used to having to ask so many questions at one time. Being in your harem sounds like it will either be fun or infuriating.”
            Madison giggled. “It can be both. I wonder how you’ll get along with my alpha.”
            “I am vaguely familiar with this harem concept. One of the men I waylaid, for well, getting laid, had some literature on it with him. An alpha is the titular head of a harem. What is the alpha for this harem like?”
            “My alpha is named Ginevra and she’s a demoness.”
            “I have no problems with demonesses. It’s the damned Neo’s that I can’t stand. Overpowered morons, all of them, and not nearly as powerful as they’d like to believe.”
            Madison nodded. “I had one as my alpha for a while with my previous tamer and I agree completely.”
            “I take it your story will take some time to tell.”
            “That’s right.” The duelist frowned. “Sir, will I have to give up my bedroom for her?”
            “No, we’ll just find a bigger house. The one next door is a four bedroom. We’ll check it out come daylight.” Jamie frowned slightly and then shrugged. “So, will you be staying?”
            “I already said I will, but your offer is kind and appreciated. Will you tame me tonight?”
            “Since you’re joining my harem, I need to. I’m looking forward to it anyway. You’re an attractive woman.”
            Six looked surprised and her cheeks reddened slightly. “You really think so?”
            Jamie nodded slowly. “I do.”
            “Oh,” she replied in a quiet voice.
            Raven slid to her feet. “I’ll be going now. Hopefully, the library will still be standing. Is there anything of yours that I should bring back?”
            Six blinked. “What? Oh, no, nothing.” She stood and took Jamie’s hand. “How about you show me your bed and we can let death here go?”
            Raven scowled. “That is not my name.” Her scowl deepened when Six ignored her to let Jamie lead her inside.
            Madison started cleaning up. “Was that your name?”
            “No, that was a name that others tried to give me. Do you require help?”
            “No, this won’t take much. When I’m done, I’ll call Ginevra to come give me some company while we stand guard. She’ll want to know about the new addition.”
            Raven leaned on her staff. “Where is she now?”
            “She’s keeping an eye on the sentry post while putting out a sensor head since the poor guy who’s stuck there now doesn’t have a pokegirl. We’ll respond if there’s trouble until they get a new post built.”
            “I see.” She slipped the staff into the pocket of her jeans.
            “How do you do that?”
            “I have an extra dimensional space that I create in my pocket.”
            “Can I learn to do that?”
            The archmage smiled. “I want to learn card conjuration. How about we make a trade?”
            Madison grinned and suddenly looked younger than her true age. “Deal!”
            “Then, when things are quieter, I will come to you and we will study together.”
            “Will you teach Ginevra this, too?”
            “That depends on what she has to trade for it.” Raven winked as Madison started snickering. “I will see you later. I believe Kerrik and I will be returning with his new pokegirl tomorrow sometime, but I am not completely sure of that.”
            “I’ll let my master know.”
            Raven vanished.
(4/18/06 2300 New York, Indigo League)
            Thunder roared and the building shook as Raven appeared in the children’s storage room. It was pitch black and she listened for a moment before creating a light globe that filled the room with violet light. “Kerrik?” Her eyes narrowed when she realized that, other than her, the room was empty of life. “Damn.” Focusing on their bond, she slipped into the hall and headed for the stairs.
            The link led her past the first floor and up to the second, where she stopped and stared at the sight unfolding in front of her. Kerrik stood in the middle of the room while cold blue streamers of light crawled over the books in the room, filling the library with a hard radiance that bled the color from her skin.
            He looked in her direction and waved. “It’s safe.”
            She moved cautiously closer to him. “I am going to guess that you are doing this, whatever it is. What is it?”
            “I’m copying all of the books here into my personal library. It allows me to gather them without having to disturb them.” His teeth gleamed blue in the light from the spell. “Not only does it mean that I can copy books without being accused of theft, but I can also use it to copy anything that’s too fragile to move.”
