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HENTAI (AKA INARI), the Legendary Volcano Vixen Pokegirl

Type: Near Human - Not Very Near Human (Vulpine Metamorph)
Element: Fire
Frequency: Unique
Diet: Omnivore
Role: Geothermal disruption, Seared Earth tactics
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Bug, Fire, Ice, Plant, Steel
Weak Vs: None (Ground, Rock, Water)
Attacks: Blast Burn, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Fireball, Dig, Flame Sniper, Warm Embrace, Burning Hands, Flame Bite, Magma Throw, Fox-Fire, Ignite, Napalm, Area Illusion, Quick Attack
Enhancements: Enhanced Agility (x10 (x20 Battle Form)), Enhanced Speed (x10 (x20 Battle Form)), Enhanced Flexibility, Elemental Absorption (Fire), Danger Sense, Enhanced Durability (x5), Enhanced Endurance (x10), Recovery, Enhanced Strength (x3 (x6 Battle Form)), Intuitive Aptitude (Illusions), Innate Knowledge (Geoscience, Illusions) Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Olfactory) (x10), Geokinesis, Heat Aura, Infravision, Metamorph (Alternate Form), Natural Weapons (Jaws, Claws), Affinity (Ground, Magic), Pyrokinesis
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None
Revised: Nov 2011

The 'little sister' to Thore, Hentai was created to fill the much of same niche as Kary, a second Legendary capable of local tectonic action. Released on the opposite side of the globe, this fire fox legendary only fulfilled her first mission before sending a terse note back to her creator that she was quitting in order to pursue her own interests. Calling herself Inari, the Legendary vulpine pokegirl travels the world, emulating the Edo goddess, though often demanding 'tributes' of sex.

Like her canine sister Thore, Hentai has two forms. Her taming form (only called such due to it's lesser power) has the vulpine Legendary standing at 5'7'' and appearing to be a slim woman of Edo descent with the addition of triangular fox ears and 9 vulpine tails. The fire fox's battle form is that of an anthromorphic fox pokegirl, with digigrade feet, and what can only be called the reverse of most fox colors. Hentai's coat is mostly white, with red tips on the ends of the tails and her anterior starting under her chin. In either form, she is often mistaken for an oddly colored Kyubi.

Like the Kyubi breed, Hentai is a superb illusionist, able to alter reality around her at will. The fox legendary has revealed herself in a variety of forms, including an enormous white fox, large serpent or Naga, a human of any age or gender, and in one recorded instance, thwarted a capture attempt by taking a form of a Widow and terrorizing the would-be captors. These illusions appear real with tactile, sound, smell and other sensory indicators, able to fool most and extremely hard to break. According to Hentai, she has also mastered her own version of Grass Cock, and Probing Pods (using her tails) for taming, though it is uncertain if these simply more illusions. Due to the Legendary's illusionary powers, there are many cases where there have been suspect sightings with no conclusive evidence as to the volcano vixen's presence.

While Hentai attempts to act the part of the goddess Inari, the legendary is also noted to be very emotional. She has been known to bless those she meets, help travelers while in disguise, cause crops to grow and enter into sex battle tournaments for her own amusement. For reasons all her own, she has also been known to raze fields, strike those who offend her with curses, and ignore the suffering of a town in favor of her own hedonistic pursuits. At times she demands 'tributes' in the form of sex, sometimes demanding to be 'properly worshiped' as another term for taming (this often refers to the Legendary receiving oral) in return for her aid.

Though Hentai prefers sex battles and excels at them, she is not above real battles, and has shown many times that she can mesh her fire abilities with her illusionary powers and middling earth abilities to lethal effect. Most often, the first tactic Hentai uses is her illusions, which often allow her to walk away from battles not worth her time. When pressed, fire is liberally spread around the battlefield, often hot enough to cause fire types to gain the Charred Template (due to this, it is believed that Hentai cannot gain the template herself). More often than not, if the Legendary wins, she demands to tame the human of the group, and has on more than one occasion tamed multiple humans upon defeating a group of tamers.

When it comes to taming Hentai, pretty much anything goes. This statement has often been repeated by those who have met and tamed the legendary herself. This foxy legendary tames with enthusiasm, and seems to follow the motto of trying anything once. Solidly bisexual, the volcano vixen has been recorded equally approaching males and females, and usually requests a sex battle before hand 'to get warmed up'. She rarely revisits her lovers, unlike her two sisters, preferring the relative safety of tricking those she tames into thinking she is a Kyubi pokegirl or a female or male human.

Due to her highly sexual nature, Hentai has never been recorded feral. It is believed her demands for 'tribute' are to ensure her tamed state. Recommendation for an encounter with Hentai is to avoid attacking the Legendary, as this often has fatal results. Polite decline of her demands for tribute is recommended if a tamer doesn't wish to tame the legendary, though often the rewards for taming are beneficial enough to go through with taming her.

LEGENDARY SALIENT QUALITIES: Legendaries have no "absolute" qualities. All of their abilities are variable from one Legendary to the rest.

Deathlessness: Hentai has a superior version of longevity that makes her immune to death from natural causes. She will never die unless she is killed. However, poison, disease, or any unnatural cause still has a normal chance to kill her, barring their special immunities and strengths.

No Weakness: All Legendary Pokegirls can ignore their type's normal weaknesses, to a point. When facing a Pokegirl less powerful than herself, if that Pokegirl is a type the Legendary would normally be weak against, she instead treats it as though it were of a type she had no specific advantage or disadvantage against. For example, if she were to face a Rock or a Water type Pokegirl, or anything else that was considered strong against Fire that was also less powerful in their respective element than Hentai in her own element, she wouldn't be considered weak against it, nor would it be considered strong against her. Pokegirls at a level of power above the Legendary's would treat things normally.

Kami's Blessing/Curse: Hentai, due to her affinity for the ground, is able to enrich soils and render them more fertile than they were. Or conversely, able to make the ground unusable for planting without intensive labor from other soil purifying breeds. Conversely, this can also be used much like the techniques Witch's Curse or Bestow Luck.

Geothermal Disruption: Hentai's ground affinity also comes into play with this ability. Using her knowledge of the geosciences and fire type nature, the Legendary is able to cause major earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other seismic and geological activity.