

            This work is fiction. The work has no relationship with any person existing at any time anywhere whether real or imaginary or copy written. Everything in this work is mea culpa. 
            This work is the property of Kerrik Wolf (saethwyr@(SPAM)hotmail.com). Please remove (SPAM) to contact me.
            You should not read this work if you are under the age of legal consent wherever you reside. This work may or may not contain any and/or all of the following: death, dismemberment, violent acts, implied sex, explicit sex, violent sex, rape, cannibalism, blasphemy (depending on your religion), BDSM, torture, mimes, and just about anything unwholesome that you could consider.
            The pokegirl universe was first documented by Metroanime and to him all of us who reside or visit there owe a debt of thanks. 
            Feedback is encouraged. I enjoy hearing from people. Positive feedback will be appreciated, cherished and flaunted in front of people. Negative feedback will be appreciated, cherished and listened to, that I might continue to grow. Flames will give me a good laugh. Feedback may be delivered to: saethwyr@(SPAM)hotmail.com. Please remove (SPAM) to contact me. 


You talk o' better food for us, an' schools, an' fires, an' all:
We'll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don't mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow's Uniform is not the soldier-man's disgrace.
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' “Chuck him out, the brute!”
But it's “Saviour of 'is country” when the guns begin to shoot;
An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please;
An' Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool -- you bet that Tommy sees!
Tommy – Rudyard Kipling
Chapter 5
            Winston looked through his scope and watched the Onyx moving towards the supermarket. At his request, Kelly, er … Colonel Turner had pulled her militia forces back. They weren’t accomplishing anything except wasting ammunition and were likely to get in his way.
            He remembered what Alice had told him, Paul and Deirdre when they were alone. Onyx were rock types and that meant they were vulnerable to water. So, the plan was to distract the feral pokegirl long enough to get Deirdre into range to use what she’d called a water gun to weaken the feral enough to capture or kill. Winston was hoping to capture her alive, if possible. As Alice had pointed out, the more pokegirls they had, the better their chances against their next opponent.
            Winston planned to know more about what the pokegirls they knew could do before going into battle with them again, but they’d made a commitment and had to follow it through.
            He slipped off the safety and took a deep breath, letting it halfway out and holding it for a second before squeezing the trigger.
            The M-16 uses a NATO 5.56 round that is really just a .22 caliber round with a bit of extra oomph. Lighter, faster rounds are just fine for hunting humans and the saved weight translated directly into a greater number of rounds carried per pound, something very important on the battlefield.
            However, most pokegirls would ignore such a small round and, frankly, Alice wasn’t sure the .338 Browning Safari semi-automatic rifle he was carrying would even get the Onyx’s attention. They had to know for sure; if not, they’d have to retreat and think of something else.
            The first shot was a standard ball round which mushroomed when it hit the Onyx’s skin and then bounced off. She staggered slightly, but there was no other effect as she shook her head as if scaring off a fly.
            Winston took careful aim and tried again. He had several boxes of these specialty rounds from the survivalist caches but he was loathe to waste them if he didn’t need to. This round was called Dead Tough and it was designed to penetrate thick skin and go deep before expanding. 
            Fragments of rock spalled from her skin in a light cloud and she went down, squalling in pain.
            Paul’s voice sounded on the radio next to him as she got back up. “That got her attention and, boy, does she look pissed.” Through the scope Winston could see the Onyx glaring at him.
            “Crap,” he breathed. “She knows where I am.” She began to advance at a jog, her feet crashing into the macadam as she headed for his position. He’d intended to let her see him, but not quite so soon.
            Winston dropped his point of aim and fired again. The round took her in the thigh and she crashed to the ground. Her cry of pain and anger followed him as he grabbed the radio and dropped behind the low wall he’d been using for shelter. He raced down it in an awkward crouch.
            “You slowed her down that time.” It was Alice reporting from her vantage point on the roof of the supermarket. “She’s got a bad limp.”
            “What about Paul and Deirdre?” Winston tried to whisper, but mostly gasped the words as he crawled-ran. 
            “They’re in position and she’s almost reached the turn. What about you?”
