ODDTITS, the Nocturnal Flower Pokégirl
Type: Near Human
Element: Poison/Plant
Frequency: Uncommon
Diet: sunlight (small doses), water (loves mineral water), nutrients from soil
Role: arousing other Pokégirls, soil regeneration, night watch
Libido: Average to High (moonlight-based)
Strong Vs: Electric, Fighting, Plant, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Fire, Flying, Ice, Psychic
Attacks: Leech (roots), Lust Dust, Buttsprout, Sleep Powder, Poison Powder, Leaf Shield
Enhancements: Lunar Regeneration, Night Vision
Evolves: Gloomy (normal)
Evolves From: None
    While most Plant-types love sunlight, and would happily bask in enough sunlight to cook a normal person, Oddtits actually avoids direct sunlight, preferring partial to heavy shade. Like Boobisaur, the Oddtits is a Poison/Plant combination...unlike the Boobisaur though, Oddtits is considered Poison-type first, Plant-type second.
    The Oddtits gets her name from her unusual shape. Where most Pokégirls have a shape passing for normal (even a Tomboy with no volume has symmetry), Oddtits has a large, firm bottom perfectly at home on the curvier Pokégirls, while upstairs she is as flat as a Tomboy. Her head is adorned with fine hair-like vines topped with large petals, often a dark red (some variation exists, but the colors are always 'dark' in tone) that lay down to the sides and back (similar to some hairstyles) to the shoulders. For some reason her face is always shadowed, as if slightly smudged or shaded although lighting conditions and wash-cloths don't affect this. For a Plant-type, the most unusual note of her appearance is her skin...where most Plant-types have green skin, hers is normal skin tones according to her parentage.
    Like Boobisaurs, the Oddtits isn't a strong fighter, so prefers to avoid melee. However, Oddtits lacks most “normal” plant offensive moves (Razor Leaf, Vine Whip, etc), making her apparently helpless...even though she isn't. Her collection of powders/pollens is very impressive, especially considering she is the lowest of four evolutions. Lust Dust and Buttsprout, Sleep and Poison, plus her Leaf Shield are a solid group of attacks, but her most devastating attack hides under her petals. The fine hair-like vines are actually roots, and at close range can be sunk into a target to initiate an attack equal to Mega-Drain (and on Ground/Rock Pokégirls is possibly better). This attack can be either momentary (on a mobile target) or continuous (on a stationary/unconscious target). On a stationary (Sleep Powdered) Pokégirl, a common trick (especially in a multi-opponent battle) is to put up her Leaf Shield around -both- herself and her target. While it appears to be a variant on Wrap or Vine Bondage, any active Pokégirl can break free without any difficulty, but combined with Sleep Powder is frighteningly effective. The only danger is her hair-roots are fragile, and if hit -directly- with a Sword or Fire attack can be severed, rendering this ability useless for 1-3 days. One thing that Oddtits -hates- is her complete invulnerability to Bloom (and incidentally Buttsprout), which precludes a proper bust until her evolution.
    Sexually, Oddtits tends to prefer being taken from behind for two reasons...outside she will sink her hair-roots into the soil for more enjoyment (and to keep the light out of her face both outdoors and in) but her main reason for being taken from behind is so she can lay on her chest and try to conceal her complete lack of a bust (a very sore topic with her...'tiny-titty' jokes do -not- go over well with her for obvious reasons). In a Harem situation, Oddtits has no major preferences and will accept any half-way competent Alpha unless said Pokégirl is a -very- busty Pokégirl that likes poking fun at less-endowed 'girls...in which case Oddtits will likely challenge (repeatedly if she doesn't win) unless stopped by her Tamer. If placed in the position of Alpha, she will do her best (unlike some self-conscious Pokégirls Oddtits has little problem being in charge, she just doesn't seek out the slot).
    Like other Plant-types, Oddtits is easy enough to care for. A little sunlight (partial to heavy shade preferred), soil and water, and she is fine. If injured, Oddtits can rest on natural ground and will boost her healing to almost double that of a normal human (although this doesn't count as regeneration), which will nourish the soil in exactly the same manner of the Boobisaur. However, if bathed in moonlight, an Oddtits heals at the rate of an Ivywhore, but how this works is unknown. Moonlight also controls an Oddtits' libido, given a few hours of moonlight, an Oddtits becomes very energetic and frisky, and tends to give off small amounts of Lust Dust whether desired or not. Unlike most Plant-types, Oddtits suffers from vision problems in bright light (effectively twice as bright to her as to normal people), and takes double the effects from Flash-style techniques, but in low-light (starlight for instance) they can see almost as well as a normal girl during the day. While preferring a nocturnal or diurnal schedule, an Oddtits can adjust to a normal pattern with the help of her Tamer. Note that when an Oddtits is resting on the ground, they always lay their heads on the ground so their roots can get to the soil.
    Feral Oddtits aren't too much trouble, as they tend to spread Lust Dust to get laid quickly, but they can and will use Buttsprout as well, although while Feral they seem to be unable to make the permanent version (takes about a week to make one good dose, and an Oddtits always seems to know how much is needed for what enhancement level...if they have a dose prepared and then go Feral...look out).
    It isn't as common for girls to Threshold into Oddtits as for Boobisaur, but it does happen. When it does, new Pokégirls tend to be rather unhappy over the odd appearance and take some time to adjust...although Threshold girls who were completely undeveloped do enjoy the larger rump.
    Recent findings of Oddtits and her evolutions deep in completely unlit caves, when combined with her unusual ability to absorb moonlight, has suggested that this Pokégirl either doesn't -need- sunlight, or doesn't need it very often, but further analysis is required. One interesting note however...Oddtits and all evolutions except Belle Awesome (which evolves with a Sun Stone) have -never- been seen to use Solar Beam, a “staple” Plant-type attack.