CANDY CATGIRL (AKA SUGAR KITTEN), the Sweet Pussy Pokegirl
Type: Near Human (Feline Animorph)
Element: Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Diet: Omnivorous, sweets required
Role: Pastry chefs, sugar farming, candy makers, bakers assistants
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Electric, Ground, Plant, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Attacks: Pounce, Mana Bolt, Teleport, Fruit Juice, Honey, Syrup, Power Bolt, Agility, Barrier, Lance, Sugar Rush, Hunger Aura
Enhancements: Enhanced Agility (x5), Intuitive Aptitude (Cooking), Affinity (Magic), Enhanced Speed (x5), Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Olfactory) (x6), Enhanced Strength (x3), Night Vision, Natural Weapons (Claws, Tail), Sixth Sense (Hostility), Manifest (Food, Food Weaponry), Levitation
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None
Bounty (for successful capture and Taming of a Feral Candy Catgirl): Varies from league to league
Revised: October 2012
Never seen during the war, this odd pokegirl breed has been a source of frustration among researchers, as instances of the breed were discovered slowly across the globe in the late 80s and early 90s. Rumors abound on the origins of the breed, from the daughters of an Esper to Cocooner having eaten a large group of Tocas. Regardless, the breed has seen a steady increase in numbers, in part due to their status as a food producer (albeit one foods not considered very healthy overall). Today, Candy Catgirls are easily found in almost every League.
Standing between 4.5 and 6 feet (1.37 - 1.83 meters), this feline breed can be found in any body style, covering the standard range of appearance that Near Human types usually do. Those with the least fur simply have feline ears, tails, and claws. The breed's ears are typically large and triangular, and tails are usually rather long at three-quarters of their height. The most anthropomorphic members of the breed have full body fur, muzzles (full or slight), and digigrade feet in addition to the traits listed above. Fur and hair colors tend to be very vivid 'candy' colors; pink, blue, red, 'milk chocolate' brown, or white are the most common. Fur patterns may have spots, stripes, tuxedo, patches, and other patterns with occasional solid coat colors. Hair and eye colors usually coordinate with the fur colors, and are typically in the same vivid 'candy' colors.
This food producing breed tends to be most often described as playful and energetic, though this may be due to the Candy Catgirl's dietary needs. High sugar foods are a requirement, as some form of sugar, is needed to keep the breed from becoming lethargic. Lack of sugar in the diet will cause these candy based felines to eventually slip into a coma and die. Luckily, the breed has the ability to magically manifest any form of sweets. While novice individuals are only able to manage about a half-pound of sweets per day, with time and experience, the breed is able to magically create almost 25 pounds of saccharine food (though a recorded world record holder managed 36 pounds). Also called the Sugar Kitten, the breed's ability is only limited to foods that contain some form of sugar, with more difficulty the less sugar a food item has. This means that fruits, like sweet berries, can also easily be summoned. Considered an extension of the Candy Catgirl's 'foodie' role, the breed have a natural pleasant odor. Their bodies smell like sweet candies, fruits, or pastries, and their cum tastes like whatever sweet they had been eating most recently.
Considered some of the oddest theme battlers, Candy Catgirls use bizarre and unconventional attacks. Sticky caramel traps or ropes, licorice whips, swords made of hard candy, sugar cane quarterstaves, and even enormous lollipop hammers make for a challenging battle against those unprepared for this sugary feline's attacks. In addition, the food weapons are somewhat fragile. They can be recreated but tend to break after a few uses (though the durability becomes a bit better with experience). Another oddity is the breed's lance technique sprouts sugar cane instead of bamboo. Also, it should be noted that these weapons tend to cause infections due to their nature and thus, wounds created by them should be treated more readily than they would otherwise require. Their innate magical ability only naturally extends to a few magical techniques and their food creation or teleportation by line of sight only. Any other spells must be learned from other magic users.
Like many pokegirl breeds, Candy Catgirls tend to mold their overall taming preferences to their tamer, but these sugar based felines do tend to universally enjoy food play. Some members of the breed have been noted to be more attracted to plump tamers, particularly if it was their own sweets that caused the weight gain. While these pokegirls can be tamed normally, a strange quirk of the breed manifests when any Taming Cycle is used. Low level taming cycles, like those found in regular pokeballs or level 2 taming cycles, cause migraine level headaches, nausea, and irritability within the breed, even if they willingly comply with the cycle. Level 3 or 4 taming cycles cause hemorrhaging from the eyes, nose, and ears, seizures, and the breakage of bonds in addition to the other miladies caused by lower level cycles. This is akin to torture for the breed, and repeated uses of 3 or 4 taming cycles will evolve Candy Catgirls into Penances. If a tamer wishes to use a Level 5 taming cycle to 'reset' an individual will find their pokegirl completely catatonic afterwards. This condition is likened to the 'living husks' left should a Haunting jump out of a pilfered body. Many leagues have their pokecenters refuse to preform any taming cycle above a level 2 on a Candy Catgirl, and often give tamers the option (or have it regulated) to switch the regular pokeball for a primer pokeball for containing their saccharine feline.
Ferals of the breed tend to stay in small prides, ranging from two to five usually related members. While unable to summon food-based weaponry, these sugary felines are still able to summon sweets, though most seem surprised upon doing so. Feral Candy Catgirls are insatiable in their hunt for sweet foods, and often plague cities and fruit or sugar producing farms in order to obtain their favored food. They also tend to attract insect pokegirls with their sweet scent and unconscious use of the Honey or Syrup techniques upon orgasming as feral. On top of this, the breed is also dangerous to humans, either by preying upon them or by stalking them for sweets or taming. Many Leagues have bounties for capturing feral Candy Catgirls, due to their overall danger and being an attractant to more dangerous ferals like Buzzbreasts, Annts, and Wasps. Tamers should note the breed's weaknesses when hunting ferals, and remember that they are able to teleport by line-of-sight and levitate.
Threshold directly into a Candy Catgirl only happens with a linage of the breed, and is marked first by an insatiable desire for sweet foods. This is followed by general numbness as rapid changes to the body occur, with fully anthropomorphic individuals becoming so in less than a day after the onset of the transformation. Though this is painless, those individuals who have digigrade feet will have difficulty walking until the numbness of threshold wears off, which is usually a few hours after the change into a pokegirl is complete. Thresholders are usually put into some sort of food service industry, or sold/given to ranches.
CANDY CATGIRL (AKA SUGAR KITTEN), the Sweet Pussy Pokegirl
- Details
- Written by: CMDRZero
- Category: PokeDex
- Hits: 3414