            “I’m almost there. Tell them to wait for the shot.” Winston popped up again and looked over the wall through his scope. The Onyx was standing near the flag he was using as a marker and looking around slowly. She was about thirty yards away and he could see where his second shot had cracked the skin of her chest. There was no visible sign of blood.
            “Bitch,” he muttered and shot her in the side as she walked into the path they’d cleared. It gave her a clear view at his new position as well as a clear path to travel to reach him. She hunched her side in pain but kept her feet this time.
            She glared and headed towards him, only to pause and tear the bumper off a car. She turned and hurled it like a spear directly at his position.
            Winston dropped behind the wall and threw himself to the side as the bumper suddenly occupied the spot where he’d been. It continued on and smashed into the front of a building, quivering as it buried the first third of its length in the brick façade.
            “He’s ok. She’s coming for you, Winston!” Alice sounded worried. Winston was too. He only had one more round in the rifle and all it would probably do is ensure she turned him into a blot if she caught him. 
            He popped out the magazine and replaced it with a full one as he scurried away from the wall.
            Paul watched from the hide he and Deirdre were under as the Onyx hurled the bumper and then limped her way quickly down the open path as they’d hoped. Her attention was on the spot where Winston had been; she never noticed the two of them crouching under a tarp that was the same color as the vehicle they were leaning against.   She passed their hiding spot in a limping run and continued quickly on.
            Deirdre kissed his cheek. “Time, boss.” She stepped out behind the advancing Onyx and held her arms out, placing her wrists together and forming a cup with her hands. 
            In the years that were to follow, Paul would try several times to figure out its source, even to the point of putting on a heavy mask and having Deirdre shoot him in the face repeatedly. He tried slow-motion cameras and anything else he could imagine. He never did find it.
            Water boiled up in Deirdre’s cupped hands and a solid jet of it shot at the Onyx, taking her in the middle of the back. Paul noticed that the water was clear before striking the Onyx and a muddy gray color as it sprayed from her skin. 
            The Onyx screamed in real pain for the first time and staggered forward. Her bruised leg buckled beneath her, spilling her to the ground. 
            Deirdre hammered her with another water gun attack. The Onyx pulled herself to her feet and turned slowly to face her new opponent. Her face twisted with rage as she grabbed a fire hydrant and pulled it from the ground in a shriek of tearing steel.
            Deirdre hit her in the chest with a third bolt of water and the Onyx sat down hard, looking dazedly at her tormentor. She raised the hydrant and took aim.
            Winston popped up over the wall again and shot her in the top of the head four times, firing as quickly as he could bring the rifle back to point.
            The Onyx collapsed.
            After knocking her out with the rifle, they’d pulled his truck up to her and, after wrapping her in chain, had carefully used the chain hoists to move her into the truck. 
            Alice had checked on her carefully. “She’s only knocked out. Your bitty rifle didn’t do her much harm, looks like bruises for the most part.”
            Winston shook his head. “That’s impressive and more than a little worrisome. I’ve got a larger rifle, but it kicks like bastard and I don’t like it.”
            Paul frowned. “It looks like Alice is right and firearms are on their way out, at least against pokegirls. What’s the best way to fight a pokegirl?”
            Deirdre grinned. “Another pokegirl.”
            “She’s right.” Alice held up her good hand for Winston to help her up. “Sukebe tried to make pokegirls so that human weapons would be of limited utility.”
            “Peachy.” Winston grimaced as he looked thoughtful. “So, just how useful are you in a fight?”
            Alice gave him an annoyed look. “I’m not a combat pokegirl, if that’s what you’re asking. However, I’m a lot smarter than most of them and I’ll be able to help you tactically.”
            Winston gave her a smile and kissed her gently. “I’m sure you will, but doesn’t that mean we need some combat pokegirls?”
            “Yes.” Alice glanced at the Onyx. “She’d be useful, but Paul’s probably going to end up with her. We won’t be able to carry the water supplies we’d need to keep her happy and Paul will.”
            Paul gave her a suspicious look. “I’m supposed to be taking care of a ten foot statue? And just how am I supposed to bond her to me? Welding? Or is it concrete?”
            “I’ll explain while we look for a pond or a swimming pool.”
