ELFQUEEN, the Sylvan Queen Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Magic/Plant
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Human standard, prefers a low meat diet
Role: Combat commander, Agricultural specialist
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Ground, Psychic, Plant, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Dark, Fighting, Fire
Attacks: Absorb, Arrow Shot, Binding Arrow, Command Plants, Dispel, Elemental Ward, Energy Blade, Eros’ Bow, Haste, Heal, Rain, Rune Chain, Solar Beam
Enhancements: Aptitude (Archery), Empathy (Plants), Enhanced Agility (x2), Enhanced Senses (Hearing x3), Enhanced Senses (Vision x3), Enhanced Strength (x4), Longevity, Nightvision, Precognition, Reduced Feral
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Elf (orgasm or battle stress)
Revised: July 2012

The Elfqueen evolves from an Elf who undergoes extreme stress, either in the battlefield or in the boudoir. An Elfqueen stands six to eighteen inches taller than an Elf, with the average gaining a foot on their smaller sisters. The tallest Elfqueen known was observed during the Revenge War and after being killed was measured at 9’9” tall. Elfqueens typically have D cup breasts and an hourglass figure, but other sizes are occasionally recorded in the rare thresholds. Elfqueens usually have the same skin colors as Elves, but some have brown casts to their skin that makes them look tan from a distance. Their hair comes in the same variety of colors as Elves have, but is almost always kept long as a mark of status. Eye colors are also the same as Elves, but often look metallic or have a gemlike quality to the color.

Like the Elves, Elfqueens are incredibly graceful and seem almost impossibly quick in wooded areas. With their enhanced ability to command plants an Elfqueen is always surefooted in any forest and often vines and bushes she traveled through will seem to move to block pursuers. They are able to suppress their scent and are almost impossible to follow if they do not want to be tracked.

Also like the Elf, the Elfqueen prefers to face her enemies with ranged combat, but her enhanced strength combined with techniques such as energy blade and rune chain make her very dangerous for anyone who closes to attack her. Elfqueens in Dark courts often use multiple applications of Eros’ bow to control any humans they’re sleeping with, and their associated harems, if any. Unlike the Elf, the Elfqueen is not bothered by melee combat and is more than willing to engage in melee if it gives her an advantage.

Elfqueens are natural leaders and can command large groups of combatants. They make excellent alphas unless unusually ambitious. Ambitious Elfqueens will sometimes try to take over the tamer’s role in harem dynamics.

Any Elfqueen with more than a few years as one knows a variety of spells, some of which enhance techniques they have mastered. For example, some can use their magic to make the rain technique into a storm that covers over a square mile. Elfqueens are also quick to learn new techniques from other pokégirls.

The Elfqueen is the only other breed besides the Elf that can learn the spell for living bows. In the hands of an Elfqueen, any bow has triple its normal range. With a living bow, an Elfqueen can hit almost anything she can see. Arrows fired from an Elfqueen’s living bow have been witnessed to turn in the air to hit a target that was rapidly changing direction. However, an Elfqueen’s aim with a living bow is by no means absolute. Elfqueens using living swords, daggers or staffs are especially dangerous at close quarters and melee combat with them is to be avoided if at all possible. Their living weapons are especially resistant to fire.

The command plants ability of an Elfqueen is considered by many to be unmatched by that of any other pokégirl. An Elfqueen can grow a plant or plants at speeds which allow them to be used in combat. With this ability, a single Elfqueen can quickly change an area into woodland. A team of them working together can reshape a battlefield or an entire forest, seemingly overnight. Her command of nonsentient plants is almost absolute and she can make plants move, grow or die and be reduced to dust at incredible speeds. The plants she grows do not need extra nutrients while they are growing, but afterwards will have normal requirements. This stresses a plant, however and its life will be cut in half or more after such a treatment by an Elfqueen. Many Elfqueens will rapidly grow plants they need and when done make them go to seed and sprout the seedlings in payment for the price they exacted from the original plant.

