GUYVER, the Dreadnought Armor Pokégirl
Type: Inhumanoid
Element: Magic/Steel
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: Doesn’t need to eat unless bonded with a host
Role: Bodyguard, Assassin, Elite Stormtrooper
Libido: Decreases from whatever its host’s libido is normally, unless its Libido rating is already Low
Strong Vs: Fighting, Normal, Rock, Steel, Fire, Flying
Weak Vs: Ghost, Dragon, Ice, Psychic, Poison, Ground
Attacks: Manifest (without host only), Sonic Buster (with host or in Manifest only), Head Beam (with host or in Manifest only), Vibro Blades (with host or in Manifest only), Pressure Cannon (with host or in Manifest only), Giga Flame (after absorbing enough heat, with host only), Megasmasher (Host AND Guyver must be Delta bonded with Tamer), others same as host
Enhancements: (only after binding with host) Enhanced Healing (x4), Enhanced Durability (x4), Enhanced Speed (x3), Enhanced Agility (x2), forearm blades, reduced libido, special energy weapons, others same as host
Evolves: Stays with host upon evolving
Evolves From: Binding to a Host
    Guyvers, like their cousins, the Parasytes, are totally Inhuman Pokégirls in their natural states. Unlike Parasytes, their form is solid. A small metal orb with tentacles that allow it mobility, Guyvers, unlike Parasytes, are only partially sentient. They have a slight will of their own, but it only lasts long enough for them to search for a host. They need neither food nor Taming until then, although they do have a self-destruct mechanism built into them. After activation, if they do not find a host within a certain amount of time, usually a month, they will dissolve into water and vanish. After binding with a host, they relinquish control of their physical forms to the host, taking control only if the host is unconscious or too damaged to continue.
    After their first appearance, in which a Guyver-bonded Pokégirl and her Tamer confronted a Feral, Parasyte-bonded Hound and captured her, an investigation was conducted that tracked Guyver production to the same island Parasytes were created. The Team Zoanoid scientists were all captured and brought into custody, forced to reveal all data they had on Guyvers and Parasytes to the authorities.
    Guyvers, upon bonding with a host, can manifest a strong, powerful, bio-organic armor that gives them the durability of a Steel-type Pokégirl. This armor is hard, but not impossible, to damage, and increases the strength, durability, agility and speed of the Pokégirl. It has a vaguely insectile appearance, and in actuality is formed from a mass of thin tentacles released from the Guyver sphere, which bonds to the Pokégirl’s forehead, and reshaped into the armor. The armor retracts by turning back into tentacles and being reabsorbed into the control orb. When not armored up, the control orb turns soft and pliable to the touch, so as not to bump the Tamer during Taming. When not bonded to a host (Guyvers can only bond to Pokégirls, unlike Parasytes, who can bond to both humans and Pokégirls) it can manifest its armored form for twenty minutes to take part in a battle. This, however, shortens the life of an unbonded Guyver by about three days per use.
    Guyvers are living war machines, and can turn even Bimbos into combat-worthy Pokégirls. (Although frequently, Bimbos bonded with Guyvers are actually under the control of the Guyver itself…) They have numerous built-in sonic weapon and heat weapons, reinforcing their role as anti-Parasytes, although neither Parasytes nor Guyvers hold any grudges against each other. When bonded to a host or when Manifesting, they can absorb Fire-type attacks to power up one of their best special attacks, the Giga Flame. In addition, when bonded to a host, a Guyver can lower the libido of a Pokégirl. It cannot lower some Pokégirl libidos, however, such as certain Ice-types.
    Guyvers, like their cousins, the Parasyte, cannot bond with Legendaries, due to their immense power and force of will, and Widows, because their bodies are more toxic than they can handle. They also cannot bond with certain Ice-types, such as the Ice Empress, due to their extreme cold. This does not prevent them from bonding to Ice-types or to other types they are normally weak against. Also, Guyvers cannot bond with humans.
    Three years after the discovery of the first Guyver, a new fact about them was brought to the attention of researchers. Guyvers normally just share in the feelings of their host. But in some cases, the Guyver itself can form an emotional bond with its host’s Tamer. When this happens, they can use a tremendously powerful weapon called Megasmasher, which has high destructive potential.
    Guyvers reproduce in a fashion similar to Parasytes. When a Guyver’s host undergoes their second puberty and becomes a Pokéwoman, they form at least 50 new Guyver spheres from their bodies and shoot them at high velocity in all directions. 5% of this number are guaranteed survival, 15% at the most, which is why the number of Guyvers are still very low. A Growlie on the verge of her second puberty and bonded to a Guyver was captured by another Team Rocket-type group in an attempt to mass produce the Guyver spheres, but she was freed by the authorities and brought back to her Tamer.
    Guyvers cannot bond to a host that is already bonded to a Parasyte, and vice-versa. Due to the nature of their reproduction and creation, it is impossible to Threshold into a Guyver.