Nuevo Tenochtitlàn
Nuevo Ten (not New T or Nuevo Tenochtitlàn, unless you want to sound like a dweeb or pretentious loser) caters to anyone wishing to increase their abilities or understanding in the mystic arts. Pokégirl or human, young or old, male of female, all are welcomed and treated equally, within reason.

Nuevo Ten doesn't teach people to be spellcasters, they teach people to use magic.

The curriculum and teaching style developed as a backlash against the regimented, hermetic style of magic that was beginning to take hold elsewhere among Pokégirls and human mages. Blending the Amerind and Asian spiritual influences with a good deal of Shamanism and some might say Showmanship/Charlatanism. The school wishes to awaken the spirit if the mage, rather than rote memorization.

The first hurdle is a test for magical abilities. If an applicant fails this by having no magical ability, they may be directed to the School of Applied Magic. Laymen who can think creatively are welcome here. The School's mandate is to rediscover lostech processes through magic and magitech. If a student shows no ability, but can make a case for studying the history, ethics, theories of magic, they can appeal to the Chancellors' board for admission. This is generally either a written essay, or a verbal appeal (applicant's choice).

Assuming that a student has ability (and not all Magic-types do), they are admitted.

First Year
All students go through the 'First Year'. This is an intensive training time learning Basic Ethics, Safety/PPE (personal protective equipment), and Standards. These classes are often called 'How to avoid getting blown up'. Next, the new students are taught study habits, Basic Theatre, and Spirit Bonding. Acquiring a spirit guide is virtually a requirement, but isn't officially mandatory. Theatre is taught because ceremonial magic makes up a major part of the curriculum, and getting a crowd whipped up generates more energy for the spell. The first year is also a sifting out of the people without the drive and desire to learn magic. About 80% of the students either don't make it through, or drop out at the end of the First Year. This is completely intentional.

The University is not free, First Years are expected to pay up-front, or sign up for the Work/Study program. Much of the basic maintenance, gardening and janitorial work is done by First Years. It's also been demonstrated that First Years who use their powers to do these jobs quicker and better, advance more swiftly. So, many who could pay the fees will take the Work/Study program. Officially it's training for getting jobs later in life. Unofficially (especially among the students) it's to instill a life-long hatred of slavery and abuse of power.

Second Year
The Second Year, the student is exposed to many different disciplines and different teachers and teaching styles. A big part of the philosophy is there is no one way to do magic, and students don't have to learn just one way either. Just different approaches. The student is expected to begin directing their own path on the course of learning, and their spirit guide is supposed to assist them. They often do, but not always. Some classes are regularly scheduled, standard lecture hall; some are small get-togethers when the weather, or the stars are right'; and some are intense one-on-one tutoring sessions. A rounded education is also encouraged, and regular subjects are taught, from engineering to foreign languages. Since spiritualism is so important, some of the lecturers are past experts. Archimedes's classes on geometry are extremely popular, although translation spells are very necessary.

The other major skill taught at Nuevo Ten begins in the Second Year: deal making. The students are encouraged to exchange service for service, or for magical knowledge. On the other hand, the warning that 'he who sups with the Devil, sups with a long spoon' are repeatedly given, as are etiquette lessons in how to deal with a self-proclaimed demigod, and the ways of knowing you're getting screwed before you sign. During the students' education, many nature, elemental and other spirits are met and later often sought out for assistance or to gain understand and power. For advanced students, there begins supervised field trips to dimensions of friendly spirits. For most, this begins at the Journeyman level instead. Learning to communicate and negotiate with these often inhuman entities also helps when negotiating with humans and Pokégirls. There is a ongoing debate between Nuevo Ten and the University of New Vegas Law School who makes the better contracts and negotiators.

Work/Study for Second Years and later (even up to Master students) is handled on the student's aptitudes and arranged with administration and the faculty. Scholarships for Journeyman and Master level students are available. Usually for directed research in a certain field.

Coming from the Theatre training is the training of Ceremonial Magic, especially using teams of mages, and/or an enthusiastic crowd to power huge spells. The conversion of San Diego, with the University and Naval Base, to Windy Shores, without them, was accomplished this way.

Journeyman and Master
After three years, all students become eligible to take the Journeyman's test. The test usually requires the student to prove competence in basic magic. The student is then allowed to 'go walk about' for a few weeks. Then when they return, they are expected to address any deficiencies in their studies and techniques.

