FURRITE, the Little Weasel Pokégirl
Type: Near Human Animorph (weasel)
Element: Normal
Frequency: Uncommon (mostly domestic)
Diet: Pokéchow, ferals are predatory
Role: pets, public service, crime
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Ghost, rodent Pokégirls (Bunnies, Titmice, etc.)
Weak Vs: Fighting
Attacks: Tackle, Pummel, Leap, Scratch, Dodge, Slash
Enhancements: Enhanced Speed (x4), Enhanced Agility (x8), Enhanced Hearing (x3), Enhanced Olfactory Sense (x4), Enhanced Strength (x2)
Disadvantages: Milder form of the Mynx's lung problems, mild kleptomania, low attention span
Evolves: Mongoosed (normal)
Evolves From: Mynx (orgasm)
    Furrite's breed title comes as much from numerous exclamations about this Pokégirl’s penchant for theft ("You little weasel!") as it does from her actual genetic basis in the pre-Sukebe predator. She turns the agility of a Mynx to mischief, spurred a racial proclivity to minor theft.
    Furrite's fur loses some of the softness she had as a Mynx, and she gains markings on her face around her eyes, and on her hands and feet. These dark markings give her the appearance of wearing a little mask, gloves, and boots, which pet owners find endearing and suitable for this little thief. Furrite also develops a slight muzzle and claws on her hands, but otherwise is largely similar to her Mynx form in appearance. The few Furrites that make it to competition are often graded by the symmetry and coloring of their "accessories".
    As with Mynx, Furrites have a racial lung condition comparable to asthma in humans, though this is noticeably milder in Furrite than Mynx, and mainly results in the Furrite tiring very quickly and being somewhat susceptible to inhaled poisons. Even this more minor drawback, along with the mild kleptomania, tends to make Tamers look for other Pokégirls, though some criminal elements make good use of Furrites as pickpockets, scouts and lookouts, or as distractions for greater crimes. A few legit Tamers spend the time and effort to train Furrites, usually pitting them in quick fights against more timid rodent Pokégirls in the hopes of overcoming their natural drawbacks and attaining the powerhouse that is a Mongoosed Pokégirl. Mostly, though, Furrites are found as pets in households and occasionally in public service, performing tasks that do not require a high attention span and do not involve small, valuable items.
    To evolve into a Furrite, a Mynx must have an outstanding orgasm. As any Mynx enthusiast can tell you, Taming a Mynx thoroughly enough to have that orgasm is a risky proposition due to their lung problems. Naturally, more than a few Furrites have traumatic memories of being unable to breathe when they evolved, and as a result the breed tends to be much less interested in sex than their previous form, and sometimes a bit less trusting of the Tamer as well. Ironically, their reduced interest in sexuality makes them harder to please, which means a Tamer has to spend more time in the sack with them and risk irritating their lung conditions, furthering her distrust of Taming in general... Most Pokécenters advocate a quick Taming Cycle for a Furrite, to "loosen her up" before Taming, to avoid this snowballing effect.
    Furrite Thresholds are uncommon, but not unheard of. The main symptom of one is when the girl becomes spacey and hyperactive, and begins pocketing things that aren't quite hers. Most families sell one off before all their small valuables are "collected" by the new Pokégirl.