CHICKPOTLE, the Soul Eater Pokégirl

Type: Near Human (Opossum Animorph)
Element: Dark
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Carnivore (Carrion as feral), Ectoplasm
Role: Guards, Ghost hunters, Combat
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Dark, Ghost, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Fighting
Attacks: Fade, Dark Shield, Dark Redemption, Dark Bomb, Crunch, Mega Drain, Energy Drain, Quick Attack, Takedown, Tail Slap
Enhancements: Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Olfactory, Vision) (x3), Nightvision, Enhanced Speed (x3), Enhanced Agility (x3), Phase Touch, Phase Sight, Spirit Sense
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Chichi (Dark Stone)

The known oddity of the Chichi line holds true for this dark evolution of the scattered rodent based line. Now, instead of the Pokégirl being based off of a chinchilla, the Chickpotle breed is based off of an opossum. This dark rodent breed is well known for it's ghost hunting ability, and ferals are even known for devouring ghost types, earning the breed the moniker 'The Soul Eater Pokégirl'.

Ranging in height from an even five to six feet Chickpotles vary somewhat in looks, still being evenly split between animorphs and furless near humans with ears and tails. Animorphic Chickpotles are intimidating to say the least, with long muzzles full of sharp teeth sometimes getting called 'furry Titodiles'. Only on ferals is the muzzle this pronounced, animorphic domestics normally have a slightly smaller muzzle, with only the two canine teeth being outside of their jawline. Animorphic members of the breed are usually completely furred, with the exception of their nipples and digits on their hands and feet and tail. Their fur is usually a cream to grey, with black being seen on the ends of their limbs (elbow to palm and knee to foot). All members of the breed have rounded ears that are black starting at the base and blend into white, cream, or a pink color; they have feet that are more like hands, and are more dexterous than most other Pokégirls, save the monkey breeds. Their last universal feature is a long thick, prehensile tail notably furred from it's base for about a foot, then covered with thick scale like skin much like tails on mouse or rat based breeds. Notably, non animorphic members of the breed usually only have ears, tail, and feet to denote them as Pokégirls.

Despite being based on a marsupial like the Kangasscunt, these possum Pokégirls do not carry their young in pouches, and in fact, do not have pouches at all. Like all other Pokégirls, both Pokékits and human children born to Pokéwomen of the breed are carried to term inside the Chickpotle's womb. Researchers have concluded that this is because the breed's DNA is actually more mammalian than marsupial, which would also explain why the breed has smallish, A to B cup breasts in the normal placement, instead of having any mammary glands located inside of a pouch..

These dark types tend to be serious in nature, and take any job given to them with a professional air. This disconnection unnerves tamers and harem sisters at times, but intelligent tamers tend to realize that doing her duties well is how the breed shows their affection. Due to their attitudes, they make decent Alphas or Betas, though they have difficulty showing empathy unless it's based on logic or feelings that are shown through actions. Actions speak louder than words is a good quote to describe the breed, especially in the bedroom. While not given to being loud, or even vocal at all, this possum breed of Pokégirl is extremely passionate in bed, showing their tamer just how much they appreciate any of the niceness shown to them... or on the other hand, being as mechanical in their actions as their tamer is in his affection.

If left to their own internal clocks, Chickpotles are universally nocturnal, though a regimented schedule helps them become useful during the day. Enterprising tamers have sometimes placed them in charge of camp watch during the night, or found some role where they must be active during the day to serve as motivation to get their sleep cycle to the Tamer's liking.

The Chickpotle's claim to fame, however, is not that they're a mammal in a marsupial's skin, but rather that they are exceptional ghost hunters. Originally discovered by the famed ghost researchers who cataloged the Ghostly breed, Chickpotles, both feral and tamed, actively hunt ghost Pokégirls. A recorded instance where a feral possum Pokégirl attacked and defeated a Ghostly, and attempted to devour the spirit Pokégirl had it not been for Egon's intervention. When tamed from feral, Chickpotles often say that the taste of a ghost type is better than any meat they might eat, though ferals usually listen to their tamers requests and don't eat their targets. Tamed Pokégirls still have the drive to hunt down ghost types, though they have enough sense to curb their instincts to consume their quarry. The one true time when this dark breed seems to truly become emotional, is when they're hunting or after or during fights with ghost types. This can be seen as somewhat of a liability, as sometimes these fierce emotions overwhelm the possum Pokégirl. Researchers speculate that it is something within the ectoplasm or perhaps the very nature of ghost types themselves that allow the Chickpotle show her emotions. A few have gone so far as to theorize that this need to emote is what drives the breed to hunt down ghost Pokégirls. Others posit that they were created by Sukube himself to hunt down ghost types who betrayed him, and that the breed's ability to emote is due to their pleasing their original creator's intentions. Whatever the case may be, few other Pokégirl breeds have the abilities necessary to hunt ghosts this effectively.

Ferals of the breed are loners, traveling at night and feeding on carrion and the occasional Pokégirl they can catch, usually only staying in the area if they sense ghost type activity about. Upon finding a ghost type Pokégirl, they stalk first, usually trying to catch the spirit Pokégirl unawares. Tamers with ghost types are advised to be wary of allowing their Pokégirl to take the night watch, as Chickpotles are known to attack lone ghost types. Keeping a ghost type and a Chickpotle in the same harem is tricky at first, but given time the two Pokégirls can usually get along with each other, even among feralborn.

Thresholding into a Chickpotle is rare, but more common with dark type and rodent type ancestry. Occasionally, ancestry with Kangasscunt and dark types produce Chickpotles, leading researchers to believe there is a possible connection with the marsupial types. More often than not, however, it is a more common dark or rodent type (or Kangasscunt) that the threshold girl becomes. Threshold Chickpotles are often sold to researchers, specifically those interested in studying ghost types, though others are sold to ranches for and into the general taming population.