            They ended up driving for almost an hour, checking for empty houses that had a suitable pool. They ended up taking her to one of the city pools, the one they found first just happened to be an indoor one. Winston looked around and disappeared inside, returning quickly with a rug. He tossed it on the floor upside down. “I know you said that water makes her skin soft enough to work with. I don’t suppose it makes her lighter too?”
            Alice shook her head. “It doesn’t. Oh, and once she’s bonded to Paul, I wouldn’t say anything about her weight around her.”
            Paul looked curious. “This ought to be good. Why not?”
            “Sometimes they’re sensitive about it and weight comments can make them upset. Angry upset.” She glanced at Paul. “I’m very sorry I broke you and I really hope you get better soon angry upset.”
            “Oh. That sounds like a good safety tip.”
            They levered her out of the truck onto the carpet and using some chain from the truck, pulled her inside, the carpet helping to reduce the friction from the floor.
            Once inside, they pulled her around to the shallow end of the pool and turned her around before lowering her feet first into the water.
            Deirdre slipped into the water happily and helped from that end as they got her carefully situated, ending up with the Onyx lashed to some supports and leaning over the edge of the pool.
            “Now, we wait for her to wake up.” Alice settled into a chair.
            Winston shook his head as Paul went behind a counter and came up with a couple of floats. He started throwing them into the water for Deirdre to fetch, which she did with cries of delight. “Should we get some buckets and douse her down to keep her upper body soft?”
            “Not yet. Let her soak. She’ll be fine when she starts to wake up.” Alice tested her arm and winced. “I’m not used to being injured this long.”
            “I wish I could do something for you.”
            “I may have to go to one of the operational bases and get healed.” She sighed and took his hand in hers, rubbing his fingers gently. “I really don’t want to leave you, though.”
            “When would you do it?”
            “I’ll wait a bit. I may be able to get you some supplies, but I don’t want to try to do this very often. If someone realizes that I’ve been turned, they’ll try to track me back to kill you.”
            “I don’t want that to happen.” He smiled softly. “You might get in trouble.”
            Alice gave him a rueful look. “I’d be more worried about you getting killed. I’m just starting to get used to you.”
            “So you’ll have to be careful when you’re gone.” He made a sudden decision. “You’ll go when we get back to the house. I don’t want to see you in pain and we’ll take a couple of days to figure out what we’re taking, so you should have time to get done what you need.”
            “Are you sure?”
            He sighed. “Not really. I don’t want you to get in trouble, but if you do, we’ll deal with it together.”
            Fingers tightened on his. “Together?” Her eyes were bright and her cowboy hat quivered. “You really mean that.”
            He chuckled and squeezed back. “You, of all people, should know I do.”
            “Look what you did,” Carol complained.
            Winston got up and watched her drop to her knees and bow her head towards him. He touched the top of her head carefully. “It looks very good. The cracks are nearly closed and you look like you’re almost completely healed.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe I shot you four times in the head yesterday and all you got out of it was a headache.”
            “I got cracks, too.” Her voice was a surprisingly sweet soprano that rumbled around him. She glanced up at him. “If you hadn’t had Deirdre, I’d have squashed you flat.”
            “That I don’t doubt for a second.” She chuckled softly as she rose to her feet. Upright, she towered over him. He looked around and realized that the trainer RV was gone. “Is Paul still out?”
            She nodded. “One of the militia turned out to be a former truck driver and he’s teaching Paul how to drive. Colonel Turner thinks the whole thing is a good idea and she’s going to have more of her men trained to drive big vehicles.” She gave him shy smile. “I think my actions while I was feral frightened her.”
            “I know they frightened me.” Winston patted her on the arm. “I’m glad you’re on our side now.” It was like patting a warm wall.
            The Onyx grinned. “I am too. I don’t like my memories of what I was like when I went feral.” She cocked her head. “Alice says you’re going to try to capture most of the pokegirls you run across.”
            “I’ve learned that a pokegirl can be just as fine a person as anyone else; that makes killing one without a good reason murder.”
            Carol patted him on the back, knocking him abruptly forward and driving the air from his lungs. “Sorry about that. It’s good to hear that you want to help us. What are you going to do with the ones you catch?”
            Winston fought to breathe. “I’ll try to find good people for them to stay with. Alice says pokegirls have to have sex with people to stave off feralness, so I’ll do what I can.  I certainly can’t take you all myself and neither can Paul.”
