CHIMERA, the Dark Child Of Hy-Bra Pokégirl
Type: Inhuman
Element: Flying/Magic
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Human-style
Role: Warfare
Libido: Low
Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Plant, mouse Pokégirls
Weak Vs: Electric, Ghost, Psychic
Attacks: Crushing Punch, Mega Punch, Crunch, Takedown, Wingover, Flame Breath, Thunder Breath, Ice Breath, Poison Breath
Enhancements: Flight, Elemental breath powers, Enhanced Strength (x26), Enhanced hearing (x3), Night vision, Enhanced Stamina (x7), Awareness of surroundings
Limitations: Unstable multiple personalities; most Chimeras go insane
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Griffon (Hy-Bra's blessing or Sexmet's curse)
Bounty: Varies from league to league
Recommendation if you see one: Try to have a strong psychic-type Pokégirl on hand to knock out the Chimera. Otherwise evacuate the area at once. Note: If it is found out that the Chimera was a tamed one allowed to go Feral on purpose, punishments will be SEVERE. (applies to ferals only)

    For the light there is always darkness, so too is it with Pokégirls.
    Chimeras can easily be considered the dark sisters of the Sphinx, as they shared both element-type and strengths and weaknesses, and both appeared at around the same time, sometimes working together. Frequently they were seen with the mad, multi-headed Hy-Bra, and were employed as her retainers. Rumors persist that Sukebe created the Chimeras solely to divert Hy-Bra's attention from usurping him by giving her servants/lovers that were similar to her, Hy-Bra discovering soon after that she could change Griffons into Chimeras with her powers. However with Hy-Bra's rapidly declining sanity as well as their own, Chimeras degenerated into savage, vicious fighters that attacked both human settlements and Pokégirl encampments. In the end, Legendaries such as Macavity, Titania, and Atmuff took direct action against the Chimeras, reducing their numbers greatly, Atmuff doing far more damage to the breed than anyone else. Some have theorized that this is one of the reasons Hy-Bra was foolish enough to attack Atmuff directly.
    Chimeras were massive, frightening Pokégirls. Their bodies were very muscular, being 7 feet tall and possessing large, bat like wings, FF-cup breasts, wide shoulders thick claws, grayish-red fur, and multiple heads. And those heads were the true fear factor of the Chimera.
    The primary head was similar to that of a Lioness. It was in the center, between the other two primary heads, and was the lead personality the majority of the time. It could breath fire. To the left of the Lioness head was a head similar to a Dragoness. That head possessed the most violent personality and, if the Chimera was left unchecked, the personality that took control most often. It possessed a lightning breath weapon. To the right of the Lioness head was a goat like head, similar to a Billie. This head possesses a cold, emotionless personality and has an ice breath weapon. The persona of the goat-head rarely took over, save for when the Chimera was suffering from severe emotional distress or after the Chimera went fully insane. The final head was actually part of the tail. A Pre-Sukebe snake functions as the tail of the Chimera, but also acts as a fourth head, complete with another persona (a cunning, wicked one), and a breath weapon, a poisonous one. They are massive, powerful Pokégirls and among the most dangerous out there, seconded only by the Widow and Mantis, mainly because the Chimeras are more controllable than the other two.
    The four personalities of a Chimera are usually in great conflict, the four heads sometimes seen arguing with each other, but a patient Tamer can keep control of them, usually with the help of a Domina-type Pokégirl. They are best Tamed using Amachamp-level restraints, which are thankfully becoming cheaper. Some of the very rare Chimera tamers even report having a long, healthy relationship with their Chimeras, lasting many years, although they admit that it took a lot of love and a lot of patience to get as far as they have. Tragically, however, Chimeras are also employed by Team Rocket-style groups, who purposely abuse them into insanity and use them in gladiatorial combat.
    Chimeras, after Hy-Bra's death, slowly disappeared, the damage Atmuff doing seemingly having driven them into extinction. However Chimeras experienced something of a resurgence after an incident involving Sexmet. A year after the first Widow attack, several Team Rocket members, half of them with Griffons in their harem, attacked Sexmet and Bastit. The Rocket Tamers and the majority of their Pokégirls were slaughtered by Sexmet, but not before Bastit was severely injured. In a rage, Sexmet cursed the Griffons, turning them into Chimeras. Since then, their numbers have risen so that they are in less danger of extinction than Sphinxes, but not by much.
    No threshold cases of turning into a Chimera have been reported.