SAGUARA (a.k.a. CACTRIX), the Desert Flower Pokegirl
Type: Very Near Human to Near Human
Element: Plant/Ground
Libido: Low
Frequency: Uncommon
Diet: Photosynthesis (Can eat human norm)
Strong vs.: Electric, Ghost, Psychic, Rock, Steel
Weak vs.: Bug, Flying, Ice
Attacks: Earthquake, Mud Slap, Grass Cock, Lance, Needle Rain, Wood Tower, Solar Beam, Strike, Thorn Cutlass.
Enhancements: Enhanced Endurance (x10), Environmental Purification (All), Photosynthesis, Recovery, Water Sense, Water Storage, Weather Tolerance
Evolves: Scarecrow (Dusk Stone), Iron Chef (Cooking T2 + Heavy Medal)
Evolves from: Boobisaur (Sun Stone), Buttsprout (Sun Stone), Chikotit (Sun Stone)
Last Revised: December 2013

The Saguara is a desert dwelling pokegirl built for endurance, pursuit, and long term survivability. The Saguara needs very little care, and in addition, they are capable of working hard for comparatively little effort, more than capable of keeping up with jobs requiring huge reserves of energy such as manual labor, watch jobs, and child rearing. Often, Saguara are used as cheap effective labor, easily evolved from common plant types and put to work. In addition to cheap, low maintenance labor, Saguara are seen in almost every hostile terrain from jungle to the subarctic and arctic, especially in the desert as a survival aid. Their ability to store water and highly efficient bodies makes them always able to aid their master even when their master is at the brink of exhaustion or near death. Because of this, Saguara make excellent search and rescue pokegirls, able to withstand and persevere through extreme environments and drag humans to safety with little to no rest.

The Saguara is a very near to near human pokegirl with a wide range of appearances and builds, but lithe, leggy builds are the most common. Their hair most often appears human-like with flowers which will bloom and hang, weaved throughout her hair. Complexions range from leaf green to dusky brown, and their eyes tend to be dark and well suited for brighter climates. Their other major feature is a number of retractable “thorns” that can protrude from follicles similar to human hair follicles. These thorns have microscopic hooks on the tips and along the sides which dig into the flesh of unfortunates who are struck by them and are difficult to pull out without intense pain. Fortunately, most Saguara keep them retracted unless they are stressed or attempting to gather moisture out of the air. These thorns help water condensate onto it which will drip down to the Saguara's small roots in her feet and be absorbed. Water is stored throughout the Saguara’s highly efficient body through thick, bodily fluids and in her fat stores. As a side effect, the breed’s proportions become more generous when she is stored up on water. This water can be regurgitated to hydrate others, but most prefer to nurse from glands in the Saguara’s breasts.

Overall, the vast majority of the Saguara breed is known for being patient and methodical. They typically wish to see an activity to its end, any activity. While some might call this attitude single-minded, it is mostly a matter of persistence. Although, they are more than capable of prioritizing goals and tasks. Unskilled tamers will often find that their Saguara will attempt to wear them down emotionally to get what they want with strategies varying with their emotional and intellectual maturity. Fortunately, once boundaries are set up and trained into a Saguara, this behavior is usually minimized. Most Saguara prefer to observe a situation, especially social ones. As a breed, there is an overall carefulness that is found in most Saguara. They are tactful and diplomatic in most cases but have a wait-and-see attitude that is not always practical. Lacking a take-charge nature, the breed is not recommended for Alpha positions. However, their personalities often make them useful mediators and Betas.

In combat, the Saguara is best in a war of attrition,wearing out their opponent until they simply cannot fight anymore. This is most effective against melee combatants and in-fighting because of the Saguara’s natural defenses. Even breeds that are much faster or much stronger than the Saguara risk getting a faceful of the thorns covering the Saguara’s body should they get too close or attempt to strike the Saguara. In addition, the Saguara can fire these needles at a short range to discourage an opponent from getting too close. The intense pain caused by these needles often sufficiently distract an opponent or hinder them, especially when they get into sensitive areas such as the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, allowing the Saguara to sneak in a more devastating attack. At range, the Saguara will generally simply avoid their attacker until their besieger is vulnerable or unable to keep up the assault before moving in to finish them off. A solid repertoire of ranged techniques will allow the Saguara to effectively trade blows at a distance, though, especially when used defensively. If an opponent flees, a Saguara will generally pursue it, trekking until their quarry cannot continue. A Saguara can go without sleep for as many as thirty days, but more than seven is stressful on their psyche and fatiguing, and they prefer to sleep each day. This does, however, enable them to become highly effective pursuit predators.

It is suggested that tamers tame the Saguara with other pokegirls. Their high endurance makes it so that they will likely be still ready to continue long after their tamer is exhausted. That is not to say that the Saguara will expect, demand, or even be interested in being tamed into exhaustion every session, but it is a rare treat that make her day if it were to be properly planned for. Owning or having access to high endurance pokegirls would obviously make this a much more straightforward task. Taming preferences among Saguara vary widely, but one that stands out is a preference for tantric sex. This form of taming is usually less stressful on the tamer, and allows for a longer enjoyment. Not all tamers have the time or patience for this though. Despite this, one of the largest advantages to having a Saguara in a harem is as a taming aid, being able to keep up with multiple high endurance and high libido pokegirls for an incredible length of time.

When feral, the Saguara sprouts roots from her feet and ankles, threading herself into the ground and becomes almost completely immobile. A Saguara going feral can be identified by roots and knobs forming on her calves and ankles as well as a constant lethargy. Usually, if the terrain is not suitable for rooting, the Saguara going feral will instinctively head to more suitable soil, using her water sense to detect where the most water-rich area nearby is as well as using the developing roots to sample soil nutrients. During the day, the feral Saguara is immobile. All of her ventricles are closed and does not undergo cellular respiration. It is during this time that, like most plants, the Saguara photosynthesizes. At night, the feral Saguara’s behavior differs dramatically. The Saguara’s ventricles open, and cellular respiration begins. At this time, the Saguara begins to slowly migrate at an almost imperceptible pace towards water sources in the ground or in the air. During this time, feral Saguara are known to scavenge any edibles within the human norm that happen to be in their pathway; although they do not go out of their way to forage. Although lethargic or immobile at most times, when something moves within reach of a feral Saguara, the Saguara, in a sudden burst of activity will give a retaliatory strike with a thorn covered appendage or even fire needles at the unwelcome guest. This is usually enough to dissuade aggressors or trespassers from harassing her. If this happens during the day, the Saguara is slower to act because their body needs to quickly start up cellular respiration to fuel the sudden movement. Because of this, it is recommended that if one were to attempt to capture a Saguara it is best to do so in daylight, preferably with ranged fire techniques and from behind cover in order to avoid the retaliatory thorn projectiles. One of the most favorable strategies is to use overwhelming force from a distance before the Saguara can move and to take away the advantage of the thorns. Feral Saguara are known to congregate in the same area, usually from seeking out the same water source. Travelers should be wary of passing through caravans of Saguara, especially at night, to avoid provoking them.

Threshold into a Saguara is not uncommon in those with high plant ancestry and is even more common in in arid and semi-arid environments. The threshold process starts with developing Water Sense; although the thresholder may not realized why they are drawn to water until the threshold is diagnosed. At this point, the thresholding young girl will experience extreme thirst and a strange sort of obsession with water, soaking themselves, and staying hydrated. Around this time, there is usually a growth spurt during which the thresholder’s figure usually becomes longer and more lithe. The last thing to develop is the sprouting of thorns. At this point, the thresholding process is complete.