            “Are books really that important?”
            “You’ll understand just how important they are when you learn to read. I’ll take care of that when we return to Marco Island after meeting with your friend. We can leave just as soon as I’m done here.” He glanced at her. “How did it go with Jamie and Six?”
            She grinned. “He is supposed to be bringing her into his harem as we speak.” She moved around behind him and draped her arms over his shoulders to tug lightly. “Are you too busy to feed me?”
            He glanced over his shoulder at her and shook his head as his hands covered hers. “I’m not, but we’re going to try something different today.” He pulled her around in front of him as he settled into a chair. “I want you to learn to feed from the front.”
            “I told you that feeding from the front caused me to injure my prey. I do not wish to hurt you that way.”
            “You said they struggled and that’s how they were injured. I won’t struggle. I am not prey.”
            “Why do you insist on this?”
            “First, it’s more pleasurable and second, I don’t like you hanging off of me from behind.”
            She took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. “What must I do?”
            Kerrik guided her onto his lap. “You’ll feed from here. I think you’ll have to work out the way that works best for you.”
            She leaned back and examined the situation for a moment before straddling his waist. “Is this why you really want me to feed here?” She ground herself against him. “I can feel you becoming erect.” A tiny smile flickered across her face. “Very erect, indeed.”
            He chuckled. “I suppose that is a part of my reasoning, but the primary reason is that it’s easier for me to help you keep from ripping my throat open each time you feed.”
            She put her hands on his chest and sniffed his neck. “What am I supposed to do?”
            He lifted his hand and traced a spot on his neck. “This is the best place to bite if feeding is your goal. It’s got a good blood supply and is clear of major nerves to help keep pain down. What I want you to do is carefully feel for the pulse in my throat and then sink your fangs into me as gently as you can.” His eyes met hers. “Feeding can be turned into something very sensual. If you do it right, prey will offer themselves to you until they’re too weak to resist or even call for help when they realize that you’re going to kill them. I know you don’t like killing them just to feed, but if you’re separated from me for some reason, I want you to survive more than I want some stranger to.”
            “How do you know so much about this?”
            “I briefly dated a vampire. She was a couple of centuries old and very good at making people want to let her feed from them. It lasted until she decided that I’d be better off as an undead even though I disagreed.”
            Raven licked the spot on his neck and sucked on it gently, making him suck in air in a hiss. “What happened to her?”
            “She was determined to make me into a vampire and I was equally determined to avoid that particular honor. I’m here and not a vampire, so draw your own conclusions.”
            “She was a fool.” Raven kissed the spot gently. “I can feel the life that pulses through your body and nothing could be better than that.” She sank her fangs into his throat and drank as she began rocking against him. Her arms slipped around him as she fed and her hips began speeding up until she shuddered. She licked his neck until the wounds closed and raised her head to look him in the eye. He had time to note that her pupils were dilated before she gave him a lazy kiss. “I want to try this later, without clothes.” She rubbed herself against him one last time. “You do, too.”
            He chuckled softly and lifted her off him before getting to his feet. “You are right, but you did want me to meet someone tonight.”
            She pouted slightly but nodded her agreement. “You need me able to fight and she will make a powerful addition to our group. Are you ready to leave?”
            “If you’re asking, am I finished here, the answer is yes.”
Her body stretched against his. “This would be easier if you were not so tall.” Her head nestled against his chest. “Or if I were not so short.”
            “I think we can make this work out somehow. Do you think you are up to taking us where we need to go?” He smiled slightly at her puzzled look. “You’re high on my blood.”
            “Not enough to incapacitate me. I feel like power is trying to burst through my skin. It feels wonderful and makes me feel like I can do anything.” Tightening her arms around him, she flashed a grin before they vanished.
(4/19/06 0000 Haven, 1400 Kyushu, Edo)
            Raven hissed at the sun and buried her face against him. “It’s too damn bright after the library,” she grumbled against his shirt.
