MILEEBORO, the Toxic Plant Pokégirl
Type: Semihuman
Element: Plant/Poison
Frequency: Uncommon
Diet: Omnivorous (plus pollutants)
Role: Purifying polluted soil, Disposal of toxins
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Electric, Plant, Water, Rock, Fighting
Weak Vs: Psychic, Fire, Flying, Ice
Attacks: Vine Whip, Vine Bondage, Bite, Crunch, Regenerate, Poison Powder, Poison Mist, Bad Breath
Enhancements: Enhanced Endurance (x2), Specialized conversion organs, Enhanced Durability (x2), six stalk eyes allowing for 360 vision, High poison resistance
Evolves: Treant (normal)
Evolves From: None

Mileeboros are an interesting conundrum. Their bodies are amongst the sexiest of all Pokégirl-kind. They have round, full breasts, ranging from B to DD cup, skin that is smooth and dark, an attractive dark brown with some greenish tint to it, curvy hips, a sexy rump, long legs, surprisingly delicate-looking hands, an althetic build, and silky hair. But then you get to the face. The nose of a Mileeboro is slim, but their jaws are wide and lined with razor-sharp, needle-pointed teeth, with a long, pointed tongue inside their mouth. They also have six glassy yellow eyes, which can extend out on stalks, allowing a Mileeboro to look in every direction at once.

Not the most attractive face in the world.

Feral Mileeboros tend to be solitary, peacefully eating what they can find. When confronted with a newcomer into their territory, they become fierce, attacking all out with vines from their hair and teeth, 90% of the time using their trademark attack, Bad Breath, right off the bat. They fight savagely, but tire easily, since they tend to try everything at once to get their opponent to go away. The problem to catching one is the fact that Bad Breath is such a potentially powerful attack, and tends to drive people off to heal the status problems it causes before actually trying to catch the Mileeboro. If the Tamer and his Pokégirls manage to outlast the Mileeboro’s stamina, there is a fifty/fifty chance that they will try and run away from the fight.

Tamed Mileeboros tend to prefer clothing that reveals as much of their sexy bodies as possible, while keeping their mouths covered by a mask or a veil. Their face is an embarrassment to them and they aren't fond of Tamers looking at their faces for long, preferring to flaunt their bust and bodily curves. They love to use Bloom and Buttsprout on themselves, wanting to enhance their figures as much as reasonably possible to draw attention away from their faces, becoming surly if people stare at their faces too long. In terms of Taming, both Ferals and Domestics prefer to be Tamed from behind, Domestics not wanting their Tamers to look at them in the face, Ferals simply because they like it that way. Very rarely will Domestics accept a Taming from the front, usually only from a Tamer who has shown them enough love that they feel comfortable showing their unmasked faces to. There are occasionally jealously issues with this breed, especially with more beautiful Pokégirls. This can be solved, however, by showing equal affection to the Mileeboro. Touching and/or caressing their face is a good way to get their affection and maintain it. As a related side note, Mileeboros tend to get along well with less attractive breeds, such as the Feeblass and Giant Trollop. These jealously issues only occur in Domestic Mileeboros, however.

During the Revenge War, Mileeboros were among the many Pokégirls sent into cities to cause general havoc among the populace. Their Bad Breath attacks would cripple the response times of human forces and make it easier for stronger Pokégirls to move in and start casualties. Sometimes Mileeboros would head in with the stronger Pokégirls, using their powerful jaws in addition to their toxic Bad Breath attacks. This was usually contrary to orders, but if the job got done, no one complained. They briefly were very rare in the waning days of the war, as human soldiers learned to take them out from a distance before they could use their Bad Breath attack on them.

The Bad Breath that is their trademark attack comes from their ability to purify soil and eat most harmful chemicals without negative affect. They absorb pollutants out of an area of ground through their root-like feet, and into a specialized lung, their stomachs capable of converting consumed toxins into their Bad Breath attack. The more toxins converted into the Bad Breath mist, the more potential status effects the attack can unleashed. They can also convert bodily wastes from eating carrion and plant-matter into Bad Breath mist, although the effect will not be as potent. Due to this, Mileeboros are more commonplace in industrial areas rather than in the wild, and are often seen working together with other Poison-types that consume wastes. In many cases, they are used with other Pokégirls that consume waste products, allowing for very effective waste management in large urban areas. Mileeboros can also be found abundantly in harsher natural environments, such as swamps and peat bogs.

As an odd side note, a Mileeboro’s normal breath is actually quite pleasant. This is unusual, considering their Bad Breath attack, but it’s assumed to be a case of the Bad Breath not being connected to their regular lungs. Another unusual thing to note, so far only noticed among Feralborns, is that they tend to have an usual fondness for headgear. Hats, crowns, earmuffs, they like anything that can be put on their head. Researchers have dismissed this as an extension of the need to mask their unpleasant facial appearance many members of the breed feel the need for, although this is regarded by some as inconsistent, as Feralborns tend not to want to wear veils to hide their face, being unashamed of their looks.

Feralborn Mileeboros have very casual harem dynamics. Once adapted to a harem, they easily make friends with their harem sisters and can get along with most anyone. Domestics have a much harder time of it, being shy and embarrassed about their new appearance. It’s only with care and affection that they can overcome any insecurities they may have. They don’t take well to insults, especially about their appearance, but this can be solved by disciplining the involved Pokégirls.

Threshold cases do happen, but a great number of them end with the girl requesting a level 5 taming cycle, or attempting suicide. Most of the suicide cases are stopped and healed, being placed in level 5 cycles upon their restoration.