KARIMA, the Solitary Shadow Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Poison/Ground
Frequency: Rare to Very Rare
Diet: omnivore, prefers human style food
Role: Spy, Scout, Trapper
Libido: Low to Average
Strong Vs: Bug, Electric, Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Ground, Ice, Psychic, Water
Attacks: Vanish, Quickturn, Shadow Dash, Resonate, Gut Punch, Mud Slap, Agility, Shock Spike, Spice, Exhausting Venom, Poisonous Coat
Enhancements: Enhanced Senses (x5), Enhanced Durability (x10), Enhanced Strength and Agility (x3), Natural Camoflauge, Nightvision, Isolation Aura.
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Kunoichi (Diamond Stone)
    During the days of the evolution boom, the Kunoichi was quickly experimented with. Although there were very few successes in the carying evolutions, there was one success that the Ruby League capitalized on. Although the pokégirl grows perhaps half a foot at the most, her outward appearance barely changes. Internally, however, the Karima becomes a much tougher individual than her previous evolution. The Karima's body takes on a default coloration that ranges from a light to a dark tan, though this changes whenever the Karima chooses to touch a rock or another rock-type Pokégirl. They do tan easily, however, and never burn as a result of their skin changing capabilities. This breed is well developed physically, but is actually mostly a facade: though tough-looking, they are barely physically stronger than their previous evolution. The main change is the strength of the Karima's skin, which makes the breed much more durable than any Kunoichi. This breed tends to have smaller breasts than many equivalent Pokégirls, rarely larger than a B-cup without modifications in use.
    The breed was once rumored to have been created during the Revenge War by Sukebe, though there are only a few scarce entries about a 'poisonous ninja' Pokégirl, which could just as easily describe a Kunoichi or other ninja-type Pokégirl that was paired with a poison type Pokégirl, or just dabbled in the subject. Regardless, it wasn't until well after the end of the revenge war that the Karima was first documented to evolve from a Kunoichi. The method of evolution, however, was simply guesswork until the first Diamond Stone (and not an actual gemstone) was used on a Kunoichi later on. Used these days to trap ferals and to spy upon rivals for the most part, this breed enjoys massive popularity in some leagues, particularly within the Ruby League.
    The main reason for this popularity is the breed's unique Isolation Aura. This ability makes the Pokégirl unable to be sensed by anything other than physical tracking: psychic, spiritual, and magical probes and attempts to track or locate a Karima are always defeated. In fact, it is so impressive that the Pokégirl doesn't even leave a void where she is when one attempts to locate her, basically making her impossible to find with such methods. The downside is that it appears that Delta-bonding with a Karima is impossible, though this may simply be because no tamer has managed to build a Delta bond with a Karima rather than it simply being impossible.
    During a battle, tamers will find that their Karima, though at least as strong and fast as a Kunoichi, has a much different fighting style. Relying on their tough skin to weather attacks and their natural agility (and enhanced agility from techniques), they prefer to do steady damage and finish the job thoroughly by using techniques such as Exhausting Venom, Spice, and even Poisonous Coat. This combination of poison techniques, coupled with a variety of status afflicting techniques such as Resonate and Mud Slap, allow her to utilize many combinations of defensive and offensive abilities, all while gradually wearing down her opponent. Of particular interest to some tamers is the Karima's Poisonous Coat technique, which can be modified internally by the Karima (when experienced enough) to secrete different types of poisons. There have even been rumors of a Lust-affecting poison that can be secreted in this fashion, though details of that phenomenon are scarce at this time. This can sometimes worry tamers who have just obtained a Pokégirl of this breed during taming sessions, but it has been proven that the Karima is capable of handling her poisons at all times without worry of letting any loose at any time she does not wish to.
    Due to the Pokégirl’s durability, it is unfortunate that the skin is quite desensitized much of the time. This results in taming issues, which are easily remedied with the use of lubrication of some sort. Though some have described the Karima's skin as being as coarse as sand, moisture (including sweat) readily addresses the issue, which prompts many tamers to have the Pokégirl go through a workout or a battle before taming her. Numerous Karima are saddened by the requirement, however, which was a result of their skin's change. Those that come to fully accept it are rare, though fortunately the issue rarely becomes a problem unless the Pokégirl is going feral. In a harem setting, the Karima's patience and ability to think things through make them excellent Alphas or Betas, and they will challenge to become one or the other if there is no true leader within the harem.
    Rather rare are the few feral Karima that have been reported in the Edo and Ruby leagues. Completely territorial, these Karima leave markers for others to see that mark the boundaries of her small area that she has claimed. Trespassers rarely survive any intrusion into this Pokégirl's territory. Only children and pregnant Pokéwomen have been known to survive such intrusions, while all others were never heard from again. These survivors required counseling after these events. To any Tamer that wishes to capture a Feral Karima, it is highly recommended to set some sort of trap for her, rather than risk a frontal battle. Normally, Green Tea is the method of choice to use to trap a feral Karima (as it induces a nearly comatose state that can last for hours at a time with but a single cup), but a strong Fighting-type is also effective as well. Feral Karima are also known to flee from any plant or water type, such as a Vinebra or a Titacruel, rather than fight them in any territorial disputes.