            Kerrik looked around slowly, as she waited for her eyes to adjust. “This is Nippon.”
            The archmage shielded her eyes and surveyed the clearing they were in. “It’s called Edo now, but how can you tell?”
            “I always know when I’m in Nippon. There are kami here and I can feel their presence.”
            “Whisper settled here. If you are to meet her, then here we must come.”
            He eyed her curiously. “Whisper? Her name isn’t a number, too?”
            “Some of us have names. They usually reflect something about us or our state of mind.” She smiled slowly and shook her head when he started to speak. “I want you to meet her with as few preconceptions as possible, so I’d rather not explain.”
            “Is that why they called you death?”
            Her lips thinned. “There have been several of us that were called death. Most of the time whoever named us that was either lazy or stupid.” An ugly smile crossed her face and vanished. “Or they were our victims and deserved what they got for such stupidity.”
            “For calling you death?”
            “For that and for doing whatever it was that made us be sent after them in the first place.” She stepped away from him and tugged on his hand. “We need to go this way.”
            She led him up a winding path and slowed as they approached a small house and barn. “This is where Whisper is living, unless she’s been driven somewhere else.”
            “Driven? If she’s as strong as you’ve been suggesting, who would drive her?”
            “The authorities in Edo have been sending forces against the strongest free pokegirls to capture, kill or drive them off.” Her lips twitched. “They, of course, prefer to capture them so that they can be later sent against others. This limits their options in the assault, but they’ve been sending their tamers out in squads to overwhelm their opponents. While that would be unlikely to work against someone like Whisper or me, it does prove effective in many cases. However, if they knew of Whisper’s presence here, they’d mass and send even stronger forces in attempt to capture her. Eventually, they would decide that killing her was the only option and, at that point, might be able to dislodge her from her home.” She eyed the building carefully. “There appears to be no damage to the place, so it’s likely she’s still here.”
            I am. Why have you come and why have you come with a human?
            Kerrik blinked as the thought drifted through his mind. “Is that Whisper?”
            Raven nodded. “Let’s go inside so you can meet her. Whisper, we are here because I want you to meet Kerrik Wolf. He is my human and I thought we might share him.”
            “I’m not human.”
            “Yes, but I think she needs to meet you before you explain how you differ from humans. I know you can’t lie, but that doesn’t make it any easier to believe.”
            The house was well maintained and decorated in the traditional style, but Kerrik’s attention was taken by the pokegirl standing in the middle of the room with her arms folded as she watched them enter. The first thing to strike him was the fact that she was green, both her shoulder length hair and her fur. Not the green of the forest that he’d seen in plant types, but an emerald green that seemed to glitter even in the darkened confines of the room. Her eyes were solid gold, as was the antennae that she lifted in their direction. In the middle of her forehead was a blue stone the size of a baby’s fist. It was bisected by a white cross and he realized, with a start, that it was a star sapphire. She was wearing a form fitting dress the exact color of her fur that showed off her lush curves to perfection.
Tall narrow ears twitched slightly and she canted her head curiously to regard him as her long tail whipped slowly from side to side. Well?
            “I have no idea what you are, but you’re very pretty.”
            I am a cabbit and I thank you for the compliment.
            “I wasn’t aware that cabbits came in green. I’m Kerrik Wolf and Raven has asked me to meet you. She wants me to add to my harem and thinks you might be interested in joining us.”
            Whisper strode forward until she was looking up at him. I am Whisper and cabbits are normally brown, but I am not. Why might you interest me?
            “Raven never said. I’m starting to notice that she’s good at playing ‘I have a secret’.”
            The cabbit smiled to reveal a cat’s dentition as her antennae curled close to her head. She is very good at that. Why is she with you?
            “Alice introduced us because she thought that I could feed Raven without her killing me and convinced me to try. It turned out that she was right and Raven and I are now together.”
