

            This work is fiction. The work has no relationship with any person existing at any time anywhere whether real or imaginary or copywritten. Everything in this work is mea culpa. 
            This work is the property of Kerrik Wolf (saethwyr@ (SPAM) hotmail.com). Please remove (SPAM) to contact me.
            You should not read this work if you are under the age of legal consent wherever you reside. This work may or may not contain any and/or all of the following: death, dismemberment, violent acts, implied sex, explicit sex, violent sex, rape, cannibalism, blasphemy (depending on your religion), BDSM, torture, mimes, and just about anything unwholesome that you could consider.
            The pokegirl universe was first documented by Metroanime and to him all of us who reside or visit there owe a debt of thanks. 
            Feedback is encouraged. I enjoy hearing from people. Positive feedback will be appreciated, cherished and flaunted in front of people. Negative feedback will be appreciated, cherished and listened to, that I might continue to grow. Flames will give me a good laugh. Feedback may be delivered to: saethwyr @ (SPAM) hotmail.com. Please remove (SPAM) to contact me. 


Evangelion Explained
(06/06/63 1000 Kensington Research Facility, London, Blue League)
            “Dr. Hammersmith, I’m afraid your application for a research grant has been denied.”
            Susan Hammersmith’s eyes narrowed. “And would you care to tell me why? This is a serious issue and one we need to understand before it happens again. If it took place here in the Blue League, we could all die.”
            Doctor Paul Warren leaned back in his chair and smiled at his latest acquisition. “Sit down, Susan and I’ll explain over some tea.” He pressed a button and a few seconds later a ka-d-bra pushed a cart into the room. “Thank you, Lynn. That’ll be all.” He sighed at the still standing woman. “Susan, this is going to take a while and you’ll be happier with some tea.” He smiled again. “Besides, when your director says sit, you sit.”
            Hammersmith took a deep breath and settled into the chair. “Black, one sugar.”
            “That’s the spirit.” When the tea was poured, Warren pushed his chair away from his desk. “I poached you from that ridiculous excuse of a lab in Ireland because you’re young and full of fire to discover the secrets of the universe. I like that and I like the unconventional way you approach things.” He grimaced. “The fact that you’re cleared for phi level information makes you even more appealing, and I’ve already started the background checks to get you vetted for omega clearance, which you’ll need for some of the projects here.” He raised a hand when she started to speak. “Let me continue, please. This is exactly the sort of thing I want you exploring and exactly the kind of information that the Blue League and the Planetary League Council needs. If we didn’t already have the answers, I’d have approved your application.”
            Hammersmith almost dropped her cup in shock. “What do you mean you already have the answers?” Her eyes went wide. “Someone has already done it! Someone has already created another Evangelion from an eva!”
            Paul chuckled. “No, I’m afraid it’s not that simple, Dr. Hammersmith.” He produced a data chip from his desk and offered it to her. “Since I thought we’d end up having this discussion, here’s the results and the experimental data for you to look at later, but the truth is that several leagues have conducted experiments, including Blue, that have proven conclusively that Evangelion isn’t an eva evolution at all and that an eva evolving was not responsible for what happened to the Orange League.”
            She tucked the chip into a pocket. “Am I cleared for the details?”
            “Susan, if you weren’t you wouldn’t at Kensington.”
            “Do I have need to know?”
            “Actually, yes, you do. You’ve been assigned to the legendary research department and you’ll need to know a lot of classified data regarding them in order to do your job. Would you like me to summarize what happened?”
            She nodded briskly. “Yes director.”
            “I’ll start with what’s in the classified data in the Evangelion file. An Orange League pet owner by the name of Lilith Roxette was trying to see if she could find a new evolution for her pet eva, who, according to records, was named Trixie. Ms. Roxette’s father was an independent miner for evolution stones and she borrowed some of his finds for her experiments.” Warren snorted. “As if a child could really advance the boundaries of pure science in a park. That’s lab work and the province of the professionals like us.”
