

            This work is fiction. The work has no relationship with any person existing at any time anywhere whether real or imaginary or copy written. Everything in this work is mea culpa.
            This work is the property of Kerrik Wolf (saethwyr@(SPAM)hotmail.com). Please remove (SPAM) to contact me.
            You should not read this work if you are under the age of legal consent wherever you reside. This work may or may not contain any and/or all of the following: death, dismemberment, violent acts, implied sex, explicit sex, violent sex, rape, cannibalism, blasphemy (depending on your religion), BDSM, torture, mimes, and just about anything unwholesome that you could consider.
            The pokegirl universe was first documented by Metroanime and to him all of us who reside or visit there owe a debt of thanks.
            Feedback is encouraged. I enjoy hearing from people. Positive feedback will be appreciated, cherished and flaunted in front of people. Negative feedback will be appreciated, cherished and listened to, that I might continue to grow. Flames will give me a good laugh. Feedback may be delivered to: saethwyr@(SPAM)hotmail.com. Please remove (SPAM) to contact me.


            The interrogation room was harshly lit, the mildew stains on the walls dark shadows in the glare. One of the fluorescent lights in the ceiling buzzed spitefully and the red light on the camera in the corner indicated that it was impartially recording the discussion as it unfolded. Occasionally a crackling sound was heard as the containment field surrounding the room fluctuated.
             The only spotless item in the room was the mirror that covered part of one wall. Even the two people in the room appeared to have a layer of the miasma that seemed to coat everything in it. The man’s was a result of exhaustion and barely contained rage. The woman’s was composed of a barely visible sublime arrogance that fed the man’s rage until his veins pulsed with fury.
            The man placed both hands on flat on the table and looked at the stocky brunette woman seated across from him. He took a deep breath and asked the question again. “Why did you do it?”
            “Detective, she had it coming. They all did.” She twisted her arms in the cuffs slowly.
            “So you admit to the killings? Do you admit to just the one or all fourteen of them?”
            The woman raised an eyebrow. “Fourteen? Is that all you’ve found? Paul, I’m disappointed. You’ve missed several.”
            The detective’s fingers curled as he clenched them against the table. “It’s Detective Turner. How many?”
            For the first time since she’d been brought in the woman smiled. “Now where’s the fun in that?”
            The man slammed a hand on the table hard enough to make his Styrofoam coffee cup jitter on the tabletop. “HOW MANY WOMEN DID YOU KILL?”
            The woman looked unimpressed. “That’s a difficult question to answer, but I’ll presume you’re just asking about this town and this visit. Twenty six.” She blinked. “Wait, I forgot one. Twenty seven.” She nodded slowly. “Yes, I’m pretty sure that’s the right number.”
            The detective paled. “Twenty seven.” His face went even whiter. “This town?” His voice dropped to a whisper. “There were others? Who are they and where can we find them?”
            The woman smiled again. “Oh, you want to know everything?” She looked thoughtful before giving the camera a glance. “Ok, I’ll tell. I’ve been killing human women all across the leagues, but mainly here in Indigo and Johto. You’ll never know just how many, most of the murders have already been solved. People have been convicted and punished for my murders. Wrongly, I might add.”
            The detective’s face worked for a moment before becoming calm again. “Why?” he asked simply.
            “I killed them for being human.” She cocked her head. “Surely you knew that already. I hardly ever kill men and I have never killed a pokegirl unless it was absolutely necessary. But all human women deserve to die for what they did.”
            “What did a human woman do to you, Gloria?”
            The woman’s eyes widened. “To me? Nothing. It was my master. She destroyed his heart and he wished all human women dead. Considering how much she hurt him, I thought it a laudable idea. So I do his bidding.”
            The detective’s eyes narrowed. “Tamers are responsible for the actions of their pokegirls. Who is he?”
            “So now you think I’m a pokegirl?” Gloria smiled and crossed her legs demurely. “Do tell?”
            The man gave her a flat look. “We’ve always known that you are a Vampire, Gloria.”
            “Damn, you’re good.” The Vampire grinned, fangs gleaming. “You’re brave to be alone with me, too.” A wave at the window with both cuffed hands. “But I guess you’ve got backup in there, right?”
            He gave her a tight smile. “You can’t escape. We’ve got a containment field up so you can’t phase through the walls. You will pay for your crimes this time.”
            Gloria smiled. “We’ll just see about that. I haven’t paid yet.” Suddenly she changed the subject. “You made a mistake, you know.”
            “Oh, really? What’s that?”
            She held up one hand. No restraint was visible. “I can phase through the cuffs. You won’t live to see me punished.” The detective went for his gun as she lunged, grabbing him by the throat.
            She pounded his head against the wall as the door smashed open and other police poured into the room. Gunshots rang out, but the police pokegirls held their attacks for fear of hitting their associate. Finally the Vampire was still and a Growltit pulled Gloria’s body off of Turner.
            A NurseJoy gave him a quick assessment. “He’s still alive.”
            An hour later Turner was sitting in his Captain’s office. Bruises were starting to appear on his throat and upper arms from the Vampire’s attack. The Captain leaned back in his chair. “Paul, I insist you go home and get some rest. The paperwork can wait until tomorrow.”
            Turner shook his head doggedly. “Sir, that wouldn’t be right. I’ll finish it and then leave.”
            The Captain stood and walked around to put his hand on Turner’s shoulder. “Paul, I’ll make it an order if I have to; but if it goes that far, the department will insist you take three days instead of one.”
            Turner winced. “All right. I’m going.” He sighed. “I just want to get started looking for those other bodies.”
            The Captain headed back to his chair. “She was probably lying. Jerking your chain. I’m just glad she’s dead.”
            Paul stood. “I don’t think she was lying. I just hope none of them were bitten. The last thing we need is more Vampires.”
            “If they’re really dead, it doesn’t matter. Goodnight, Paul.”
            “Yes, sir.”
            It was a short drive to his flat and once there he poured himself a stiff drink and filled the bath for a long soak.
            A quick check showed that Mandy, his Catgirl, was fast asleep in their bed and he gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before unplugging the radio and taking it and his drink into the bathroom. He turned on some soft music.
            He settled into the tub with a sigh and took a long shot of the drink before picking up the radio and dropping it into the tub with him. A shadow slipped from inside him just before it hit and flitted to the side. His body jerked and became still as a circuit breaker somewhere in the house opened just a little late to save his life.
            The shadow slowly became visible next to the bath. “As I’m sure you’ve already guessed from your own possession, Paul, I possessed Gloria. It happened weeks ago, not too long after she died. That would be, oh, right before the second wave of killings started.” The ghostly form gave an amused smile. “You won’t believe this, but I’m glad to see you caught your killer. It makes things much easier for me. However, I was right. You didn’t live to see me punished.”
            The Groaning floated into the bedroom and eyed the slumbering Catgirl speculatively for a moment. “No,” she muttered, “there have been enough killings here, for now at least. I’ll find my next host somewhere else.” She sighed as she floated through the wall. “So much work to do. Still, they must be punished for what Linda did.  Jim’s orders were very precise.”