            “Feralness? Is that a real word?”
            “Languages evolve. If it’s not, but we need it as a new word, then it will become what you call a real word.”
            “So it’s not?”
            “No, it’s not.” Winston rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. “Do you know any human history?”
            “It wasn’t deemed important for us to know that. I know every vehicle used by the US and Canadian military, though.”
            “I see where that might be useful for you. English was a language that came about kind of by accident, when Norman invaders were trying to pick up Saxon barmaids. It’s pretty flexible. I think it was standardized by Queen Victoria.”
            “Barmaids? Is that why there are so many words for intercourse?”
            He laughed. “I never thought of it that way.”
            She cocked her head. “Who are the Normans and why didn’t they hit on Norman barmaids?”
            Winston blinked. “Oh, boy; that’s going to take some explaining.”
            She nodded and settled to the ground, pulling over a gallon jug of water. “I don’t have anywhere pressing to be.”
            Winston sat down next to her and composed his thoughts as he tried to remember some of the history he’d learned in school. He took a deep breath. “Ok, the Saxons, the Jutes and the Angles ruled England until the Normans invaded. The invaders won complete control at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 when the Normans under William defeated the Saxon King Harold and his troops.”
            “Angles? Jutes? You never mentioned them before. Is this Queen Victoria a pokegirl? Tell me about them too.”
            “This is going to take even longer than I thought.”
            Paul sat down and pulled a soda out of the cooler. “I want to know what you did to Carol.”
            Winston was watching Deirdre chewing up an empty can. “That is so cool.” He glanced over at his friend. “What was that?”
            “Carol spent the whole drive back asking questions about history. She would not shut up.” He gave Winston a mock glare. “I hated history.”
            “To keep her happy, you’ll have to learn it. However, if she can read, you can just give her the books.”
            “I already thought of that. She can read a map but nothing else.”
            “Sounds like you’ve got your work cut out for you. Personally, I’d teach her to read. It’ll be far more useful in the long run and you can still tell her stories. I’ve been told that pokegirls are quite social and need the non-sexual intercourse, too.”
            Paul looked around slowly. “Where’s Alice?”
            “She’s gone to one of their camps to get her arm fixed.”
            “Isn’t that slightly dangerous?”
            Winston shrugged. “If you hear me yell for you to run and then you hear gunfire, run and don’t look back.”
            Paul laughed. “That’s funny!” He looked at Winston’s humorless face and sobered. “You are kidding, right?”
            Winston shook his head slowly.
            “That’s about what the situation would be,” Winston agreed. “Fucked.” He decided to change the subject. “How’s the RV?”
            Paul held up his right hand. “That mailbox committed suicide. I saw it jump in front of me.”
            Winston ignored the excuse. “How much damage did it do?”
            “It scratched the bumper and left paint on the grille. I looked closely and I couldn’t find anything other then that.”
            Winston nodded. “Peggy left while we were gone. She’s headed for Los Angeles. She went with Dave McGee.”
            Paul gritted his teeth. “That bitch.” He looked into the distance for several minutes, his hands clenching and unclenching. “Think she’ll make it?”
            Winston leaned back in his chair. “Dave’s a veteran.  Army. They’ll probably be ok.”
            “Is it wrong to hope otherwise?”
            “It depends on your beliefs. To some Christians, that’s a sin.” He eyed Paul warily. “How devout are you?”
            “I prayed to God not to take my family and He didn’t listen to me.” Paul closed his eyes in remembered pain. “I don’t think I like Him very much right now.”
            “If that’s the way you feel, then you’d probably better hope they get there, or wherever they’re supposed to be, safely.”
            Paul cocked his head. “Ok. What about you? What do you believe?”
            Winston raised an eyebrow. “I don’t. God died with my family.”
            “That’s harsh.”
            “Not any more so than Him taking all of them with Him. They never did anything to deserve that.”
            “I don’t think you’ve thought about what you’re saying.”
            Winston got up. “This discussion is over.”
            Alice appeared a quarter mile outside the camp, in one of the designated arrival zones. Anyone teleporting in outside of them would be forcefully detained and the survivors questioned.   She turned and hiked towards the camp.
