FAERIE (aka SEXYCUTE), the Ethereal Fey Pokégirl
Type: Near Human Metamorph
Element: Magic
Frequency: Rare
Diet: human-style diet
Role: Distraction
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Plant , Psychic, Celestial, Infernal
Weak Vs: Magic, Poison, Steel
Attacks: Taunt, Smirk, Drain, Invis, Enlarge, Reduce, Mana Bolt, Hypnotic Gaze, Relaxing Gaze, Ear Blow, Mystic Bolt, Temperature Barrier
Enhancements: Limited Metamorphic Abilities, Psychic Affinity, Ghost Affinity, Magic Affinity, Mental Defense, Influence Nature, Fey Aura, Enhanced Agility (x2), Longevity
Disadvantage: Iron Vulnerability
Evolves: Sidhe (normal)
Evolves From: None
    The Faerie, or SexyCute as she is called in some regions, is an unusual Pokégirl by almost any standard. Although they first began to use their distraction tactics in the first year of the war, they were almost extinct by the end of it. Their vulnerability to iron was something that the human forces were quick to make use of and exploit, and after only a few months in the war the previously common breed became a rarity to find, as the Faerie was one of the few Pokégirls that the human forces were able to defeat with any level of ease. After the war, they became an almost unknown breed, and were presumed to be extinct until they were rediscovered by a Researcher named Oberon, a former Watcher who was attempting to observe FairyCutes in their natural habitat to further his research on the breed.
    The classification of the Faerie as a Near Human Pokégirl is dubious, at best. The appearance of a Faerie, in their basic form, is solidly human. Height ranges between about five and six feet, and their bust tends to average at a C cup. In all physical aspects of their appearance, they appear perfectly human. Over time, however, the metamorphic abilities of the Faerie begin to show themselves in full. Faeries tend to form an idealized concept of “beauty”, and over the course of several weeks or months begin to slowly, subconsciously change themselves to fit as closely that ideal as their abilities can bring them to.
    The shape of their eyes, the length of their hair, the color of their eyes, the texture of their skin, how many teeth they have; all these and more are subject to change. While this process often makes Faeries appear more beautiful, this is not always the case. Their concept of what defines beauty is different from that of a normal human or Pokégirl, and the appearance of any given Faerie may run the gamut from gorgeous to terrifying to humorous to repulsive to completely and utterly ordinary. However, these changes are only to existing features, so a Faerie with wings, tails, or antennae is impossible, although unusual skin patterns resembling tattoos are possible. The changes to their body are permanent, and barring a sudden change in what they perceive beauty to be or magic used to change their body cannot be reversed. Faeries don’t really control this process; it is an autonomic function their body performs as they instinctively reach for their image of perfection.
    However, even a Faerie who is physically identical to a normal human cannot be described as a “Very Near Human” Pokégirl. Regardless of what they look like, anyone who has spent time around a Faerie can immediately tell what they are by the fey sensation that pervades the very air about them. Faeries at time seem almost unreal; due to some indefinable aspect to their being, they often seem to be apart from the world around them, and many seem to have a lofty or arrogant attitude due to this. This is mostly due to the perception of others, however; because they are so disconnected from reality, they may have a hard time understanding things as others do, and being understood in turn. This aura can be rather intimidating to many people, who can sense on some level that the Faerie is unnatural in a way few other Pokégirls are.
    Despite this, Faeries have an unusual ability to affect the natural world for a Pokégirl that even a child can tell is not normal. Faeries can manipulate and affect the world around them in small ways. With a touch, a Faerie can make flowers burst into bloom, can cause a tree to surrender her fruits, or cause a swath of grass to wither and die over the course of an hour. The area a Faerie lives in will become more or less fertile than the surrounding area, depending on her mood and personality. The elven breeds tend to have a love-hate relationship with Faeries; while they can easily promote and protect the natural world, the Faeries are just as capable of bringing ruin to the land about them, and with their disconnection from reality often have no qualms over doing so if they see reason to. And because Faeries tend to have rather capricious personalities, and easily switch between emotional extremes, the elven Pokégirls tend to tread lightly around Faeries in their forests.
    Faeries were intended to be distractions in Sukebe’s War, and this shows in they combat style. Reduce and Invis are frequently used, and they tend to make sneak attacks with their few damaging attacks. However, they are not particularly effective Pokégirls when fighting solo; they are neither particularly strong nor fast, and they lack the protections many other Pokégirls possess. They are particularly effective against Psychic-type Pokégirls, however. Attempts to enter or see into a Faerie’s mind is rather dangerous for another Pokégirl, as the almost unreal aspect to them makes their thoughts not only indiscernible to others, but also painful and disorienting to mind-readers. Although Faeries are capable of using magic fairly proficiently, they are also weak against other Magic-types, and as such are a poor choice when facing such Pokégirls.
    The greatest weakness of the Faerie, and what cost them so many lives during the Revenge War, is their vulnerability to iron. Although they are weak against Steel-type attacks, the mere touch of iron causes vicious blisters to rise along their skin, and to actually be struck by iron will cause them serious damage, and will have the effect of a Poison attack. Should the iron actually enter their skin, even if only for a moment, not only is poisoning assured but the resulting scar cannot be removed, even through multiple healing cycles and the care of a team of skilled NurseJoys, although their metamorphic abilities can fairly easily erase scars from other sources. Indeed, so great is their weakness to iron that receiving injury by the metal is sufficient to take years off of their lifespan. Some of the Faeries found by the Researcher Oberon were survivors the Revenge War, and some had received injuries from iron. By the year 300 A.S., every one of the Faeries, even those that had evolved into Sidhe, that had been struck by iron had died of old age.
    In regards to Taming, there are few constants shared between members of the breed, and Faeries can differ as much in how they desire sex as they do in appearance. As very emotional Pokégirls, they can be wild and passionate in bed, but at times they can seem out of touch with the world even during sex, hardly responding to their Tamer’s overtures. One aspect shared by many of the breed is their dislike for cuddling. They often desire positions that don’t require more body contact than is required, and even should they be greatly fond of or even love their Tamer most dislike the extended touching that occurs while cuddling or hugging.
    Feral Faeries can be rather frightening Pokégirls. They retain a great deal of their intelligence, but become more petty, cruel, and wild. They can take offense at the oddest of things, and will try to take revenge in cruel and often rather imaginative ways. Feral Faeries often come up with unique and vicious spells, often curses, with which they obtain their vengeance, and the Pokégirls that live near a Feral Faerie usually know enough to avoid her. However, they are very curious Ferals, and are as prone to emotion swings as they are while Tame, so an intelligent Tamer could quite possibly capture one without needing to fight her.
    Thresholding into a Faerie is rare. Faerie Pokéwomen are far more likely to give birth to a Pokékit than a human child, so there are very few humans with Faerie ancestry that could undergo Threshold. That said, it has been known to occur. Faerie Thresholders are often even more unreal than other Faeries are, and generally seem rather ethereal without being any less solid; a trait shared by many other Faeries, but far more common amongst Threshold ones. Fortunately, Threshold Faeries tend to have ideals of beauty that are closer to the human standard, so are unlikely to appear hideous or frightening after they begin to metamorphose.