When a Student or Journeyman feels they are ready, they can take the Master's Certification. There are two ways to approach this exam. Either an excellent all-around knowledge of magic in theory and practice, typically Divination, Combat, Healing and two other areas worked out in advance. Or, demonstration of a new insight or discipline in magic (the School of Applied Magic was created by such a Master's Certification Exam offering). Students following the latter route should seek an academic advisor to verify that their work aims really are novel and unique, instead of rare or abandoned. Student who've become Masters are encouraged to return periodically and attend seminars on the advancement of magic, and to share what they have learned.

There is no set time that a person can remain a student, or a Journeyman. Although six years for student to Journeyman is considered a rational upper limit, and twelve is not unheard of before receiving a Master's Certification. Some remain Students or Journeymen their entire lives.

The architecture of the campus is generally Ivy League college by way of Ludwig the Mad's and Maurtis C. Escher's lovechild. Lots of stone work, high towers and broad grassy areas, that may change position when you aren't watching them. The map kiosks are upto date with the changes, and experienced students have learned which landmarks never or rarely change. Others are advised to get an experienced guide, or stay in the clearly marked walkways. The three main Libraries and the ArchChancellor's tower are the areas where this does not happen, and those three massive buildings (Up Campus, Down Campus and Esoteric) and one tall spire are used as the principle navigation aids for anyone familiar with the campus. The libraries don't change, because the Librarian won't stand for it, and the ArchChancellor's tower doesn't change because the world revolves around it. One additional unchanging point is the ArchChancellor's lilypod. The sound of so many different types of frogs at night can be quite stunning. The Feral cat and dog population stay away from this area, and most carnivorous Pokégirls get the impression that eating from this noisy buffet is a very bad idea. The rumor that this place contains the University's enemies is scoffed at. If it were true, it would have to be much bigger (a statement that somehow comforts no one).

The cafeterias are supposedly also immune, and the reports of the walls melting and singing are due entirely to the food. Statements such as these do not endear the cafeterias to the student body. But the faculty usually all eat there, so the saying goes 'maybe it's to let you see other places'. Food here is cheap, filling and completely safe (no one has died eating it).

The Applied Magic Department
The Applied Magic Department has fewer such anomalies, and a greater Security presence. The original, dark-gray, stone walls have been painted and repainted so often and so irregularly after various pranks, flights of inspiration, or various accidents, that it often looks like a Jackson Pollock painting. Dazzle painting applied to architecture. The paths are generally straight and rarely take the students to the wrong place, which can be disconcerting when you got on the wrong path, and wind up at your correct destination. Typical of technologists everywhere this is not a bug, it's a feature.

The Applied Magic school has a more traditional setting, with more engineering and hard science lab work. The addition of magic to the analysis, enhancement and operation of various processes is studied and taught. Many scientific complaints of 'we could do this if only X' are answered, with the mages seeking to provide the 'X', e.g. Microgravity, thermal or electrical superconductivity, immense temperatures and pressures, other conditions difficult to impossible to achieve with normal equipment and materials. Most mages are encouraged to take basic chemistry and biology, so they can understand what their spells are doing.

Since the technological achievements coming out of Applied Magic would put the Sunshine League light years beyond all other Leagues in terms of industrialization, the espionage here is particularly thick, and often nasty. Sabotage and murder are not unknown at the higher levels, to keep the secrets undiscovered, or to steal them for another League. (No less than six promising anti-Ferality treatments have been vanished by various forces.) Because of this, regular briefings are given to all lab assistants on basic data and personal security (DatSec and PerSec). The launch of the first all new satellite from the Sunshine League caused all the other magical colleges to suddenly become interested in Nuevo Ten's aberration. Likewise, the spell that changes everything in an area transparent, except the familiar item you're looking for, has been a best seller for over 100 years. (Sorry, the clothing is transparent, and so are the people wearing the clothes, and it only works on your familiar places, no spying on your neighbors Taming.)

The faculty is divided into two groups: Teachers and Researchers, although most do both to a varying extent. The joke among the Researchers is that all you need to be a teacher is an empty office, an approved curriculum plan and enough students. While not entirely true (a teaching certification from a college or a Master's Certification from Nuevo Ten is needed as well), the Teachers reply that all a Researcher needs is to con the Finance Committee into paying for your assistant(s). Likewise, there's an alarming amount of truth here. People have squeezed into the faculty, and have dine adequately if not well, on little more than these requirements. Of course attracting students is easy. Getting the Finance Committee to cough up money, or getting the Curriculum Committee to approve a lesson plan are difficult enough, that anyone who manages to do either, let alone both, while not a faculty member, deserves to be at the University.