            Most camps were set up as the commander saw fit; which meant that usually they were reasonable facsimiles of human military camps.   This camp looked like no exception.
            “Halt.” It was one of the sentries, a Growltit. The Fire type looked her over. “I say four.”
            Alice smiled. Her limited precognition told her that the number of the day was seven. Her answer had to add up to the number of the day when combined with the sentry’s challenge. “I reply three.” 
            Having received the correct countersign, the Growltit nodded. “What’s the word?”
            The SnuggleBunny shrugged. “I need to speak to your liaison for secondary operations.”
            The Growltit pointed towards a tent. “Talk to the Succubus in there. She’ll be able to help you.” 
            When she knocked and slipped into the tent, the Succubus looked up from a map. She eyed Alice’s skirt and western shirt. “Who are you?”
            The Succubus’s eyes widened. “I don’t know that one.” She checked a small book. “It’s listed. What’s the operation?”
            “That isn’t your business.” Alice’s voice was crisp. “I need healing and access to your commanding officer.”
            The lieutenant glared briefly and then nodded as she rose. “I’ll talk to the Brigadier. You can wait in the mess hall.”
            “Thanks.” Alice headed for the mess tent.  She settled down with an air of eternal patience and made herself comfortable.
            “Hey! I haven’t seen you in a while.” A shadow darkened her light.
            Alice looked up. The pokegirl looked mostly human, except for the ruby red hair that streamed down her back. She was wearing a golden dress and silver low heeled shoes. “Glinda? How are things in the south?”
            Glinda smiled and sat down at Alice’s table. “They’re fine. What happened to your arm?”
            “A horse kicked me.” Glinda tsked and pulled out a white wand with a gold ball on the end. She tapped Alice’s arm, which glowed briefly. “Thanks.” Alice stripped off the splint and rubbed her arm. “Where’s Tattypoo?”
            “She’s around.” Glinda cocked her head. “What brings you here?”
            “You got involved with that?” Glinda looked impressed. “I don’t even know what that operation is. How’d that happen?”
            “HE gave me the orders directly, before his death.” Alice nodded as Glinda’s eyes widened. “So it’s not like I have much choice.”
            “So, why are you here?”
            Alice shrugged. “I needed to get my arm fixed and I need to see if the base commander has anyone she can spare for a security element. Thanks to you, now I only need to see the commander.”
            “So you’ve been working on the operation.” Glinda smiled gently. “That’s wonderful. It must be nice to have something to do.”
            Alice nodded. “It is. I’ve found a nice human, too. He seems to be working out well.” She glanced around the room. “How are things here?”
            “Slow. The humans who are left know that we’re falling apart and they’re more than willing to sit back and let us. Desertions are the biggest problem. There have been a lot of pokegirls slipping away into the night. The sentries are supposed to stop them, but they’re leaving too. Some of them are even crossing the front lines and joining the enemy.”
            “Ahem.” It was the Succubus. “The commander will see you now.” She gave Glinda an annoyed look. “Why are you still here?”
            Glinda smiled sweetly at her. “You’re only upset because there are many things in the world that are beyond your power and I am one of them.”
            The Succubus’s face went stony and she turned on her heel. “This way, rabbit.”
            Alice suppressed a chuckle and followed the Succubus after tucking the splint under her arm. The lieutenant led her to what must be the command tent. “Inside, rabbit.”
            A tired looking Alaka-Wham glanced up. She wore the five circles of a Brigadier General on her forehead. They hadn’t been touched up in a while; the ink was washing out in the local humidity. “My lieutenant tells me that you are associated with Cowslip.” A weary smile spread on her face. “I had to tell her she’s not cleared for it, which pissed her off. I have enough problems with desertions and I don’t need to go angering the few officers I have left. So, right now, I’m not happy.” She leaned back in her chair. “However, I do know what Cowslip is, so sit down. What is your designation?”
            “I’m called Alice.” The SnuggleBunny dropped into the offered chair. “I’ll keep this short. I’ve completed phase one and I’m starting phase two. I’ll need a security element to make sure things proceed smoothly.”
            The Brigadier nodded. “I’ll keep this short too. I just don’t have any to give you. I’m short handed as it is and I need all of the personnel I’ve got.”
            Alice gave her a serious look. “I don’t need more than one or two. Surely you can spare that many combat pokegirls.”
