MORIAE, the Down to Earth Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Rock/Steel
Frequency: Uncommon
Diet: Human Norm Note: High tolerance for alcohol
Role: Guard, Smithy, Metallurgist, Front line commander
Libido: Low
Strong Vs: Bug, Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock
Weak Vs: Ice, Plant, Water, Fighting
Attacks: Hammer or Axe techniques (similar to sword techniques), Unmovable, Quake, Sonic Wave, Stone Punch, Wind-up Punch, Dyna Wave, Earthquake, Resonate, Stone Meld
Enhancements: Elemental Affinity: Earth, Endurance x5, High fire tolerance, Enhanced Strength x5, Enhanced Durability x10, Instinctive mineral knowledge
Weaknesses: Short stature
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None

    Sukebe based many Pokégirls off of the mythological creatures of his time. Elves, FairyCutes, Unicorns, and Dragonesses are among the few that have been discovered in the pre-war records. The Moriae was one of these Mythological based Pokégirls, based off of a creature known only as a dwarf.
    Moriae look very close to human females, with two large exceptions being height and build. They generally have hair in literal earth and metallic tones –from a red-clay or coppery orange, sandy beach or golden blonde, silver, to even a dark soil or onyx black. Like most rock types, Moriae are solidly built, with thicker, sturdier bodies than a typical human. They are well muscled, but look more curvy and softer than the extreme look of the average Amachoke. Like some of the insectoid Pokégirls, Moriae are short in stature, usually standing around four feet height and no Moriae has been found taller than a half foot above that. Unlike the few pictures of their homely, bearded base, the mad pervert’s genius truly shines as the average Moriae is quite striking to look at. Her figure, while broad, is hour glass shaped, with wide hips and bust that is never smaller than a lush C, her exotic facial features fitting in perfectly with her smooth muscular physique. And despite being both a rock and a steel type, Moriae have no steel or rocklike traits aside from a denser skeleton that research has show to be akin to a biosynthetic metal. They enjoy baths as well, though can’t swim due to their denser bones. While Moriae enjoy simple utilitarian clothes, they tend to braid their hair in elaborate fashions that often include metallic or stonework beads if their tamer lets them. They take pride in their hair, and one well known way to punish a Moriae is to crop her hair short. As such, jokes about balding is one sure way to get the Moriae enraged.
    Those who encounter a Moriae for the first time might think her rude, dour, or stubborn and indeed, one very good way to sum up a Moriae’s personality is ‘gruff’. These Pokégirls are loud, to the point, and very practical. Some tamers also add surly to the list, though these are doubtless ones who have yet to create an alpha bond with their Moriae. In truth, Moriae are emotionally guarded with those they don’t know, and you can be sure that you’re held in very high esteem if a Moriae actually confesses any emotion in your presence (and anger generally doesn’t count). Moriae consider prying and eavesdropping to be rude, and many well to do officials find these Pokégirls very handy tight lipped bodyguards. Stating their opinion is usually out of the question unless the Moriae knows the person well, for in their own words its ‘none of their business’. Oddly, despite playing close to the vest with their emotions, Moriae have little in the way of modesty, and do not get flustered by even public tamings.
    Things change somewhat once a Moriae has been alpha bonded and begins to trust her tamer and harem-sisters as Moriae have a stubborn kind of loyalty that is on par with most canine types. They view the needs of the group as above the needs of the individual, and treat their bond partners as their clan. In this setting, Moriae are willing to emote more, and are often boisterous and fun-loving –if a little rough around the edges. Willing to boast of her battles and joke about her flaws, many people would take a double-take at the change brought about by being close knit with others. They also make good mediators, as most are skilled at getting the two that are feuding to agree that the Moriae just pisses them off more.
    On the battlefield, many people easily see how this breed is not weak to fighting types like most other rock types, these Pokégirls have an instinctive martial ability that seems almost like a Slicer or an Amazon. The breed’s instinctive weapons, the battle hammer or axe, give the Moriae an edge in battle against fighting types, evening the odds against many of the fighting type Pokégirls. It is not recommended to send a Moriae into battle without her hammer or axe, however, as she then looses any protection she once had from fighting types without it. When on normal ground, Moriae are much harder to hit, using their Stone Meld ability to leap in and out of the rocks to surprise enemies from different directions, much like a silent form of Dig. When asked why the move was called Stone Meld even though a Moriae could utilize the technique on soil or even sand, the Moriae replied, “Soil and sand ain’t a thing but smaller rocks!”
    Moriae are natural leaders among both Steel and Rock type Pokégirls, who will often defer to her judgment (with the exception of the more temperamental Steel types), especially on matters of combat. This is due largely to their own instinctive martial ability which extends to matters of larger combat as well. This may also be breed habits implanted into other rock and ground types from the Great War, as Moriae were known commanders under the General Pokégirl Freya. Their position in the War was also one of a Weapons and Arms maker, working along other such Pokégirls as Armsmistresses to produce massive amounts of weapons and armor for the Pokégirl armies, as well as engineers that oversaw the building of many of the army’s fortresses and bunkers. This role is well suited to them today, and a Tradesman considers himself lucky if he plans to open a smithy and finds a Moriae. Engineering schools also scour for them, since many Moriae can pick up the subject quite easily and be teaching the professors a thing or two within a few years. Mining Tradesmen are always after Moriae, as they command their mining Pokégirls quite easily, and seem to have an innate knowledge about the nature of caverns and mineral veins.
    Feral Moriae are fairly hard to find, as many retreat into the depths of caves and live much like Goblina in a clannish existence. However, the feral state of a Moriae is very odd, as she looses the ability to speak altogether and becomes fixated on her work, be that mining or forging things, or even training for combat. Tamers who come upon mute Moriae who completely ignore them are advised to restrain her in by surprise, as any interruption of her work causes her to attack. Thresholding into a Moriae is very rare, as usually girls with Pokégirl ancestry have either rock or steel, but not enough of both to threshold directly into a Moriae.