PONYTAUR, the Centauress Pokégirl
Type: Metamorph
Element: Normal
Frequency: Uncommon to Rare (Mountain, Forest, and Orange Leagues)
Diet: vegetarian
Role: Mobile scouts, rescue agents, farmers, transporters.
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Ghost
Weak Vs: Fighting
Attacks: Stomp, Mega Kick, Take Down, Tackle, Dodge, Sonic Wave, Quick Attack
Enhancements: Enhanced Speed (x8), Metamorphic ability, Enhanced Agility (x3), Enhanced Strength (x3), Enhanced Endurance (x2), enhanced sense of balance.
Evolves: Rapitaur (normal), Unicorn (Dawn Stone), Frozenare (Ice Crystal), Clydesdame (Diamond Stone), Samhain (Dusk Stone + Moon Stone), Tangi (Water Stone)
Evolves From: None

    A Pokégirl that was the 12th created by Sukebe after experimenting with the other basic normal types, the Ponytaur was fashioned somewhat after an animal from that time called a horse. Four-legged, strong equine body, these Pokégirls became known as Ponytaur after the first few battles that found them attacking humans with either makeshift weaponry or by using their Sonic Wave techniques to disrupt the terrain, destroy roads and bridges, and basically make human life a living hell by transporting one or two other Pokégirls on their back. In the days before teleporting and psychic Pokégirls became available, this was Sukebe’s assault team’s Pokégirl transport of choice. With their centaur-like body, they galloped like the wind and could keep up their maximum speed for an hour or two at most before needing a break. These Pokégirls are also capable of assuming a human form, allowing them to blend into human society... and on some occasions, were used to infiltrate military compounds where captured Pokégirls were being held for questioning or scientific study. Upon rescuing the caught Pokégirls, they would escape easily afterwards. The one drawback is that while in human form, the Ponytaur loses half of their enhancements.

    After the war, the Ponytaur were also one of the first Pokégirls to be captured, despite their great running speed. When feral, the Ponytaur would act on instinct alone, and travel in herds of a dozen or more, often traveling about in plains or forests to avoid being found. They are very finicky at first, and do not trust any obviously hostile Pokégirl or human that may come near, often spooking upon seeing any being other than those in their herd. They tend to run rather than fight, unless it is to save a Pokékit of the herd. They tend to protect their children and even others from hostile Pokégirls against any odds, and this has led to several slaughters over the years between the Revenge War and present day. Once their worth was reevaluated, however, Ranches began to utilize these Pokégirls, domesticating them, and today they enjoy a steadily increasing popularity and usage throughout the world as the ‘work-horse’ Pokégirl. Although the meaning behind the phrase is old, it is still valid.

    According to historians and researchers, these Pokégirl’s equine portions closely resemble the animals they were based off of. As there were many different variations of what was known as a horse, there are also these kinds of variations for the Ponytaur as well. In their centaur-form, the Ponytaur can stand anywhere between 5ft 4in. tall all the way up to 7ft tall on the average. In human form, these Pokégirls usually lose about eight inches in height in comparison to their centaur form. Their short-furred equine portions tend to be the same color as their human skin, and these Pokégirls have a mane that reaches from their hair down their back to meet their equine-body. This mane is always the same color as her hair is, unless one or the other has been dyed. Ponytaur often have B-cup or larger breasts, though none have been recorded with larger than a D-cup without the use of certain powders. These Pokégirls enjoy a rather high popularity in most leagues due to their speed, strength, and endurace, and can normally be seen on farms and being used to haul goods and passengers to and from places. The Ponytaur taxi-services, available in most large cities in almost any league, are a cheap and reliable way to get to where you need, or need something, to go. Fortunately, most Ponytaur enjoy being used to transport things and people, perhaps a throwback to the days of the ‘horse and carriage’ that is described in pre-Sukebe literature.

    Although fast, Ponytaur must train to gain their maneuverability. This has led to the rivalry that exists between the Ponytaur and the Chocoboobs, who can do almost the same job, but are much more maneuverable in their large chicken-like form. Most researchers suggest that because of this rivalry, these two should be allowed in the same harem because they try to improve themselves to try and be better than the other. While the Chocoboob may prefer to go the speed-route, the Ponytaur is more common throughout the world and is somewhat more versatile, making these the most likely reasons as to why tamers, researchers, farmers, and watchers enjoy owning them compared to the Chocoboob. Another thing in the Ponytaur’s favor is their seeming sixth-sense for obstacles and danger in the form of shifts of the ground around them within a 25-foot radius of themselves, allowing them to avoid ambushes and tamers that aren’t trying to conceal their presence.

    Ponytaurs are one of the more easily accepted threshold cases for human girls, although it must be acknowledged that they are also one of the more painful as a result of the sheer amount of change that the girl must go through. Unfortunately, these are also rather common among farming communities and are almost as common in larger cities as well. There is a specialized medicine available at most hospitals in any league that has been developed that can actually make the process less painful for the thresholding girl (it is expensive, but usually one dose is all it takes to finish the threshold process). Ponytaur have also been noted to be very sociable Pokégirls, often doing things for other Pokégirls in order to be accepted. As such, some Ponytaurs are pushovers within a harem, and researchers suggest that they be considered on an individual basis for Alpha or Beta positions within a harem.