             “She tried various stones and eventually tried an angel stone. That’s when the cataclysm that caused the Orange continent to become the Orange Islands took place and Evangelion was born.” His eyes danced with amusement. “That information was classified and put into the pokedex, but strangely, the unclassified portion of the entry tells how the evolution supposedly took place. Have you ever wondered about that?”
            Susan blinked. “I have. Why leave the most dangerous part of the file, how to create an Evangelion, unprotected? I would have never put an entry in at all.”
            “That’s because it’s all a lie and it’s in there to protect the planet from possible destruction.”
            “Dr, Warren, I don’t understand.”
            “Call me Paul. The truth is much more complex, and involves a conspiracy between the PLC leagues to spread misinformation to protect us all.” He laced fingers over his stomach. “Have you also wondered how we know so much about what happened?”
            “I always thought it was due diligence on the part of the Oranges.”
            “That’s part of it, but nobody within twenty kilometers of the blast survived, no matter what the pokedex entry says, and most of the records in the Orange League were lost when most of the land was. What actually happened is much more interesting, and surprisingly, the original idea came from here in Blue. You are familiar with Dr. Stephen Harris, correct?”
            “A little, he’s an astronomer and very well known for his research. He’s also the head of the Harris Conservatory, correct?”
            “Very good, Susan. Well, he’s also known as a little eccentric and more than a little unconventional. He was involved with the original investigation team that we sent to the Orange League to help, and when the lack of data started discouraging people, came up with a novel idea.” Warren took a biscuit from the tray. “These are quite good, have a couple.”
            “One of the security element tamers had a starlightxpress and Harris stole the highest resolution video camera we had from the team leader, grabbed this fellow, and they actually traveled far enough from Earth to get in front of the light reflected from Orange during the event and recorded it from the right angle as to see what happened. Once back in the Orange League, it was processed through an Orange League videogirl and enhanced until we could see the whole thing. It’s from this visual record that we identified Ms. Roxette and her eva.” He glanced up at her. “The enhanced video is on that chip, but the raw footage will have to wait on your security upgrade.”
            Susan was unable to contain her excitement. “What did it show?”
            “First of all, the actual cataclysm took place almost ten seconds after the stone was applied to poor little Trixie, reinforcing the idea that an evolution had nothing to do with it. As you’re aware, stone induced evolutions occur the instant the conditions for it are satisfied.” He continued as Hammersmith nodded unconsciously. “What actually happened was that an interdimensional gate of previously unheard of power opened where they happened to be standing. We theorize that Trixie was converted to energy when that happened and that is what shattered the continent. It’s also possible that she was just vaporized and the gate itself released enough energy to destroy Orange.”
            “Through this gate came Evangelion. It turns out she’s not a pokegirl at all, as we suspect Typhonna isn’t. She’s an interdimensional interloper and did not come from an eva. Several leagues have conducted experiments in space and on the moon and Mars to try and create another Evangelion and all of them have been failures, as have the various attempts by teams and crazy pokegirl researchers to do so.”
            Dr. Hammersmith frowned. “Paul, if Evangelion does not come from eva, then why the false information in the pokedex entry? Why not just state that she’s not a pokegirl and end the lies and fear?”
            “Susan, that information is there for the same reason that eva are banned in the Orange League. While we know that Trixie did not evolve into Evangelion, we do not know if she wasn’t instrumental in causing the gate to open.” His eyes turned serious. “And the truth is that the gate is still there. It’s not on the surface anymore; it’s sitting on the bedrock that was exposed when the continent was destroyed, under a thousand meters of ocean. If that gate opens and the same kinds of energies are released, it would shatter the crust of that continental plate and boil the seas around the Orange Islands.”
            Hammersmith’s eyes went wide. “The data in the entry is there to protect the gate. People will be so busy trying to evolve eva with angel stones that nobody will look at any other possibilities. That’s ingenious!”
            Warren nodded. “That’s correct. The PLC and the leagues all agree that for the sake of the Orange League and possibly the rest of the world, Trixie will keep the blame for destroying the Orange continent forever.”