            “No, I can’t. The humans are vastly depleted, but so are we and they could counterattack at any time.”
            Alice closed her eyes for a moment. The war was lost, Sukebe was dead and pokegirls like this one continued going through the motions, and for what? “I’ve been led to believe that things are slow here. Desertion is your biggest problem. Taking a couple of pokegirls isn’t going to change that.”
            The Alaka-Wham’s antenna twisted slowly. Alice tried to close her mind but was too slow. “Ah, you heard that from Glinda.” She smiled suddenly. “For her and her sister, things have been very slow.” A crafty gleam came into her eyes. “I know, you can have them. I don’t need the witches.”
            Alice blinked in surprise. “I wanted combat pokegirls.”
            “They’re more than capable for your needs. After all, it’s unlikely you’ll be facing organized military units, and against single pokegirls or small groups, they’re quite effective.” Her mouth twisted with distaste. “Take them or leave empty handed and try somewhere else.”
            Alice sighed. “I don’t really have much choice. Very well, I’ll take them.”
            Waves raced ashore, pulling sand up the beach with them and drawing it back as they receded. A crab investigated a piece of seaweed carefully. It scuttled for safety when Alice appeared. She let Glinda go and looked around as Tattypoo appeared next to them. 
            Tattypoo was wearing an ankle length amber gown that she filled out admirably. Brilliant emerald hair curled around her head and brushed the tops of her shoulders. She gave the area a searching look before turning back to the others. “Where are we?”
            “Easter Island.” Alice found a rock and perched on it. “Witches, I suggest you make yourselves comfortable.”
            Glinda settled down gracefully on another rock. Tattypoo shrugged. “Standing never hurt anyone. What is this about?”
            “Operation Cowslip. Are you familiar with it?”
            “No. Why?”
            “You’ve just joined it.” Alice watched her intently. Tattypoo was the one who needed convincing. Glinda would go along with what she decided. “I was given this mission by Sukebe himself with all of his personal authority to carry my part of it out.”
            Tattypoo shrugged. “He’s dead and his authority died with him.”
            Alice grimaced. “A lot of people think like you do. I still have a job and I think it’s a good one. Do you want to be a part of something again?”
            “What is it?”
            The SnuggleBunny picked up a piece of driftwood and began to shred it slowly. “He knew that eventually certain circumstances would occur. Either his armies would be victorious or eventually the humans would. It really made no difference in his primary goals; human women have been, for the most part, removed from the gene pool. If the human race is to continue, they’re going to have to breed with his creations. Us.” She flipped the shreds of wood onto the ground and picked another piece. “If we had won, the pokegirls would have demanded lovers to keep from going feral.”
            Glinda stirred. “We didn’t and we aren’t going to.” She stared off into the distance for a moment. “The standard pokegirls have lost heart and, with it, the war. In addition, I’ve heard that they’ve restarted construction of the Langoud. It’ll be finished in a couple of years, maybe a little sooner. My estimate is that they’ll be able to use it to successfully kill some of the large pokegirls.” She made a tossing motion. “It’s over, and we’ve lost.”
            Tattypoo nodded. “I say good riddance to those monsters. They’re nothing more than trouble for everyone, including us.” For a moment she had a dreamy look. “If only they could have been convinced to work with us,” she sighed. “It would have been glorious.”
            Alice smiled. “On that happy fact, I agree. We don’t need them and we’ll be better off without them.” She sobered. “Cowslip was intended to go operational if we lost; thanks to the fucking Chinese, it’s taken on a whole new urgency.”
            She looked from one to the other. “Humans can’t live without us. And there are too few of them left to absorb our surviving population. Many of us will go feral, no matter what, and they will feed on anything they can catch. Humans won’t be difficult prey for the predatory ones.”
            “So, what’s Cowslip?”
            “Cowslip was supposed to locate humans with the right personality profile to be able to look beyond the war, past what we’ve done to humanity. The ones we’re looking for are able to see us as people to be cherished, not beasts to be hunted down and summarily executed.” Alice grimaced. “They were supposed to work with us to teach the others how to care for us, how to deal with our needs and peculiarities.”
            “Now they’re needed to get us to the males so we can continue humanity. Without pokegirls to breed with, humanity is doomed.”
