TYPHONNA, the Legendary Pokégirl Engine Of Destruction

Type: Biomechanical Inhuman (Reptilian)
Element: Dragon/Steel
Frequency: Extremely Rare (Unique)
Diet: Unknown, has never been seen eating
Role: Destruction
Libido: assumed None (Current theories state that she isn't a true Pokégirl, that she's simply called one because she debuted around the same time, and besides, who'd be capable of actually Taming her?!?)
Strong Vs: seemingly everything
Weak Vs: seemingly nothing
Attacks: Hyper Beam, GigaStorm, Fire Blast, Thunder, Earthquake, Fissure, Ebony Void
Enhancements: Enhanced Durability (x100), Enhanced Strength (x40), Fast Healing, Regeneration
Limitations: Seems to weaken when out of water for long periods of time
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None

    An immense, building-sized, lizardlike and not even remotely human monstrosity first unleashed in the Pre-Sukebe year 1992 in Northern Africa, she immediately made a splash by destroying everything she encountered, quite literally shattering the landscape. She wandered around the globe, wrecking everything she encountered, including some Pokégirl encampments, which led some to believe today that Sukebe had lost control of her early on.
    In 1994, the ancient Empires tried using nuclear weapons on Typhonna, which succeeded in doing nothing more than getting her attention, causing her to hunt down and destroy her attackers. This in turn drew attention away from the other Legendaries, who did a great deal of damage, but in their own way each time and in a more subtle fashion.
    For the next few years, Typhonna wandered the globe, destroying everything she came across and quite literally re-shaping the surface of the earth using her Ebony Void attack, which creates a 'micro black hole' and is infamous for tearing great gouges in what is now known as the Dark Continent, the titanic beast occasionally seen either fighting with or fighting against her fellow 'first-generation' Legendaries, Infernus, Storm Gail, and Mountaintide, all of whom have since vanished, assumed to be killed by Typhonna, who's unimaginable power has never been equaled by any Legendary created since that day.
    In 1999, Typhonna vanished quite abruptly, disappearing without a trace. There was no sign of where she went, although theories and rumors abound, the most common one being that she had gone back into the sea to hibernate, having been weakened by the constant attacks on her. Although rumors have arisen that a group of criminals, either a Team Rocket-style group or a human supremacist group, has managed to contain and possibly control her. Heaven help us if this rumor turns out to be true.

LEGENDARY QUALITIES: All Legendary Pokégirls have these special attributes, making them above and beyond other Pokégirls:
Truly Unique: All Legendary Pokégirls cannot be copied. Attempts to clone them always fail, and morphing other beings into copies of them always produces sub-standard versions. Titto, for example, can take Typhonna's shape and even copy her powers to some degree, but not any of her Legendary Qualities or Legendary Salient Qualities (see below). (Or her sheer height, for that matter...) They can have their base stock altered to be used in the formation of a new Pokégirl type though. (This last comes into question due to uncertainty about Typhonna's status as a Pokégirl...)
Deathlessness: Despite having been around since Sukebe’s Revenge, all the Legendary Pokégirls are still around and going strong. This superior version of longevity makes them immune to death from natural causes. They will never die unless they are killed. However, poison, disease, or any unnatural cause still has a normal chance to kill them, barring their special immunities and strengths.
No Weakness (Level X): All of the Legendary Pokégirls can ignore their type’s normal weaknesses, to a point. When facing a Pokégirl at or below a certain level, if that Pokégirl is a type the Legendary would normally be weak against, she instead treats it as though it were of a type she had no specific advantage or disadvantage against. For example, Typhonna has No Weakness (Level 200). If she were to face anything that was considered Strong vs. Dragon/Steel, at or below level 200, she wouldn’t be considered weak against it, nor would it be considered strong against her. Pokégirls at a level above the Legendary’s No Weakness level treat things normally.
LEGENDARY SALIENT QUALITIES: Some Legendary Pokégirls have special qualities others don’t have. Here is Typhonna's lexicon of special attributes:
No Weaknesses (Ultimate): Typhonna was considered to be the most powerful living being alive. She had no apparent weaknesses at all, and the strongest weapons of the time, nuclear missiles, did nothing more than get her attention.
Ocean Disruption: Typhonna seemed to prefer being in water, the deeper the better. This caused problems, as her very presence in the water created disturbances, including waterspouts, whirlpools, and tidal waves, the worst of which being her Tsunami attack. When Typhonna went up on land, coastal towns were usually devastated simply by her heading towards them.
Ebony Void: Typhonna's ultimate attack. She uses all the power in her body to manipulate gravitational energies, creating a micro black-hole in midair, annihilating everything around it.