Metalmouse, the Metal Munching Pokegirl

Type: Near Human-Animorph (Mouse)
Element: Steel
Frequency: Rare
Die: Vegetarian, Minerals, Metals
Role: Metal creation/digestion
Strong Vs: Ice, Rock
Weak Vs: Electric, Fire, Fighting , Ground
Attacks: Needle Spray, Reflective Blur, Iron Tail, Steel Crusher, Acid Spit, Quick Attack, Bite
Enhancements: Enhanced Speed (X8), Enhanced Durability (X8), Enhanced Endurance (X4), Specialized Digestive System
Evolves: None
Evolves from: Titmouse (Metal Jacket)

A large part of the Revenge war was salvage. Seeing as most of the world was inhabited by the enemy Sukebe’s forces were quick to take advantage of any materials that could be reused from human settlements. One breed that proved vital to the process was the Metalmouse.

Metalmice change significantly from their previous form, their hair taking a grey or silver color. They aren’t very large, rarely standing above five feet. Despite this they tend to be very heavy, averaging about 200 pounds. If not covered in fur, their skin takes a metallic grey sheen. Their breasts are naturally small A-cups, but for reasons unique to the breed they can expand to the size of G-cups.

Metalmice eat metal, not really the biggest of surprises. Their spit has a controllable acidity and their teeth are stronger than diamonds. When they eat metal or certain minerals it mixes with their digestive juices to form a unique element known as murisium. Murisium exists all over the breed, being part of the reason for their hair and skin color. They can also store it in their breasts in liquid form resulting in their breast expanding. It takes at least half an hour for metals and minerals to become melted to the point where they can be reformed as murisium.

When regurgitated murisium quickly hardens and is actually one of the strongest, yet lightest metals known to man. It was a key component in many of the armors and weapons built for Sukebes forces, and it was soon put to use by humans once the breed had been tamed. They are usually paired up along with the Minimouse, supplying materials for construction.

Metalmice are one of the few mice breeds that could be considered for serious tamers. The combination of their speed and Durability makes them capable of lasting much longer than before. They usually use their speed to dart between enemy attacks, while spraying them from afar with needle spray. Occasionally they’ll come in close for a strike, but more dangerous is their bite. Combined with their strong teeth and acidic spit it can be really powerful, and Their speed has allowed some skilled Metalmice to grab blades out of the air with them. They can regurgitate their murisium to a significant length, letting it harden to weigh down or bind their opponents.

Metalmice are fairly friendly Pokegirls. They aren’t much for conflict and would rather spend their time eating then fighting. Despite this, they rarely become obese, most of their food being turned into murisium, but they tend to get pudgy without enough work to do. They still posses the Titimice’s fear of several breeds to a lesser extent. Because their battle style already favors staying at a distance they will fight feared opponents, if reluctantly, at a tamer's orders. If they share a harem with a cat type the two can get along, although the Metalmouse will usually be very submissive in regards to the Pokegirl.

Sadly, when it comes to the breeds newly enhanced endurance, it doesn’t extend to the bedroom. They tend to be slightly less sensitive than they were as a Titmouse, but for a Metalmouse to even be considered average takes much practice. They retain all of their major erogenous zones, and when holding murisium in their chest they become more sensitive if not somewhat harder to play with. At full size some Metalmouse can nearly be brought to orgasm with a simple caress.

When feral, Metalmice spend most of their time eating, although this is more out of necessity than pleasure. The only attack they utilize while feral is bite so when attacked they prefer to regurgitate their food at their opponent, and run away. They’re skittish, but if offered metals, something rather hard to come by in the wild, the breeds will usually stay around long enough for a tamer to initiate a taming session, after which they’ll be fairly easy to catch.

Despite their evolutionary requirements suggesting a rare Pokegirl, the breeds ability to thrive in the wild, along with high consumer interest, has led to a stronger population. Most get put to work in various manufacturing companies. The breed is a common threshold for those of Titmouse and steel type ancestry. Along with the migration of their ears and the growth of a tail, the breed also experiences the growth of stronger teeth which will be important for producing the murisium necessary for their color change.

Metalmice experience a change in their body when pregnant as Pokewomen. The amount of Murisium placed in their breast reduces to a fraction of what it once was and normal milk is produced. This milk mixes with the murisium in their breast to form a drink which only their children can withstand, all healthy children being born with the iron stomach blood gift. This is due to the murisium that they receive along with other nutrients while still inside the mother. Only Metalmice Pokekits and a few breeds with extremely advanced digestive systems can stomach pure murisium. Due to the constant introduction of murisium Metalmice children will exhibit traits similar to blood gifts or curses such as toughness, claws, or Phytodermatosis. These technically aren’t bloodgifts as they are less about the breeds genetics as they are about the introduction of constant levels of murisium to the body from the time of development to the time of breastfeeding. Some argue that since only Metalmice children can stomach the substance that it is a very exclusive type of blood gift found only in the breed, but the debate is still ongoing.