            That does not explain why I might want to be with you as well. She turned to Raven. Is there a reason, or are you just dragging him to meet your friends?
            “First, I know that you are very lonely and Kerrik would make a nice friend for you. Second, he’s very accepting of people, in spite of their differences, and would make whatever accommodations you need, including your specialized diet. Third, you’re my friend and I want you to be someplace you can be happy. It would also be nice to see you more often.”
            “You have a specialized diet?”
            Kerrik’s ears flicked and she blinked in surprise. Those are not a decoration? What are you? Your mind is mostly closed to me and that is curious. Usually they either are or they are not.
            “I’m a wolf kami, but I believe I had a question first.”
            I can only eat blood and meat. Most of that must be fresh or I will become ill. Would this be a problem if I were to join your, I believe it is called, harem?
            “I think I can hunt for us both if need be,” he replied dryly. “Would you be drinking my blood?”
            I must eat on a regular basis and it would keep me from eating your friend’s pets or possibly even your friends. Can you feed me in addition to seeing to Raven’s needs?
            “I’ll have to increase my own caloric intake again, but yes, I can. Have you fed today?” He sighed and settled down on a mat when she shook her head. “I’ve already fed Raven, so this should help to prove that I can support both of you, if need be.”
            I cannot survive only on blood, but this will help to let me eat less. Whisper looked at Raven. Is this acceptable to you?
            “I knew your dietary habits before I brought him here. If you do join us, he will have to bond with you. That involves sex.”
            I know what’s required to join a harem, Raven. She smiled suddenly. It’s nice that she has a name now and I don’t have to call her that archmage or use the nickname that she detested so much.        
            Kerrik patted the mat next to him. “Whisper, please join me” He watched as she gracefully sat and frowned. “You don’t have the right teeth for feeding from blood. What do you normally do, tear a hole so you can drink?”
            She nodded. Do you have a better way?
            “I think that, since this isn’t your primary food source, perhaps a small knife might prove beneficial.”
            She looked thoughtful and nodded. That might help. Her antennae unfurled. Why have you not commented on my not speaking?
            “I wasn’t aware that I was supposed to.” He held out his hand. “Pack.” She blinked when it appeared and he began rummaging through it. “You aren’t the first pokegirl that I’ve met who communicates through telepathy.”
            Oh? There was a definite feeling of curiosity in the thought.
            “I’ve met an alaka-wham by the name of Ming Die who also doesn’t speak.” He hesitated for a heartbeat. “My family and I came here from another world that also has pokegirls, although the time we came from is a little over three hundred years from now. I knew her on that world.”
            Ming Die. That is a name I’ve not heard for several years. She and her sisters betrayed and left Sukebe when he needed them the most. They were the reason that he created a species of pokegirl specifically to hunt other pokegirls.
            “Yeah, I know about the Pleiades and a little about what they did. I’ve also met a couple of those hunters. One of them even made peace with Ming Die.” He grunted in satisfaction and pulled out a tiny golden dagger. “This will do nicely.”
            She took the proffered weapon carefully. It’s very pretty. Is the blade real gold?
            “No, that’s density enhanced bronze and is far harder than steel without being prone to the same corrosion issues. It’s also much more decorative and has a monomolecular edge.”
            What does that mean?
            “The blade’s edge is a single molecule wide and will cut almost anything. If you are careful with it, you can open someone up to feed without causing them any pain.”
            Is that important?
            “Since you’ll be feeding from me, I think so.” He gave her an amused look. “So, why don’t you talk?”
            She grinned toothily. I cannot. I do not have the right kind of vocal cords to speak. It was one of the flaws in my creation. It is the reason my name is Whisper, since my words whisper through people’s minds.
            “That’s interesting. You said you do not have the right vocal cords, which hints that you do have vocal cords of some sort. What kind are they?”
