Type: Not Very Near Human (Animorph Metamorph Beetle)

Element: Bug

Frequency: Uncommon

Diet: Tree Sap, Fruits, Small Animals

Role: Forest Infantry

Libido: Average

Strong: Dark, Fighting, Ground, Plant, Psychic

Weak: Fire, Flying, Rock

Attacks: Drone, Saw Strike, Seismic Toss, Bide, Fury Swipes, Horn Attack, Harden

Enhancements: Enhanced Durability (x4), Enhanced Speed (Flight only, x2), Enhanced Strength (x4), Flight (Wings), Natural Weapons (Horn, Claws)

Evolves: None

Evolves From: None

Revised: August 2012


Herakunts were mostly seen in forest during the revenge war, which is to say that they weren‘t seen much at all. Dark colored shells allowed them to blend into the woods and strong, clawed hands helped them latch onto and hide behind tree trunks and climb up into the branches. Human forces usually weren’t aware of the pokegirls until they heard the droning of their wings, which was quickly followed by attack.


Herakunts are beetle-like pokegirls, each covered in a thick exoskeleton. In animorphic members of the breed this exoskeleton covers them from head to toe, but more human members of the breed have a partial exoskeleton around their forearms, knees and shin, stomach and back, the shell over their back covers a pair of insect wing. All members of the breed have a horn or horns based of various beetles, Hercules, Stag, and Rhinoceros beetle horns being the most common. The horns can change size at the will of the user, the largest horns on record being four feet in length. When their horns aren’t in use most Herakunts shrink them down to a few inches. A Herakunt’s exoskeleton is usually black, brown, or dark green in color, with a few cases of dark blue. Skin color is often close to that of their exoskeleton, but racial background effects skin color as well. Their height and bust are variable, but usually stay within human norms.


The behavior of a Herakunt depends largely on their food supply. In times of plenty they are friendly pokegirls, content to spend their days feeding on tree saps and fruits. They can often be found in the company of other peaceful bug types like the Buttitsfree. The Herakunt uses their great strength to break open trees for the sap, and the Buttitsfree offer greater protection through numbers. When confronted these pokegirls are more likely to run away than fight, only doing so when pushed into a corner.


Herakunts who have felt true hunger, those who have flirted with starvation, are very different in behavior. These Pokegirls become opportunistic in their feeding habits, and have been known to eat bugs and small animals. Along with their new found carnivorous nature, starved Herakunts become far more territorial, carving out a piece of woodland that no other pokegirl, no matter how peaceful, will be tolerated in. It goes without saying that any tamer hoping to catch one of these pokegirls will be in for a fight.


A Herakunts background also effect their behavior in a harem. Well fed Herakunts are generally friendly and are usually content with any role they take in the harem as long as their alpha or beta isn’t blatantly incompetent. Starved Herakunts seek to establish their dominance over any pokegirl they feel to be weaker than them and constantly try to reach the rank of alpha.


Herakunts are pretty straight forward on the battlefield. They have no ranged abilities and attack primarily with their claws and horns. Horn variation has some effect on their battle style. Herakunts with pincer like horns (often called Pinchits) are more likely to grapple with their opponent, if the horns are sharp enough they might even try to cut clean through them. Herakunts with a singular horn, or one significantly larger than the other, usually go for striking moves. These Herakunts will sometimes try to get under their opponent and flip them with their horn. While not terribly powerful, they are decent starter breed for anyone interested in bug type pokegirls.


Herakunts are mostly submissive during taming. The starved Herakunts respect power and see their tamer as stronger than them, so they submit to his will. Well fed Herakunts are eager and passionate, laying many kisses on their tamer, but usually fall back on their tamers desires as well. They have no real skill in sex battles, but their strength can allow them to dominate some weaker opponents.


Thresholding usually starts with itchiness where there exoskeleton and horns will grow. This is followed by the complete numbing of the area of the skin as the shell and horns start to grow. Most girls who threshold into Herakunts tend to act like well fed ones, but there are a few cases of more aggressive threshold pokegirls coming from impoverished families. This threshold is most common in those of bug type ancestry.