            “Where do we come into this noble dream?” Tattypoo gave her a curious look. “We’re not exactly breeding material.” She smirked. “In case you haven’t been listening, we’re cracked.”
            “Of course you are breeding material. And, when the time comes, you’ll be bred. We just have to find the right man to do it.” She scratched her arm. “I’ve found one who fits the personality profile I’ve been looking for and I’ve sold him on the idea of hunting and capturing feral pokegirls. Afterwards, we’ll be finding homes for them. I need help protecting him and he’s going to need help catching pokegirls without getting killed.”
            Glinda frowned. “Is he incompetent?”
            Alice looked suddenly exasperated. “Far from it, and that is the problem. He’s quite competent, especially considering his age, and that’s going to get him killed if we don’t act to protect him. No matter how good he is, he can’t compete with most pokegirls. He’s been lucky so far in the ones he faced; he took them unawares and killed them before they could respond.”
            “I like the way he thinks.” Tattypoo grinned.
            “You would.” Alice glared at the pokegirl. “He’s not bad in bed and he’s willing to be taught what you like. If I remember correctly, neither of you is into anything that requires restraints on a regular basis.”
            Tattypoo suddenly looked unhappy. “Stick-in-the-butt told you to take us, didn’t she?”
            “She did. You’re a good choice, though.” Alice grinned. “If you’re good and eat your vegetables, you might get a chance to catch her someday.”
            “Now, that would be fun.” Glinda looked at her sister. “Well?”
            “I’m thinking.” Tattypoo drummed her fingers on her leg for several minutes while she thought. Finally, she nodded. “Our primary job is done. The Great Horny Hooter is either extinct or nearly so. Another job from the Creator would be better than bumbling around hoping to catch more of our targets.”
            Glinda smiled hungrily. “If we’re working with you and your hunter, then we might have a better chance of running across our unfinished work. Of course, catching the Brigadier would be just so funny. Alaka-Whams do get around, so you never know.”
            Tattypoo nodded. “We’re in.”
ALAKA-WHAM, the Psychic Powerhouse Pokégirl
Type: Near Human
Element: Psychic
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: human style food
Role: security, often with administrators or researchers. Also make excellent Alphas
Libido: Average (higher with high-Empathy Tamers)
Strong Vs: Fighting, Poison, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost
Attacks: Teleport, Telepathy, Telekinesis, limited Precognition, Healing, Barrier, Psychic, Psywave
Enhancements: High psi capabilities, Enhanced Intelligence (x15), highly developed nervous system
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Ka-D-Bra (normal)
            Alaka-Whams continue the growth begun when they became Ka-D-Bras, gaining a few inches in height for a maximum height of 6'0. Their skin (once again sans antennae) darkens to a deep red, and their antennae max out at nearly a foot in length. Many Alaka-Whams keep their antennae back, flat against their head, unless actively wielding their psychic powers. Their bust also increases, usually upwards on an E-cup. Their breasts are so large, in fact, that their frail bodies can't support the weight without assistance. Alaka-Whams rely on constant, low-level telekinesis to help support the weight of their massive chests.
            Their powers also increase dramatically, giving them a wide variety of Psychic attacks, defenses, and support abilities. Using Telepathy and Precognition to stay one (or more) steps ahead of their opponents, they use Barrier and Teleport to avoid any attacks their opponent conceives of throwing at them. They usually overwhelm their opponents fairly quickly using a combination of Telekinesis, Psychic, and Psywave.
            Though always viewed with some suspicion, it wasn't until Mao's Rebellion that active distrust was a factor in modern times. The baseline mistrust comes largely from jealousy of their extreme intelligence. Their typical IQ is about 500, though some exceptional individuals can be even higher. This intelligence leads them to a rivalry of sorts with the Supe-Bra Genius, who they view as intellectual equals. However, the Supe-Bra Genius's wide assortment of mental instabilities is a point of contempt, with the Alaka-Wham seeing them as erratic and inefficient.