            She opened her mouth and meowed softly. Cat. Most pokegirls with animal DNA can make noises similar to the species which contributed to their genetic makeup in addition to human speech, but I cannot speak at all. It is fortunate that I am a telepath or I would be reduced to sign language. She drew the knife from its scabbard. May I try to feed now?
            Kerrik held out his arm. “The arteries run in the middle, between two bones. Please, be careful; that knife will go through the bone just as easily as the flesh.”
            “I want a knife like that.” Raven gave Whisper a jealous look and then glared at Kerrik. “Soon.”
            “As soon as Whisper is through, I’ll get you one.”
            “Thank you.”
            Whisper meowed again and gave the archmage an amused look. You have no reason to feel jealousy, Raven. He lets you bite him.
            Raven looked pleased. “Yes, he does.”
            The cabbit carefully drew the knife down his lower arm and stared at it in fascination as blood welled up. This is a very good knife. I did not feel the flesh pulling on the blade.
            “If you let me drip on the floor, I’m going to be cross over the wasted blood.”
            She blinked and quickly fastened her mouth around the wound. I am sorry. She swallowed convulsively. Your blood tastes different. Very good. She tightened her grip on him and sucked noisily.
            Raven sat down next to Kerrik and chuckled when Whisper started purring as she drank. “I see that it makes her high, too.”
            He nodded and spoke quietly. “She doesn’t look like a normal cabbit. I also thought they were vegetarians.”
            “I said she was special, too. I don’t know much about her and neither does anyone else I’ve been able to talk to. I know that she is a pokegirl and she doesn’t really know much about her past, or hasn’t revealed it. Personally, I think she doesn’t know it. People trying not to reveal much information about themselves invariably give away something, but she never has.”
            Kerrik’s ears went flat as the purring got louder. “It could be that she was run through a conditioning cycle. The ones I know of were reverse engineered from Sukebe’s equipment. If she was given a level five conditioning cycle, she might not remember anything about her past.”
            “Can anything be done about that?”
            Kerrik noticed that Whisper’s rabbit ears were twisted in his direction as her sucking slowed. “My son, Shikarou, along with a couple of members of his harem developed a technique to recover memories lost to conditioning cycles and I know that it works on the conditioning cycles performed by equipment that was developed from Sukebe’s work. I have no idea if it will be effective on those done by equipment designed by Sukebe himself.” His ears twitched. “It’s also entirely possible that those memories could be of something that she may not want to know about or she may not have any memories that were lost.”
            Please explain. A tongue rasped over his wrist as Whisper lapped up the final remnants of blood. Beneath it, the skin was whole and unblemished.
            “My son ended up on a space station that the Sukebe of his universe had constructed and there he met a pokegirl that had been grown to maturity in no more than a couple of years. She had no past to recover and it could be that you are the same way.” He hesitated. “I know something about thought and, if you’d like, we can explore your mind to see if there are any repressed memories.”
            I would like to know the truth about myself. Whisper sat up and looked at him curiously. But right now I would like to know something else.
            “What’s that?”
            She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. How you would feel inside me.
She kissed him fiercely, as if trying to devour him. Kerrik parted his lips and slipped his tongue into her mouth as he kissed her back. He was dimly aware of Raven heading outside as he pulled the cabbit into his lap without ever breaking the kiss. Her arms went around him and tightened as their bodies pressed together.
            He tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her head back as he nibbled his way down her body. She moaned low in her throat as he nipped her neck and pressed him back onto the mat. Her mouth found his once more as he slid his hands up her legs and under her dress. They paused briefly when they started up the twin globes of her ass and he felt smoothness suddenly after her soft fur. She pressed back against his hands and he realized that there were silken panties before sliding his fingers higher and teasing the base of her tail, which lay just above the waistband.
            She nipped his lower lip lightly as her tail lashed. That tickles and yet feels very good. She shivered when he lightly dragged his nails down over her panties and up the back of her dress.
            He growled softly and she flashed a smile as she pushed herself upright. It unbuttons down the front. His hands slipped around and quickly undid the buttons. Locking her eyes with his, she opened the dress before pulling it up and over her head. You are still dressed.
