FERALIGARTER, the Gorgeous Gator Pokégirl
FOXXSEA, the Water Fox Pokégirl
FROSTBITE, the Bestial Ice Pokégirl
FROSTTITS, the Frozen Sky Pokégirl
GALLIE (AKA CHICKENLITTLE), the Poultry Pokegirl
GLACE, the Cold Comfort Pokegirl
GLAMOURPUSS, the Pretty Kitty Pokégirl (also, the Catty Pokégirl)
GRIFFON, the Catbird Pokegirl
HOOTER, the Night-Owl Pokégirl
JUGGUAR (aka JUGG-U-LAR), the Jolting Jaguarundi Pokégirl
KARY, The Legendary Volcano Mistress Pokégirl
KUNG-EWE, The Ovine Champion Pokégirl
LAMBCHOP, the Fighting Lamb Pokégirl
LAMIA, the Volition Violating Viper Pokégirl
LAY-MORE, the Striped-Tail Love Monkey Pokégirl
LEOPARDESS, (AKA SNOW LEOPARDESS) the Loyal Spotted Pokégirl
LEVIATHANESS, the Deep Devil Pokégirl
MAREEN (AKA POOL MOUSE), the Aqua-mouse Pokegirl
MARMOTTE, the Caring Marmoset Pokégirl
MARYLITH (aka EELARA, aka LAPLASS), the Voltaic Torrent Pokégirl
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