ORCUNT, the Fast Defending Dolphin Pokégirl

Type: Near Human (Animorph Dolphin)
Element: Water/Dark
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Fish and meat, plus seal Pokégirls when feral
Role: Aquatic heavy assault assistance, guarding ports, undersea farming
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Dragon, Flying, Ground, Plant, Ice, Psychic
Weak Vs: Electric, Steel
Attacks: Body Slam, Water Gun, Tenebrous Strike, Fade, Water Spear, Takedown, Tail Slap, Water Strike, Blizzard Beam, Hydro Pump, Ice beam, Whirlpool, Cold Snap, Frost Wave, Ultrasonic Blast
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x11), Water Breathing, Enhanced Durability (x5), Enhanced Endurance (x5), Enhanced Speed (x4), Enhanced Intelligence, Cold Resistance, Ice Affinity
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Boobfin (normal)

During the Revenge War, the Baleena was created to take the fight to the navies of the world. Underwater combat specialists, even at their relatively small size compared to the human ships that were being capsized. Though they devastated opponents while underwater or on the water, humans were quick to realize that they were one of the only Pokégirls to have two weaknesses that they could exploit. These Pokégirls are much less devastating when on land (or beached, as the first human armies called it when they trapped them) and were still vulnerable to human weaponry. Although the human armies and navies managed to trap the first Baleena in this fashion, the Pokégirls soon realized what was going on. Smaller, more maneuverable and versatile Pokégirls (namely the Boobfin, Whoresea, Laplass, and Selkie) were quickly assigned to aid Baleena forces, creating entire task force groups that proved so effective that about 85% of all combat worthy naval vessels were destroyed by late 2000 AD (-2 AS).

However, after this time, the humans had learned a few new tricks as well. While they were not as strong as before, the remaining navies quickly began using tactics that separated the Baleena from her escorts, often sacrificing ships to draw off the escort forces long enough for enemy destroyers to get in and depth charge the Baleena’s to death. To counter this, Sukebe devised a Pokégirl whose main purpose was to escort Baleena’s. He built the Orcunts, using Orca DNA that was already included in the Baleena breed to hide their existence until it was too late for the navies to abort the attack.

The Orcunt and the Baleena orca versions are mostly identical, except for a handful of deviations between the two that are not apparent without actually engaging them in combat or extended observation. The first difference is that the Orcunts are usually smaller than their Baleena sisters, normally between the heights of six and seven and a half feet. Though some exceptional individuals have been measured as tall as eight and a half, further confusing observers as to whether they are viewing an Orcunt or a Baleena with orca markings. The Orcunts are a bit leaner than their sister breed, the Baleena’s, but still are well rounded to help deal with the extreme cold temperature’s that they must survive in the depths of the ocean. The Orcunts are also a good deal more aggressive than their Baleena sisters, and tend to want lash out at intruders to protect their pods when feral, even before they know if they the intruder is hostile.

The Orcunts differences from the Baleena were what made them so much more effective against enemy fleets than the mixed escorts that the pods had replied on before. While somewhat weaker than a Baleena, the Orcunts more than make up for that by being much faster than the Baleenas they escorted as well as having a wide range of attacks that could deal with the fleets without risking the more vulnerable Baleenas. The Orcunts would hide amidst the Baleenas inside the pod, letting the mixed escorts be ‘led off,’ before moving forward to destroy the second wave of ships that would try to engage the Baleena’s before the escorts could return.

In combat, the Orcunts prefer fighting like the Baleena does, using her ranged attacks to harass the enemy before getting close enough to use her considerable strength to crush the enemy. When in the water though, the Orcunt’s battling attitude moves from vicious to playful unless fighting water types, in that they whittle away at their opponents, never getting close enough for the enemy to attack them back.

When feral, Orcunts are usually found in a pod with Baleena’s still performing the duty that their creator gave them, aggressively protecting their more benign sisters. The Orcunts within that a pod are led by the most powerful Orcunt, called a Matriarch, who sings to her charges, directing them with a skill that belies the fact she is feral. While the Orcunts can change the Matriarch by defeating her in a non-lethal battle, these changes are rare, and usually only happen when the Matriarch is near death and no longer able to stay up with her sisters in battle. At which point, she often still stays with the pod, but the strongest Orcunts battle each other for the position.

In terms of harem dynamics, the Orcunt is similar to a Baleena, in that she is loyal to a fault to her tamer and that she considers her harem sisters to be her new ‘pod.’ Thresholding into a Orcunt is extremely rare, and often occurs in the same places where Baleena thresholding is likely. Many who go through the change are distraught at first, both by the sudden jump in power, and the loss of her ‘pod’ when her family sells her. But most are quick to form a new ‘pod’ at the ranch, and few of those rare thresholds has ever requested a L5 conditioning cycle, find that their superior looks, attractive markings, and increased power more than make up for their lost humanity.