Dangers Outside
The intrigues that go on all over 'the Venice in the sky' are real and fairly dangerous. One reason Students are encouraged to wear the University supplied uniform (A jacket and either slacks or a skirt) everywhere is 'STUDENT ARE OFF-LIMITS'. Pranking or sabotaging a Journeymen or Master is considered bad-manners, but harming a Student will get the Chancellors' Board, or their designees after you. Even the Limbec Pirates will avoid that fate. At the Journeyman's level, a mage is expected to either stay out of trouble, continue wearing the Students' uniform and remain a noncombatant, or learn how to protect themselves and their possessions. Masters and Faculty are fair game (and they are free to retaliate against their attacker). The focal point for most intrigues is the School of Applied Magic, since they would vault whoever possessed the lostech secrets to the pinnacle of power, there is a lot of espionage, sabotage and outright theft (of people, demos, and intellectual property). Although, if a project is deemed important enough, a group of known spies (not saboteurs) will be assembled as watchers/overseers/security consultants, and will be provided copies of all published and unpublished papers once publication has occurred. This has worked to keep everyone from destroying work valuable to all, for fear they won't get it at the same time as others. Applications to be a research assistant in this department include the entry 'you are a spy for whom, list all, known affiliations' and they'll expect you to be thorough and accurate. In other areas, as with the rest of the city, the factions, cliques and circles of wizards, politicians, spies and insurance salesmen ply their trade. Back room, off-the-record deals are made here and all students are encouraged to stay out of unsafe parts of the city, travel in packs, and run the instant they even think there's trouble. Especially in the unsafe areas, should a Student be there legitimately they are often instructed to ignore anyone in uniform, and return to University Security immediately to report any attempt to stop them, question them or arrest them. Journeymen and Masters do not have this right. The Police (SLIS, Navy SP's, local OfficerJennies, etc.) are aware of this policy as well (and aren't happy about it). Fleeing back to University Security is not seen as Resisting Arrest, but turning yourself in to something much worse. The local police, the SLIS liaison group, and the Navy SP's will be along to make arrangements, if they aren't already waiting for you at the University gates. Students are encouraged to inform any law enforcement that they are heading back to University Security, and a demand they do not is prima facie evidence that the 'cop' is an imposter or crooked. While this won't eliminate pursuit, the legitimate police won't use lethal force to stop you.

Likewise, University Security are authorized to investigate anything on the campus, and since it's private property, normal rules for search and seizure are quite different. Your person and belongings have no inherent right to privacy outside the 'secure' labs and library stacks, which have their own security detachments (these troops are generally older Harem Masters who still want occasional action, along with a steady paycheck and secure housing, or Journeymen who are interested in getting experience before trying to join a police force as a mage). The regular security is like professional security anywhere, they are as good as the people paying want them to be. Considering the wealth of the campus, these are some of the best. Some are Students, Journeymen or Masters themselves (free admission is a perk), so pranking them is often a very bad idea. They are also the ones who enforce the 'STUDENTS ARE OFF-LIMITS!' doctrine on a day to day basis.

Alumni have no special rights to get their progeny in, although they may know who to direct a letter to, so a weak or non-mage can be counseled appropriately. Some of the alumni act as 'Angels' for deserving students, providing scholarships or tutorial services. Some agencies have 'ROTC'-like organizations, to allow smoother transitions into their agencies. There are also 'study abroad' programs for Journeymen, to study at other magical academies. Along with reciprocity agreements that allow other students to study at Nuevo Ten. Such students are given a abridged version of the 'How to avoid getting blown up' course during their first year. Prank Wars played on and by these exchange students have made Harlequins green with envy. Signs reading 'I'm a spy from _____' and 'If found, return to _____" are some of the most widespread. While such activity is actively discouraged, it isn't strictly prohibited, or severely punished.

All forms of magic are taught at Nuevo Ten, except one: Sorcery, i.e., calling up spirits of the departed and torturing/enslaving them, usually for information. Only one place regularly practices that repulsive form of magic: Sanctuary. Calling up something and negotiating is acceptable and even encouraged, but the Shamanist/Animist roots of Nuevo Tenochtitlàn sorcery a forbidden subject. Practitioners are often stripped of their powers and thrust into the Spirit Realm, at the mercy of their victims. Their judgement is final, and often fatal. This has led to Nuevo Ten gaining tremendous intelligence about Sanctuary brought by Sanctuary's many victims who come for healing and help passing on. That's also the political reason. The Chancellors' Council of Nuevo Tenochtitlàn knows more about the actions in the Dark Continent than Sanctuary's rulers do.