E-WHORE, the Defending Donkey Pokegirl
Type: Very Near Human Metamorph
Element: Ground/Rock
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Herbivore, preference for oats, corn, and apples
Role: Laborers, Combat, Defense
Libido: Low
Strong Vs: Bug, Electric, Fire, Poison
Weak Vs: Fighting, Plant, Water
Attacks: Stomp, Earthquake, Resonate, Bray, Rock Wall, Harden, Stone Punch, Stone Kick (as with Punch, but with feet), Gut Punch, Fissure
Enhancements: Enhanced Hearing (x3), Enhanced Agility (x3), Enhanced Strength (x2), Enhanced Durability (x6), Enhanced Speed (x3), Enhanced Endurance
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Dullburro (Normal)

The first of the discovered evolutions of the Dullborro breed, the E-Whore has been known to be a stalwart breed known for their rounded out blend of defensive and offensive tactics. Tamers in need of a easily tamable rock type enjoy this breed's metamorphic capabilities, though E-Whores are often used as pack breeds along with their unevolved counterparts. While Smartasses are known for their intelligence, and Z-Bras are known for their wit, the E-whore has come to been known for their charisma. A E-whore's intelligence does increase, and they are now comparable to human level intelligence.

E-Whores gain very little in height, though their bust increases greatly, often to a maximum of an E cup, though often the breed averages out to a D cup. Any blemishes or skin imperfections they had as a Dullborro disappear with this evolution, with the exception of magically charged tattoos. Even their equine form's imperfections disappear, this evolution attracts many Coordinators to the breed for showing purposes.

Easily the most sociable of the Dullborro evolutions, these rock type pokegirls generally have a positive attitude and are charismatic enough to get along with many breeds. Many delve into fashion if allowed, and tend to have a compassionate nature towards breeds or individuals that they see as less fortunate in appearance. More often than not, E-Whores protect breeds like the Feeblass and Littletit from those who would ridicule them. Others of the breed use their charisma to gain the Alpha position, though it is up to individual pokegirl if they make effective Alphas or not. Many tamers use the breed's charisma and enthusiasm as positive reinforcement for training techniques, though training pokegirls such as the Dragon Queen are far more effective.

E-Whores earn their nickname from their battling style, which focuses more towards defense than offense. Rock Wall, Harden, and Resonate are normal openers to any battle, with Harden being used to prevent them from getting hurt. This equine breed does have quite a few attacks, however, and will at times go into heavily offensive tactics, utilizing the 'best defense is a good offense' strategy. It should be noted that the breed, like the rest of the Dullborro line, cannot learn how to dig, and as such are limited by field tactics. When in their tauric form, their stomp attack is quite dangerous, though the breed often shifts between their two forms in combat to stay hard to hit.

Sex battles are where this breed stands out, their low libido gives them the ability to ignore some of the effectiveness of sex attacks since it takes some time for E-Whores to become aroused. Water and Plant types have advantage over the breed, being able to get under their guard and arouse these equine pokegirls quickly. In general, these donkey pokegirls enjoy taming and tend to develop tastes close to that of their tamers, though many have shown a distinct dislike for S&M, this is attributed to the breed's slight fixation on looks, and some of the more harsh injury play of such sexual preferences may actually scar if left untreated. The breed has no need for any special restraints or lubrication, though they do tend to get more sensitive in water. Many tamers enjoy that this breed is decidedly low maintenance unlike other more rock-like rock type pokegirls.

Ferals of the breed are normally found leading herds of Dullborros, though the breed as a whole drops to an animal level intelligence similar to their unevolved counterparts. Ferals spend the day grazing on grasses and other vegetation, keeping watch for predatory ferals or tamers. Caution should be exercised when trying to capture an E-Whore, as they are hardy fighters, with their durability being able to soak up many hits. Ear protection and plant and water types are recommended if a tamer wishes to capture one of these donkey pokegirls.

Threshold directly into an E-Whore is extremely rare, and has only been recorded since the 250s, and with notable Dullborro or equine pokegirl ancestry. Thresholders will find their blemishes slowly disappearing as their hair and eyes change color. Luckily, like their pre-evolution, thresholders are saved the pain of transforming slowly into their tauric form, instead, they are unable to access that form until threshold is completed.