Elfqueens are not found in urban settings unless they are passing through them. While many people think this is because an Elfqueen will sicken in an urban setting, the truth is that if an Elfqueen is not in the forest, her innate magic will bring the forest to the Elfqueen. Unless she is kept in a pokéball, plants will quickly sprout and grow around and in the area in which she resides. Trees and other vegetation can grow at up to a foot a day, and their roots will shatter concrete, wood and pipes. Ivies will crumble walls. All of this will happen regardless of whether the Elfqueen wants it to or not and because of this, many cities have ordinances regulating the presence of Elfqueens in them. This sort of plant growth does not occur when the Elfqueen is living outside a city, even if on a farm or ranch.

Elfqueens prefer to be tamed outside but are otherwise willing to be experimental according to the tastes of their lover. Most Elfqueens draw no pleasure from being tamed inside and will just lie inertly until the tamer is done. Experimentation has proven that the rumors stating that indoors taming will not keep an Elfqueen from going feral are false. However, exclusively taming an Elfqueen indoors is likely to make her leave at the next Sadie Pokens.

A spell exclusive to the Elfqueen breed is the ability issue a magical call to other Elves of a similar philosophical bent. Depending on the power of the Elfqueen, the range of this call can be dozens of miles or more. Elves and other Elf breeds without tamers who are not already part of a court and who agree with the Elfqueen’s philosophy will feel a strong compulsion to join her and will be able to find the spot where the call emanated from without fail. Elfqueens who evolve or who threshold will not know this spell unless taught, although during the Revenge War many Elves were taught it before they ever evolved in preparation for the day when Sukebe’s forces would control the world.

If the opportunity arises, ambitious Elfqueens will form a queendom or Elven court with the various elfin breeds, subordinate Elfqueens and sometimes a variety of other pokegirls. All of the subjects are typically sworn to the ruling Elfqueen with magical oaths. Ruling Elfqueens are not found in adventuring harems as the responsibilities involved would result in the reciprocal requirements that are part of the magical oaths either costing her her life or forcing her to relinquish her throne. A ruling Elfqueen can be found in the harem of a retired tamer who either lives at or close to the court. Unseelie Elfqueens will try to enslave their tamers and harem sisters.

Elfqueens classify Elfqueen courts or queendoms into two types, Seelie or Light courts and Unseelie or Dark courts. Researchers use the same terms for convenience. Seelie courts are neutral towards humans and the forest in which a Seelie court resides will have few if any ferals and humans can proceed through it without harm unless they attack an Elf or other member of the court. Enlightened leagues welcome Seelie courts for obvious reasons since they bring control to a lawless portion of forest, although the fact that they categorically do not allow colonization or harvesting of anything except food within their lands sometimes causes friction between the ruling Elfqueen and nearby human communities.

Unseelie courts are antagonistic towards humans and tend to either kill anyone passing through them or take them as slaves. Unseelie courts are hunted in the leagues with more powerful militaries. Destroying an Unseelie court, however, often requires destroying the forest they are in since the Elfqueens can turn the very woods against attackers. Unseelie Elfqueens have no particular attachment to their forest and will often pack up their court and move it when attacked, leaving behind a loyal rearguard which will fight to the death and work to maximize league casualties before they fall. This makes destroying an Unseelie court difficult and costly in lives and material. For this reason, leagues that don’t have strong militaries often tolerate Unseelie courts unless they are obviously expansionist and have to be destroyed. Instead, they’ll mark the territory the Unseelie court claims and warn everyone away from it. Some leagues put bounties on Unseelie courts, but tamer mortality is very high in these areas. Often a league will try to enlist the aid of a Seelie court to destroy an Unseelie court or at least drive it into a neighboring league, thus making it someone else’s problem.

Because of the difficulties that court raised Elfqueens can present, many leagues are focusing on raising more ranch bred Elfqueens who do not know how to call other Elves or summon living bows to counter the courts potential threat.