            Kerrik pulled his t-shirt off and Whisper scooted back to sit on his thighs as he undid his pants. She moved even farther back and twisted around to tug on his boots, finally pulling them off. Then she reached up and grabbed the waist of his jeans. He lifted his hips to help her get them off and soon they dropped on top of his boots.
            She shimmied out of her panties and gave him a toothy grin. He jumped when she licked his knee with her raspy tongue but relaxed when she did it again and began licking her way up his body. His nostrils flared as the scent of her arousal filled the air and her eyes gleamed when his erection jumped. She wrapped her hands around him and stroked gently, the feel of her fur against his cock making his eyes close in pleasure.
            Look at me. As soon as Kerrik opened his eyes, she sucked him into her mouth. He groaned and closed his eyes again as his head dropped, only to have her stop and pull her mouth free with a pop. Look at me. He raised his head again and she smiled and engulfed him once more, her head slowly bobbing as she sucked him.
            She licked the head of his erection with her cat tongue and he grabbed her head to hold it still. “That hurts.”
            I won’t do that again. The thought carried a sincere feeling of apology and he slid his hands up to gently stroke her ears as she went back to sucking him.
            His hips began moving with her and she pushed them flat and sped up her action on him until he gasped and dropped his hands to dig his claws into the mat. “I’m close,” he whispered.
            I know. She sucked him harder and kept going until he exploded in her mouth. She carefully cleaned him with her tongue and grinned when he stayed hard. You are still excited by me.
            “I am definitely that,” he muttered and she gave a throaty purr and slid up his body to kiss him hungrily. She wrapped her hand around him and rose up to guide him into her. Her eyes slid shut as she dropped and a deep moan echoed in the hut from both of them as he sank into her heat.
            She rolled her hips as she dropped and didn’t stop until their bodies met. Then she placed her hands on his chest, rose again and dropped, setting a rapid pace that left her thudding her flesh into his and made him grunt from each impact. Her moans grew louder and louder until she yowled and sank unexpected claws into his chest as her body spasmed on top of him. She froze, her body quivering, and threw her head back to yowl again as another orgasm ripped through her.
            Kerrik rolled to put her on bottom and lifted her legs to her shoulders, rolling her into a ball that quivered and moaned as he pounded into her, seeking his own release. She clawed at his shoulders and her antennae uncurled to press against his forehead. His mind filled with a torrent of images as she screeched beneath him until, with a final thrust, he buried himself completely inside her and spilled his seed into her belly.
            He carefully lowered her legs and she wrapped them around his waist. Can we stay like this? The thought drifted almost lazily into his mind.
            “I don’t see why not.”
            “Then we couldn’t do all of that again,” he said quietly.
            I see. That makes sense. Then can we stay like this for a while instead?
            “That we can do.”
            She draped her arms around him and nuzzled her head against the bottom of his chin. A few minutes later, she began to softly snore.
            He was untwining himself from her when Raven opened the door. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes a little wild as they swept the room until she saw him. She hurried over and checked him over before wrapping her arms around his chest and snuggling close.
            He chuckled and cradled her against his body. “Do I need to take care of your needs now?”
            She shook her head. “I think you already did. I felt what was happening. I was here, too, thanks to Whisper.”
            Kerrik turned to glance at Whisper. “Well, you were right about one thing. She’s definitely unusual.”
Name:                          Wolf, Jamie Harris
Age:                             17
Residence:                    Kingdom of Haven
Status:                          Active
Rank:                           45
HRA Rank:                  Major
Security Clearance:       Theta
Tamer                          Y
Master Tamer               Y
Researcher                   N
Watcher                       N
Breeder                        Y
Active Harem 
Species                        Name  
Demoness                    Ginevra
Duelist                          Madison
Demon-Goddess          Caitlin
Alpha: Ginevra
Beta: None