HYPERDOLL, the Easy Fighting Pokégirl (aka the Pokégirl with a MORON for a Tamer)

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Magic
Frequency: Very Rare (thank god)
Diet: human style food
Role: super protector and fighter (if she feels like it)
Libido: Low
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Rock, Normal, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Psychic
Attacks: Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Pummel, Energy Blast, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, All Elemental Sword Attacks (Including the Mrk. II versions if the Hyperdoll is in possession of an appropriate weapon)
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x10), Endurance (x10), Durability (x10), Levitation
Evolves: Redeemer (Respecting Tamer)
Evolves From: Bimbo (mistreatment)

Letting a Tigress become a Panthress is evil and wrong. Letting a Bimbo become a Hyperdoll is just flat-out inexcusable. Treating a Bimbo badly, not disciplining her when she does something wrong and just yelling at her, not Taming her much, and forcing her into battles she can't win results in one of the most unwanted evolutions of all time.

The Hyperdoll.

Upon evolution, a Hyperdoll gains a lot of intelligence back. As a Bimbo, she could learn things if they were repeated to her enough times, and as a Hyperdoll, she learns that she doesn't have to give a damn about anything. Their bodies gain a cup-size from whatever it was before, their hair turns neon pink, and their bodies become more muscular. Their eyes turn gold. And they also do whatever they want, whenever they want. They also find wearing revealing clothes shameful, most likely due to their immense egos They will stick with their Tamer due to their need for taming, but they will not obey them except when she wants to. She doesn't care about anything or anyone but herself, and if she fights or protects her tamer or Harem sisters it'll most likely at the very last minute or if it will benefit her in some way. They are indifferent to their surroundings and will happily wreck anything or anyone in their path to a victory.

Hyperdolls hold nothing back when in battle. They rush in and trash anything that gets in their way. Their preferred method of fighting is mostly an all out brawl mixed with elemental sword attacks. While the entire breed is capable of mystical flight, they are absolutely horrible fliers. With some practice, and all will deny that they need it, a Hyperdoll is able of become a bit more of a decent flier. They could never match a true Flying type in terms of speed and agility, but none so far have ever admitted it. Getting a Hyperdoll to listen to orders given in battle is akin to trying to teach a Chickenlittle Trigonometry, completely impossible. On the off chance that the Hyperdoll actually looses, she'll continually insist that it wasn't her fault, rather it was her Tamer's. And if it isn't their Tamer's fault, then it will always be the fault of any girl in the harem.

Giving away a Hyperdoll, or abandoning it, is impossible. When a Tamer even attempts to abandon or trade away their Hyperdoll the girl becomes very angry, abusive, and often times violent against their Tamers. Essentially if you own a Hyperdoll, you own her for life. So, and please forgive this researcher's unprofessional tone, if you have a Hyperdoll, it SUCKS TO BE YOU, DUMBASS! Gyah ha! Interestingly enough, like Neo-Iczels, they become extremely caring around a Penance. No one knows why this drastic contradiction is, and the Hyperdolls asked just ignored the questioners entirely.

If a Hyperdoll’s Tamer dies on them, the Hyperdoll will become more and more violent, becoming hostile to anything with a heartbeat. Psychic-types who scan Hyperdolls who have lost their Tamer detect something akin to mourning in their minds. In this case, it’s best to either have the Hyperdoll put down or find a way to isolate it. It’s possible to take in a Hyperdoll who’s undergone such a loss… but to be honest, no one really wants to.

Feral Hyperdolls are nearly unheard of. Should a Hyperdoll ever find herself going feral then she'll more often than not simply thrown her tamer down and rape him. When a Hyperdoll does become feral it is often when her tamer has died and she'd been left inside of her pokéball for to long. She becomes even more violent than usual, much akin to those that have lost their Tamer. Thresholding into a Hyperdoll is unheard of at the time. This researcher prays that it never becomes possible.