SUCCUBUS, the Sexy Soul-Sucking Pokégirl
Type: Near Human
Element: Magic/Ghost/Flying (Infernal)
Frequency: Rare
Diet: energy from living things
Role: combat, support during Taming
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Ground, Ghost, Magic, Plant, Poison, Psychic
Weak Vs: Dark, Electric, Ice, “purifying” magic (an exception to the above), such as the kind Megamis often use, and sonic-based attacks
Attacks: Energy Drain, Go Down, Wrestle, Call Me Queen, Pose, Backhand, Bite, Wing Buffet, Power Bolt, Spank, Butt Wiggle, Sex Attack 1, 2, 3, Nipple Cripple, Hypnotic Gaze, Rapid Stroke, Caress
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x4), Longevity, Solid Ether Body (see below)
Evolves: Dark Queen (mechanism unknown) (Mazouku and/or Demon-Goddess evolution speculated; mechanisms unknown)
Evolves From: Daimon (Dusk Stone)
            Succubi are some of the most attractive and powerful Pokégirls a Tamer can find. Their bodies are shaped almost to perfection, and they highlight this with provocative dress, actions, and speech. They usually have only one or two things to indicate that they are anything but a very sexy human woman (besides the large, bat-like wings they all possess), usually something like red eyes or small, vestigial wings on other parts of their bodies. Because they are an evolution of Youma, they retain their bad attitude, but unlike the belligerence of a Youma and its other evolutions, a Succubus simply has a condescending attitude towards almost everything. They tend to haughtily ignore anything they don’t care for, and a Tamer they don’t respect won’t be given the time of day. If such a Tamer tries to initiate a Taming with them, he’ll get it, but usually finds himself on the end of a Taming session that could put a Domina to shame. It’s for this reason that Succubi get along cordially with dominating types of Pokégirls.
            Succubi are parasites, in the sense that they need the energy of other creatures to survive. They get this energy by using their Energy Drain technique on their partners during Taming, when the person they are with is giving off lots of energy anyway. As far as Succubi see it, this is more than fair for everyone, since they get physical pleasure, and energy, and their “victim” is enjoying the process also. Despite their condescending attitude, a Succubus never misses a chance for a Taming session, since it’s pleasurable and filling.
            The only thing Succubi enjoy anywhere near as much as sex is combat. Like during Taming, this is where they get to show how superior they are to others. They tend to almost sadistically pound on their opponents, and then usually finish them off with an Energy Drain, though this is more to humiliate them than anything else, since by that time a downed victim has little energy left.
            Despite their being Ghost-types, Succubi are fully solid. The only clue that they are Ghost-types at all is that they can physically touch another Ghost-type whether that Pokégirl is “phased” or not. This makes Succubi highly prized as guards against intrusions by other Ghost-type Pokégirls. Succubi cannot phase themselves. They explain this unique ability as being due to “being composed of solid ether.” It is for this reason alone that Succubi are speculated to be the unevolved form of Mazouku. However, their apparently unique state carries a weakness: sound-based attacks seem to cause them undue amounts of pain. They can withstand noise or music just fine, but a concentrated sound-based attack against them is very painful. They don’t take damage to their ears however. Instead, they seem to feel pain along their entire body. While they refuse to comment on it, it is speculated that the sound attack somehow disrupts their solid ether state to a degree.
            To date, the only known evolution of a Succubus has been to Dark Queen, the ultimate form of a Youma evolution. Even then, what causes this is unknown. It appears to be some combination of post-battle stress (usually from a tough fight), orgasm, and a Dark Stone.
            If a Succubus can find a Tamer who can’t be made to play a subservient role during Taming (hard to do since Succubi are incredibly passionate in bed), and can force the Succubus to do so, then that Tamer has earned a Succubus’s respect and deference. From then on that Tamer will have a powerful and loyal Pokégirl in his Harem, ready and eager to please him and fight for him. The only exceptions to this rule are Tamers who manage to evolve a Daimon they already own into a Succubus. In this case the Succubus is already predisposed towards loving and obeying her Tamer. Evolving a Succubus like this isn’t nearly as easy as it sounds though, otherwise every Tamer would have one. The few recorded cases of Daimons evolving into Succubi have always been during orgasm, but there are many other Tamers with Daimons who have Tamed them many times without evolving them to Succubus. There is obviously some sort of factor being overlooked here, but what it is, no one can say as of yet.
            There are no known cases of a Threshold girl becoming a Succubus.